
Chapter 649: Crow (IV)

Karala... his joints cracked, black light emerged from his body, and the black linen clothes turned into black air. However, just when the fifth eclipse of Apocalypse was about to explode and Anyu was about to turn into a crow. Suddenly, the world was quiet.

A sudden silence.

Then... a terrifying aura that made people tremble, like a landslide and tsunami, came from above.

The monks were so sensitive to the outside world, and everyone immediately looked at the source. The magical powers of both sides were interrupted.

That was not silence.

But... just within a second, the sound here was wiped out.

Any sound.

The low hum of the fog, the heartbeat of the people, the explosion of the magical power, everything, was wiped out.

On a platform, Lawrence was infusing a seed in front of him with holy light, and suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky in disbelief.

On the other side, Sky Roar's half body had disappeared, spitting blood, running fast, behind him, a large black shadow approached, at this moment, he trembled, and in his last glance, he saw a shocking picture.

All the grand dukes who were still alive looked at the sky in extreme shock. There... the scroll of hell... finally, it was in full bloom.

"This is..." Zhao Ziqi stared blankly at the top, Angel, Andre, no exception, even Yuchang and Mistydin, were completely stunned.

Anyu's face was stunned for a moment, and then it turned into a boiling ecstasy!

Right above their heads.

That huge planet-like thing opened layer by layer.

Like a soft and graceful flower.

Layer by layer, layer by layer of color, all the spliced ​​rooms turned into one side of the circular Rubik's Cube, and at this moment, it opened quietly and silently.

The main body of the Tower of Babel was so huge that... when these "petals" were in full bloom, they actually brought about a terrifying wind pressure. All the dense white fog disappeared piece by piece under this huge gale.


Tower of Babel.

At the same time, outside the atmosphere, a golden light suddenly burst out from the top of the tower!

At this moment, the entire earth, whether it was day or night, in the black and white clouds, was filled with a holy golden glow.

"Buzz...Buzz..." It was like a beacon that wanted to light up completely, but it didn't light up completely, attracting something unknown.

Xiaoqing, Taguler, Covenus, the Pope... countless people on the earth looked up at the sky.

"There is only one last step..."

At this moment, the golden light flashed and suddenly fluttered.

"What's going on?" Xiaoqing frowned, bit her lips tightly, and tried her best to sense. After a long time, a cold snort. The entire boundless green lotus pond exploded.

Water splashed all over the sky, like a violent storm. She stood quietly at the bottom of the pool, gritting her teeth and said, "The seal has not been broken... I still can't get out..."

"But... it will be soon... that is, the last two hundred years."

"The war is coming."

The Tower of Babel, the sea of ​​clouds and mist.

No one spoke.

If the blooming of the Tower of Babel just now was shocking. But now the next scene is simply enough to make people's hair stand on end!

There is a disgusting layer of flesh on each petal!

The threads are so intertwined that the Tower of Babel, which was originally a tool, actually showed a trace of biologicalization.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi suddenly clenched his fist: "Taichu..."

"It... is actually devouring the body of the Tower of Babel?"

"Hahaha!!!" A burst of laughter broke out from Anyu, his hunched body trembled, covering his face, and laughed like crazy: "How many years... How many years?"

"I have been locked up in this dark place... How many years have I been?"

"Today, I can finally see the light of day!"

"Oh, no..." His blood-red eyes appeared from between his fingers, and they were covered with a familiar yellow light: "Almost..."

"As long as I take you over and light up the world lamp... I... can leave the origin and really go to a wider hunting area..."

"Buzz buzz buzz!" At this moment, all platforms and all talisman roads trembled together.

Rays of light rose from the bottom of the clouds, extremely bright and dazzling, like a sword, rushing straight into the sky!

However... all these lights were black.

The next second, from the Tower of Babel in the sky, endless black fog rushed down from the petals that opened layer by layer, like a 100-level tsunami, instantly shrouding the entire world in darkness.

"Ka Ka Ka..." All platforms trembled violently. Xu Yangyi was stunned, turned around and shouted: "Come here!!"

Then, his figure was like lightning, rushing towards the Talisman Road at full speed.

"I didn't agree, you also want to leave?!" A gloomy voice came from behind. It was An Yu, but it was completely different.

This voice... seemed to have merged the voices of countless people, becoming distorted and terrifying, and instantly making people have goosebumps.

An Yu followed like a shadow, his body twisted in an incredible change, and grabbed Xu Yangyi's vest.

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, did not dodge, and went faster.

Because... the entire rune road was shaking more and more strongly. Even a "ka Ka" sound rang from all platforms.

The world is collapsing...

The final appearance of the Tower of Babel may be about to appear.

"Don't let him catch you." Suddenly, Andre's voice appeared calmly: " Taichu."


Xu Yangyi's mind was shocked, and in an instant, he understood what Andre had not finished saying before.

Yes...who else knows so much inside information except Taichu?

He has devoured Asmodeus, devoured Shangguanhong, devoured monks who may be on other platforms now, and invaded the Tower of Babel...

Has it... evolved to this point?

How many days has it been?

"No!" He immediately removed all his spiritual power and fell to the ground weighing a thousand pounds. He suddenly raised his head and looked up at the sky: "He... wants to use the war of all realms to get to Kunlun, the ruins!!!"

This is the true purpose of Taichu!

He suddenly remembered that the Heavenly Tribulation had said that for the Taichu people, the earth was their origin. If such monsters were to overrun the earth, the earth would have been destroyed long ago. The only explanation is that they have a last resort reason and cannot devour the earth at all.

And now...a perfect opportunity was placed in front of them. As long as the lantern keeper lights up the world-connecting lantern and the war between worlds begins, it can return to the upper world!

Before he could finish his thoughts, his pupils shrank suddenly.

In the sky, An Yu's figure remained unchanged, and the target he was going to was clearly in the direction of Andre.

"Little bastard..." His eyes were full of fierceness: "Others can't die!!"

"How dare you!!" At this moment, he could no longer care about anything else. Xu Yangyi, who was already absolutely safe, unexpectedly rushed forward again. Yuchang and Mistertin shouted in unison: "No!!"

"At the beginning...if it's what you said, don't touch it!" "Boy, are you going to leave me with no heirs?!"


If you give up like this, this is definitely not Xu Yangyi's way.

As he said, he doesn't have many friends, but every one of them will never give up. And he would never let Taichu leave.

"Boom!!" His whole body's life span was burning, adding another level. He was literally faster than lightning! In an instant, he caught up with the figure in front of him.

However, thirty years for one hour has changed to forty years.

"Are you willing to die?!!!" Yuchang couldn't help shouting angrily: "It's irrational! I've misjudged you!"

After saying this, infinite golden light finally lit up above the fish intestines.

Angry, he was very angry. A monk who had not yet recognized his Lord actually refused to listen to advice again and again!

The danger is extremely high. If it is really Taichu, there is only a glimmer of danger. The wire rope broke as soon as it was stretched, he really dared to climb on it!

However, amid the anger, there was also a hint of admiration.

This kind of momentum, even though tens of thousands of people have died, is truly heroic.

No matter what the realm is.

Therefore, now was definitely not the opportunity to launch a killing move. Xu Yangyi's body could not withstand the impact of the killing move at all. He also took the initiative to protect Xu Yangyi and suppressed his spiritual power to a range that Xu Yangyi could accept.

"Don't worry." Andre pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses and said calmly: "It's planning to escape."

"Your Excellency

"Here, something is tracking it. Thinking back to the death of Mr. Antonio on the first step. He is chasing you and not letting you go to the upper world. And he knows the entire Tower of Babel well. I only think there is one person... …”

"That's the weapon spirit."

"The weapon spirit of the Tower of Babel itself. Maybe I can call it... Quetzalcoatl."

At the same time, a little blue light flashed out among the layers of black mist.

An Yu's eyes suddenly paused, without saying a word, and turned into a piece of gray-white light, shooting directly at the Tower of Babel itself.

"Junior, I will spare your lives this time. You... have no way to retreat, and sooner or later you will reach the top of the tower! I... will be waiting for you on that final battlefield!"

But, he didn't leave.

As Shouyuan burned, Xu Yangyi's figure was like electricity, and he stood in front of him in an instant, looking at him with blood-red eyes.

"Want to leave?"

"Kill people to pay debts and pay back money. Today..." His swords raised a chilling aura: "Only one person can get out!"

"That's definitely not you."

At this moment, there was a "rumbling" sound from all directions.

Countless platforms collapsed in all directions, leaving only a kilometer distance in the center. Countless building fragments fell into the endless darkness below.

It's like the galaxy is collapsing.

The Tower of Babel has begun to completely collapse due to the devouring of Taichu.

The final destination will soon appear in front of everyone's eyes.

Everyone... still alive.

Or inhuman.

"Bastard..." Taichu's whole body was trembling. He had evolved to this point... and fell into the hands of these juniors. He couldn't bear it...

But, one step later, that terrifying existence will come!

It... the moment it learned of its resurrection, it fully activated the Tower of Babel, capturing itself bit by bit.

"Get out..." His voice trembled, and then he yelled crazily: "Get out!! Get out of here!!"

"Trash like you... are worthy of standing in front of me?! So what if I kill the parents who gave birth to a bastard like you?! They are just mortals, you can kill them if you want. What's so strange about slaughtering dogs and chickens!! If a person wants to eat a chicken, will he still ask if the pig is happy? In just eight years, you have been fighting against this lonely man and a prostitute!"

“If you don’t get out of here… I will bury you with the weapon spirit!!”

No answer.

What answered him was the two swords with green figures, bringing a whirlwind of ice and fire in the endless darkness.


There is one missing chapter after 644 or 643, and it has been added now. If readers find that there are missing chapters, please notify me. After all, I am bad at math and often make mistakes…

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