
Chapter 651: Lanterns of All Worlds (Part 2)


Completely wiped out.

"What... happened?" Zhao Ziqi said with lingering fear.

"It should be vibrating the sword body at a speed that cannot be seen by the eyes, probably more than a million times in one second, killing all the Taichu smaller and smaller, and finally it is so small that it can no longer be divided." Andre pushed his glasses and said lightly.

"Is this... possible?" Angel murmured.

"Maybe." Andre looked at Xu Yangyi, and everyone followed his gaze and found that... Xu Yangyi's right hand suddenly spurted out countless blood.

This speed is definitely not what he can control now. The body can't bear it at all. Now, the horrible sequelae are beginning to spread.

"How is it?" Angel rushed up immediately.

Without answering, she fell into a broad embrace in the next second.

She was stunned, and then felt the other party's body trembling slightly. Her eyes trembled slightly, and she also hugged the other party gently with her backhand.

"It's over." Her voice was very gentle. She patted the other person's back slowly, felt the other person's trembling body, and warmed the other person with her heart: "It's all over, you have avenged..."

The shoulder, where the other person's head rested, was slightly wet.

She understood the other person's mood.

Decades of blood feuds were avenged in one day, and decades of burdens were put down in an instant. That kind of spiritual relief, the joy of killing the enemy with one's own hands, even an iron man would probably shed tears now.

Xu Yangyi hugged Angel quietly, feeling the warmth of this moment. Everything in front of him was blurred. He had imagined this day many times. When it really came, the accumulation of decades of feelings suddenly broke out, which caught him off guard.

After a long time, he raised his head and showed a hearty smile that he had never had before: "Thank you."

"Your hand?" Angel looked at his hand and picked up the hand that could no longer be seen as a hand without hesitation. Bones were pierced everywhere, and the whole hand had completely collapsed because of using too many moves beyond the realm.

"Boy..." At this moment, Yu Chang's figure appeared again, looking at Xu Yangyi with a very complicated expression, wanting to say something, and finally said: "Do you... know what happened just now?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head.

That was a sword from the heart.

He couldn't use it again.

Yu Chang hesitated, and sighed for a long time: "Have a good rest."

His figure disappeared, and Mistytin asked Yu Chang tentatively: "You...listed him as a candidate?"

"He is already in the candidate sequence. It's just...I didn't expect that he could be completely in harmony with me. The purest killing intention just now can't be fake." Yu Chang said in a complicated way: "Any weapon spirit will choose a cultivator who can be completely in harmony with himself. This state may occur once in a hundred years, even five hundred years, or even a lifetime. My killing way and fearless courage were originally inherited by very few people. Who would have thought..."

He sighed with emotion and didn't speak.

"Boom boom..." At this moment, after a sword, all the platforms collapsed again, but strangely, the talisman road was not affected at all. In the center of each platform, something was rising up.

"It's going to collapse here." Andre came over, pushed his glasses and said, "But, looking at the trend of the talisman road, the platform should not collapse. The last gate of the Tower of Babel, according to Anyu, is just behind here. Sir X, do you still want to go?"

He glanced at Xu Yangyi's hand, and Angel suddenly said, "Do you believe me?"

"Of course." Xu Yangyi endured the severe pain in his hand, and blood dripped onto the ground in a line. He smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

Angel nodded: "Anyone bitten by a vampire will Become a vampire. However, there is only one exception. "

"That is a pure-blooded vampire. A pure-blooded vampire is not a fighting type of blood clan. It... is a resurrection type."

"I can control the elements of the blood clan from entering your body, and repair all your injuries." Angel raised two fingers: "This is the first innate magical power of a pure-blooded vampire."

Xu Yangyi smiled and pulled open his collar: "Please."

However, Angel did not bite his neck, but kissed him on the mouth. He blinked his eyes, but did not push away.

The passionate deep kiss, a slight tingling feeling came from his lips, and then his hand began to recover quickly like magic.

A few seconds later, Angel left, smiling at his intact right hand. Xu Yangyi touched his lips and smiled bitterly: "I didn't know that the vampires had this method of sucking blood."

"Just a little reward for thinking you were very handsome just now." Angel tilted her head and rolled a strand of her golden hair with her fingers: "You treat your parents like this, you must be good to your lover. I believe my eyes."

Just then, a red light flashed on the platform, and then something soared into the sky.

With a violent vibration, Xu Yangyi immediately wrapped everyone in his aura. Right in front of them, a crystal clear red crystal roared up from underground.

Breaking through the surface, sand and rocks flew, Zhao Ziqi took a breath and pointed in all directions: "You, look!"

Not only their platform, but all platforms have this kind of crystal pillar. The top of the pillar is all concave, and it seems that there is a solid body like a candle next to it. Some are high, some are low, the difference is that some crystal pillars have a blazing flame of hundreds of meters on the top, while some have been extinguished. In some cases, the crystal pillars seem to have never been lit.

The piercing roar resounded through the sky, and after more than ten minutes, countless crystal pillars stood around them.

It was like the vast universe, with all the worlds standing tall.

"What on earth is this?" Zhao Ziqi walked up and touched it lightly: "I don't feel anything... this..."

"This is the hanging lamp of all the worlds." Xu Yangyi and Andre spoke almost at the same time, and Andre immediately took a step back respectfully. Xu Yangyi said: "From the beginning, I was surprised that this trial is called the Lantern of Ten Thousand Worlds, but it has nothing to do with it. I never thought that the ancient cultivators would do such an unreasonable action."

"Where are the Ten Thousand Worlds? Where is the lamp? If this is a battlefield, it is possible to mislead the enemy. But this is the fortress of the earth. What misleading is needed for our own people?"

"Seeing this, I finally understood..." His eyes swept through the space as dark as the universe. Where his eyes were, a candle flickered and thousands of platforms shone: "This is the real Lantern of Ten Thousand Worlds."

Angel looked at everything around with emotion: "So... the Tower of Babel ends here?"

"No." As soon as she finished speaking, Xu Yangyi hadn't spoken yet, and a magnificent voice suddenly sounded from the air.

Without any hesitation, the Ten Directions Karma Flame roared and rushed to the place where the voice sounded. However, a black vortex appeared there, sucking everything in, leaving no Karma Flame.

In the dark void, a pale blue light flashed, and finally, it turned into a person as tall as a person, covered with fog, and surrounded by a human figure, but inside were countless stars shining, and connected by silver-white spiritual lines to form a star map.

"Young lightkeeper."

"You are finally here."

His voice was ethereal and quiet, as if a beacon in the vast universe: "I... have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Swish..." When he appeared, there was no sign. After he appeared, blue dim lights gathered on him from all directions.

He had no spiritual energy, no realm, only this body constructed by a star map.

"Who are you?"

"Stargazer Algalon." The blue figure said lightly: "Perhaps, I have another name on Earth. You can call me... Stargazer Wukong."

Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his head and looked at the other party with a fiery gaze.

"Observe..." was then erased.

He suddenly thought of the five words that were erased on the core.

That... must be the real core of this great secret that spans more than 100,000 years. The real inside story of Shangguan Hong, Shen Chenyang, Earth, Xu Kunlun, and Zhenwu Realm.

At this moment, he was sure that the few words that were erased in the middle were the stargazer Wukong!

"What's wrong with you? A cultivator from the lower realm?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head: "A cultivator from the lower realm? So, are you from the upper realm?"

"Yes." The stargazer said lightly: "I... came to the world of no return a long, long time ago, which is what you call the earth. I quietly watched it change bit by bit."

"Then why are you here?"

"Because I smell some enemies. Don't be nervous, I'm not talking about you." The stargazer scanned everything around him: "What do you think this is?"

He turned around and faced the void that was like the vast universe, with candles shining one by one. Without waiting for their answer, he said calmly: "This is the Southern Continent."

"Here is the star map of the ten thousand worlds under the Southern Continent."


No one spoke. The Tower of Babel, the Zhenwu Realm, the Earth... The secret was finally revealed, and no one would disturb him.

The stargazer opened his arms: "The seven upper realms have 10,000 worlds under them. All the worlds with bright candles are worlds with high-level cultivation civilizations. Or... there have been high-level cultivation civilizations. The dim ones are the worlds with declining cultivation and small worlds. The unlit ones are the worlds without cultivation civilizations. You see, this plane, this universe, is very big and boundless."

Xu Yangyi looked around. Now, there were about six or seven hundred particularly bright candles, and four or five thousand dim ones.

"Where is the Zhenwu Realm?"

The stargazer raised his finger: "Where you are is one of the great worlds, the realm of no return. There..."

A blue light spread from his finger, and then broke through the void 100,000 meters, and came to the other side of the earth behind the Tower of Babel: "There, is the Zhenwu Realm."

Where the blue light fell, a ball of fire that was larger and hotter than the earth was burning.

"One hundred and seventy light years away."

"An equally powerful or even more powerful great world. Cultivating civilization and adhering to ancient ideas, it is the top ten most powerful great worlds among the six hundred and thirty-seven great worlds."

"However, I didn't come here to tell you this."

His eyes fell on Xu Yangyi: "Come on, enter the final end. Everything you want to know is there."

"I...will wait for you there too."

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