
Chapter 656: Uncontrollable Rage (I)

A hall.

In other words, this is no longer the hall.

Above the head, there are stars, and below the feet, there is a completely transparent magic circle. Anyone who walks here feels as if they have walked into space. The feeling of vastness and vastness is enough to make people feel in awe.

"Scolis, what are you thinking about?" Lawrence's voice came from beside him. His image was extremely embarrassing and covered in blood. The luxurious priestly robes on his body were in tatters, but at least he was still intact.

"Nothing." Scoris looked as good as new. He looked back and said calmly: "It's just that a familiar friend of ours will probably end up here."

He looked ahead, where Stargazer Wukong was sitting in the void, like the brightest star. He said unceremoniously: "Hey, alien, all the survivors have arrived, what are you waiting for?"

Wukong does not have a face. He is still the blue aura composed of star maps. His voice is as smooth as ever: "The Necromancer...the descendant of God...the vampire...are you the only ones left?"

"You think?" Scoris smiled contentedly: "Is there anyone else who can get here?"

"Wait a little longer." Wukong said calmly: "At least... five people are needed..."

At this moment, the platform flashed with light, and a female figure appeared in the transparent magic circle.

"You?" All the princes were stunned and looked at the woman with raised eyebrows.

"Junior Yuzao, I would like to pay my respects to you all." Zhu Hongxue said respectfully.

"You are actually so lucky to be here?" Scoris sneered: "Go and stand over there."


At the same time, in the corridor, Xu Yangyi and the skeleton were already fighting together, with cyan aura like a knife. Even if the ground of the Tower of Babel had passed through countless magic circles, white marks had appeared in the past so many years.

"Dang!" Yuchang and Mistertin intersected with the opponent's sword again. After countless collisions, cracks finally appeared on the opponent's sword.

The sword light turned into light and shadow all over the sky. Between the criss-crossing, the jingling sound of big beads and small beads falling on the jade plate was endless. The two pieces of sword light, both blue, were majestic for thousands of meters, with waves like rivers and vastness like the Milky Way. In one second, hundreds of sparks flashed up, like a planet exploding in the cyan universe.

The faces of the three people around them were very nervous. The full attack of the Grand Duke's combat power was more terrifying than they imagined. Even from such a distance, they could feel the sword energy like a rainbow and the sword light like the wind. From a distance of thousands of meters, The blows on their faces all felt bone-piercing pain, and... both sides were equally matched, like a lion meeting a tiger, neither of them retreated even an inch.

Suddenly, there was a "clang" sound, like a dragon leaping into the abyss, and two figures attacked the violent storm, then fell into complete silence. In an instant, two figures passed each other, and with a crisp sound, lightning flashed.

The scene suddenly became quiet. The others calmly looked at the field, and Xu Yangyi's calm voice sounded: "You were extremely powerful during your lifetime."

"However, you are now mentally deficient. You can only follow the Necromancer's will and the monotonous command of 'kill him'."

Mistertin trembled slightly, and the skeleton stood still behind him, with a crash, and the sword in his hand broke into pieces.

"Come." The skeleton turned around and stared at Xu Yangyi. Mistertin was only a hundred meters away from him, and with the sword tip buzzing, Xu Yangyi said calmly: "You should have been a genius back then, but now you are being controlled by a mere necromancer. I...will give you a way to escape. "

"If you still have some glory as a genius during your lifetime, show some real skills."

The skeleton seemed to understand, slowly raised his hands, and then quickly formed seals. Following his seal, a strong piece of wood spirit energy was pulled out from the void outside his body. The range of the spirit energy was so large that a huge vortex of more than a thousand meters was formed beside him!

"Buzz buzz..." Amidst the green roar, countless vines sprouted from his white jade-like bones, surrounding him instantly. In an instant, a huge armor nearly two meters high covered the skeleton's body.

The armor is huge, but it is not evil, but a shining aura of righteousness. Countless vines intersected to form complex patterns, which seemed to feel a kind of sacred majesty.

However, Xu Yangyi did not take action.

His eyes fell on the vines spreading out from the other party's body.

No matter how weak he was, he felt it.

This is the scent of wolfsbane!

No…not just Wolfsbane. The aura of Wolfsbane also carries another aura that is weaker than Wolfsbane, but definitely not too weak!

Too familiar... Wolfsbane is his true form.

"Apocalypse..." He took a deep breath, and the same fierce cyan spiritual energy rushed into the air. Surrounded by green rays, a piece of red moonlight shone.

"The first erosion, bone erosion!"

He spread his fingers and squeezed hard, and the skeleton instantly stopped moving. Pieces of terrifying black energy surged around him like a tide. The Six Eclipses of the Golden Core level were completely different from those in the Foundation Establishment stage. The spiritual energy was used to the extreme, and the range of power was actually controlled within a hundred meters.

However, although the area has shrunk, within a hundred meters... it has become an absolute dead zone.

"Zizzizi!" The skeleton screamed upwards, and the black mist surged. In an instant, the bones under his armor made a harsh squeezing sound, but they did not break.

"Boom!!" The next second, a wave of green spiritual energy rushed out like a sea wave, forming a whirlpool hundreds of meters around it. The two armies of the Black Mist confront each other.

But, it's not over yet.

"Second, flesh erosion." "Third, blood erosion!" "Fourth, soul erosion!" "Fifth! Apocalypse explosion!"

The black spiritual energy was boiling instantly! It piled higher and higher around the skeleton! If its green spiritual energy was like a landslide, the black fog was like a collapse of the sea of ​​clouds! No matter how much Xu Yangyi compressed it, with a loud "boom", the black fog instantly spread to a thousand meters!

"What is this?" Zhao Ziqi looked at the scene in astonishment. Just behind Xu Yangyi, the blood moon that had appeared during the trial of the Ten Thousand Worlds Hanging Lantern slowly reappeared. From the layers of black fog, an ominous light emanated.

The skeleton's scream had already revealed a kind of panic. Even if it had no life, the primitive fear spread throughout his body. The tree armor was madly surging, and it had grown from two meters to five meters high. Countless vines were stacked into lifelike animal heads and phoenix wings, and the green spiritual energy was madly surging.

The green spiritual energy has formed a vortex with a radius of more than 500 meters, but outside it, the more violent black spiritual energy is overwhelming, tightly wrapping this green wave.

"Is this wood spiritual energy? The most refined wood spiritual energy?" Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes and clenched his hands suddenly.

"Apocalypse... Total Eclipse."

The real name of the Apocalypse Five Eclipses is "Apocalypse Six Eclipses."

However, the Sixth Eclipse has never been seen. Even he didn't find it. But, all of them were used during the trial. He suddenly understood what the Sixth Eclipse was.

The first five eclipses unfolded together, which will form unimaginable changes. This is the true face of the Sixth Eclipse!

"Boom boom boom..." The blood-red moon split the green of chaos, like a giant eye hanging in the sky, staring at the skeleton, and seemed to see through the Skeleton behind the skeleton.

"Sha..." The blood moon burst out with thousands of red lights. Wherever it passed, the ground that could not be broken at all finally cracked inch by inch, and terrible cracks filled the passage, spreading for thousands of meters before stopping. Endless black light dyed the area within a thousand meters into a pitch-black hell.

Xu Yangyi felt the spiritual energy in his body running fast, but he did not stop. He wanted to see how powerful and how much consumption this move would have if he used it all.

"Swish, swish, swish" the black fog from all directions imprisoned the skeleton. The moonlight from the blood moon, within the three hundred meters of the black fog in the center, carved blood-red talismans on the ground, and thousands of blood lights filled the middle. Even Angel and the other two felt the terrifying murderous intent.

"Roar!" The skeleton roared, and the netherworld fire of the eyes wrapped in the tree armor sprayed out for a few feet, and a long sword made of vines appeared silently in his hand.

"Dense forest fights numerous stars..." A hoarse voice, a muffled sound came out from the armor, and the next second, the vines in his hand grew wildly, forming a vine wall tens of meters thick and nearly a thousand meters wide in an instant.

At this moment, will-o'-the-wisp and ice appeared at the same time, surrounding him into a vortex of a thousand meters. Then, under his feet, countless red talismans lit up. With a loud "boom", a thousand-meter-long column of fire rushed straight to the top of the corridor!

"Boom boom boom!" The loud noise shook the surroundings, and the terrifying shock wave hit the ceiling, making the entire corridor rumble. And below, circles of red shock waves rushed in all directions.

"Zizizizizi!" The skeleton screamed heartbreakingly, and his figure could be seen faintly in the red column of fire. Like a demon in purgatory. It lasted for nearly a minute, and the column of fire dissipated with a bang.

On the ceiling, a huge dent that was sunken more than ten meters inward had appeared. The ground, from around the column of fire, was charred and spread for a thousand meters.

This is not an ordinary ground.

This is the ground inside the Tower of Babel, reinforced by countless formations!

If placed in the outside world, this would be enough to cause a fatal blow to a city!

In the fire column, a tree armor protected by green light was suspended in it with black smoke.

"Kara... Kara..." The tree armor fragments fell one by one, and the skeleton in it was no longer in human form. The two green lights disappeared at the same time.

"Swish..." The tree armor completely collapsed, and the skeleton made a muffled sound, falling into the field in a charred state, without a trace of sound.

However, it did not completely collapse. It would not die unless the necromancer gave the order to disband.

"Swish..." Pieces of gray-white death energy came like a tide from all directions. In its eyes, two points of collapsed green light were looming.

After a while, the death energy formed a huge tornado, surrounding the skeleton. However, it still did not revive! It was still constantly extracting death energy!

"Not dead yet?" Zhao Ziqi was stunned: "Not dead even like this?!"

"Undead creatures will never die." Xu Yangyi blocked the tornado of death energy with his hand, and a circle of gray-white ripples shot out from there, and said lightly: "But its death energy is extracted from the owner."

"I want to see if Scoris is willing to give up so much death energy, and I have to tell him..." His eyes flashed: "He can't afford to offend me."

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