
Chapter 647: Crow (II)

An Yu sneered repeatedly, and at the moment when the Sky Rift descended, he waved his hand, and an extremely old scroll unfolded in the wind.

This was not a magic weapon, and it was bound to be reduced to ashes under the Sky Rift, but Xu Yangyi took a look and forcibly stopped the Sky Rift. He suppressed the surging spiritual energy, grabbed the scroll, and flew away.

"Click... click..." An Yu limped, his cane making muffled sounds on the ground, and slowly walked towards Xu Yangyi: "Do you know why you are here?"

"Do you think it's accidental?"

"No... it's inevitable. From the moment your blood awakens... you will definitely come here." He coughed twice, and an abnormal smile appeared on his distorted face: "This is the law of the world of no return, the great way of the world, you cannot violate it."

"Do you know... any cultivator who cultivates to the golden elixir will see his own "cause and effect", and when he reaches the Nascent Soul, he will see the source of cause and effect. You are not the golden elixir, you are still one step away. Once you cultivate to the golden elixir, you will see..."

The pupils in the old man's dim eyes shrank.

In his eyes, there was a green silk thread on Xu Yangyi's head, which was vague but very tough. All the way...

Connected to the center of the entire earth!

"See... your cause and effect, and the world of no return have been together for a long time."

Xu Yangyi did not speak.

He held the scroll in his trembling hands. It was very old and even crumbled at the touch of a finger, but... there were names written on it.

"Xu Yuansen." "Xu Feng." "Xu Shouyi." "Xu Zijing."

Under each name, there was a bloody handprint. I wonder how long this scroll was.

"Is this... the genealogy of the Xu family?" he asked in a hoarse voice.

No wonder he was excited.

This is the source of a person, the root of a person.

It is also the real big secret of the Xu family, the light keeper.

"Yes, they are all dead." An Yu sneered and said, "Do you know why?"

"You don't know, because I smelled the breath of another person on you. In your Xu family, there was a cowardly lantern keeper who ran away. He wanted to protect you, so..." He shrugged his nose: "This is the smell of the God-conferring Knot... Hehe... I understand, so that's how it is. He thought that he escaped a disaster, so he could let you escape a disaster too. It's a pity... You can't escape the fate of the world of no return..."

"What are you talking about?!" Xu Yangyi raised his sword, and the tip of the sword hummed.

"You don't know?" An Yu coughed like he had tuberculosis, and laughed: "It's normal. If you don't know, I'll tell you. I've been waiting for you here for too long... more than a thousand years... finally the lamp keeper has arrived."

Xu Yangyi temporarily suppressed the murderous intent in his heart and said coldly: "Speak."

An Yu pointed to the sphere hidden in the layers of white mist hundreds of thousands of meters behind him: "There is a lamp there."

"Its name is the world-connecting lamp."

"Once it lights up, all the lamps in the world under the upper realm will light up at the same time."

"Don't say you don't know the lies of the upper realm, I will be very disappointed... Do you know what this means? This means that all the worlds will know each other's location at this moment."

Andre suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashing.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhao Ziqi asked in surprise.

"No..." Andre narrowed his eyes: "It's just a premonition... We may have heard the biggest secret on earth."

An Yu panted and sneered: "At the same time, the path to ascension will be completely opened, and it is here. Listen carefully, it is called the World Light, and the lightkeeper has been guarding this light for generations."

"The light is lit once every 1,400 years, and then there will be a war of all realms that lasts for more than 500 years. A total of nearly 2,000 years... Each realm will choose their opponents and fight to the death. The Tower of Babel is nothing but the base for placing this lamp! This lamp is at the top of the Tower of Babel. And the price of lighting it is..." He smiled: "Your life."

"The life of the lightkeeper, there is no other way to light the World Light. Do you understand?"

Xu Yangyi only felt that the world in front of him was changing.

He thought of a lot.

He suddenly understood what Xiao Qing meant.

"I will remember that a young lightkeeper came here."

At that time, she knew that she would not come out after coming here?

"For the cultivators of the entire earth, you sacrificed your life, isn't it great?" The old man sneered: "Are you willing?"

Xu Yangyi looked at him coldly, his attitude said it all.

The old man smiled knowingly: "Yes... You don't want to, no one does. After all the hard work of cultivating to this day, who is willing to selflessly dedicate everything? But, it's not up to you at all!"

"Do you know that Xu Kunlun has a total of 10,000 worlds under its jurisdiction, and only the strongest cultivators can ascend? Do you know... once the light is on, all the worlds must choose one world, and only the victorious world can keep the world-connecting lamp? The other worlds will definitely regard the earth as a thorn in their eyes."

"Not only the earth, at the moment the light is on, the entire lower world will become a sea of ​​fire. The great cultivators of each world will come out in full force and launch a devastating attack on another world. This is what Xu Kunlun calls the selection competition-the war of all worlds. The cruelest and bloodiest in history, a huge poison pot in which countless worlds have disappeared."

"However, all the monks are attracted by the temptation of ascension, so almost all of them voluntarily participate in this killing field. By then, those arrogant upper-world monks and super sects will come to all major worlds, and from this poison basin Select the most powerful monk."

"This is the true face of the Tower of Babel."

"And you are destined to die here."

"This is never a treasure chest or a cemetery, but a lighthouse. If you don't kill me, I will kill your lighthouse. Earth monks gather here to resist foreign enemies, all because this light will definitely be lit. "


Everyone on the scene was stunned.

The old man said it very clearly, and they have figured out the cause and effect.

"Link the spiritual consciousness between me and Mr. X." Andre suddenly said calmly. Zhao Ziqi was still immersed in huge shock. It took a few seconds to react: "Huh?"

"Link spiritual consciousness, the fastest speed. I know you can. Your Excellency X has closed the spiritual consciousness channel with me."

"Okay, you want to..."

Andre's eyes sparkled: "I have a few questions."

"If the answers to these questions are true, then..." He looked at the old man with a sneer: "First, he made up a beautiful lie."

"Second, I already know his identity."

Zhao Ziqi was stunned for a second and was about to scream, but Angel covered his mouth.

"Is it possible?" Angel asked in a deep voice.

"This guy has probably stayed here for thousands of years to think about these words, right?" Andre pushed up his glasses: "Sometimes, you have to prove something. For people who think about it for too long, there is an easier way. "

"It's so can't even imagine it."

He took a deep look at Xu Yangyi: "As for whether you can understand it or not, it depends on your understanding."

At the same time, Xu Yangyi asked Yuchang and Mistertin in a deep voice: "Is what he... said true?"


After a long time, Yuchang said: "The world-opening lantern is real. The lantern keeper...even I don't know. If I know, why do I need to say that I will accompany you to the same realm?"

"I don't know either. This is probably the biggest secret on earth, the key and price of ascension. This kind of thing... I'm afraid only a handful of ancient cultivators on earth know about it."

The old man twirled his beard, watched Xu Yangyi's expression, and said carefully: "This is the so-called upper realm. It never cares about the life and death of the lower realm, only for its own development."

"In this upper realm, just for the chance of those idiots ascending, you have to lose the life of a genius. Is it worth it?"

"No one will remember you. The monks on earth are hiding the existence of the lampkeeper. You will never go to the upper world. Are you willing to practice till today?"


After a long time, An Yu said in an extremely seductive voice: "So, I have a proposal."

"You don't want to die, and no one has any obligation to exchange your desire for ascension for your life. You are innocent, but since you entered the Tower of Babel and it sensed your aura, the weapon spirit has revived. , it will guide you step by step there.”

"Each generation of lamp keepers will go to the top. This is a scam. From the moment the weapon spirit wakes up, the earth's world-connecting lamp is activated, just waiting for you to light it with your life. After hundreds of years of flight, it lasts for five years. A war of more than a hundred years will begin. However, we have a way not to do this."

Xu Yangyi raised his brows quietly and moved his ears slightly, but An Yu didn't notice it.

"any solution?"

"Kill the weapon spirit." An Yu gritted his teeth and said, "It's inside... Kill him. The upper world is not just Xukunlun, it's not even the upper world that was shattered in Nanzhanbuzhou! I also know that there are other upper realms A passage... completely different from the upper realms of Nanzhanbuzhou, another upper realm."

"They are more powerful, and they will never use this method of raising gu to kill each other. Only you can enter that door and light up the world-connecting lamp, which is the moment when the spiritual power of the weapon spirit disappears. Kill it and end the earth. Destiny for thousands of years!”

"What?!" Yuchang and Mistertin said simultaneously: "This is impossible!"

However, Xu Yangyi has cut off contact with them.

The whole place was silent and you could hear a pin drop.

Xu Yangyi felt extremely complicated. He never expected that the so-called lampkeeper actually meant this.

Is this his fate?

He wants to dedicate everything he has to ascending? Or even life?

I...everything from my ancestors disappeared because of the fate of this damn lampkeeper?


He would never be such a holy mother!

"I have a few questions." He looked at An Yu with eyes full of murderous intent, but with a hint of complexity: "I want to know whether what you said is true or false, you must answer me as quickly as possible."

"Of course." An Yu smiled with emotion: "You and I are on the same side. I survived the last war of all realms, and there is no way that this kind of battle will happen again!"

Xu Yangyi nodded noncommittally, and his speech speed suddenly increased: "Is the realm of the upper realm applicable to all realms?"

"That's right." An Yu said leisurely: "They are all universal. Even this realm is determined by them."

"There are immortals in the upper world?" Xu Yangyi spoke faster: "Answer immediately! Don't think about it! Otherwise we can't cooperate!"

An Yu kept up the speed unconsciously: "Nothing."

"How many people are there in the upper world?"

"I don't know. It is speculated that the land size may be more than ten times the size of the Earth, and the population should be about dozens of times the Earth's."

"What is the highest realm? How many realms can you cultivate?"

"The highest realm is eight realms in the upper realm, and the highest realm is four realms on Earth!"

Xu Yangyi asked questions faster. If the other party remembered these things clearly, he would definitely answer them fluently. He wanted to rely on this simplest method to verify: "All the worlds have to participate in the war? How many sects are there in total? How many sects will come from the upper realm?"

"I don't know! There will be seven major sects in the upper realm!"

"Are there immortals on Earth?" He didn't give the other party time to react at all.


After asking this question, Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly flashed. He took a long breath, and his eyes were murderous: "Andre."

"Yes." Andre half-knelt on the ground respectfully: "What instructions does Mr. X have?"

"This seat... I start to trust you now."

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