
Chapter 640: Holy Sword Platform (I)

"The further outside you go, the more complex and terrifying traps there are, such as the interconnected towers that tear apart the space. The closer you are to the center, even to get out of the way of a talisman, you have to remove part of the protection. So, when I saw that kind of big trap before, Only when the space of the area is torn apart and the towers are interconnected can it prove to be the real periphery.”

Xu Yangyi continued: "It wasn't until something that could kill Mr. Antonio appeared here that I was really sure. It's close... we are very close to the real center of the Tower of Babel. Since entering the Gate of All Realms, we have not been able to kill him at all. Other obstacles, until here, something that has never appeared before appears. The sudden increase in difficulty is precisely the proof that we have truly entered the heart of the Tower of Babel.”


Scoris snorted coldly and turned his head. Even he felt that these words should be the real reason.

I really didn't expect this bastard to be able to explain why he gave me an invisible slap in front of everyone. This feeling was so disgusting!

A mere fake grand duke... He hasn't crossed that line yet, how dare you slap him in the face even if you give him a face?

"Based on this? There is no real evidence. What do you think of the opportunity given by the Grand Duke?" He sneered: "In front of seven real nobles, civilians, watch your words."

"I think you should put away your contempt appropriately. In any case, Mr.

"The Scarlet Duke..." Scolis gritted his teeth and turned his head: "I never knew that a noble vampire would consider the way of thinking of a lowly pariah."

"You just believe what a fool who has lived for less than a hundred years and has extremely pale experience says?"

Xu Yangyi smiled: "Because others understand what truth is."

"Rather than some hypocrite who claims to be a noble but is actually like a mad dog."

The atmosphere suddenly became sharp, and Lawrence's voice interrupted appropriately: "In other words, do you think there is an invisible guardian here? Or an invisible trap?"

"It should be like this." Xu Yangyi cut off contact with Andre and had to sigh at this idea. He discovered that Andre was accustomed to using reverse thinking logic and would not consider the appearance of things, but first consider "who would do this."

Typical logical thinking.

On the other side, Zhao Ziqi also heard what Andre said in Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness. He looked at him in astonishment and sighed: "Awesome."

"No." Andre said indifferently: "The weak habitually worship the strong, but do not consider whether they are too weak."

"You!" Zhao Ziqi gritted his teeth in anger: "Then you are so strong, why don't you tell those princes yourself!"

"Because... I am also weak." Andre paused for a rare moment, looking at the audience with a calm face: "At least here, on the top stage in the world, only your master can speak like this. right."

"I'm not even qualified to fart. Do you understand? Husky."

Zhao Ziqi nodded, then raised his head suddenly: "You, who do you think is the husky!"

"Since there is no other way, let's all try it out the same way." Sky Roar took a deep breath, and with a wave of his hand, Antonio's body was thrown down the steps. Scoris wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't. Open your mouth.

No one would place the corpse of an insubstantial prince in front of a necromancer.

"Put your hands on the sun disk and input your own spiritual power."

"This is how we activated it originally. Now, we might as well try it again."

no disagreement.

All the Grand Dukes, eight of them in total at this moment, came over and put their hands on the sun disk.

"Buzz..." Just when the first spiritual power was input, one of the twelve stars on the sun disk suddenly lit up.

"Useful?" Lawrence was stunned. Without a moment's hesitation, his sleeves and robes suddenly swelled, and his whole body's spiritual energy poured in crazily.

"Buzz buzz..." With the input of spiritual power one after another, the entire sun disk fragments lit up one by one. Immediately afterwards, a strong sense of shock spread throughout the entire stairs!

"This is..." The black witch gasped and wanted to withdraw her hand immediately: "The steps? Are they going to break?"

The air restriction is there. If the steps break... there is only a dead end!

Everyone wants to withdraw their hands, but...

"I can't move!" Sky Roar exclaimed, "I'm sucked by it!"

"No, it's not that the steps are shaking!" Xu Yangyi said solemnly: "It's that... we are sinking!"

"This lion's head relief is sinking!"

"Boom!" As soon as he finished his words, there was a deafening loud noise, and the lion relief dropped crazily from a hundred meters around!

It's like an elevator to hell.

On both sides, steps one after another appeared. In less than twenty seconds, the area around the relief has reached the bottom.

"Boom..." Dust filled the air, and the descent finally stopped.

Around it, there are countless circular steps, the top, and twelve sculptures surrounding the entire place. They have become the bottom of the platform.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi looked around, and an extremely sinister feeling filled his heart: "The Arena!"

Whose arena?

Fighting with whom?

"Oh!!!" The ground finally stopped shaking, and at the same time, an overwhelming cheer boomed from all the empty circular steps.

"Lawrence..." Dilys' face was extremely ugly: "Thank you so much for your crow's mouth."'s right where they look. The twelve statues made a constant buzz of "choking, choking, choking".

A bright sword light shone from their swords. Not a sculpture at all, but a real sword.

"Kara...Kara..." Among the eight sculptures, there was a mechanical sound. After a few seconds, their eyes lit up at the same time. Then, they disappeared at the top like lightning. They didn't look like machines at all!

"Boom!" All eight sculptures fell on the arena, facing them from a distance. At the same time, the cheers like a landslide and tsunami were deafening.

This is the feast of the dead.

This is the battlefield of heroic spirits.

"Alchemy creature..." Sky Roar gritted his teeth. All the Grand Dukes stood in a row at this moment, and the eight Grand Dukes' spiritual energy swept across the audience. Illusory plants, illusory dragons, illusory undead spirits, illusory Holy Father... ...Eight phantoms, facing each other tit for tat.


Three seconds later, there was a loud "boom", and the same eight rays of spiritual energy rose into the sky from the eight creatures opposite, forming eight phantoms that were not weak at all, and even sharper!

There are kings, there are warriors, there are knights. At this moment, all the shadows actually put eight swords in the air, forming a sharp-edged triangle.

"Excalibur, the broken steel sword. I, in the name of King Arthur, make you shine again today."

"The sword of stone, the sword in the stone. I, still in the name of King Arthur, will let you overcome thorns and thorns."

"The Sword of Giant. I, in the name of the warrior Beowulf, order you to kill all evil in the world!"

"Tyrfing, Tyrfing. Giant Gordon, follow me on the expedition!"

"Harpe. Harpe. In the name of the hero Perseus I command you to reignite my glory!"

"Daming Sally. The first holy sword of Gris!"

Finally, the two swords were raised at the same time, two magnificent voices resounded throughout the audience, and the two swords pressed against the triangle.

"The death of gold."

"I, the holder, am Caesar."

"Mystletainn. The bearer... Odin."

"Boom!" The eight swords emitted dazzling light, forming a golden triangle in the sky, and exploded suddenly. A piece of gold quickly filled the sky, and infinite talismans flashed.

"Bang!" All the air restrictions were shattered.

"Show your weapons, challengers who want to reach the top of the Tower of Babel."

"Sealing us here?" After Lawrence gasped, his eyes no longer looked like a saint. After a long laugh, he picked up a long whip inlaid with gems and ivory. Appeared in mid-air like a fire dragon.

His hand caressed it vaguely, and his voice trembled: "After so many years, I still have the opportunity to pick it up..."

"Crack!" The whip hit hard, and the void in mid-air shattered. He smiled and said: "Although... my weapons are far inferior to yours, you should also remember the names of your opponents' weapons."

"Holy Scourge. Rose of Blood. Dye red with the blood of heretics. Countless heretics died under this Grand Duke's Holy Scourge."

"Qiang Qiang Qiang!" With a crisp sound, without any hesitation, everyone on Xu Yangyi's side showed their weapons.

Dilis' body floated in the air, an oak staff in her hand, and around the emerald green magic crystal, countless strong winds roared: "The staff of the Great Magister, the Fairy of the Lake."

Savidian VI gently pulled out his arm bones, and the two barbs covered with barbs shone with scarlet light: "Gasas the protector, Sansas the counterattack... It's really... a feeling I haven't seen in a long time." …”

"Brush!" A snake viper sword pulled out blood-red light in mid-air. It was pinched by the scarlet Duke's pale hand and sneered: "The flower of forbidden demons, I can still use it in my lifetime. It is really pleasant. …”

Weapons were taken out one by one, Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, his spiritual energy was circulating, and the golden light was overwhelming like never before!

Everyone was stunned.

Even the alchemy creatures opposite them were obviously stunned and even took a step back.

The fish intestines... at this moment actually burst out with unparalleled majesty.

No... Xu Yangyi reached out and held it, and he felt it clearly. This is not majesty, but...

Fighting spirit!

Facing the powerful fighting spirit of the twelve holy swords in Europe and America!

And... he can also feel that the spirit of the fish intestines is slowly awakening!

Because this powerful fighting spirit was awakened!

One of the ten most sacred swords of China, the Fish Gut, the Sword of Courage, VS, one of the twelve most sacred swords of Europe and America.

"A terrible opponent." At the top, Andre pushed up his glasses and said calmly: "People will die in this battle."

"A great guild has fallen."

"Then think of a way!" Zhao Ziqi was so anxious that he wanted to kick this paralyzed man to death.

"It's unimaginable." Andre held up his wheelchair with great interest: "Broken Steel, The Sword in the Stone, Tierfeng, Giant's Sword, Hape, Da Ming Sally, Death of Gold, Mystertin, and Arondate, Galatin, Dainsleif, Durandal...the Twelve Holy Swords of Europe and the United States, who did not show up, if you are unlucky..."

"This is probably our last stop." He supported his head and said calmly: "It's really sad..."

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