
Chapter 642: Holy Sword Platform (Part 3)

"Boom!" The legendary holy sword from the East and the West shook the entire area of ​​500 meters. The five-star god shone above the fish intestines, and a fierce mushroom cloud suddenly rose from the 500-meter restriction.

"FUCK!!" "Are you crazy!" "Untouchable! You are looking for death!"

The terrifying explosion rippled not just around them. Right next to them, everyone felt the violent force of the explosion. All the archdukes screamed and backed away.

In front of Odin's one eye, a tsunami-like red light flashed. His cloak and even some of the stones on his body were "kaka" cracked due to time. He held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and just as the rabbit was rising and the falcon was falling, he thrust it down suddenly.

"Rumble!!" There was a violent shock on the ground, pieces of golden light spread from the ground, and countless talismans roared into the sky. The first main god in Northern Europe, the puppet of Odin, finally burst out his terrifying strength at this moment.

"Shu Lala..." A golden wall of talismans, with him as the boundary, went straight to the top of the restriction. All the explosions that hit him were blocked by the wall.

Xu Yangyi's eyes narrowed, and all his spiritual energy exploded in an instant. This was not just a simple block, this wall of talismans actually did not damage the power of the magical power. There is an impenetrable crystal wall ahead. What will the supernatural power do?

The answer is...rewind!

Right in front of him, an overwhelming explosion swept over. His spiritual power had completely protected him. However, in the next second, his whole body felt as if he had been hit by a giant hammer. He flew backwards several hundred meters and hit the restriction with a bang.

The ban remained motionless.

"Potato!" "Brother!"

Angel and Zhao Ziqi were very anxious when they saw it. What would be the consequences if the magical power that other princes avoided was completely swept back? It shudders to think about it.

The smoke spread, shrouding the forbidden area into a red and black hell. Xu Yangyi stood up in the sky filled with gunpowder smoke. He felt a sharp pain in his chest, and a sweet sensation rose up, but he suppressed it again.

At this moment, in the endless smoke of gunpowder in front of him, a cold star flashed.

"You piss me off, mortal."

"Using a human body to challenge the gods is an unforgivable crime of blasphemy."

"Brush!!" Sounds that broke through the air swept away all the storm in an instant. However, this was not a sword light, but endless branches rushing towards Xu Yangyi.

Each one was as thick as an arm, and covered with patches of thunder. In the blink of an eye, a giant net of thunder had formed, attached to the branches, and shrouded Odin in front of him.

"So fast! Such strong spiritual power!" In his pupils, the giant thunder net rapidly enlarged. Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and wandered through every gap in the giant net like a butterfly. "Boom!" Almost all the ground was turned over, and the seemingly gentle branches turned the ground upside down. What was even more terrifying was that every branch penetrated the ground, and countless branches protruded out.

"Swish, swish, swish!" The ocean of thunder is overwhelming, with giant nets above and barbs below, making it impossible to escape!

The violent roar shook the whole place, far exceeding all the archduke's fighting forms. Every grand duke looked anxious. Isn't it such a powerful magic weapon? How come he was completely suppressed and beaten?

It's not that they are worried about Xu Yangyi, but... Xu Yangyi can't hold back Odin. If such a powerful magic weapon joins other battles, they will only die!

"Untouchable...untouchable!!" Scoris gritted his teeth, leaving only a skeleton in his body. Suddenly, infinite ghostly fire erupted from the skeleton, forming a huge miserable green fire ball, which even shook Beowulf several meters away. .

"I should have known... I should have known that I couldn't trust untouchables!"

"Buzz..." Countless gray-white death auras surrounded it from all directions, forming a white-green vortex. With a "boom", the vortex exploded, and a three-meter-tall giant skeleton wearing ancient clothes appeared on the scene.

Completely witchy!

As he changes, all battles in the field will be upgraded to another level! Behind Lawrence, the phantom of an angel loomed. After shouting angrily, the angel held the sword of holy light and actually suppressed Perseus. On the other side, a giant dragon roared in the field, and the dragon's breath completely shattered the field. Beside him, there were thousands of countless bats, forming a black vortex surrounding the giant Gordon.

Everyone could see how terrifying Odin's move just now was.

Xu Yangyi, who was hit, may not die, but he will definitely be seriously injured. He will lose sooner or later. Now... the winner of a battle group will be determined early, and it will be the winner of this trial.

"Shu Lala..." The lightning flashed, and the scene was like the Nine Nether Thunder Prison, completely charred and black. Odin's tall body was in the smoke of battle, and he said stiffly: "And you are still very weak."

He turned and left. A seriously injured monk could be taken care of at any time. As long as he joins in now, any fight will be one-sided.

"Stop." The moment he turned around, a steady male voice came from behind: "Lord God? Haha..."

"Did I let you go?!"

"Boom!!" Behind him, the smoke in the sky was dispersed by this drink! As the air flow flew backwards, even though Odin was a puppet, there was a look of surprise on his face.

Not just him, all the Grand Dukes looked here in disbelief.


Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy has not been weakened?

That move just now may not be able to be blocked in the mid-term! He's okay?

Even the European and American heroic puppets who faced them looked over in shock. This is the puppet of the main god Odin! Mistertin is known as the No. 1 Holy Sword in Europe and America! Unlike Perseus' Harpey and the mortal Sword in the Stone, this is a divine sword in the true sense!

How could it be okay!

The violent wind blew away all the gunpowder smoke, revealing a huge wall of thorns.

Green line!

"Boom!!" The green line was covered with lightning and shattered. After that, there was a thorn ball surrounded by countless green lines, which then shattered again, revealing Xu Yangyi, whose chest was stained red.

"Do you think you can kill me with this move?" Xu Yangyi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Odin with a fiery gaze, and raised his intestines: "How dare a mere puppet speak nonsense and blaspheme?"

The green line is one of the gifts of wolf poison. It is not inferior to those branches just now, and more importantly...

Plants are immune to lightning.

Although the huge spiritual power in it made his internal organs wailing, but...

He still has the strength to fight!

Odin stared at the person in front of him in a daze.

He was sure that this was a mortal, and was extremely weak compared to his original body, but at this moment... the momentum of "I will go even if there are thousands of people", actually made him lose his mind.

"Buzz...Buzz..." Pieces of golden light lit up again, and Xu Yangyi did not move. His current situation was very strange. He could feel the pulse of the spirit in Yuchang, but it seemed that there was a layer missing and he could not get out.

Yuchang...also longed for a fight with Mistin.


"I underestimated you, mortal." Odin turned around solemnly, Mistin raised his sword horizontally, pointing directly at Xu Yangyi's throat: "But, you will regret it."

"Because, next I will really tear you apart."

"Rune brand." The next second, his body suddenly disappeared from the spot. Xu Yangyi's pupils shrank. He could not see anyone, but he could feel the overwhelming sword power pressing down like a sea collapse!

Almost without any consciousness, Yuchang raised his sword horizontally, and at the same time, "Ding!!!" Sparks flew everywhere, and Odin's several-meter-tall body had already pressed down on Yuchang with his sword.

"Boom!" The ground under his feet cracked inch by inch, and Xu Yangyi's blood finally spurted out of his mouth. With a thud, the ground in front of him was dyed red. However, he did not retreat at all. He flashed and retreated dozens of meters. The sky was shining with black fog.

"Zila!!" The sky seemed to have a hole in it, and the ghost car bird roared down. Black air was emitting from under Odin's feet, and a huge astronomical platform appeared.

The first eclipse of the weather, the ghost car bird stopped the astronomical platform!

"It's useless, mortal." Odin took a step forward, not retreating at all: "The glory of God will shine on the earth. Under the rune mark, you have no way to avoid it! Nothing can penetrate the armor of the gods!"

"Boom!" At the moment when the ghost car bird fell, it collapsed together with the astronomical platform. However, at the same time, in the black light vortex, a figure suddenly appeared, and the fish intestine in his hand raised thousands of golden clouds.

Supernatural power, he is not his opponent.

Then... there is only the last close combat left.

"Kill!!" Odin roared for the first time, which shocked the whole audience. Mistydin danced into endless green light, and Xu Yangyi's figure danced like a dragon and a phoenix, piercing countless light spots on the green light curtain at a speed that could not be seen by the naked eye.

"Kill!!!" At the same time, all the grand dukes burst out together. They all saw that the battlefield on Xu Yangyi's side had reached the most dangerous moment. Odin... really got serious and wanted to defeat the opponent head-on. This kind of battle probably didn't even give the magic weapon a chance to carry the magical power. A simple collision of magic weapons, whose magic weapon was a little weaker, whose flesh was a little weaker, and finally turned into ashes.

Although they had no time to care about him, the grand duke's spiritual awareness was so broad that they could see that on that side, Odin kept moving forward with a roar, and the ground was trampled with countless cracks by his steps, like a tireless giant. On the other side, the golden sword curtain kept retreating.

"Dangdangdang!" It was hard to imagine that a puppet's sword moves were so sharp. Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth. Each of those green sword lights stabbed dozens of times. Odin's speed was far beyond his imagination. Now... he had no chance to attack at all. Not only could he not attack, but even the sword circle swung by Yuchang could not protect himself. He dodged countless times to prevent Mistin from touching him.

The two sides launched a full-strength attack. Only half a minute had passed, but he felt that several years had passed. Every second was walking on the wire. The feeling of dancing on the tip of the knife was too strong. Yuchang was suppressed and shrunk again and again.

Spiritual power, the opponent's middle-stage Grand Duke was better than his own.

Sword moves, extremely fast, better than his own.

Divine power, that was the divine power of the gods, even better than his own.

Body, even more indestructible.

He didn't know how to survive this trial.

"If...if I can use that 'stab' move..."

"Dang!" He swung his sword back and swung away Mistydin who was stabbing at his head, and the opponent let out a sharp hiss. He could feel that it was not aimed at it, but at the fish intestine in his hand. It was a challenge from Norse mythology.

"If...the fish intestine can awaken!"

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