
Chapter 653: The End (I)

It was quiet, with only the sound of four people walking quietly in the endless corridor.

It was quiet, so quiet that it was scary. The loneliness of the dark corridor lingered in everyone's heart. The invisible oppression from the deep darkness made everyone seem relaxed, but their nerves were already tense.

"Wait." After walking about a few hundred meters, Xu Yangyi raised his hand to signal. Although the voice was very light, it still spread in the long and empty dark corridor.

Everyone stopped, and he flew to the walls on both sides of the corridor and observed carefully.

"Are there any problems?" Andre was also puzzled. In his eyes, this wall was magnificent and golden, just like the most gorgeous palace he had ever seen in China.

It's just that it's a cold palace.

"There's something wrong with this wall." Xu Yangyi put his hand on the wall, and as he input spiritual power, the wall actually emitted blue light: "A magic array that can be seen at a glance by a Grand Duke, but cannot be sensed by those below the Grand Duke. It's not covered up, so it shouldn't be a secret."

As the spiritual energy was input, the wall began to shine from here to the opposite side, and then continued to spread out. Half an hour later, a blue ocean that could not be seen had formed here.

Countless murals, lifelike, seemed to come alive under the floating blue light. The hundred-meter-high, endless wall actually revealed an unspeakable majesty in the blue light.

"Is this... a certain emperor of China?" Andre pushed his glasses, pondered for a moment and asked: "This should be the famous burning of books and burying of scholars, is this Qin Shihuang?"

On the wall in front of them, the blue light outlined a bloody pattern. A domineering man in a tall crown and gorgeous clothes waved his hand, and countless books and scholars in long gowns were pushed into the fire pit in the endless pit in front of him. Under the floating blue light, it seemed to come alive, becoming a tragedy on earth.

"Why is there Qin Shihuang here?" Zhao Ziqi suddenly became alert when he reached his specialized field: "Is this the tomb of Qin Shihuang?"

"No." Xu Yangyi searched the mural inch by inch: "This must be the field of cultivators. Qin Shihuang must not be a cultivator, otherwise there would not be Xu Fu seeking immortals. But, because of this, why would there be a burning of books and burying of scholars in the field of cultivators? Such a specific mural?"

"Not only that, this place is set up so that only the Grand Duke is qualified to light up... Can I think that the worst realm here in the past were all Grand Dukes?" Andre said.

Zhao Ziqi looked at the endless corridor and couldn't help shaking.

Are you kidding?

This place can accommodate at least a few thousand Grand Dukes. Was the ancient Earth... so powerful?

"What are you still looking at?" Andre asked, "Sir X, I don't think there is any problem with this mural."

Xu Yangyi turned around and said, "It's just that there was a secret realm once, and because of the mural, the final form changed, and it became a habit. Let's go."

Several people continued to move forward.

It was still the story of burning books and burying Confucian scholars, which was very long. After about a hundred meters, a new image finally appeared.

All kinds of immortals.

"Is this... the Three Pure Ones?" Zhao Ziqi finally played the role of DPS, standing on the mural, and counting them one by one with great interest: "Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun, Taiqing Daode Tianzun... This is... um... Nuwa Niangniang? This is Gonggong? This is the four great beasts?"

Slowly, a mural almost swept all the characters in Chinese mythology, whether it was Buddhism or Taoism, as for Confucianism, it was mentioned without gods, and it stretched for hundreds of meters again.

Xu Yangyi and Andre frowned at the same time.


I always feel... something is unnatural.

However, they didn't speak and continued to move forward.

The mural of the gods and goddesses is more than 300 meters long. After 300 meters, the mural changes again.

Unlike before, this is not a complete mural, but a collection of countless murals.

One by one, scholars are writing furiously on their desks. In their pens, familiar Chinese gods and goddesses, who are the gods in the mural just now, fly up from their pens on auspicious clouds. Under a tree, an old man is shaking a fan, and gods and goddesses are riding on clouds and floating out of them. There are also Taoist temples and private schools, and different gods and goddesses float out.

And their costumes are obviously older than the Qin Dynasty. Some people are even wearing the costumes of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties.

"This... myth?" Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and he finally understood what was wrong just now.

The order is wrong.

"This is a flashback." His hand gently passed over the mural: "Describe how the myth was spread."

However, the next picture made them frown even deeper.

The people in the picture were even before the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and had even entered the tribal era.

Because they were not wearing clothes, but animal skins. They looked like mature humans.

This wall of light was also composed of countless fragmented pictures. These ancestors wearing animal skins went up the mountain and encountered a huge python. Some clans worshiped the sun. Some tribes worshiped the moon. All kinds of creatures in the world, except "humans", began to be worshiped.

And they also began to discuss how humans were born. How air was produced. Some supreme gods such as Pangu began to appear in their mouths.

"This must be the process of the creation of Chinese myths!" Zhao Ziqi said confidently: "The creation of gods is the worship of some unknown object. Only then did faith begin to appear, and only with faith did gods appear. These three This mural undoubtedly tells us the process of the creation of Chinese mythology, from worshiping objects to forming myths..."

"In the end, Qin Shihuang burned books and harassed scholars?" Xu Yangyi pondered: "Why did it end with this set of murals?"

Zhao Ziqi scratched his head: "I don't know... before the Qin Dynasty... there was only Confucianism... Could it be that Confucianism was destroyed by Qin Shihuang, which cut off the myth? No... Now Taoist myths are also deeply rooted in people's hearts, and There was no Taoism in the Qin Shihuang era. The Taoist ancestor Zhang Daoling was from the Han Dynasty..."

No one had an answer, so they moved on.

However, the fourth mural completely stopped everyone in their tracks.

"What the hell is this!" Angel frowned: "It's so ugly!"

Andre and Zhao Ziqi had a solemn expression on their faces. Right in front of them, the mural was clearer, and on this mural was the earth.

In the sky over the entire earth, an extremely strange-looking clay doll sat cross-legged in the void, and countless people on the earth were worshiping it.

It was very ugly and could be seen to be a woman. The plump breasts, plump butt, thick figure, and huge belly are far from the current aesthetic standards.

Regardless of Europe, America, or Asia, everyone is worshiping this statue.

"What is this?" Xu Yangyi couldn't help asking.

"This is... the Great Mother Goddess." Zhao Ziqi took a deep breath, no longer feeling relaxed: "Strange... so strange! Why does the Great Mother Goddess appear?"

"What is the Great Mother?"

Zhao Ziqi thought for a while and said: "In the early days of the formation of clans, it was actually a maternal society, and fertile women were the foundation of the clan. Therefore, the Great Mother Goddess is the symbol of almost every clan. This is called a maternal clan. . After that, there is the current fatherly clan.”

"According to the timeline, the Great Mother Goddess is indeed before the Chinese mythology, or even thousands of years ago, tens of thousands of years. Mr. It has evolved to this point," Andre said, pointing to the mural.

Xu Yangyi pondered: "What does this mean?"

Surprisingly, this time Andre and Zhao Ziqi looked at each other and both shook their heads: "I don't know."

"I have a guess, but I'm not completely sure yet." Andre frowned and said, "Burning books and humiliating scholars... myths and legends... the Great Mother Goddess... If you are right, the next mural should be the totem worship of the previous one. "

That's right.

After they continued walking a few hundred meters, what appeared was a mural of totem worship.

These are already called late Homo sapiens. They wear animal skins that barely cover their bodies. They are grateful for the fire, water, light, fruits and other things they have discovered. They worship on the ground and have great respect for the sun in the sky. Each clan set up its own totem, some of which were fire and some of which were water. In the late period, the wise people gathered around the fire and began to sing and dance.

In this mural, the earth appears for the first time.

At this time, the earth is still connected.

The Strait of Gibraltar, which connects the Middle East to Europe and the United States, is still a huge piece of land, far from the thin slit it is now. Africa and West Asia, Russia and the United States are all connected by land. In other words, you can now reach anywhere else from anywhere on earth.

"Isn't this... the Tower of Babel built in the Han Dynasty? More than 1,400 years ago... how do people on earth know the face of the earth?"

Everyone was stunned. Such a detailed map was comparable to today's satellite maps. This was absolutely impossible to achieve more than a thousand years ago!

"I roughly know what this is..." Andre pushed up his glasses and said deeply: "If my guess is right, the mural in front has no meaning. And what we just walked through is not some Chinese myth. History. It is the history of the development of the world, but it is expressed from a Chinese perspective."

"God system?"

"It's the faction of gods. How it came into being on the earth. Regarding this, it is a long proposition. The development of human beings starts from the early Homo sapiens, the middle period, all the way to the late period. In the middle period, wisdom enlightenment begins to worship totems. . Homo sapiens began to worship fertility in the later period. This was the era of the Great Mother God, and all the myths of the earth began to be enlightened from these eras. "

"The Chinese divine system was actually relatively complete before the Qin Dynasty. However, after the Qin Dynasty, it was immediately discontinued. Burning books and entrapping Confucian scholars had a lot to do with it. Too many things recording these were burned..."

"Wait a minute." Angel rubbed her brows: "What does burning books and burying scholars have to do with myths and legends?"

Andre said calmly: "Because, in history, burning books and entrapping Confucian scholars is not the entrapment and killing of Confucian scholars."

"It's the way of trapping and killing. In your words, it's an ancient cultivator."

"A total of four hundred and sixty people were buried alive in Xianyang."

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