
Chapter 657: Uncontrollable Rage (Part 2)

In the hall full of stars, Scoris put his hands behind his back, and no one saw that his hands were shaking.

On the middle finger of his right hand, a purple gem was shaking. His face was still arrogant, but his heart was already furious.

Damn it... Damn it!

How could this skeleton extract so much of his dead spirit?

Next, I'm afraid it will be a real battle. A necromancer without dead spirit is much more serious than a monk without spiritual energy! Not only can he not release dead magic, but most importantly...

he can't mobilize the life box.

In other words, he went from being "invincible" to being "killable."

"Whose skeleton is this! It actually... directly sucked away one-tenth of my death energy!" He calmly held a piece of gray stone, and his face was relieved a little: "Forget it, it seems that I can't do anything to him for the time being. What if I let him in? It's just..."

He licked his lips: "I really can't stand the way this lowly villain succeeds..."

In the hall, Xu Yangyi was confronting the skeleton, and the netherworld fire in the other's eyes suddenly jumped, and then it went out without any warning.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and the tree armor on the skeleton turned into pieces of green spiritual energy and returned to the void, and the whole skeleton crackled and fell apart in an instant.

"A shameful trick." Xu Yangyi put away his two swords and breathed a sigh of relief. The original owner of this skeleton was definitely a brilliant genius, and I don't know why he died here. If he had to keep the stalemate going, it would be a headache for him. Scoris was sensible and stopped when he saw something was wrong.

"But being sensible doesn't mean I can tolerate this kind of provocation." A cold light flashed in his eyes: "It's time to settle our accounts."

"Let's go."

The group continued to run forward, but just when he was about to pass the skeleton, the phantom in the sea of ​​qi suddenly shouted: "Dad... Dad..."

"Hmm?" Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows.

The phantom couldn't speak completely, but suddenly flew out and kept dancing around the skeleton.

Xu Yangyi's mouth curled up slightly: "You want it?"

"No, this person used to be a very powerful person, I don't want to disturb the remains of my ancestors." He smiled: "So, I wanted to search the other party before, but forget it."

Unexpectedly, the phantom shook his head and plunged into Xu Yangyi's storage ring, and then an old scroll was pulled out.

Hua La La... Getting longer and longer, Xu Yangyi frowned and looked at the phantom. This is the genealogy of the Xu family. What is it going to do?

Just when the genealogy was opened by one-third, suddenly, a bloody handprint emitted a red light that shot up to the sky!

At the same time, the dry bones on the ground responded exactly, and a red light also rushed out.

Xu Yangyi was stunned.

He suddenly understood why the other party had a little bit of wolf poison. Why did he have the most refined wood spirit!


Everyone unconsciously stepped away a few steps.

They suddenly felt... the murderous aura on Xu Yangyi now was comparable to the time when he met Taichu.

"Scoris..." After a long time, Xu Yangyi turned his head, and the cold murderous intent broke through the void and looked at the end of the empty corridor: "You, you are looking for death."

"Boom!!" As he said this, the ground around him sank down.


He didn't care whether Scoris knew it or not. He must kill the other party.

It was nothing else, this was a blood feud for digging up the ancestral grave. Xu, according to Xiaoqing, there is still his last ancestor on Qingcheng Mountain. Even the parents who raised him were not his biological parents. He was like a rootless duckweed, not knowing where he came from and where he ended up, and finally found his roots, the remains of his ancestors. You can worship your ancestors with a legitimate reason.

The unprecedented Qingming Festival may be very tiring and annoying to others. But for him, it is the true destination.

However, this skeleton was actually manipulated by a necromancer and destroyed in his hands!

Kill without mercy!

The murderous intent in his heart was as wild as a herd of beasts. He rarely wanted to kill someone like this. The real killing intent was determined.

"Are you... okay?" At this moment, a hesitant voice beside him calmed his anger a little, and the killing intent was pulled back from the edge of rampage.

He did not answer, but held Angel's hand that was around his waist from behind. He did not let go for a long time.

He did not notice his strength. Angel's lips were white with pain behind him. Her delicate jade hands had never hurt her so much. However, she did not say a word, and her head rested on Xu Yangyi's broad back.

A wisp of feminine fragrance drifted into his nostrils, calming Xu Yangyi's killing intent, and then calming it down, and finally solidifying it completely.

Not reduced by half, but changed from impetuous to calm.

"I'm fine." He gently squeezed Angel's hand, and then realized that he had used too much force. Without any other thoughts, he took the other's hand and rubbed it gently, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Angel didn't answer, but looked into his eyes and said seriously: "You will answer my questions first."

Xu Yangyi was stunned, and a warm current flowed through his heart. This feeling... I really haven't experienced it since I was eight years old. For decades, has anyone asked him if he was okay when he was injured?

He nodded: "What about you?"

"You are too strong." Angel rolled her eyes at him and turned her hand back: "What's the big deal about squeezing? I'm not that delicate."

Invisible places, spiritual energy was secretly circulating. Xu Yangyi had just paid attention to An Qier's face and did not see the purple mark on the little woman's wrist.

Angel never mentioned it either.

As if he had never been injured.

"What are you going to do?"

Xu Yangyi picked up her hand, and just as the red mark on his hand disappeared, he was stunned for two seconds.


He shook his head: "I've never seen your hands so white."

Then, he let go of his hand, looked at the ground, and said in an extremely calm voice: "Nothing can be done."

"Killing him is quite simple."

Angel looked at him quietly, and after a few seconds, she tilted her head and said with a smile, "Indeed, it's a very simple truth."

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly at Angel, then turned to Zhao Ziqi: "Can you see his soul?"

"I don't know..." Zhao Ziqi actually wanted to say it was impossible, but still hesitated: "Logically, only you can see the origin of this bloodline. I can try, but..."

He paused, and Xu Yangyi said calmly: "There is actually no hope, right?"

Zhao Ziqi didn't speak.

Of course, more than a thousand years have passed, almost two thousand years have passed, where is the hope?

Without saying much, he took Xu Yangyi's hand and bit his fingertips. The blood mingled with each other. Under the operation of spiritual power, his pupils immediately turned into yin and yang black and white. The next second, Xu Yangyi found that the colors around him became monotonous.

The empty corridor was very quiet. Xu Yangyi stared at the skeleton in front of him.

For a long time, there was no change.

Knew it……

He sighed silently, turned around and looked at the white Zhao Ziqi in front of him. Just as he was about to speak, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Brother?" Zhao Ziqi was stunned for a moment. He clearly felt that the hands held by the two people suddenly tightened, and he asked doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

"Zi Qi, can others hear our conversation now? Can others see our presence?"

"Of course not!" Zhao Ziqi said firmly: "This is my domain, and whoever I want to bring in is my right. Unless I allow it, no one can do it. What's wrong with you?"

Xu Yangyi was silent for a long time and whispered: "Look back."

Zhao Ziqi turned back in confusion. After looking around, I didn't find anything strange. But... just when he was about to speak, he almost screamed!

three people……

Including them, there were only three people on site!

Obviously...there are obviously four people!

Xu Yangyi, him, An Qier, Andre. No matter what, only three people can be seen now! But before entering the barrier, everything is intact!

"Oh my god..." He gasped: "How is it possible... This is impossible! My barrier leads directly to the underworld, and as long as a human being has a soul! How can I not see it!"

Xu Yangyi pondered for a long time and said solemnly: "Don't mention this to anyone. Just pretend it never happened."


Shaking the opponent's hand and indicating to the opponent to release the barrier, Zhao Ziqi took a deep breath, and the black and white space on all sides shattered.

Nothing has changed. What has changed is that there are four people in front of us again.

Xu Yangyi didn't say anything, but picked up all the bones one by one and put them in the storage ring.

It's best...not to be what he thought...

Otherwise... I'm afraid there will be murderous intentions everywhere... From the beginning, this place has been a demon's lair.

"Let's go." After collecting all the bones without leaving any clothes on, Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and strode forward.

The passage is two to three kilometers long, and everything behind it collapses. At the end of the passage, a huge door stands impressively.

The door has been opened. There was a blue light at the door, and it was completely invisible inside.

Xu Yangyi's eyes became serious.

He remembered... Stargazer and Taichu both mentioned "the door."

"There's an 80% chance that it's not here." Andre seemed to understand his thoughts and said solemnly: "What they proposed is a door that you can pass through."

He put his hand into the light: "So, this door should be closed, or... we can't pass. Well, I'm pretty sure, it's not here."

"However, from now on, you have to be careful about things related to the 'door'. From then on, it will probably be the boundary lamp."

After a slight spinning sensation, the four people's eyes lit up with brilliance. The next second, they had entered an endless room.

No, we shouldn't call this a room.

This is a sky.

The dark night sky is filled with endless stars. These stars are connected by countless blue light bands, forming constellations. You can even see the rotating galaxies in the endless distance.

It was as if they were stepping on the void, but under their feet was a talisman formation tens of thousands of meters in size. Every talisman is as well preserved as new. Every formed line emits blue light. It is so vast that when one stands in it, one can only feel the majesty and majesty.

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