
Chapter 655: The End (Part 3)

Walk along the mural.

It is a full kilometer long, all depicting how tragic this war was, and the countless monks who fought heroically among them. And they saw god-like monks with haloes behind them. As soon as they took action, clouds moved in all directions and mountains and rivers collapsed.

Even through the murals, anyone can feel the intensity of this battle. The bloody aura that lasted for tens of thousands of years seemed to rush towards his face. Let everyone be filled with admiration.

One thousand meters to the end.

At the end, the earth's outer shell seemed to be stripped away, collapsing layer by layer, and all the opponent's fleets were emptied.

"In other words... the Zhenwu Realm... has been continuously attacking the earth since tens of thousands of years ago?"

"There was a logic before. The earth and the Zhenwu Realm are both the lower realm of Xukunlun. It is suspected that there were immortals on the earth once, but now there are no immortals. There are no immortals in Xukunlun. This is the reason why the other side does not dare to invade. Just now we saw those eight-way clouds The moving monks, are they... immortals?"

"Then...not only on earth, but also in the Zhenwu world...there were also immortals!"

"Moreover, it is possible that after this war, the earth collapsed and became what it is now?"

His heart became heavy.

Originally... after learning that the Zhenwu Realm was the lower realm of Kunlun, and that there once was an Immortal Queen on Earth, he didn't take the possible danger from the Zhenwu Realm too seriously.

However, this does not seem to be the case!

This Zhenwu world... I don’t know why, but it seems to be no worse than the earth!

Moreover, since tens of thousands of years ago, the two worlds have been engaged in an endless bloody battle.

He thought hard and couldn't find the source. The originally clear thinking was completely disrupted by this mural.

"Continue." He said, and then rushed forward.

Ahead, the blue light still flickered. And there is no end at all. The history of the development of the earth that humans think is just a prelude.

However, the next scene is even more unbelievable.

The earth is in chaos, as if something has broken in half. It nourishes the earth with infinite cyan aura, while the other half... just looking at it, feels extremely evil.

I don’t know what method the mural uses to express it, but it is the ultimate evil, the deepest darkness. There is no light, just the sight, which makes people feel creepy.

"...half of it became the original unspeakable evil."

"It calls itself Emperor Senluo. We call it Taichu, or... Chimera."

These two sentences suddenly appeared in Xu Yangyi's mind. He gently touched the wall and murmured: "It seems...this is the top secret content of the erased information about the Heavenly Tribulation..."

"The monster that split itself in two, with one half nourishing the earth and transforming into the original evil... is right in front!"

He rushed over at full speed, but after rushing a few hundred meters, his eyes suddenly flickered.


The wall in front has all collapsed!

Only the blue light wanders around, but the original appearance cannot be put back together at all!

"Who is it?" There was a hint of resentment in Andre's eyes. He was about to come into contact with the final secret, the true origin of the earth, but everything collapsed.

"This section must contain an earth-shattering secret." Xu Yangyi let out a long sigh. He did not expect that when he got here, it would end like this.

"It's more than earth-shattering." Andre gritted his teeth and said: "Sir, Mr. "


"Yes..." Andre suppressed the huge regret in his heart, although there was no expression on his face: "Earth... it is very likely that before the current cultivation civilization, there was an extremely powerful cultivation civilization!"

"I don't know how many thousands of years have passed since now, maybe a hundred thousand, maybe hundreds of thousands."

"The Tower of Babel is not something built by modern monks, but something built by them. Perhaps it was because of a battle with the Zhenwu Realm that caused the two extremely powerful realms to collapse, and it became what it is now. Becoming a subordinate of Xu Kunlun. This kind of situation where a crane and a clam compete for profit is not uncommon in the world for thousands of years. Countless powers have seized this opportunity to rise, such as the United States.

"After the collapse, the world was recast, but a group of ancient cultivators did not die because of this. They hid in this 'Noah's Ark'. The first cultivation civilization, let me call it the 'first generation civilization', cultivated The method was passed down. It led to the first batch of Homo sapiens. Slowly, the ancient cultivators passed away and the second cultivating civilization was formed. "

"Only in this way can the content and sequence of these murals be fully explained!"

After speaking, he gritted his teeth in a rare move: "What a pity... what a pity. Just when he was about to get close to the core, the wall collapsed. I really want to know who created the first glorious cultivation civilization, but now …”

He looked at the collapsed wall in front of him with regret and pushed up his glasses: "It's a shame that I was born tens of thousands of years too late..."

He walked towards the ruins of the wall, trying to put the broken pieces back together, and it was obvious that he was extremely unwilling to do so. However, just when he was about to reach the ruins, Zhao Ziqi suddenly shouted: "Come back!"

Andre frowned, he didn't intend to listen to this pseudo-DPS's command. In his opinion, there was only one person on the scene who was qualified to command him. That kind of irresistible force, he decided to bow his head.

However, he still retreated, not because of reason, but because of caution.

Just as he retreated, a cold light flashed over his head, at a speed that completely crushed him. He only saw a flash of cold light in front of his eyes, and his heart was chilled.

Grand Duke...

Spiritual power at the Grand Duke level!

He had no way to avoid it.

Just as he was about to close his eyes and wait for death, a powerful spiritual power burst out from behind him almost at the same time, and he only felt a pain and a chill in his left shoulder. His body had been pulled hundreds of meters away.

Blood gushed out like a spring, and his left arm completely disappeared. Zhao Ziqi immediately came up: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Andre's face was pale, but he didn't react at all: "I should have told you. I don't have pain nerves."

"But the thing on the opposite side made me a little concerned..."

As he looked, Xu Yangyi was also standing in the thousand-meter ruins, and in front of him, stood a skeleton.

A real dry skeleton, but the black hair was still there, tied into a knot on the skull. He was wearing a black suit. It can be seen that the owner of the corpse is very tall. This skeleton looks to be more than 1.8 meters tall.

In his left hand, he holds a long sword with cold light. In his seven orifices and body, endless green spiritual energy lingers. He holds the sword to block the road.

"The skeleton of the early Jindan period." Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes: "Is this... necromancy?"

"Yes." Andre had bandaged the wound and said lightly: "The necromancy of the Grand Duke of Terror, it seems that you are not the only one who came here."

"So, he is provoking me?" Xu Yangyi looked at the skeleton in front of him coldly: "Does he think that an early skeleton can stop me?"

"Is he underestimating me too much?"

"Excuse me, he is probably the only skeleton here. After entering here, there is no more corpse. If the strength of the Grand Duke of Terror can be exerted to 300% outside the Tower of Babel, here, it is probably only 80/90%."

"In other words." He pushed his glasses: "This skeleton has been lying in the ruins from beginning to end. It has no spiritual energy, so it cannot be found. Perhaps, there are clues on him..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi had already shot away.

"It's an undead creature. Lin Zi Jue can't work, and Bai Shi Chun can't work either. Huan Ling... I'm afraid it still can't work. Wu Xiang Guan Yin... If this undead product still has the function of reconnaissance, I'm afraid Scoris just wants to see how far the Wu Xiang Guan Yin I inherited can go."

"Want to see?"

"I'll let you see enough!"

"Swish!" Mistedin flew out with a buzzing sound, and also with a long sigh: "Hey, little guy, I mean to help you, but it doesn't mean to use me so frequently... huh?"

His eyes fell on the undead creature.

Silence, after three seconds, Mistedin burst out with infinite light.

"You should hate it very much, right?" Xu Yangyi smiled slightly: "In Norse mythology, Odin's daughter Hela was exiled to the land of the dead because of her ugliness. And refused to return the soul of Odin's favorite son, the god of light Balder?"

There was no response. The green light on Mistedin's sword was as strong as substance. Xu Yangyi even felt a call.

"As you wish." As soon as the words fell, countless blue sword marks reflected the hazy blue clouds in the entire passage.

Mistydin carrying the sky!

"Boom!" The sword energy was like rain, but there was no damage around. But what made Xu Yangyi more alert was the skeleton.

In the sword light like a storm, he did not attack, but lowered his head. It used a left-handed sword, and the sword body kept shaking.

At the moment when Xu Yangyi's sword energy rain touched him, an equally brilliant blue spiritual energy burst out! If Xu Yangyi's sword rain was continuous. Its was a tsunami, violent and fierce.

"Hua La La" Two pieces of blue sword energy, evenly matched, actually formed a blue vortex in the center, spinning non-stop.

The violent spiritual energy shock wave sprayed out, and the knees of the three people around were all soft. The spiritual pressure of the Jindan level was vented without reservation, which was like a landslide and tsunami for them, and they could not withstand it at all.

At this moment, a light shield rolled them up like a bubble, moving them away a thousand meters.

"Stay away."

"This undead... is very strong."

Zhao Ziqi's eyelids twitched. After following Xu Yangyi for so long, he rarely heard Xu Yangyi say that his opponent was very strong.

Except for the monsters like White Samu of Sand and Taichu, he remembered... it was the first time he heard Xu Yangyi say that a humanoid creature was very strong.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, clasped his hands together, and Yuchang also appeared.

"Sand..." The blue-black spiritual energy spread silently in an instant, flying like wings on both sides of him, and his eyes were very cautious.

The undead creatures were linked to their strength in life. Scoris probably didn't expect that this insignificant skeleton could reach the point where he didn't want to collide head-on, and was ready for battle.

The Mistin in his hand hummed softly. The previous blow was truly evenly matched. The seemingly insignificant sword in the opponent's hand was not broken by Mistin?

The technique of applying spiritual power to the tip of the hair... made Mistydin feel a slight buzz?

"Very good..." He breathed out: "In the Tower of Babel, you are the third opponent I take seriously."

"Odin, Taichu, next, it's you."

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