
Chapter 650: Lanterns of All Worlds (I)

"You don't know whether to live or die..." An Yu's whole body trembled, and all the heads on the crutches flashed together. A black light condensed into a huge vortex in front of An Yu. As the three-color spiritual energy flashed, the terrifying spiritual power shock wave formed a huge vortex on the platform. Everything around, even the platform fragments that seemed to collapse and fall, were all rolled up in the air and surging.

"That white bastard..." Taichu's eyes flickered. He originally thought that the biggest threat was the young lantern keeper in front of him. However... I didn't expect there was another one: "You are so smart that you are close to a demon. Not only did you see what I said, but you also read my thoughts of leaving in the next step... Now... you even judged that I dare not show my true body!"

He looked calmly at the main body of the Tower of Babel, which had begun to become biological. A blue light flashed on the top. It knew too well how terrifying that thing was.

As long as it was discovered, all clones were sealed, without exception.

An Yu turned around and looked at Xu Yangyi like a cannibal: "Boy... You should know that I am immortal. And you have a limited lifespan. Let's see how long you can burn?"

"Why do you have to fight me so hard? You..."

"What are you afraid of?" Xu Yangyi suddenly said.

"What?" An Yu was stunned for a moment, then sneered and was about to speak. Xu Yangyi's second sentence sounded: "If you are not afraid, why don't you show your true self?"

"Why, you seemed tough just now, but in fact you are strong on the outside but weak on the inside?"

An Yu was stunned.

After a few seconds, he laughed up to the sky: "Hahaha! I am strong on the outside but weak on the inside? You are just a human, a low-level creature who is not even worthy of licking my shoes. You actually said that I am strong on the outside but weak on the inside? You..."

"One move."

Before he finished speaking, a calm voice stopped his laughter. He raised his head and looked at Xu Yangyi as if he didn't recognize him.

"One move." Xu Yangyi repeated it once, raised the tip of the sword, and pointed it directly at Anyu's brow: "I want you to pay with your life."

Anyu looked at Xu Yangyi in astonishment for a long time, and laughed coldly: "Humans... are indeed arrogant and ignorant lowly life forms."

Before he finished speaking, a sword light suddenly flashed in the sky, and it was so powerful that it even made the surrounding darkness pale. It was like the first light in the initial chaos, illuminating the entire night.

It is extreme.

It is pure.

It is cold determination and faith. Just like a lake in winter, it seems calm, but under the ice is surging and boiling ice water. It is also like a blazing flame that will burn anyone who touches it.

Decades of blood feuds are all in this sword.

An Yu's sneer suddenly stopped, his pupils suddenly widened, and at the critical moment, he roared: "Ten thousand crows return to their clan!"

"Dang!" A dazzling light lit up in front of his eyes, and the next second, the protective wall in front of him, which was like condensed feathers of ten thousand crows, shattered.

"Puff!" With a sound, his head suddenly raised backwards, and then he covered his eyebrows with his hands in disbelief, and his dim old eyes were full of shock.

There was a touch of bright red in his hand.

And a small scar in the middle of his eyebrows actually made blood flow down his nose.

"This is..." His pupils jumped, and he looked at the young figure in the air in surprise: "Shenhe?"

The murderous aura on the other party was completely restrained. No, not just murderous aura, but all the aura seemed to have stopped. Standing in the air like a stone sculpture, holding the fish intestines in his hand, and endless black air behind him rose to the sky.

Murderous aura.

Murderous aura that was pure to the extreme.

That was the purest killing intent, with no distractions, only wanting his life.

God fusion, the cultivator and the spirit of the weapon merge into one. In this state, the cultivator can exert 100% of the power of the spiritual treasure!

It may not happen once in a hundred years or a thousand years. Once the god merges, no matter what realm, the spirit of the weapon can exert 100% of the power!

"Bastard..." After a moment of unconsciousness, his whole body swelled up rapidly, and his face became extremely ferocious: "A mere spiritual treasure, a humble spirit of the weapon, a lowly little cultivator, want to kill me?!"

His voice echoed on the platform like a giant: "I am Taichu!"

"The most perfect life form!"

With a sharp "quack", a 200-meter crow appeared in the abyss of the black fog, and the golden eyes on each feather looked at the young man opposite who made the entire platform tremble: "Shame on you... let You go away, if you don't go away...then, die here! ! "

"Like your lowly parents! Kneel at my feet and beg! Hahaha...Do you know what they said before they died? They actually asked me to let you go? Hahahaha! Idiot! Stupid mortal, but the flesh is the ultimate delicacy!"

"One move? !"

"Hahaha! Ridiculous! Arrogant!"

"Sha..." Xu Yangyi's hand clenched the hilt of the sword. This sentence did not make him more angry, because his killing intent had reached its peak, but the sword in his hand was getting hotter and hotter.

Just now, it was just a sword beam, and the sword was not stabbed out.

"Kneel before perfection! Mortal!" In the crazy laughter, two golden claws landed, huge wings spread, and in the black air, a thousand-meter-long golden crow figure was formed, looking down at the ant below, holding the sword with both hands, and the clothes and hair on his body were blown fiercely, but Xu Yangyi did not raise his head at all.

"Golden Crow... Eclipse!!!"

"Boom, boom, boom!" A wave of majesty erupted from the golden giant claw, and a wind pressure like a Category 12 typhoon blew out. When the golden giant claw fell, the space was shattered layer by layer. However, Xu Yangyi still refused to dodge.

"Potato!" "Brother!" "Your Excellency X." Three voices sounded almost at the same time. Within the sight of the three people, golden elixir-level pressure swept across the entire place. Circles of shock waves were layered upon mountains. The man in the center was like smoke. Generally small.

"Rumble..." Golden light shrouded the top of his head, and the ground beneath his feet was shattering. Xu Yangyi gently raised his hand.

This feeling is very strange. It is clear that the huge tornado in front of me is overwhelming, stirring up the wind and clouds in all directions, but my nerves are extremely calm.

The heart is like still water.

Everything in the past few decades flashed before my eyes like a revolving lantern, and too much sadness and emotion came to my heart together, forming an indescribable, cold and boiling murderous intention. The too strong killing intent made him return to a kind of original chaos, purity, and the original nothingness.

"Is this..." Mistertin asked Yuchang in surprise: "A complete divine union?"

He sensed a call from Xu Yangyi, the fish intestine holder. Moreover, this call was pleasant, something he was willing to do, and something he couldn't resist.

A sword.

"All..." Xu Yangyi said softly. The shock wave that destroyed the world had reached fifty meters above his head, like an atomic bomb pouring backwards. In the light, An Yu's ferocious face was already visible.

At the same time, in the fish intestines, Qi Ling gently closed his eyes and said lightly: "All..."

The fish intestines in his hand waved out a critical and heart-stirring arc.



An extremely silent sword.

"Current call! Mortal!!" An Yu looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. The next second, his laughter stopped abruptly.

At the scene, An Qier, Zhao Ziqi, and except Andre, who had missing facial nerves, all covered their mouths.


Everything on the platform fell, within tens of thousands of meters, following the flowing sword just now. Everything stops.

No... not only that, all the falling things, the picture of the planet collapsing, with Xu Yangyi as the center, a circle of invisible ripples spread hundreds of meters... kilometers... ten thousand meters! !

A full distance of fifty thousand meters!

They... were resurfacing in front of everyone's shocked eyes, heading towards all the collapsed platforms within 50,000 meters, and regrouping!

Mistertin's weapon spirit looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. He knew that Yuguang was very strong, but he never thought that the top ten holy swords of China would be so strong!

"This is...the initial erasure...complete disappearance...this is...the magical power of time and space, returning people to the most primitive 'nothingness.'"

An Yu was so shocked that alarm bells almost rang in her mind!

"Die!!!" His spiritual power exploded again, and even formed a tornado with a radius of 800 meters on the spot, shouting crazily: "Die! Die! You bastard! You inferior beings! Kneel down in front of me. Come on!"

However, all the golden light was shattered above Xu Yangyi's head.

Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Kill!!"

Jiu, the sea is calm, killing is the killing of the storm!

Two word exit.

Kill them all!

He pulled hard with all his strength, and a blood-red crack appeared in the void, ten hundred meters...five hundred meters away! In less than half a second, a 500-meter crack in the void suddenly appeared above An Yu's head.

At the same time, the green and white spiritual energy all over An Yu's body was crazily swallowed by the cracks in the sky. It only stayed for a second, and then immediately screamed: "No...impossible! This is impossible!!"

As he screamed, his whole body exploded suddenly, and infinite gray-white Taichu spewed out from his body like a tide. First, it illusoryly took on his appearance, then, it turned into the appearance of a giant dragon, and then, it turned into Shangguan. Hong... In the next ten seconds, dozens of forms kept changing, and the whole body... shrank crazily!

"This is..." Angel looked at the scene in front of him in shock. Andre pushed up his glasses: "The sword of Mr.

"This... is to completely cut off the other party's life. Let the other party return to the beginning."

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!!!!" The spiritual energy was sucked into the blood-red cracks. An Yu had already let out the scream of the beginning. His whole body seemed to be absorbed by a vacuum cleaner, turning into black spiritual energy and rushing up to the sky. His eyes were red, and he shouted hoarsely: "How could this happen... How could the Golden Core realm deliver such a blow?!"

"I am already the strongest life form! The most perfect life form! How could I lose to this lowly life form?!"

"I'm not convinced...I'm not willing to give in!!"

However, no matter how unwilling he was, it was useless. His body became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a piece of Taichu as big as a football, with countless golden eyes staring at Xu Yangyi.

All the organisms absorbed by the body were stripped away.

This is the original form of Taichu.

"I remember your aura, boy..." The gray-white object said hoarsely: "I will report your story to the master in full..."

"Brush!" Before he finished speaking, a golden sword curtain appeared on him without any warning. The speed of his right hand was so fast that it was almost invisible, and the golden sword screen flickered like a dragon and a phoenix, shining in every square inch. The speed was so fast that it seemed like the entire space was trembling.

“Swoosh.” He drew his sword and put it away, as if in just one second. One second later, he looked at Taichu’s figure quietly: “One move is done.”

Taichu’s golden eyes were emotionless, and he spoke with infinite resentment: “Miscellaneous…”

“Sand…” Before he finished speaking, Taichu turned into a pile of flying ash and completely disappeared in the air.

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