
Chapter 652: Lanterns of All Worlds (Part 3)

Swish... As the stargazer finished his words, his figure finally turned into blue light and disappeared.

There was silence at the scene.

Looking around, there was a vast void like smoke, with thousands of lights shining. Xu Yangyi watched all this. Suddenly he said: "Andre."

"I'm here." Andre bowed immediately.

"I'll tell you a story. Listen carefully." He looked at the starry sky and said lightly without looking back: "Angel, Ziqi, just treat it as a joke."

He calmed down, and no one disturbed him. Although Angel was a little dissatisfied - she thought that there was nothing to hide between husband and wife, but Zhao Ziqi shook his head and pulled her away who was quite dissatisfied.

The three of them listened quietly to him telling everything after entering the tower. Now, after all, it was the final destination, and he didn't plan to hide it. Everything, including his own speculation, was told to everyone.

Except for the passage seen in the core of the Illusion, that passage was too important.


Everyone was shocked by this explosive news.

This is a reshaping of the worldview that has been overturned. They knew about the small world, but they never thought that the earth was the lower world of other upper worlds!

Moreover... a war of all worlds that will sweep the two worlds is about to strike. Who will be spared by then?

How long can the prosperity and glory of the earth stand?

No one answered, even Andre was silent.

"However, some clues after entering the Tower of Babel cannot be put down."

He paused, he did not say exactly.

It should be... these seemingly normal appearances, with no chance for Taichu to appear, hide something incredible.

This is not evidence, but intuition. Yin Jiu of the Xianxu Dynasty mentioned Taichu, and "Xiahou", who had never met, named Taichu. Even Shangguan Hong, the prime minister of the Zhenwu Realm, contacted Shen Chenyang about Taichu. Now, Taichu has directly threatened the Tower of Babel, and the person who appeared in the Tower of Babel is the stargazer Algaron, or Wukong, which completely exploded this line.

The explosion was full of sparks, but it was hidden under the calm and deep water.

"If it is Taichu, your premonition is correct." Andre raised his head and pushed his glasses naturally: "For a thing, we should not look at its performance, but its inner meaning. If... all the people involved in this matter are related to it, then there will always be something that cannot be hidden leaking out."

Xu Yangyi nodded.

Taichu... everything can be connected to it, connected to the upper world, the lower world, and the opponent's world, as if it is pervasive like air! But it can be unrelated to everything, is this possible? !

He didn't believe it.

There must be a bottomless and even completely subversive secret buried underneath!

"Actually, this is very simple, you forgot one thing..." Even Andre's voice became solemn at this moment: "Why did this war form?"

"Why did the upper seven realms use this method of selecting Gu to decide the ascension?"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed suddenly.

After a long time, he took a deep breath and looked at Andre with burning eyes: "The seven realms are fighting a terrible enemy together. This enemy..."

"It's Taichu." Andre took it affirmatively, as if he saw a leopard with prey, licking his lips: "At least, Taichu has enough reasons to stand in this story. Isn't it? Maybe..."

He looked at Xu Yangyi respectfully: "Do you have any other news?"

Xu Yangyi thought about it and decided to trust Andre, and said in a deep voice: "Taichu is called the origin of the earth. The seven realms have records. The earth is not destroyed, and Taichu is not destroyed."

Andre's face, which has not changed for thousands of years, finally showed a slight fluctuation-although it was not serious, it was the only time he had so far.

He squatted down with a flickering look in his eyes, and wrote something softly on the ground, muttering: "Seven Realms... Primordial Beginning... Origin Land..."

Ten minutes later, he stood up and said coldly: "So, do you still remember when we pierced through An Yu?"

"The realm of the Earth is the same as the realm of the Upper Realm. In other words... there are immortals on Earth, but there are no immortals in the Upper Realm, which should be a higher plane than the Upper Realm. Why is it that the Upper Realm is ruling the Earth now?"

Xu Yangyi's mind flashed, as if he had caught something, but after thinking carefully, there was nothing.

"I have a bold hypothesis." Andre said in a deep voice: "If the Seven Realms, facing such a huge threat as Taichu, discovered the Earth of the Origin. Without knowing why, if you were the leader of the Seven Realms, what would you do?"

Xu Yangyi said affirmatively: "Destroy it."

"That's right! It's here!" Andre finally got excited for the first time. Although his facial nerve disorder could not express a trace of emotion, his voice was slightly trembling for the first time: "The Earth now seems to be unable to compete with the Upper Realm. But the Earth still exists. Why?"

"The Upper Realm... has a reason why it cannot destroy the Earth!"

He and Xu Yangyi looked at each other and said at the same time: "The Earth... has immortals!"

"Not now, but in the past!" Xu Yangyi also stood up. This line was finally explored a little: "Yes, if I were the leader, the Earth must be destroyed! Only when the Earth was stronger than Xu Kunlun at that time, this was the reason why they could not do it and the Earth still existed!"

"And the war of all realms is probably their invisible test." Andre narrowed his eyes: "They are testing something... they are afraid of something, they have to protect the earth, the Zhenwu Realm... is their first sharp knife, testing the earth to see if the thing they are afraid of still exists..."

"This thing that makes the upper realm afraid is probably... the real secret of Taichu! It is also the beginning of all things on the earth called the origin of the land!"

The wind blew quietly from the platform.

No one spoke.

The two of them quickly uncovered the truth of the matter like peeling silk from a cocoon, and one mystery after another was broken, leaving only the last, the biggest and most mysterious one.

Xu Yangyi looked at the void around him and walked towards the road behind the steps without hesitation.

"You want to go?" Angel walked up and looked him in the eye: "If what the old man said just now is correct, if you go... you will probably die."

"That's not the case." Andre interrupted him: "Sir X... now there is at least a 30% chance of survival."

"Tower of Babel, too much time has passed, and after a fierce battle, no one can guarantee whether the lamp is intact. This is the first. The world lamp, whether it is turned on actively or passively, has a 50% chance each, this is the second. The third..." He pushed his glasses and pointed at the main body of the Tower of Babel: "Ms. Angel, do you think... the world lamp can really work now?"

The entire main body of the Tower of Babel has been devoured to the point of being completely devoured, and fleshy tentacles have even spread over it. Between all the petals, there are pieces of terrifying flesh membranes connected, and there are even a few places where huge spheres protrude, as if eyes are about to open.

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and rushed forward without hesitation.

The end of his life is inside.

Not to mention 30%, 20%, he would give it a try.

The ancestor of the Xu family lit the lamp. If he didn't go and take a look, he would feel uneasy and his thoughts would not flow.

He didn't want himself or anyone else to go down this road again. If there is really a destiny, then break this reincarnation!

As for whether to ascend or not...

Why should I use my life to be the Holy Mother?

More importantly, if there are immortals on earth, there is only this way to ascend?

"Hey, wait a minute!" Angel and the others followed immediately. Andre hesitated for a moment and followed.

Walking through countless lighthouses, walking on the talisman road in the void. The third platform is not far from the huge sphere. On a straight road network, one day later, all four people stood in front of the Tower of Babel.

From here, it seems to be standing on the side of the planet, and the "petals" are opened one by one, which can only make people sigh at its hugeness.

"You guys..." Xu Yangyi stopped walking, and before he finished, Angel's eyebrows were raised: "Are you annoying?"

"You go in alone, and there is no one to collect the bodies! I bet that no pure-blooded vampires have ever entered here, otherwise, it is impossible that no one will come out." She proudly puffed out her chest: "Don't worry, as long as I go in with you, I guarantee that you will not die!"

"So, this is a T, a healer, and a DPS rhythm?" Zhao Ziqi made a joke to liven up the atmosphere, but found that everyone's eyes were fixed on him.

"I don't think you are qualified for the job of a DPS." Andre said calmly.

"It's tiring to be a DPS." Angel also laughed: "You have to be a nanny."

Zhao Ziqi's face turned red with anger, but he couldn't refute it.

"Since it's your decision, I won't say anything." Xu Yangyi smiled, looked at everyone, and said in a deep voice: "Take care of yourself."

Then, everyone looked forward.

The corrosion did not reach the bottom. In fact, the huge volume of the Tower of Babel is now only the surface of the upper part.

Just in front of them, a shining blue magic circle was engraved on the fourth platform. It was a hundred meters wide.

"Group teleportation magic circle. What a luxury." Xu Yangyi was the first to stand on the magic circle.

"Buzz buzz buzz..." A blue light that reached the sky lit up, and everyone's eyes were hazy.

After the familiar dizziness, Xu Yangyi was the first to open his eyes. They were already standing in a corridor.

This was a very tall corridor, a hundred meters high, built in the style of ancient China, with carved beams and painted buildings, magnificent and golden, and almost no different from the ancient imperial palace.

On both sides of them, towering figures, also tens of meters high, stood on both sides of the fifty-meter-wide corridor in pairs, with high weapons in their hands, forming a cross in the sky.

Just under their feet, the five or six-meter-high ancient palace lanterns were still shining faintly for many years, telling the former glory and majesty of this place, but the faces of the people were nowhere to be seen, and the peach blossoms still smiled in the spring breeze.

Thousands of years later, there is no one here anymore, but one can still imagine how bustling it was back then, with ancient cultivators of Earth being escorted through such a magnificent hall, as if the emperor was here.

Today, the carved railings and jade bricks should still be there, but their appearance has changed. Only the thousand-year-old lights tell of its former prosperity.

"Is this... really the center of the Tower of Babel?" Angel whispered, "It's too quiet."

"It's precisely because it's quiet that it must be the core of the center." Andre said lightly, "Because... if someone attacks here, the Earth would probably have fallen. There's no need to guard here."

"We are now on the road to the final destination."

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