
Chapter 646: Crow (I)

After adjusting his mood, he nodded to the others. Just as everyone was about to come up, Andre spoke again: "Please wait a moment."

He walked over and looked around carefully: "Sir X, have you noticed that there are no signs of fighting here?"

Zhao Ziqi shook his head: "How is it possible? There are signs of fighting everywhere."

Xu Yangyi looked carefully and nodded strangely: "Indeed."

"Look, here are all the traces of this dragon in its lifetime, whether it is claws, teeth, or dragon breath, but there are no traces of the second person."

"What does this mean?" Angel asked puzzled.

"This is a struggle." Xu Yangyi pondered and said: "This dragon was killed by Arondette, that is, the person who killed Antonio on the first step, after coming to the second step, the dragon found that he could not survive. So... let the other party kill himself."

"It also tells us that if the guardian on the third step is not overwhelmingly stronger than this dragon, it... may also become Taichu's food."

Everyone's heart sank slightly.

Such a huge real dragon could not resist Taichu's swallowing and would rather be killed.

A heavy feeling weighed on everyone's heart. Xu Yangyi looked far away and looked at the third step.

"You still have a choice."

Angel and Zhao Ziqi smiled at each other and shook their heads.

"Don't persuade me. After all, I am also a cultivator. I still understand the principle that great dangers are accompanied by great opportunities." Zhao Ziqi scratched his head: "If I am swallowed, just kill me. Anyway, there seems to be no big difference between me being alive and dead."

Angel smiled very freely: "It doesn't matter, because I can't die at all."

Andre pushed his glasses: "The meaning of my existence is to solve the biggest secret in the world. Such a big secret is in front of me. Even if you are the Grand Duke, this kind of well-intentioned persuasion makes me quite embarrassed."

Xu Yangyi nodded, said nothing more, and rushed to the third platform.

The road of talismans spread under his feet and passed through the sea of ​​clouds. There was no conversation along the way. The third step was even shorter. One day later, they were already within 5,000 meters of the third platform.

The fog was getting thicker. Within a range of 5,000 meters, they could already see a huge figure on the third step.

"Guardian." Andre pushed his glasses: "Sir X, it is very likely that it has been swallowed by Taichu."

Xu Yangyi nodded, and was about to rush up, when suddenly, in the infinite sea of ​​fog opposite, above the nine days framed by white fog, infinite golden light flashed.

"Swish, swish, swish..." A series of golden lights rushed straight to the sky. The next second, Xu Yangyi felt that all the blood in his body rushed to his head instantly.

"Swoosh!" There was no word. He would always say something to everyone before taking action in the past, but this time, he didn't react at all, and didn't even hide his aura at all. A green light like a rosy cloud pierced the vast sea of ​​fog.

In the deep sea of ​​fog, a golden eye that covered the sky suddenly shone.

That was not a real eye.

It was just an eye pattern formed by golden lines.

Judging from the shape of the black shadow, it was a giant bird. Judging from the number of eye patterns, each one grew on the other's feathers.

"Clang clang!" Without hesitation, Xu Yangyi held Yuchang in his left hand and Misteding in his right hand in the air. Two rays of light, one blue and one gold, crossed the sky. The vortex of the virtual immortal body behind him turned wildly, as if the god of death had been reborn.

"So, you are here..."

"It really took me a long time to find you..."

There was no boiling, no excitement.

The long wait turned into cold killing intent here.

Whether the other party is a guardian or Taichu, he will take the other party's head!

"Buzz!!" The sword arrived before the person arrived. Yuchang, which carried the Ten Directions' Karma Flame, burst into a deafening buzzing sound. The magic weapon itself has an amplifying effect. Now Xu Yangyi's murderous aura has reached its peak. With a sword, a huge fire dragon that spanned more than a thousand meters across the sky roared and dispersed all the white mist.

The hot wave instantly emptied all the mist, and the air around was dyed with fiery red. The clouds and smoke dissipated, revealing the huge bird in the center.

It was a crow.

It was two or three hundred meters in size, with black feathers, and each feather had a golden pattern of an eye. Facing the huge fire dragon that was crossing, its chest swelled rapidly, and suddenly a "quack!" A black flame burst out!

"Boom!" Red and black formed a river of fire in the air. Before the flames dissipated, a figure came over with a sharp sword.

"Dang!" The crow's wings blocked the sword tightly, and a spiritual power of the early Grand Duke burst out. At the same time, in front of it, Xu Yangyi's whole body of spiritual energy actually formed a sleeping plant.

"Boy!" Yuchang's voice suddenly rang out: "What's wrong with you? Are you confused? You want to kill it like this? Back off!"

"Little guy, you are not suitable for fighting now. Back off first. Mr. Yuchang can kill Odin once, but not again. Otherwise, with your early Grand Duke body bearing its fatal sword, your body will surely collapse."

However, Xu Yangyi seemed to have not heard it.

The star-like eyes under the thick eyebrows were blood red. Sisi gritted her teeth, and the hand holding the sword was clacking. She almost pressed down with all her strength, and a sentence floated out from her teeth: "Decades ago...did you go out?"

"Did you kill a couple?"

"Do you... still want to kill that child?"

"Dang!" The crow's eyes flashed fiercely, and its wings pressed hard, forcing Xu Yangyi to fly away.

Threads of black mist enveloped the crow, and in a moment, a black vortex enveloped it layer by layer. A few seconds later, an old man wearing a tattered black linen cloak, wrapping his whole body tightly, and leaning on a cane, appeared. on the platform.

His whole body was filled with an ominous aura. It was difficult to see his specific face clearly under the shadow of the black cloak. The lower half of his face was exposed, with a jagged white beard, a pockmarked lower half of his face, and a rickety body. Only about one meter six. The wooden crutch was covered with human bones, like a dying old man, limping and looking at Xu Yangyi calmly.

"Your scent is somewhat familiar to me." Its hoarse voice sounded like rusty iron sharpening a knife: "As for who I have killed..."

"Ahem..." It coughed a few times and raised the corners of its mouth slightly: "I've eaten so many people that I can't even remember..."

Before he finished speaking, endless vines spread out from the top of Mistertin. That was the green line. The giant mouths of hell swarmed towards the old man with roars.

"Boy! What are you doing!" "Even if this guy has not been exposed to spiritual power for a long time, he still has the cultivation level of the early stage of Jindan! His own realm and combat experience are definitely much higher than that of the early stage! If you go up like this, you are already in chaos. !”

Xu Yangyi couldn't hear it anymore.

He would always remember the bloody scene he saw when he returned home when he was eight years old. The golden feathers of that crow can never be forgotten. I can't forget those golden eyes.

No wonder I can’t find it outside…

It hides in the gap between virtuality and reality!

"I always thought I could calm down at any time." The two dragons merged into one, and the fire dragon, which was dozens of meters thick, roared and tore open the void. Horrible space cracks were created as the fire dragon sprinted, and sheets of ice were behind it. , freeze quickly. The intersection of ice and fire not only did not weaken the power, but actually made it stronger.

"Now, I know that no one can stay calm forever."

"No need to persuade me."

"I will kill this person!"

His body was like electricity, with countless ice crystals condensing on his side. The temperature of the whole place suddenly dropped, and the fish intestines on the right once again carried the blazing karma. Half of the entire platform was as cold as hell, and generally as hot as fire, ice and fire. The praises intertwined into two red and blue dragons, biting the old man's neck.

Kunwu's iron smelting is flying into flames and smoke, and its red light and purple energy are all impressive.

Facing the blazing ice and flames that hit his face and set off a shock wave hundreds of meters high, the old man licked his lips. In the next second, two huge crow wings covered a hundred meters like a god of death.

"Boom!!" The red, blue and black spiritual energy burst out, and they were evenly matched. However, just after the red and blue colors dissipated, the sky was instantly filled with hundreds of claw marks. A figure appeared like a god descending into the world, falling like a meteor with claw marks all over the sky.

"Crack!!" Crow Wings and Claw Marks collided head-on, neither of them flinched. Close at hand, the two faces of an old man and a young man, the sudden spiritual energy blew their beards and hair flying, and in each other's eyes, only each other was left.

Around them, circles of three-color spiritual energy twisted rapidly, forming a red, blue, and black vortex.

"Kakaka..." The sword pressed against Crow Wing, but the opponent was like the strongest shield, not destroyed at all. The old man looked at Xu Yangyi's face with a ferocious face, and said a word from between his teeth: "It's just you?"

"I thought... all the descendants of the lampkeeper were dead... so many great monks were protecting him, but the result was nothing more than this!"

"Get out of my way, old man!!"

"Boom!" The black aura surged like a demon, forcefully pushing Xu Yangyi dozens of meters away.

Xu Yangyi did not move, suppressing the almost violent hatred in his heart, and said coldly: "What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting..." The old man limped back a few steps: "Dark Feather. Back then, Hou Yi shot the sun, and it fell down for nine days. The shadows in it were incomplete and incomplete. When a young golden crow kicked, it turned into a black crow. Old man ...It was a shadow that day, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the ancestor of crows..."

"I'm not interested." Xu Yangyi spat and asked bloodthirsty: "I'll ask you again. Did you kill anyone in Yuyang City decades ago?"

"I will answer you again. Ordinary mortals, it is their luck to be devoured by me. As a son of man, you should feel lucky for them. But..." His rickety body laughed gloomily: "Yours It looks a bit familiar..."

kill! !

There was no other nonsense. This sentence made Xu Yangyi's eyes turn blood red instantly. The vortex of the Void Spirit Immortal Body behind him spun rapidly, and the sky pulled out bright light curtains in mid-air, cutting everything around the old man into neat squares.

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