
Chapter 643: Holy Sword Platform (IV)

"Dang! Dang!" After more than a dozen crisp sounds, he was finally careless and his shoulder was pierced.

"Kneel down, mortal." Odin's one eye shone brightly. If Mistydin was a green light curtain just now, now it has surrounded Odin into a huge planet. A few dozen meters in radius.

This is not a magical power.

It is a pure sword circle.

"You have no chance of winning."

"Domain... Divine power is activated."

At this moment, Xu Yangyi felt that all the spiritual power in his body was flying out, flowing out along his wound like a tide.

However... this is just the beginning.

The next second, Savidian VI, who was fighting with Beowulf, howled to the sky, and his white wolf hair moved without wind.

"Forbidden ritual... Zero."

"Shadow Killing!"

"Swish swish swish!" On the ground, everyone's shadow was connected together, and he seemed to be a fish swimming in the shadow, and sank into the shadow with a splash, and then appeared next to Xu Yangyi.

"Savidean!! You are courting death!!" "Idiot!! Do you know what you are doing!" "You... this lowly traitor!!"

All the Grand Dukes shouted angrily, even Xu Yangyi was stunned.

I never expected that Savidean VI would betray everyone at such a critical moment!

"Of course I know what I am doing." Savidean VI's speed in the shadows surpassed all the Grand Dukes. It had turned into a pure white wolf and laughed up to the sky: "I know... I have always known it!"

"I want this Chinese bastard to die!!!!"

"Everyone must be buried with him!!"

Xu Yangyi took a breath of cold air and looked over without any emotion: "Savidean, you stupid pig."

"Hahaha! X, go to hell! You can die peacefully!"

"I may not be able to kill you, but now, you all have to die! ”

“My only son died in the holy war. He is my only heir. You killed him like this, in front of me…”

“And you!!” He pointed his sharp nails at the whole audience: “You just watched and tried to stop me!”

“If I had slapped this yellow-skinned bastard to death, there would be no such thing today!”

Its chest rose and fell sharply, and the crazy red in its eyes flashed: “You deserve it… Now, it’s time to settle accounts, all ‘noble grand dukes’!”

He could not forget the look of help from the seventh generation when he died in front of him.

He could not forget that everyone stopped him from killing X.



Just because he is a great spiritualist?

So his only son can die? A great spiritualist cannot die?

The whole audience seemed to have stopped time for a second.

Odin was stunned for a moment, and then said calmly: “Superficial creatures.”

The words were said to Savideen VI, but the Mistydin in his hand pierced down like lightning!

Directly pointed at Xu Yangyi’s throat!

"Buzz..." His sword began to tremble. This time, it was faster than any other time before, so that in Xu Yangyi's pupils, Odin almost did not move, and a majestic sword intent stabbed at his vital points.

On the other side, the giant sword condensed by Beowulf's hands had swept up infinite deep blue spiritual energy, turning into a giant sword of more than ten meters. Holding the sword, he rushed towards Xu Yangyi.

Front and back attack!

There is no escape!

Is he going to die here?

Xu Yangyi was very calm at this moment. The situation was too disadvantageous. Odin alone could suppress him. Although he didn't know how long the other party had lived longer than him, he was unwilling to give up!

If they practiced at the same time...

If he was in the ancient cultivation era...

He might not be able to be called a god!

"Tap, tap, tap!" Beowulf's body passed through the God of War, and a sea tide rose on the ground. Countless illusory sea water condensed into the giant sword and attacked at the same time as Odin.

A dazzling sword light cut through the entire forbidden scene.


A loud noise.

Savidian VI closed his eyes.

"Go to hell... bastard."

"I can finally see you, a cheap yellow pig, die in front of me."

"What is this!?" "Oh my god..." "This... This is impossible!" "What is this?!"

At this moment, all the grand dukes exclaimed in unison. Savidian VI, who closed his eyes, did not see it, but they did.

Xu Yangyi was already doomed, but the fish intestine in his hand suddenly burst into a sky-high light!

"Buzz buzz buzz!" The whole space was shaking, and then the ban in the sky suddenly broke!

The next second, there was a stunning sword light.

There was no sword.

I only saw that in that moment of hair-raising, Xu Yangyi's arm was raised uncontrollably, and then countless black mists surged from his back, which was overwhelming! In the black mist, a heart-shaking breath made the puppets without feeling pause.

It was not spiritual energy.

That... was pure, pure murderous intent.

The white light contained the sun and the moon, and the purple air was like a bullfight.

A light stab brought out a dazzling sword light, which made everything in the world pale in comparison!

"Here it comes..." Odin roared, and Mistydin went forward without retreating, but he didn't see clearly what it was. Half of his head flew out in an instant. The cut was as smooth as a mirror.

"Swoosh!" With a muffled sound, the audience seats behind him shattered, and the cut was also smooth. It was as if it was cut by an infinite sword in the blink of an eye.


The last word was uttered.

The scene was filled with amazement and shock, and Savidion VI suddenly opened his eyes.

Time seemed to freeze.

In front of him, half of Odin's head had disappeared, and Beowulf was frozen there.

Xu Yangyi looked at his hand in astonishment. In his hand, the golden light of the fish intestines was completely restrained, but at the same time, an inexplicable pressure rose from the fish intestines.

After the gorgeousness faded, only the essence remained.

Sacred and inviolable.

"Fish intestines?" His heart was still beating wildly, just now it was a real moment of life and death. Just when he thought he was going to die, the fish intestines...finally awakened!

"This is..." Odin's remaining half head murmured: "Holy Sword..."

"That's right." Xu Yangyi almost wanted to roar to the sky at this moment, and a stab in desperation pierced the Nordic God King! The hot blood and surging feeling in my heart, how could words describe it? !

"It..." Beowulf's voice also spoke, without any ups and downs: "What's its name?"

Xu Yangyi raised his long sword horizontally, and the fish intestines hummed: "Fish intestines."


The two puppets spoke in unison.


"Boom!!!" "Boom!!!"

Two loud noises shook the sky, and the puppets all turned into thousands of spiritual lights and dissipated in the air.

Odin, the main god of the Nordic countries.

Beowulf, the first warrior of the Nordic countries.


"This..." Savidian VI looked at everything in front of him in astonishment. Even he, the Grand Duke Supreme, felt unbelievable at this moment.

Where is the God King?

Where is the first warrior?

How could it be...

What happened just now?

How come this yellow-skinned bastard must die when Odin and Beowulf are defeated? What did he miss?

"This is impossible...This is impossible!! I must have seen it wrong!" He suddenly wailed towards the sky.

The ultimate joy in the last second, the endless hell in the next second. The fit was surprisingly natural.

"Dang!" At this moment, Mistydin exuded endless green light, screamed, and rushed towards Xu Yangyi.

The speed was so fast that only a flash of lightning could be seen in the air.

Savidian VI's scream stopped abruptly. The strong disappointment in his eyes flashed away, and then, the killing intent surged.


There is still a chance!

This kid is seriously injured, now... he must be killed!

There will be no next chance, next time, he may be in the middle or even late stage! This opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Kill him and join another battle group. Now that two puppets have died, I think this Grand Duke will help other Grand Dukes leave here. Even if X dies, no one will care about this Grand Duke!

"Forbidden Blade!" His whole body turned into a piece of white light, and he rushed over while spinning. Countless knife lights made the surrounding space shatter.

"Misttin?" At this moment, an old voice appeared beside Xu Yangyi and said lightly: "Kneel down for me."

"Bang!" Mistin trembled violently, and then, it pierced the ground crisply one centimeter away from Xu Yangyi's throat.

At the same time, it trembled continuously, as if it was afraid.

"This is impossible!!!!" Savidian VI saw all this and screamed heartbreakingly. Just a second ago, he was still attacking from both sides, and Xu Yangyi was also seriously injured now! As long as Mistin was determined to kill, he was sure to kill the other party!

Even if he couldn't kill him, he could also destroy the other party's qi sea. He wanted to watch this bastard howling and dying in front of him, and let the huge impact of becoming a mortal in an instant tear the other party's nerves.


Misttin, the first holy sword in Northern Europe, actually knelt down because of a sentence?

Really knelt down?

From heaven to hell, from hell to heaven, and finally to hell. In just a few seconds, he was desperate and ashamed.

"X..." His eyes were already red, and now the arrow had been released, and there was no way to retreat. His whole body was covered with white hair, and the aura of the early Grand Duke burst out in full force: "This Grand Duke... and you, only one person can survive!!"

"Go to hell for this Grand Duke!!!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed. He drew his sword with his backhand.

"Swish!" He turned sideways, and just as Savidian VI rushed past him, he slashed with his sword.

The sword was like a dragon, and snowflakes illuminated lotus.

There was a vibration in the air, and there was not even a trace of Yuchang's move. Only everything around was reflected on the Yuchang sword, drawing a blurred light curtain

"Puff!" A blood arrow sprinkled like a rain of flowers all over the sky, dyeing half of his body into a red flag.

"Dangdangdang!" Savidian VI's double hooks pulled out a huge gully ten meters deep and dozens of meters long on the entire ground. His body rushed out with a bang, and he didn't stop until he reached the end. In the air, a pure white wolf head full of shock and astonishment floated up.

"Buzz..." There was an invisible vibration in the air. The next second, endless spiritual energy all gathered to where Savidian's body was.

The spiritual energy gathered very quickly, and in an instant, a huge flower with a radius of hundreds of meters and a height of hundreds of meters suddenly appeared.

The spiritual energy constructed its shape, and the petals stretched out one by one, and an atmosphere of holiness and sorrow arose spontaneously. As its petals unfolded, Savidian VI's body withered all over.

"The flowers of the other shore bloomed... The Grand Duke fell..." On the steps, Andre, Zhao Ziqi, and Angel were completely stunned.

"Boom!!" With a muffled sound, a flower of the other shore hundreds of meters in the Tower of Babel bloomed completely.

Savidian VI, fell!

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