
Chapter 648: Crow (Part 3)

Andre pushed his glasses: "That's because Mr. X's IQ has reached that level, otherwise, these questions are useless."

"From the beginning, I was thinking, if the upper world can really create the world, what does the creator god need to do?"

He mocked Anyu: "It's a pity that there are at least several skeletons of demon gods hidden in the Tower of Babel. I saw several of them. These are all gods of creation. The most important sentence is the first sentence, whether the upper and lower realms are universal. As long as the answer is yes, you..."

He took a step back: "Just a stupid liar. Used a clumsy trick."

Opposite, Anyu was completely stagnant.


The world's martial arts can only be broken by speed.

Xu Yangyi led his speed, and in such a fast question and answer, a simplest paradox appeared.

"If there are immortals on earth and there are no immortals in the upper world, why should the earth obey the orders of the upper world!"

Yuchang raised his head and pointed directly at Anyu's throat.

"If there are immortals on earth, why should we admire their ascension?"

"Who are you?"

An Yu's face turned pale, and after a few seconds, he suddenly roared towards the sky!

"This is impossible!!"

"I have considered every possible situation for so long! How could it be... How could it be..."

How could it be, he couldn't say anything more.

How could it be exposed so quickly! ?

In just a few words, he exposed what he had been thinking about for so long!

But it's not over yet.

"If you read more criminal investigation books now, you won't use such an old-fashioned method." Andre pushed his glasses: "In addition, I think about it, there is only one thing that can know these things so clearly..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi had already rushed out like lightning.

It's been too long...

His murderous intent has filled his whole body like a wild horse, and now his sword-holding hand is shaking slightly.

From the beginning, no matter what the other party knew or said, he was doomed to die if he killed his parents who raised him for eight years and let him embark on another life trajectory.

Suppressing the boiling killing intent in his heart, Zhao Ziqi connected with his spiritual consciousness, and Andre's words dispelled the last trace of his worries. He used the simplest method to expose the other party's lies.

Even if the Xu family has always been the worshiper of the earth.

Even if Xu Kunlun raises Gu and starts the war of all realms.

Then... what does it have to do with you killing my parents!

Just to let me awaken the blood of the light keeper? Go in and be the last bait for you? Open the "door" that you can't enter?

The sword light was like a rainbow, Yuchang, Misty Ting also felt the surging killing intent in his heart. Yuchang was stunned, felt it carefully, and almost exclaimed.

This is... a telepathic connection!

The mind is in harmony!

"This kid..." He was stunned for only a moment. The next second, all the fish intestines that could be used at the Jindan level burst out, and he still couldn't believe it and muttered to himself: "Within a hundred years... he can merge with me once... This... is simply unbelievable for me..."

Whether he couldn't believe it or not, with the full burst of the Jindan-level fish intestines, Xu Yangyi looked more like a demon god than Anyu. A sword came from the west, flying through the air, and endless black fog surged behind him like a tide. The figure of the fish intestine spirit wrapped him in it, and stabbed Anyu with an unstoppable killing breath.

"Swish!" The black fog condensed into the shape of a spirit, merged with Xu Yangyi's figure, and brought up a murderous aura. Wherever it passed, the void collapsed inch by inch, and the ground was humming.

"Living soul!" Anyu closed and pulled his hands, and a group of whistling dead spirits appeared between his hands. Not only that, the dead spirits on all sides of the platform all whistled over.

He looked at Xu Yangyi with unspeakable resentment. After thinking for so long, he was defeated in three seconds. Even he couldn't accept this loud slap in the face.

"Shame on you!"

"If you don't accept my toast, you'll be punished... Then, taking you half-dead over there is my last resort!"

"Boom!!!" The huge explosion shook the platform. Xu Yangyi stabbed the defensive wall formed by the ghost with a sword. The face of the other party, who made him want to eat him alive, was staring at him behind the defensive wall.

"Kill!" The two swords danced with green and black light, and endless sword shadows suddenly appeared in the void. The other party was also not slow, and a black sea-like tide appeared almost at the same time. The hands of the two people were almost invisible, and only the sound of rain hitting the pipa could be heard.

The ground around them was shattered in an instant, and a huge shock wave spread outward! The white fog in a radius of thousands of miles was instantly cleared. Even a circle of white fog was formed, spraying wildly towards the outside!

The three people at the door of the platform immediately saw a barrier of clouds and fog from where they were, rushing out like a tidal wave.

"MYGOD..." Andre pushed his glasses, and the next second, he immediately pressed Zhao Ziqi and Angel, who were stunned, to the ground. Then, there was a loud "boom", and it was like an atomic bomb explosion on their backs! An unknown level of huge wind pressure passed over their heads. When they stood up, they could only see the white mist behind them.

On the platform, the two thousand meters of vacuum space was already crisscrossed with sword marks, and there was no intact place!

The two grand dukes, exerted their full strength in the head-on collision, and neither of them retreated.

"That's it?"

The murderous intent in Anyu's eyes surged, and with every swing of his crutches, the black light emitted a heart-shaking hissing. Although seemingly fragile, the blue and black double swords could not break through. Yuchang, Mistin did not make a move, and the opponent did not reveal a flaw. Now is not the time to make a move.

"You want revenge?" The negotiation broke down, and he was too lazy to even pretend his last face. He sneered: "In order to find the remaining Xu family, I traveled all over the world and finally found you, a dead leftover, in Yuyang City."

"They are not your biological parents, why do you have to pretend to be desperate? It's just disgusting."

"What if I kill them in my incarnation? What if I eat them? You are just ordinary people, you deserve to die!"

The hidden murderous intent burst out from Xu Yangyi's body without any concealment. This person must die!

He didn't have time to listen to what Andre said. He only knew that if he continued to hide, he would be ashamed of his cultivation.

"Dang!!" The two separated as soon as they touched each other. An Yu sneered, "Young man, you still dare to call yourself a cultivator?"

"Aren't you just a pair of adulterers who raised you for eight years? A mere eight years is so short in the eyes of cultivators like us. What we pursue is the supreme heavenly way. We still covet the secular world after practicing to the golden elixir. You should thank me for cutting off your worldly ties. Hehehe... What a pity, the meat slices of your adoptive parents were so delicious back then."

Xu Yangyi retreated a hundred meters without any pause. The night he would never forget was turned over bloodily. His eyes were blood red, and turned into green light and rushed up again.

"Too young, a fool who was blinded by bored anger..." An Yu sneered and slapped his hands on the ground.

"Boom boom boom" black light surged from the ground, surrounding Xu Yangyi in an instant.

"Dangdangdang!" Just as the black light appeared, a lush green light suddenly burst out from Mistydin's body. The power of the parasitic tree sword burst out in full force. Without waiting for Xu Yangyi's command, a piece of tree armor had already wrapped his whole body. It exuded rich spiritual power. Almost at the same time, all the black light hit Xu Yangyi, and with a muffled groan, he was knocked thousands of meters away.

"Are you crazy!!" Yuchang scolded in his mind without any hesitation: "In any battle, you must be calm! No matter how dangerous it is, it is a dance on the edge of a knife. If Mistindin hadn't been here, you would have died just now!"

"You... disappoint me so much!"

"What's wrong with you?" Mistindin was also very unhappy: "I think we are not familiar enough to threaten me with your own danger."

Xu Yangyi seemed to calm down a little, gently wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, pointed the tip of the sword directly at Anyu opposite, and said in a hoarse and trembling voice: "I am eight years old."

"It, kill my whole family."

"If you don't want to stand with me, I respect your choice."

"But, this is how I take revenge."


Death-like silence.

After a long time, Yuchang said: "Then, you can rest assured to kill back."

Xu Yangyi nodded and said hoarsely: "Thank you."

Very strong...

He looked at the other party deeply, the enemy was right in front of him, him, although he was in the early stage of Jindan, he was far superior to the same level.

"Sure enough..." He let out a long breath: "I can't even touch you with ordinary magical powers."

"Then... try this?"

"Boom!!" Before he finished speaking, the green spiritual energy of his whole body burst out, and a huge plant shadow appeared behind him. Although it was just a shadow, it carried a murderous aura and arrogance that made people tremble.

"Burn life span?" Misteding and Yuchang were stunned for a moment, and then they exclaimed in surprise.

They didn't expect Xu Yangyi to be so determined.

Burning life span is something that any Marquis cultivator can master automatically. The Qi training period does not have this qualification, and the hundred-year life span is prohibited from burning by the rules of heaven and earth. But the foundation-building breakthrough of the heaven and man limit can use life in exchange for temporary improvement.

Of course, this comparison is very unequal. Twenty years can only be exchanged for an hour of spiritual power enhancement. About 30%. No one would do this unless it was absolutely necessary.

They guessed the other party's revenge, but they definitely didn't guess that the other party was willing to pay such a price and directly dragged into a life-and-death battle at the beginning.

An Yu's eyes finally became serious.

Very strong... Very strong...

Don't look at him relaxed, he knows his realm, he has experienced countless battles, such rich combat experience, can tie with the monk in front of him, the other party's cultivation time is definitely not more than a hundred years. Such qualifications are called demons.

He lost consciousness for a moment, and the next second, a circle of fiery runes surged under his feet, each of which swallowed and spit out the meaning of death.

"Apocalypse... The Fifth Eclipse!"

An Yu took a deep breath, this move made him feel tricky. But what's more tricky is that the opponent's two spiritual treasures are just like poisonous snakes constantly spying on his weaknesses. The most terrible thing is that he can feel that as long as he reveals a flaw, the next is the fatal blow of these two spiritual treasures!

"But... this move wants to kill me, you are too naive!" His voice has changed, from weak to rude and powerful, and his whole body began to swell: "Burn your life? I... I'll show you what a real demon body is!"

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