
Chapter 644: The Real Murderer (I)

Xu Yangyi's expression became solemn: "Junior knows."


With just one word, all the statues were trembling, as if roaring out the endless murderous intent and an air of injustice in their hearts.

Immediately afterwards, all the space around Xu Yangyi was isolated, and only he could hear the old man's words.

"Back then, a distant world came with the power of the whole world. Twelve Star Destroyer Motherships surrounded the earth. One World Lord, three holy places, four dynasties, thirty-six blessed places, and seventy-two caves. . They came out in full force and started a fierce battle with our ancestors in the realm of no return."

"The war between the two realms was earth-shattering. Thousands of miles of scorched earth in this realm, hundreds of millions of corpses were lying on the ground, bleeding and floating in the oars. In the end, the realm of no return won a tragic victory. One of the four great dynasties was destroyed, and half of the motherships including Xuanyuan, Lanxing, and Blazing Wrath were hit. Shattering the Void. However... this battle is not over! Even if they want to end it, I want you to promise that if Zhenwu comes again, you, as a golden elixir, will never do it. Take a step back!"

"Since ancient times, no one has died, leaving behind a picture to illuminate the history. If you can you meet the ancestors who defeated the Zhenwu world and their subordinates in the twelve hundred small thousand worlds!"

"How dare you go to see Master Xuanyuan Sword, Zhang Daoling, and these ancient cultivators like me!"

"If you retreat, I will definitely kill you in front of the formation even if I try to kill you!"

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, his eyes were blazing, and he said solemnly: "Junior, never retreat!"


As the sound disappeared, the old man became completely silent. What he needs is decades or hundreds of years to digest the weapon spirit that has swallowed up Long Yuan. Now he will not appear unless there is a critical moment.

Xu Yangyi was silent for a moment, then softly shouted: "Mistertin."

Another spiritual consciousness rang in my mind: "Hello, monk from the East. What's the matter?"

"Are you... willing to accept me as your master?" he asked tentatively.

"NO." Mistertin answered quite simply, but immediately said: "However, until I find a more suitable master, I am willing to follow you and help you. I can feel that your Excellency is devouring something. This thing is very important to him, you'd better not disturb him. It's very inconvenient for him to take action now."

"If you help me find it, I promise that I will be by your side for a hundred years. I will do my best to assist you. This is my condition. Of course, in return for you taking me out of this dark place, I I am willing to take action on behalf of Lord Yuchang at the Tower of Babel."

"Okay." Xu Yangyi nodded. He was not so greedy that Mistertin surrendered to him. but……

a hundred years?

He smiled slightly.

Time will change many ideas.

It's a pity that even though I have two holy swords with me now, they are not recognized by the weapon spirits. However, at least the two weapon spirits promised to stay with him.

"Okay." He looked up to the front where the runes were shining, his eyes blazing. The biggest secret of the Tower of Babel...should be right in front. Everything he wanted to know, everything he had been waiting for for decades, was also there.


Before he finished speaking to Angel and Zhao Ziqi, Angel smiled slightly and stroked Zhao Ziqi's head: "What, do you want to abandon your wife and son again?"

Zhao Ziqi nodded fiercely, suddenly feeling something was wrong, and glared at Angel.

"The front is very dangerous. It may very well be... the real core of the Tower of Babel."

"I know." Angel smiled and said, "But you don't seem to know what a pure-blood vampire is."

"I promise you will never regret taking me with you. I can help you when it's crucial."

Xu Yangyi wanted to say something else, but An Qier pursed her lips and lowered her head, with a shy blush on her beautiful face: "Some people say that women are emotional creatures."

"I am used to starting from what I think and not considering objective conditions more. Although I... am a monk, I am also a woman."

"I don't want to give up. Although the objective conditions don't seem to allow it, but..."

She raised her head like a proud swan, so stubborn that she was adorable: "There is no regret option in my dictionary."

Xu Yangyi's lips moved, but finally he laughed and looked deeply into her eyes: "Have I ever told you that you are actually beautiful."

"First time!" Angel snorted and glanced at him: "You just saw it?"

"Since you don't regret it, then let's go." Xu Yangyi took her hand, shook it gently, and rushed towards Fulu Avenue.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Wait a moment. Dear Sir X."

It's Andre.

"Your Excellency X." He bowed politely: "I know that I have not gained your trust. But now, I am trying to gain your trust."

"For example... do you really think this platform is that simple?"

"What do you mean?" Zhao Ziqi tilted his head and asked.

Andre smiled and said respectfully: "Ms. Angel, if you can, I would like to ask you to confirm which sword killed Mr. Antonio."

Angel nodded, identified it carefully, and pointed at a statue: "Him."

Xu Yangyi looked over, and after a closer look, his pupils suddenly shrank.

No sword!

That statue only has the scabbard!

"Where is the sword?" Zhao Ziqi was also stunned and glanced at the statue: "This is not Odin, or even the eight heroic spirits who just left. Where is his sword?"

Andre laughed: "Of course it was pulled out."

"Who?" Xu Yangyi stopped. Who can pull away the statue's sword? Every holy sword recognizes its owner. If the holy sword does not agree, no one can take it away. And, these statues are absolutely extraordinary.

"Your Excellency, please listen to me." Andre suddenly stood up from the wheelchair. Even Xu Yangyi was stunned.

"You, can you leave?" Zhao Ziqi said in shock: "Then you..."

"I just feel comfortable in the wheelchair. Moreover, everyone knows that I use the wheelchair because of my congenital disability. I have never told anyone that I can't be cured."

"Actually, after being in charge of the Tirasong family's Nordic finances for so many years, what can't be cured?" He spoke calmly, as if he was telling someone else's story. He walked to the statue and spoke expressionlessly: "It's called Arondight. The sword of Lancelot, the first knight of King Arthur's Round Table Knights."

"In terms of level, he is far less noble than Odin. In terms of swords, Arondette is definitely not as good as the Mystertin in you. So, I have a question."

His voice had a strange inducement, but his expression was calm. He raised a finger and said, "Even Odin is only in the middle stage of the Grand Duke - oh, in terms of strength, he should be in the later stage. But..."

"This can kill Mr. Antonio, who is also in the late stage? And he is the great elf king who has lived for more than a thousand years?"

Xu Yangyi did not speak immediately.

Only he knows that Antonio is not late.

It’s Xu Ying!

A trace of Nascent Soul's power... A trace of the Bloody Moon's power of Golden Core left him no room to fight back. Can Odin kill Antonio?

It is not difficult for a supreme genius in the mid-term to kill even Dzogchen in the later stage. How about killing a virtual infant with the power of Nascent Soul?

Odin can't do it, so why should Lancelot!

"You mean..." He narrowed his eyes. The twelve statues suddenly made people feel creepy.

"Someone else came here." Andre said with certainty: "Just before us, someone else came here. It was this person who really killed Mr. Antonio!"

"And he took away Lancelot's sword from here, Arondette."

"So, here's the problem."

"Who has been here? And was able to take away the Holy Sword and kill Mr. Antonio?"

Everyone was silent.

Surprisingly... someone came before them?

No...this idea is even scarier when expanded.

Because there is no one here now.

In other words, that person not only killed Antonio, but also knew how to open the center of the Tower of Babel? This can explain why there is no one here!

Otherwise...there are air restrictions all around, where can he go?

"Evidence?" Xu Yangyi asked, rubbing his chin. This matter is of great concern. A third-party force has emerged near the center of the Tower of Babel? This may cause unimaginable variables in the final sprint.

"Of course." Andre squatted down and pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses: "You should have seen that there are countless sword marks on the ground. After the battle just now, everyone thought that these were left from past battles. Traces. I used to think so.”

"But..." He walked to Lancelot's sculpture: "Please take a look at this."

Xu Yangyi took a closer look and saw that Lancelot's right hand, the hand that was pressed on the scabbard, actually had a deep crack in the tiger's mouth.

It was as if... something extremely hard was being pulled out from this position.

He looked carefully and saw that this sculpture was located on the first right hand side in the direction of "entering the door".

"Look here again." Andre knelt down very respectfully, and accurately found one among the countless sword marks with his hand: "A platform of one thousand meters, this sword mark is more than 200 meters long. The line is directed towards the center. I I originally thought this sword mark would end here, but it doesn’t.”

He groped over inch by inch: "Just after the sword marks of more than 200 meters disappeared, there was still a white mark on the ground. It was very thin and could not be seen at all among the many sword marks."

"This is the mark of the sword dragging." Xu Yangyi said decisively: "So?"

Andre stood up with a calm face: "Can I borrow a sword?"

Xu Yangyi took out a sword and threw it over.

Andre put the sword in Lancelot's scabbard, raised his hands to show that he meant no harm, and then retreated to the road they came from. He licked his lips, and then ran at full speed.

It can be seen that he used all his spiritual power. The spiritual power of the Marquis Stage surrounded him, and even the wind was broken.

He ran to the right, and at the moment he rushed up the steps, he suddenly pulled out the sword from Lancelot's sculpture.

"Dang!" Because the action of pulling out was too violent, the exact same scar as before appeared on Lanlos' right hand!

However, he did not stop, but started running quickly.

Holding a sword in one hand, he ran at a high speed. The sword he had just drawn was unable to be raised in a hurry. Wherever he passed, an almost identical sword mark was dragged out on the ground!

"Kalara" was heard, and before the remaining power was exhausted, the long sword was raised, and a thin, almost invisible white trace was drawn on the ground.

"Choke!" Finally, he rushed to the lion relief and stabbed it with his sword.


Perfect review.

"Someone is chasing the Great Elf King." He held the sword in both hands and raised it above his head: "Although I don't know who it is. However, this should be the scene."

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