
Chapter 645: The Real Murderer (Part 2)

Xu Yangyi retracted his sword, his eyes flickering.

Actually... he could hunt down a great monk in the Void Infant Realm.

Who is it? And why?

"Do you have an answer?" Xu Yangyi said lightly.

"No, it's probably the spirit of the weapon. But that doesn't make sense. I noticed that there were no signs of fighting around. In other words..."

"An, was Mr. Antonio killed instantly?" Zhao Ziqi took a breath.

"That's right. If the spirit of the weapon didn't make a move, it was because he was afraid of Mr. Antonio. Then, after Antonio's death, he didn't make a move either. He should be waiting for the battle between us and the guardian of the first level. We have more people, so he is at a disadvantage. Only when there are fewer people, he is at an advantage, preferably one-on-one."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered: "Then why doesn't he show up now?"

"I don't know. After all, you have too much information that you didn't tell me, right?"

Xu Yangyi smiled and shook his head.

Antonio's brows moved slightly. He didn't believe that his inference was wrong. In fact, he had never made a mistake.

"Your review is correct, but there is one thing wrong." Xu Yangyi spoke solemnly. This idea just occurred to him. As soon as it occurred, his hair stood on end.

He... thought of an almost impossible possibility!

Without speaking, his aura surrounded everyone. Moreover, the aura of the Grand Duke's fighting power rose up and pressed down with one palm.

The gods are destroyed!

There was no spread. In the Grand Duke realm, the aura was as powerful as an arm. This time, he had aimed all his spiritual attacks at the pool of blood.

It was the pool of blood where Antonio died.

"Boom!!!" The whole platform trembled slightly. Andre pushed his gold-rimmed glasses. He didn't understand why Mr. X made this palm.

But... the next second, something that made everyone shudder happened!

"Squeak!!" The blood, a thumb-sized piece of meat, suddenly screamed, and it seemed to come alive, screaming and rolling in the blood on the ground.

"Fuck! What is this?!" Zhao Ziqi's eyes widened. Just as he was about to walk over, Xu Yangyi grabbed him and said in a very serious voice: "Don't go over there!"

"Stay away from that pool of blood! Don't touch a drop of it!"

His expression was very serious. Everyone followed his instructions and avoided the pool of blood. Xu Yangyi carefully formed a seal, and a piece of ice froze the piece of meat.

"It's called Taichu." Xu Yangyi's eyes swept over everyone: "Andre, how many people may have come into contact with blood just now?"

Andre thought for a while: "Grand Duke of Terror, Lord Holy Whip, Lord Sky Roar, Lord Dilis."

"Remember, in the future, as long as you are scattered, no one can be trusted." Xu Yangyi looked at the frozen fragments and said in a deep voice: "This thing devours everything, immortal and indestructible. If you touch it a little, it can completely devour you. No matter how big you are. And, it can hatch a person who is exactly the same as you. Whether it is from the aura or the appearance, you can't tell the truth from the false."

"Oh my..." Angel gasped: "Is this an alien?"

"It's more terrible than an alien. It can't be eliminated at all."

Zhao Ziqi trembled and said in a trembling voice: "So... Lord Antonio was hunted to death because he was contaminated with Taichu?"

"No, it may be more terrible than this." Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes and looked at the stage behind him. An extremely ominous premonition rose from his heart.

"More terrifying?"

"Mr. X means that the one who came here was not Mr. Antonio, but the monster called Taichu, right?" Andre looked at Lanlos's sculpture calmly: "The real Mr. Antonio was probably swallowed before entering here. In this way, I can understand why the people chasing him are so anxious. Even the sword was dragged on the ground, and they chased him desperately. It seems that the gentleman chasing him also understands the horror of Taichu."

"But, judging from this situation, it should be a cellular organism with a low IQ?"

Xu Yangyi sneered: "You are wrong."

"The most terrifying thing about it is its evolution."

"When it was just born, it was indeed not tall, but once it was swallowed, it would definitely not be stupider than a human. And this Taichu..." He pursed his lips and looked at the pool of blood.

Horrible bait!

He could imagine that when Taichu was discovered, he rushed to the steps in front of him desperately, and the people or things behind him chased him relentlessly. Taichu was killed here, but a little bit of it was left in Antonio's body.

Moreover, it was not activated during the puppet war. It... needs a carrier. A carrier to take it to other places. It is so forbearing and freed from the primitive shackles of desire. This shows... this Taichu already has extremely high wisdom!

Sky Roar threw Antonio's body down, and he was almost sure that the other party was now a dead man.

What about others?

Who else?

How many times has it evolved? How many people has it devoured? To have such wisdom?

That dark and silent pressure enveloped him like a tide.

The only lucky news is that someone came to kill Antonio who was devoured, otherwise... let Taichu enter the core of the Tower of Babel, then... I'm afraid no one here can get out.

"Keep going." After a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief and said in a deep voice.

No one spoke, and all bypassed the pool of blood and walked towards the road of light composed of talismans.

The speed was very fast, and the layers of white mist lingered around, making the surroundings look like a fairyland. But no one was willing to experience it, and they quickly moved towards the next step.

One day, and another day.

Two days passed, and the steps ahead were already within reach. However, no one was relaxed.

They might still be about 15,000 meters away, but here you can see a huge, hill-like figure quietly disappearing in the sea of ​​fog.

"The guardian of the second level?" Andre said calmly.

No one answered, and at full speed, the four people stepped on the steps soon.

This step was even bigger than the previous one, about 5,000 meters in size. And the thick fog... was even denser. Even within 5,000 meters, with the eyes of the monks, the figure of the giant beast could not be seen.

However, this was not difficult for Xu Yangyi, who had the combat power of the Grand Duke.

The spell was pinched, and a gust of wind blew away all the thick fog, and even formed a huge tornado in the center of the steps. A few minutes later, the hill-like monster finally appeared in front of him.

"This is..." Angel rubbed her eyes and said in disbelief: "Dragon?"

It is indeed a dragon.

A real dragon, a western dragon.

It is like an enlarged version of a lizard, with white bone spurs growing from its head, wings, and back. Its scales are like the highest grade obsidian, about a thousand meters long, pure black, lying here like a black diamond.

It is filled with a faint dragon's might, and all the ground around it is cracked. Even the platform seems to be cracked. Countless places are charred black, which is caused by the terrifying breath of the real dragon. Everyone can see how terrifying it was when it was alive.

But...its whole body is like a hollow skin bag, and it has shrunk completely. There is no spiritual power in its body, and it doesn't even breathe at all.

The dry eyes are deeply sunken. Although the human and the dragon are of different species, everyone can read a kind of terrible despair in each other's eyes.

It has been dead for a long time.

Everyone looked at each other.

The guardian of the second level is actually dead? And judging from the dragon's might, it probably won't be too long since he died?

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and took a step forward, leaving everyone in place. This kind of death... He already had an extremely bad premonition in his heart.

Step by step, he tried his best not to make a sound. Just as he walked behind the dragon, his eyes suddenly jumped and he cursed secretly, "Fuck!"

On the dragon's back, the wounds caused by bites formed a shocking scar of hundreds of meters. It was as if countless mouths had eaten the dragon clean!

From the wound, the dragon's insides had been eaten out long ago, and there was nothing left!

His eyes fell on the scales near the wound.

There were still traces of blood there.

"No more than fifteen days..." He withdrew his gaze solemnly: "The worst has happened..."

"I thought... Antonio's body was thrown into the endless fog sea by the roar of the sky, and Taichu was also thrown down. The main body was killed by that unknown thing on the first step... But... Now it seems that it is not the case..."

He stared at the dragon corpse: "One Taichu... has rushed into the core of the Tower of Babel. Why are they so persistent?"

"Antonio... the dragon... what has it evolved into now?"

Just as he was about to look away, he suddenly saw a flash of cold light on the dragon's back.

Flying up, it was a sword.

It was a very ordinary sword, without a trace of spiritual power. was already badly damaged. However, there was a line of English on it, which made people gasp.

The sword of Lanros, Arondette!

Pull it out from the first platform and insert it here!

A trace of spiritual thread spread out from his hand, pulling Arondette out, feeling it carefully, and before he spoke, Mistydin had already said "Huh" softly.

"How could this happen?" Xu Yangyi flashed by, and a green plant stretched out its branches and leaves, touching Alondite in shock: "This is impossible... How is this possible!"

"What?" Xu Yangyi frowned.

Misttin paused and said solemnly: "The weapon spirit is dead."

"Although Alondite is not the top among the twelve holy swords. However, its power cannot be underestimated. I can't think of anything that can completely wipe out Alondite's weapon spirit. Is it really the Taichu you mentioned? That's too scary."

Xu Yangyi didn't speak.

He thought of Asmodeus' room, where he couldn't feel the existence of any soul either.

Taichu... not only can it devour the body, but also the spirit?

If it is touched, everything from the body to the soul will disappear? There is even no chance for the spirit to escape and take over the body?

What kind of monster is this?

"Interesting." After a long while, he sneered: "I came to the Tower of Babel to unravel the last secret of my life experience and see if the battle between the Zhenwu Realm and the Earth has been preserved."

"But now, I don't know anything. I actually poked a hole in the sky. I almost understand why Quetzalcoatl brought the Tower of Babel to the void. If I guess correctly, it is to seal a monster like you?"

He closed his eyes gently.

Xu Kunlun...Zhenwu Realm...Earth...are all related to Taichu. Now everything is in darkness, but in this deep darkness, one of the lines is looming, or...the most critical line has appeared.

"All the secrets are there, right?" He looked at the huge planet behind the three steps - the main body of the Tower of Babel: "No matter what you want to hide, when the final unveiling comes, no one can hide it anymore."

"I want to see what secrets Xu Kunlun, Zhenwu Realm, Earth, Lantern Keeper, Taichu, have!"

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