
Chapter 639: Death of the Great Elf King

The top steps were getting closer and closer, and he had already seen it. The one at the front was Scoris, but for the first time, the other party did not provoke.

There was just a lingering solemnity on his face.

Just as he was about to walk up, Angel suddenly pulled his sleeve and whispered: "The smell of blood is so strong."

He nodded, flashed his figure, and rushed forward first.

It was either a woman or a child, and he was not cowardly enough to let the other person go up first.

"Step..." The footsteps lightly clicked on the steps, and immediately everyone looked over. With soaring murderous intent and strong vigilance. After seeing it was him, the hostility disappeared instantly. Look away.

It’s X…

He's not dead yet!

In the corner, Savidian VI narrowed his eyes, the murderous intention in his heart could hardly be suppressed, and patches of white hair quickly appeared on his hands.

This bastard... the fake Grand Duke, was able to get here safely... But, well, if you don't tear him apart with your own hands, how can you comfort the son underground?

Xu Yangyi's brows twitched slightly. He felt a very light but murderous aura. Different from the vigilant and hostile eyes just now, the other party really wanted to kill him.

He looked around without trace, but before he could see who it was, his heart suddenly jumped several times. Then he took a deep breath and looked at the field in disbelief!

There. There is a body.

No one else, but Antonio, the Black Crow, who has the highest level in the audience!

There was an obvious wound on his body, from his left shoulder to his right abdomen, almost splitting his whole body in half! Bright red blood spread all over the place, forming a bloody cross!

The ground was covered with countless scars. Some are several meters deep. Crisscross.

The virtual prince, the great elf king, Antonio Black Crow, died.

"Ah!" Angel, who came up behind, exclaimed in fright and immediately covered her mouth.

She couldn't imagine who could hurt the Great Elf King like this!

"You're annoying! Whore!" Scoris turned back suddenly, enough is enough, really enough! The deeper you go into the Tower of Babel, the more incredible things you encounter. The irritability and vigilance in my heart simply converged into a tidal wave. Here, the first Grand Duke died mysteriously, and there was no trace of the murderer around. Let this suppressed emotion burst out like a tsunami!

Antonio's death was like a needle that pricked all the archduke's suppressed nerves.

Xu Yangyi's eyes turned cold, and his spiritual energy gathered in the air to form a huge fire dragon, and he slapped him with his backhand.

"You are looking for death! You do not know how to live or die!" Scoris stood up immediately, a streak of blood red rose on his face as pale as a ghost, and his cloak spread out like a crow. Infinite high-pitched wails sounded in the cloak, as if the gates of hell were opening.

Savidian VI raised the corners of his mouth slightly, licked his lips with cold eyes.

"Stop!" Just as the two of them took action, a stream of spiritual energy suddenly rushed into the scene where the two were facing each other, forcibly separating the two.

"Now is not the time to talk about this." Lawrence stepped to the center and said in a deep voice: "Two gentlemen, please be patient if you have any grudges. In the future, if you want to divide life and death, the Vatican will never stop you. But not now!"

"Look at the situation clearly, Scoris,

Although the two of them were on the verge of death, they still maintained a sense of reason and did not take action.

"You should pray for your luck, bastard." Scoris glanced at Xu Yangyi arrogantly: "The Grand Duke's combat power? This Grand Duke will let you, a pig who wants to rise to the sky in one step, know that even if a noble and a mortal have the same amount of money, It’s not the same realm.”

"As a mortal, it is your duty to be respectful to the nobles and bow your head."

"Remember it clearly."

Xu Yangyi sneered: "Then, just wait for the day when you will be torn apart by mortals. You self-righteous fool."

The Grand Duke will never be afraid of the Grand Duke.

Come, everyone will be turned upside down!

At worst, no one can get out alive!

"Enough!" This time, everyone shouted. Roar of the Sky walked to the field in one step: "Mr. Twelve dollars. I believe this is not a coincidence. Also, you'd better look around."

Savidian VI sighed silently.

Xu Yangyi sneered at Scoris and looked at it carefully.

This platform is about one thousand meters in size.

On the edge of the platform, there are twelve stone statues standing. They are as big as ordinary people and have different appearances. Some were simply dressed, a few were richly dressed, and some even wore crowns.

The only thing they have in common is that they are all European and American.

And, all wore swords.

In the center of the platform is a round ground sculpture of a lion's head, about five to six hundred meters in size. The lion was majestic, but what really made him wary was the lion's mouth.

There... the sun disk of Machu Picchu is slowly rotating!

And Antonio's body was lying twisted on the sun disk, his blood-stained hands resting on the center of the sun disk, refusing to rest in peace.

Entering the Tower of Babel for the first time, there is the death of the Archduke.

"Who discovered it?" Xu Yangyi asked.

"Me." All the living Grand Dukes rested in front of a sculpture. The person who answered him was the Grand Duke of the Black Witch Family. She had taken off her cloak and looked like a lady in her thirties. Every move she made was extremely elegant.

Song of Blue, Dilys Hathaway.

She lifted her blond hair that was blown away by the wind, and her blue eyes were as clear as water: "I was the first to come here. When I arrived, it was already like this."

"And there's no other way here."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered and he immediately looked behind the platform.

There is no road!

After the platform, it was empty. It's as if the road to the Tower of Babel is completely cut off halfway here.

However, about 10,000 meters ahead, there is a floating platform!

It seemed that after experiencing the three floating platforms, his eyes naturally focused on the clouds further away.

In the layers of dense white fog, a huge sphere was suspended in the sky like the sun.

"This is..." He was stunned, unable to believe his eyes.

That is...the true form of the Tower of Babel!

The round Rubik's Cube that had once been glimpsed in the darkness was now fully presented before our eyes!

At this moment, all the colors have been spliced, and it is quietly suspended in the air, becoming an extremely majestic floating fortress. The only sun that shines in this sky.

Looking around, there is more than just this one. Around the "sun", there are countless floating platforms, like meteorite belts outside the planet, floating up and down. In the hazy white mist, stars surround the sun. The main body of the other tower.



They are like travelers who set foot on the planet, looking for the ultimate mystery about the sun.

An Qier and Zhao Ziqi followed his gaze and looked over. An Qier gasped and Zhao Ziqi almost exclaimed in shock.

"Is that it?" Angel said in disbelief: "Why is it here?"

“Are we on the outside or inside?”

"I told you to shut up..." Scoris looked over like a snake: "Didn't you hear that?"

"Come and try." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Maybe before I try, I can really turn you into the dead person you dream of."

"Hehehe..." Scoris laughed dryly twice, as if he wanted to get up, but in the end he just moved his shoulders symbolically and sat down.

"Rejoice, young man."

"Now no one has the idea of ​​wasting time on something like you. If your miserable life can be saved, I have to say that God always favors the weak, such as the wild dogs on the roadside and the stupid pigs in the pig pen... Although I never believed such a thing existed."

"The Horrible Grand Duke!!" Several Grand Dukes shouted angrily in unison. This man... Sure enough, he has become abnormal after being with the dead for a long time. This situation angered a Grand Duke's combat power, and his strength is probably higher than that of other early Grand Dukes. How stupid can one be to do this?

However, he could do it.

"Okay, everyone." Lawrence sighed, rubbed his eyebrows and walked between the two of them. If possible, he would never invite this pervert in the first place: "Now, let us discuss what is going on."

"Your Excellency X." At this moment, a very cautious voice appeared in Xu Yangyi's head and ears: "If you believe in my judgment, please follow my words."

Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Why didn't you tell me?"

Andre's voice was still calm: "Because, I'm just a Marquis."

"In the outside world, I am in charge of the European and American Tirasong family, but here, I am just an ant that can be easily crushed to death."

"Now, the worst are those who are in the early stage of the Grand Duke, the World's Supreme. If my words are not spoken through your mouth, no one will take me seriously, and it is likely to cause disaster. I don't want to die."

In the field, several princes were arguing fiercely, and Xu Yangyi's voice suddenly sounded: "I understand that you are depressed because of Antonio's death. However, it is precisely because of this that I am sure that this place is getting closer and closer to the final center of the Tower of Babel. "

Everyone paused, and Scoris sneered: "Oh? Then I would like to know what the 'pseudo grand duke approaching the grand duke' thinks."

Xu Yangyi glanced at him: "The Tower of Babel is the ultimate weapon that combines traps and talismans."

"This kind of alchemy item is more precise the closer it is to the center. That is to say, if any mechanism is to be deployed to protect the center, it is impossible for them to deploy large-area anti-personnel weapons because it would occupy too much space. It will affect the most precise operation of the center. The closer it is, the more precise it is. In the center, the obstruction will be stronger, but there will be less.”

"Moreover, these blocks will only be in particularly critical places. There is no other meaning, because the center is too precise. Especially the Tower of Babel, the largest alchemical object in history. It has to control a radius of forty-four kilometers. Thousands of meters or even tens of thousands of meters high, this kind of center is so sophisticated that it’s unimaginable.”

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