
Chapter 641: Holy Sword Platform (II)

Zhao Ziqi looked down in astonishment: "Is this the guard you mentioned first?"

Angel thought for a while: "This is obviously a place belonging to ancient cultivators. It's impossible to only arrange guards at the Grand Duke level, right?"

Andre looked at her with a "stupid woman" look, and said it bluntly: "Stupid, how many years have passed here, the spiritual stone that activated the alchemy creature, and the instrument is still running, this is Miracle."

Murderous aura emerged from Angel's body.

Andre pushed up his glasses: "You should learn more from your man."

Then Angel's murderous intention dissipated.

On the field, it was already a tit-for-tat battle. The fish intestines erupted with a coercion that was completely different from the weapons in other archduke's hands, and even suppressed the European and American holy swords.

Only a piece of golden glow is left.

"This is..." Scoris squinted his eyes and looked at his trembling hands.

It's not his hands that are shaking, it's his magic weapon.

His magic weapon... is actually whining!

"What a powerful magic weapon!" His eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at the fish intestines in Xu Yangyi's hand with great greed.

"So strong!" Savidian VI, the two swords in his hands were buzzing. They could not bear the pressure. He did not expect that the sleeping fish intestines would be provoked by the provocation of the European and American holy swords. It exploded with unprecedented power!

This bastard...

This bastard!

Is this the ordinary sword in his hand? !

Why...why is this opportunity so good now...such a change occurs again! ?

When he thought of the scene where Savidian VII was killed, his heart throbbed violently. So what if he is rude to you? So what if he is arrogant occasionally?

That is the child of my sixth generation, and you, a mere marquis, dare to do something to him!

Even if I hit you on the left cheek, you still have to show the right cheek!

Full of bitterness, now, this bastard has actually reached the same position as him, and... he has an intuition that he... may not be this bastard's opponent.

"No... we must kill him, his qualifications are too terrifying, otherwise... I will never have the chance to kill him in the future!"


Very strong!

All the princes at the scene stepped back ten meters away from Xu Yangyi, looking at this suddenly brilliant treasure with greedy eyes and vigilance.


The fish intestine moved slightly and fell into Xu Yangyi's hand. Where he held it, a vigorous fighting spirit surged out of his heart. He raised his sword and said in a deep voice: "Fish intestines."

"Waiting for teaching."


The alchemy puppet also seemed to be stunned, and then, one of the last two swords, a puppet wearing an ancient European war helmet and blind in one eye, stood up: "Leave it to me."

"Buzz!" At the same time, the Mistatin in his hand also burst out with thousands of golden lights!

Holy sword, divine sword!

Odin's Sword, Mystertin!

"Kill!!!" All the archdukes roared, and eight figures rushed forward like lightning.

There was a silent silence, and the ground on the opposite side rumbled, as the legendary eight holy swords rushed forward with a cold light.

"Dang!!" Sixteen weapons were handed over together, the fresh air spread to the golden watch, and the cold light shone on the iron clothes. The next second, a different light burst out from the fifteen magic weapons.

Supernatural power explodes!

A true Grand Duke relies on magic weapons and his own foundation, with magical powers second, because any magic weapon can carry magical powers, and also has natal magical powers.

"Holy Punishment!!!" Lawrence was suspended in the air, his beard and hair spread out, and his white clerical robes made him look extremely holy in the golden light. As he roared, the sky... turned into countless pure white rings of light.

In an instant, countless white daggers stabbed down from the circle of light, and wherever they passed, the void became a spiritual realm of holy light. Everything within a kilometer radius is pure white.

The Grand Duke took action with all his strength, and the power could easily reach a thousand meters. Three thousand meters was not uncommon in the later period. The majestic spiritual power that was enough to cause a natural disaster was now imprisoned in this arena of more than 500 meters. Suddenly, the ground cracked layer by layer.

He was facing Perseus. Just as the Infinite Holy Sword fell, a phantom of a human head suddenly appeared on Perseus' sword.

"Medusa's Gaze." A stereotyped voice sounded, and a deathly gray light appeared around him like a storm. Wherever it passed, all the aura holy swords turned into stones, hit the ground with a "bang bang bang", and went straight to Lawrence. go.

"Angel's Barrier!"


The sword that killed Medusa.

"Boom!" In mid-air, pure white and dead gray mixed into a bright curtain of light, and there was a complex color within 500 meters. After the light, the void in front of Lawrence suddenly cracked with spider web patterns, and a piece of white gold turned into a stone and fell.

But it didn't stop. Lawrence, who was behind the light, held the holy whip in both hands and recited a blessing: "We thank and praise you. In order to love us and save us from sin and judgment, you became flesh..."

As he chanted in a low voice, countless golden lights flashed on the holy whip, each one like a giant sword, and it plowed a radius of 500 meters. Everything the golden light passed by turned into fly ash.

"God's wrath!"

On the other side, Savidian VI is in shadow, and his opponent is the famous Beowulf. The first hero of Norse mythology! Next to the other party, there was already a shadow, covering fifty meters.

Countless black shadow hands spread from under the opponent's feet, tightly grasping the feet of Beowulf's puppet. In the ocean of shadows, a pure white figure appeared ghostly. In just a moment, hundreds of swords and swords spliced ​​sounds came from its side. However, with every collision, endless phantoms of sea water rose from his side, sweeping away all attacks.

Beowulf was like a rock in the river, motionless as a mountain. Holding the giant's sword tightly with both hands, a pure blue light became more and more condensed.

The giant's sword, the sword that killed the siren.

Endless ghosts condensed into a spear, stabbing wildly in Scoris's hand. Every stab brought about wailing in the sky, but his opponent only had the hilt! Can't see the sword!

The sword in the stone, the invisible sword!

"Boom boom!" The vengeful spirits died and reborn again and again, Scoris laughed like crazy, and the flesh on his face began to fall off rapidly.

The body of the dead!

Each of the Grand Dukes brought out their special abilities, huge wind blades, fiery phoenixes, turning the 500-meter radius into a hell of death. Even Angel and the other two who were watching the battle from above were shocked by the fierce battle below and were speechless.

"Dang!" Only Xu Yangyi had no magical power.

And the other party had no magical power either.

In the battle between Odin and the human, neither side used magical power.

"What's wrong? Mortal."

"Is this the power you want to challenge the guardian of the first level of the Tower of Babel?"

"Terribly weak."

"Boom!!" Odin suddenly raised his hand and slashed with a sword. Xu Yangyi immediately flew back. Where he was originally, a crack of tens of meters long and several meters deep suddenly appeared.

Odin's puppet turned around indifferently, and the Mistydin in his hand trembled slightly, and he issued a loud sword sound to Yuchang provocatively.

Xu Yangyi pondered in silence. Just now, they had exchanged more than a dozen swords. However, the opponent's strength was terrifying. And...

Don't take the Lin character!

Don't take Baishichun!

He opened the Lin character immediately, and Baishichun triggered it twice. However, it is completely immune.

The puppet is not afraid of these things.

Moreover, the opponent's sword is very strange. He felt that Mistin, the legendary sword of the god Odin, it...seemed to have its own domain like the Lin character.

"Are you considering Mistin's domain? Mortal?" Odin said in a loud voice, "I can tell you."

"It's called 'God's power.' Mistin locks on the target and cannot dodge. The scar cannot be healed, and the opponent is prohibited from any form of spiritual energy recovery. Once hit, it will bring the opponent into eternal purgatory. And, every time you attack, Mistin will absorb the opponent's spiritual power."

"Mortal, you...have no way to escape."



Xu Yangyi was furious. This kind of BUG-like weapon, can it really be made by humans?

"This is only part of its power. It comes with a magical power. Ragnarok. Power..." The puppet paused and said without emotion: "It is enough to shatter the entire arena sealed by my original body."

As soon as the voice fell, Xu Yangyi's body had turned into a flash of lightning and rushed over.


Very good!

Since fighting head-on with strength and fighting with exquisite moves is useless under absolute lock, then...

Let's fight with magical powers!

"Boom..." During the flight, Yuchang has become a piece of red, and a red fire dragon is branded on it, emitting spiritual power more powerful than the Ten Directions Karma Flame.

Although my Yuchang is still sleeping.

It is still one of the ten holy swords of China!

Let you, the Nordic God, see that Yuchang with magical powers is not inferior to your Mistydin!

"Ten Directions Purgatory!"

"Boom!" Karma is the power that drives the continuation of life. Karma Flame is the power that burns life.

The red fire dragon roared out, leaving no damage to the ground wherever it passed, and the stone-carved beard on Odin's face was crackling.

It was not aimed at itself.

It was the spirit stone in his body! The core of his life!

"Very good, mortal." Mistin was held in both hands, and a blue aura burst out, and then it exploded hundreds of meters.

The temperature dropped rapidly, and it was clear that pieces of ice flowers were spinning around Odin. Just when the ten-sided karmic flames surrounded the other party, they all became a sea of ​​ice and fire.

"I am the Lord of the Nordic Gods, in charge of the power of the elements. The power of mortals can't hurt me at all."

Mistin raised his sword horizontally, and Odin's eyes shone brightly: "Then, prepare to see the power of the incarnation of the gods."

"Boom!!" Endless spiritual power burst out from the long sword. This is not a fixed aura, but...

Five Elements Spiritual Power!

The sharpness of gold, the thickness of earth, the vigor of wood, the heat of fire, and the softness of water.

Mixed together, it actually formed an indescribable, irresistible pressure!

"Odin's Wrath!"

"The Fifth Eclipse of Apocalypse!!" Without hesitation, Xu Yangyi had no intention of retreating at all.


Where to retreat?

Charge forward, advance without retreat!

Only by breaking the first level of guards can you go to the place where you really came from!

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