
Chapter 659: Flowers in the Mirror (Part 3)

All the Grand Dukes lowered their eyes, but powerful spiritual energy had already exploded in the field without any disguise.

Trading is a product of equal strength. And now all the actions of the Stargazers are that they assume that the other party's concession is a silent compromise.

Why compromise?

It's very simple, because he is not actually that strong.

"I don't want to wait anymore, and I don't want to trade with you!" Endless undead exploded from behind Scoris, and gray-white death air floated out of the kingdom and fell to the ground. Then, the spiritual energy like rain "puff puff" all fell on the transparent magic circle. The next second, there was a tooth-grinding "crackling" sound, and countless undead creatures stood up from the ground, and the nether fire dyed the surroundings into a green ocean.

Xu Yangyi licked his lips, and Mistytin silently lit up his hand.

The storm is coming.

Amidst Scoris's wild laughter, a pitch-black book appeared in his hand: "Forbidden Book. Moon Code! Page 27, Pale Lady's Resentful Legion!"

"Zizizizi!" With a long whistle, rows of skeleton soldiers first appeared on the ground, followed by a sea of ​​skeleton archers behind them. On both wings, dozens of headless knights guarded both sides. Within a radius of several hundred meters, the quiet void was instantly transformed into a legion of undead. In the center, on a skeleton throne of more than ten meters, Scoris, who had almost turned into a skeleton, sat on it with his legs crossed like a king.

"Kill him." An abnormal blush rose on Scoris' pale face, and he pointed at the stargazer: "All troops attack!"

"Zizizizi!" The undead legion of more than a thousand people raised their weapons together and let out a Sanada roar. Then, thousands of horses roared, the ground was shaking, and the torrent of undead rushed towards the stargazer standing in the air like a tide.

But, at this moment, a bright sword light has already soared into the sky one step ahead!

Misteding, draw your sword!

"Swish!" Misteding brought a sharp whistle of wind as the sky was filled with endless blue clouds. The sword energy was crisscrossed within a thousand meters, and the air seemed to be shredded. However, at the moment when it touched the neck of the stargazer, all the sword shadows disappeared.

A finger stood there, gently blocking Xu Yangyi's sword.

"I have been sitting here for more than 100,000 years, and this is the first time that a monk from the lower world has swung a sword at me. You... well, different."

"Really?" Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, turned around, and stretched out his left hand in a claw shape: "What's more different is still behind."

"What are you still pretending?"

"Apocalypse... Total Eclipse!"

"Boom boom boom!" Amidst a terrifying buzzing sound, a blood moon of hundreds of meters gradually formed behind him, and the black fog covering thousands of meters swallowed up the stargazer like a tide in an instant.

The other party's voice fluctuated for the first time after seeing the blood moon: "Nine Stars Falling? Star of Apocalypse?"

Just as Xu Yangyi took action, Zhao Ziqi pulled Angel and immediately fled to the corner. Andre took a calm look, but did not leave.

"Dance of Flowing Hua!" The stargazer quickly formed seals with both hands. The next second, countless thumb-sized vortices appeared outside his body, and then turned into star-like light spots, and a blue light instantly connected. Just as this star shield was formed, a sky-high column of fire roared out from under his feet!

The storm began.

The first scene, the wind and clouds surged.

Tear apart the illusion of calm in an instant.

"Boom!!" The void was shaking, and the hot storm swept out a violent shock wave, blowing everyone's hair and beards.

In the firelight, the shock wave reflected Lawrence's face red. He took a step forward calmly, his chest heaving violently, licked his lips and asked hoarsely: "You won't do it?"

"When you go into battle bare-chested...what are you worried about?"

As soon as the voice fell, a cold light shone through his body, from his left shoulder to his right hip. Lawrence was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the huge sickle that pierced his body in disbelief. Blood gushed out of his mouth crazily, and he turned around tremblingly. An extremely cold laugh came from behind.


"I have already started. Don't you think so?"

"My good friend Lawrence."

"Puff!" A mouthful of blood spurted out of Lawrence's mouth, and he trembled as if he was about to touch his body: ""

"Who is it!"

"Boom!" At the same time, the fire column dissipated with a bang, and the sky was filled with smoke. The stargazer did not move at all, seemingly without any change, but the next second, all the stars outside his body collapsed together, turning into a sky full of blue spiritual light, and the feeling of being almost a Nascent Soul suddenly dissipated.

Andre's eyes lit up suddenly.

"What?" Xu Yangyi lifted up Mistin and blew: "Have you traveled all over the heavens and the worlds, but never seen a monk from the lower world who dared to swing a sword against the upper world?"

He didn't even look at him, looking at Mistin's shining eyes and slowly said: "Even if they are monks from the upper world, they are still human beings... As human beings, they have reason, and with reason, they can distinguish the situation."

He quietly glanced at the army of undead that surrounded the two of them: "If you can distinguish the situation, you will know when you shouldn't put on the upper world's airs and when you should. If you are really at your peak, isn't the lower world a small mosquito to you? The small mosquito bites the elephant, and the elephant sneezes and shoos the mosquito away, right? What are you pretending?"

The stargazer turned his head slowly: "You... don't know anything at all."

"Wrong, I finally figured out the last line now. It's in the corridor just now." Xu Yangyi put away his smile, and runes appeared on Mistydin one by one, carrying the explosion of Apocalypse. The terrifying mushroom cloud rose up with a loud bang, engulfing the stargazer in an instant, and even affected the undead army around him that had already charged in front of him.

"Swish!" The endless undead army was swallowed up immediately. The strongest of the Six Eclipses of Apocalypse is not single-target killing, but group AOE. The effect of one-on-one combat is not obvious, but Scoris's undead army was also involved by the way, and the situation was immediately different.

A burst of crisp sounds came, and countless green netherworld fires suddenly surged from the red light on the ground, returning to the netherworld ghost domain behind Scoris. The next second, it turned into a white ghost and rushed out to rejoin the battle. And Scoris's face was already extremely ugly.

Too fast...

The opponent's terrifying range damage, no matter how many low-level skeleton soldiers are not enough to die! The closer to the center, even the headless knight is dying!

The other party wanted to take the flower in the mirror for himself! Exclude him completely! He couldn't rush into the core of the battle group at all!

"Dream on... inferior people." He took a deep breath, flipped the code in his hand, turned halfway, and licked his lips: "Page 72... The Coronation of the Lord of the Dead!"

With his order, all the undead eyes were bright green, and then as if they had received some instructions, they quickly combined into a huge skeleton giant, more than 300 meters high, roared, and rushed into the black fog again.

"What are you waiting for! Vampire! Charlatan!" After using this move, he suddenly turned back and shouted: "You want to let the flower in the mirror be taken away by that yellow monkey from China?!!!"

As soon as he turned back and shouted, he almost jumped up from the throne.

Behind him... there was no blood clan.

The left hand of the Scarlet Duke spanned dozens of meters in the air, which had become a gray-white color, with golden eyes the size of beans growing on it, all open. The left hand had turned into a giant claw, which cut Lawrence in half. From the left shoulder to the right hip, the horrible scars were shocking, and he even maintained the posture before death, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

Zhu Hongxue covered her mouth and stood trembling by the side, not daring to utter a word.

Scoris opened his eyes wide, even though he was called the Terror Duke, he was shocked by everything in front of him.

"Boom!!!" In the dead silence, the body of the Scarlet Duke suddenly swelled, instantly spreading to more than 400 meters, and instantly rolled up a gray-white world at the other end of the battlefield. The battle group with Xu Yangyi complemented each other, the demon-like Scarlet Duke, the huge black shadow shrouded the Terror Duke, and the shadow of death completely swallowed up the relatively small opponent.

Scoris's scalp was about to explode. The dead wind pressure blew Scoris's clothes fiercely, and the muscles on his skull-like face were cramping. He felt... that extremely ominous aura... the shadow of death that was like a dark cloud pressing down on a city, which was even purer than the so-called terrifying Grand Duke.

What kind of monster is this!

The Grand Duke couldn't even withstand a blow from him? ! It was only at the middle stage of the Grand Duke!


He looked at everything in front of him in shock, took a step back, and hissed: "Hey, old bat, I know you are kidding me..."

"Joke?" The gray-white object laughed: "Yes, it's a joke."

"But the price of the joke is your life."

The next second, Lawrence's body immediately fell towards him.

In his pupils, Lawrence's body was getting bigger and bigger. At the critical moment of life and death, Scores suddenly screamed: "Want to kill me? Then let's see if you are qualified! Do you think this Grand Duke is a waste like Lawrence!?"

"Swish!" The pages of the book turned rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, a huge bone shield suddenly appeared above his head, all made of skeletons, with countless nether fires shining. But, in an instant, his pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip, and a desperate scene appeared in his eyes.

Lawrence's body turned into a gray-white spear in mid-air, and the speed increased several times in an instant! It pierced the bone shield like a falling meteor!

"Boom!!" "Boom!"

Two muffled sounds, the pages of the book were still turning silently. Scores had already looked at his chest in disbelief, and a corpse spear nailed him firmly to the ground.

A gray-white substance spread in an instant, and he suddenly understood.

This is not a corpse...

It's not that Lawrence can't block the opponent's attack.

It was Lawrence... Lawrence who had been devoured long ago. Here... it was not just the Scarlet Duke who was alone. Even Lawrence had been eaten by some unknown thing long ago! Just now, it was to kill him!

From the beginning, only he, the Duke, came in alive!

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