
Chapter 654: The End (Part 2)

"In the thirty-fifth year of Qin Shihuang, that is, 212 BC, after the alchemists Lu Sheng, Hou Sheng and others failed to seek immortality on behalf of Qin Shihuang, they privately discussed Qin Shihuang's life, governance, and various aspects of his quest for immortality, and then carried a giant to seek immortality. Zi fled. Qin Shihuang was furious when he found out, so he turned his anger on the alchemists and ordered a search and interrogation in the capital, and 460 people were captured and buried alive. "

"These people are definitely not big monks. At most, they are some little guys who are not even marquis. I'm afraid the earl has just started." Andre said in a deep voice: "However, it is precisely because of these people that the spread of the word can spread among various countries. At that time, the spiritual world and the mortal world were completely disconnected, so this massacre was a catastrophe, which directly broke the foundation of the mythology."

"And the Tower of Babel is where all the monks on earth gather. It's normal to have this kind of authentic myths and legends. This is a place where gods gather, and there is no problem with using mythology as the background decoration."

He thought about it for a while and then said: "If I guessed correctly, there should be more than one such corridor, there should be several. As Mr. Devil. If China, as a great spiritual country, has a cloister, Catholicism, Islam, and even our Nordic and Greek divine families should have these."

Xu Yangyi was still a little unwilling: "It's just decoration?"

"I can be sure and sure." Andre said categorically: "And the murals in the future should have no meaning. I speculate that they are about the powerful martial arts and powerful realms of those legendary immortals and gods. For the memory of future generations, because I can say with 100% certainty that mythology has come to an end when it comes to the period of totem worship.”

Xu Yangyi clicked his tongue. After Danxia Palace, he was very concerned about these little things. Zhao Ziqi is right. In the exploration of secret realms, often an inconspicuous detail can determine the final life or death.

After bouncing on the wall with regret, everyone continued to move forward.

Sure enough, this mural is very long, more than a thousand meters long. But... just after walking a thousand meters, everyone gasped.

"This is impossible." Andre's eyes were blazing, his face remained unchanged for thousands of years, and even his voice did not fluctuate. However, his clenched hands were full of sweat.

"What...what's going on?" Zhao Ziqi was also completely stunned, looking at the blue light behind him in shock. Even Xu Yangyi and An Qier next to him felt deeply confused.

It’s not over yet…

After totem worship, it’s not over yet!

besides! !

"Impossible... this is impossible." Andre's expression did not change, but his voice was a little awkward. Although his facial nerves were paralyzed, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead: "I... I guessed wrong?"

"How is it possible...the pantheon...doesn't it exist before totem worship? Before totem worship...there still exists?"

This time, an entire planet appeared.

All the land is completely different from what it is now. If it weren't for the general outline, it would be almost impossible to believe that this is the earth.

This time, for the first time, words appeared.

"This is... oracle bone inscriptions? No... it's much simpler than oracle bone inscriptions... I bet that there has never been this kind of writing in Chinese history!" Zhao Ziqi flew up and read word for word: "But, and ancient seal script It’s almost the same, although it’s a little difficult to identify, it’s understandable.”

Andre didn't recognize him at all now, no one is perfect. He took out a snow-white silk scarf and wiped his sweaty face: "What does it say?"

"Fifty thousand years ago...50,000 years ago?" Zhao Ziqi tried hard to identify, and suddenly he was stunned: "Fifty thousand years ago?!"

"What's wrong?" Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice.

"This, this..." Zhao Ziqi was trembling all over: "This... this is the time when Homo sapiens transitioned from the middle to the late stage!!"

"This is also recognized in the world as the initial stage of the formation of faith!!"

"Don't talk nonsense." Andre was obviously a little out of his mind, as if the shock of hearing this secret was not as big as his miscalculation. He pursed his lips and said: "Continue."

Zhao Ziqi nodded: "Africa...Eye of the Sahara..."

Isn't it the Tower of Babel?

Everyone's pupils shrank slightly, and they all had a premonition that they might see something unbelievable next.

Zhao Ziqi tried hard to identify it for a while, then shook his head: "Brother, it seems that my spiritual power is not enough. I saw that there are many ravine-like things in Africa up here. Can you... enter some more?"

Without saying a word, Xu Yangyi immediately input his spiritual power, and in an instant, the wall hundreds of meters away shone brightly. At the location of the Eye of Sahara, a giant tower with no end visible on the map, made entirely of light, suddenly appeared!

Tall and majestic, it exudes an air of inviolability. Standing majestically at the Eye of the Sahara.

"Tower of Babel?" Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and immediately flew up, stroking the traces of the tower in shock: "How is it possible... that is to say... the Tower of Babel stood in the Sahara 50,000 years ago? Eyes?"

Wasn't it built after Constantine donated the soil?

Who lied?

"It's unbelievable..." Andre pushed up his glasses and said in a deep voice: "But, Your Excellency, let me remind you that this... is just the beginning..."

Everyone looked at it, and it was different from the previous ones. This was a dynamic picture, filled with spiritual energy, and then the picture flashed. The infused aura builds a person on the wall.


More than just people!

Nine-tailed foxes, demons, dwarves, goblins, oriental dragons, humans... only a few thousand people walked out of the tower. And most of them were Chinese monks, species.

"Noah's Ark?" Xu Yangyi's eyes became more and more solemn. He couldn't think of the possibility of fake images here. If it is true...

Then, doesn't it mean... the Tower of Babel is the real cradle of mankind?

All species walked out of the Tower of Babel? !

How is this possible! !

"Keep watching..." Andre's voice trembled. This overturned people's worldview.

On the screen, all people turned into spiritual energy and began to spread from the Tower of Babel to the whole world, first Africa, then the Middle East... Asia, Europe... No one was left behind! Even the Americas, which is now connected to Russia, were not spared.

"Is this... the great migration of mankind?" Xu Yangyi said solemnly: "Most people now agree that the origin of mankind originated in Africa. Then it spread to the whole world?"

"No... it's more serious than this... I understand! I understand why!" Andre's chest was heaving violently, and he gritted his teeth and said: "This is... the inheritance of myths!"

"It tells us that before Homo sapiens, there were people on the earth! I think these are not people, they are ancient cultivators! Real, ancient great cultivators! Why they hid in the Tower of Babel, I don't know. But, in connection with this time point, it happened to be the era of Homo sapiens' faith enlightenment. These people are the fire seeds, and they spread one belief after another from Africa to Everywhere!"

"In fact, these have long been inferred. Countless scientists have discovered that there are many similarities between major cultures. For example, snakes, such as the sun." Andre narrowed his eyes and looked up: "Snake... Quetzalcoatl? The belief in snakes?"

He lowered his head, his face was gloomy and unclear: "All beliefs, all over the world, at the same time, almost exploded simultaneously on a large scale according to a timeline. Scientists have long speculated that it was the earliest Homo sapiens in Africa who went out, traveled around the world, and spread their beliefs to all parts of the world. So, strictly speaking, our current beliefs are all African beliefs. Africa has always been called the cradle of mankind."

No one spoke.

Everyone thought of this terrible consequence, that is... the current cultivation civilization is all passed down from the past. Who is it?

Who... taught the Homo sapiens beliefs?

Who... promoted a civilization?

Who... occupies an important place in the tens of thousands of years of recent human development history?

Why is there no record in any book?

"Is it possible... that our current cultivation realm and methods were originally taught by these people?" Xu Yangyi threw out a shocking hypothesis.

No one spoke.

After a long time, Zhao Ziqi sighed: "Although I don't believe it... but... there is no need to lie to us here? If this mural is real, cultivation... should start from here, which is the first year. The first year of cultivation."

"No." Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered, and he enveloped everyone's spiritual energy: "This corridor is still very long. I feel... this is only one-tenth, or one-fourth or one-fifth."

"This is not the first year, it's very simple. If this is a real ancient cultivation, then where did they come from?"

"Everything has a beginning of 'nothingness'. This corridor probably records everything about all cultivation civilizations!"

He passed through this mural very quickly, and the mural that appeared in front of him shocked everyone.

That... is a long and magnificent war scroll.

One after another, huge star destroyer carriers flew from the sky, like dark clouds, and the sky above the earth was dark. In the dense clouds, huge mecha puppets were looming, huge palaces were suspended in the air, and countless giant beasts were carrying magnificent buildings on their backs. Countless monks were linked into a huge cloud, and countless sharp blades were pointed at the earth.

On the earth, there were also densely packed, endless super-giant puppets, each of which was comparable to a city. There were also countless floating boats in the sky, which were extremely huge. Around each one, there were small warships that were not visible at all. The monks riding rare birds and beasts or sitting on tall puppets did not shy away from the invasion in the sky.

Realm War!

This terrifying scene was obviously a realm war. And...

All the enemy fleets had the words "Zhenwu"!

The Earth's fleets all had the words "Daxia"!

"Is this... the war between Earth and Zhenwu Realm?" He searched confidently: "No, I didn't see Jiang Ziya, nor did I see other gods, and..."

His eyes fell on the top of the mural, where there was a huge planet, which was larger than the previous Earth, many times larger, perhaps more than ten times.

"Is this Earth?"

"The real Earth in the ancient cultivation era?"

"But...wasn't the war between the two worlds more than a thousand years ago? This...according to the time of the mural, this was at least 50,000 or 60,000 years ago!"

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