
Chapter 644: Yuchang recognizes his master

Give up...

Every Grand Duke breathed a long sigh of relief.

They knew very well how difficult these puppets were. Now that only Savidian VI died, it was the perfect ending.

However, no one expected at first that it would be X, who seemed to be at the lowest level and not even a complete prince, that would end the battle.

Two swords and three princes, two weapon spirits are beside him. They were so bitter and envious that they did not cheer. Instead, he took a deep look at Xu Yangyi and kept his distance vigilantly.

This is the real affirmation.

No, not only affirmative, but also with a deep respect that I don't want to admit.

"Congratulations on passing the trial. After three levels, the center of the Tower of Babel will be completely opened. The next two levels will become increasingly difficult. I give you a piece of advice, mortals, don't touch the last two levels if you are not sure of victory."

As their voices fell, all the cheers in the arena disappeared. Immediately afterwards, the ground rumbled upward, and soon it was back on the steps.

Eight rays of golden light rushed out from the bottom, and all the statues were restored again.

"So, is it an immortal existence?" Lawrence sighed with emotion. As for Savidian VI, no one was too sensible to mention this issue.

Moreover, every step of the Grand Duke moved away from Xu Yangyi without leaving a trace.

At this moment, the light suddenly shined brightly on this platform.

"Swish..." A golden light curtain appeared from the edge of the platform, and then divided into three neatly. Extend slowly. An Qier was stunned, lightly covered her red lips, and pulled Xu Yangyi's clothes: "Potato... they want to..."

Before she finished speaking, Xu Yangyi nodded deeply.


At the same time, the platform floating around the Tower of Babel, like a meteorite belt on a planet, all spread out a path of infinite golden light.

A wisp of dust and smoke. Thousands of miles of smoke waves, irritating in the intestines. A lifetime of dreams, inside and outside the dream, everything is like smoke. Every time I wake up, I feel drunk, and I feel as if I am awake and drunk.

"Shasha" is hazy for thousands of miles, dust is floating for thousands of miles, and in the endless white mist, golden light rises into the sky, dyeing this place into a fairy scene.

Xu Yangyi stared at the vast sea of ​​fog in front of him in ecstasy. He didn't know how big it was. People in it were almost like ants. After a long time, he murmured: "The white jade capital in the sky, nine palaces and twelve cities."

"The Immortal caressed my head, tied my hair and received immortality..." Zhao Ziqi said softly beside him. The sight of steaming clouds and golden light in the sky in front of him was enough to make anyone stunned.

The golden light spread slowly and slowly, and after ten minutes, with a soft sound of "Weng", the golden light was all connected. All the platforms trembled, and the hazy sea of ​​fog in the sky shook slightly. It felt if the world was shaking. Lawrence took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, look!"

No need for him to remind, everyone can see that these golden roads link all the platforms, and each golden light connects on each platform, making the link here become a huge network of light that cannot be seen. All platforms are nodes within it. It was impossible to tell without the golden link just now. Now, everyone has discovered that these platforms may seem chaotic, but in fact they are very regular. After the golden light docked, three rows of rings were actually formed.

Just like...the meteorite belt outside the planet is all connected by a golden thread.

This magnificent scene left everyone present speechless.

"Wonderland...there is nothing better than this..." After a long time, Sky Roar said with emotion.

"It's unimaginable..." Anatelon's voice was full of excitement: "If I hadn't come to the Tower of Babel... who would have thought that there is such a majestic scenery on the earth. In front of this supernatural wonder, human beings are simply the smallest. individual.”

"It's so spectacular..." Dilys looked at the endless platform around her in astonishment. The white mist was steaming, covering the sky and the sun. She felt like she was at the top of the mountain and could see all the small mountains. Even she, They all feel excited.


After more than ten minutes, Lawrence withdrew his gaze: "Now that the road has appeared. So everyone, I, the Grand Duke, will take the first step."

He was about to lift his leg when he suddenly pulled back and looked at Xu Yangyi: "Mr.

"Don't know where you're going?"


He was really afraid of finding a precious treasure with X right next to him. Fight, he has no such idea now. Do not hit? If it was a real treasure, he couldn't let it go.

The best way is to never go the same way as X.

Xu Yangyi glanced at the boundless "star map", which was millions or even tens of millions of meters away... He didn't know whether it was a magic circle or a magic weapon or something else. His favorite one was obviously the one facing him. This way.

Everyone could see clearly that there were two more steps ahead. They were far apart, hundreds of thousands of meters apart. Moreover, the runes facing the road ahead of each platform are shining, while the runes on the light paths on both sides are dim.

"It should be that we have already passed one level. The Heroic Spirit Statue also said before that there are two levels left. If you go sideways, you will probably have to start from the first level."

He thought about it and said, "I intend to move forward."

Lawrence raised his old eyebrows: "Then, we have a chance to meet again."

He would never choose the path forward. Even though the danger of this road may be much less, the rewards must also be much less. He had no chance of defeating X.

As he walked onto the light path on the left, the runes above lit up as he moved. Not long after, his figure disappeared into the mist.

"Then, goodbye everyone." Sky Roar laughed and stepped onto the road on the right. Just as he was leaving, he stopped, turned around, and said meaningfully: "Mr. If you can get out alive, the half-dragon family is very willing to discuss some ancient recipes for holy medicine. You also know that dragons have the habit of collecting treasures. Our half-dragon family may not be as rich as Covinus. There are some things they absolutely can’t take out.”

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows, cupped his hands and said, "I'm very happy."

The gift of equality.

Roar of the Sky didn't feel the slightest bit disrespectful. Strength determines status.

All the princes left one by one, and everyone actually said goodbye to him. This was absolutely unimaginable when he first arrived at the Vanity. As long as the archdukes get out alive... his status in Europe and America will be as stable as Mount Tai!

Moreover, no archduke chose to move forward.

Silent humility.

Scolis' expression remained as usual, but before leaving, he looked deeply at Xu Yangyi and flew away. He was also the only Grand Duke who did not say goodbye to Xu Yangyi.

There were only four of them left on this platform.

"Haha..." The old man's figure floated out and said with his hands behind his back: "They are very wise."

"Boy, you have two holy swords in your hands now. You should be one of the strongest among this group of people in the tower. It's normal not to go with you."

"One?" Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice, "And?"

The old man's eyes narrowed slightly, and even though they were just shadows, his expression was still clearly discernible. After a few seconds, he said solemnly: "I smelled the smell of the living dead just now."

"Scolis, the Great Duke of Terror, is a necromancer." Xu Yangyi replied calmly.

"No... He carries something extraordinary with him. It should be the remains of a god... or a demigod close to a god. Necromancers are different from ordinary monks. They almost never die. And a A perfect corpse will greatly improve the Necromancer. have to be careful when you encounter this guy. He may be very troublesome."

Xu Yangyi nodded deeply.

Something that can make an old man feel extraordinary is definitely not simple.

But what followed was silence.

Xu Yangyi's feeling is very strange, and Yuchang has been an old friend for decades. They were used to fighting together silently, but the other party suddenly revealed his true form, which was a bit unaccustomed to him.

"I have a magical power." He didn't speak, but the old man said calmly: "It's called: Kill All."

"The thorn is just a part of it." He turned his head and looked at Xu Yangyi, and his words seemed to be boundless: "Kill them all, kill them all. No matter whether the opponent is substance or nothingness. No matter where the opponent is, wherever his heart is, that is, The fish intestine sword arrives and cuts through all time and space."

"This is the only sword. Each of the ten holy swords has its own magical power."

He paused and then changed the topic to another unrelated topic: "The weapon spirit is not just a weapon, it is another brain, another hand, and another self of the monk. But , The weapon spirit is not completely loyal, because they have intelligence and their own ideas. Every time a weapon spirit is born, their worldview and vision gradually take shape as they grow from childhood to adulthood. The monks will never gain the approval of the weapon spirit."

"Fully mature weapon spirits are also arrogant. Their worldview is affected by the holder, but they will not be mindless and loyal. Once the holder's actions, thoughts, and weapon spirits conflict, or there is an irreconcilable contradiction, It is not uncommon for a weapon spirit to betray its master."

He looked at Xu Yangyi thoughtfully: "Do you understand?"

"Younger generation, please teach me." Xu Yangyi bowed solemnly.

Yuchang's words...seem to be meaningless, but in fact they are telling him that you have not yet reached the standard for Yuchang's weapon spirit to truly recognize his master. We don’t have a tacit understanding, we don’t live and die together, and I’m not sure whether your world view and life outlook are the same as mine. I don’t recognize the Lord.

This recognition is different from the past when he used fish intestines as weapons, but a true fusion/fusion, giving his back to the other party.

However, he is not depressed.

Yuchang didn't recognize his master, but he told him how to make the weapon spirit truly recognize his master. Moreover, this was the sincere words of a mature weapon spirit and could not be recorded in books.

The road has been pointed out, how to go, he has this confidence.

The old man nodded and stopped talking about this topic. He looked around and sighed for a long time: "Tower of came here..."

"Throw a peach and repay a plum. You revived me and helped me swallow Long Yuan. I will keep this friendship in my heart. I will stay by your side until you advance to the next level. Golden elixir will last for four hundred years. ."

Xu Yangyi smiled: "I am the successor of alchemy. It is not difficult to practice the medicine that can increase your life span by one hundred years."

The old man glanced at him calmly: "I'll stay with you."

"The spirit of the holy sword never breaks his word when he speaks."

His figure became illusive, as if he was about to disappear, but suddenly stopped. Xu Yangyi felt that the other party's eyes suddenly became intense.


"Tell me, what year is it now? How long has it been since the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty?" His voice actually had a hint of urgency.

"It's been close to two thousand years."

After a long silence, the old man said in a deep voice: "Do you know... the word 'True Martial World'?"

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