
Chapter 660: Domination

"Kaka..." The gray-white substance spread all over his body. Scoris took a deep breath, and then let out a piercing scream toward the sky, and countless black lights exploded from his pores. His whole body collapsed like porcelain.

After the black light passed, a three-meter-large golden coffin appeared on the spot. Death energy spread from the coffin, and it was so hard that it was unable to move forward. As the coffin opened, a two-meter-long skeleton, wearing an ancient crown, luxurious robes, and holding a fine magic wand, roared out of the black light with the death aura of hell.

Lich body!

"Then let me see how you kill me, a person who has died countless times!" The scepter pointed at the completely demonized Scarlet Duke opposite: "Get up! My child!"

Pieces of violent storm-like ghosts flew out of his seven orifices, forming a white vortex more than 500 meters high. Three seconds later, there was a roar like a bell, and a huge ancient dragon poked out its bone claws from inside.

At the same time, the aftermath of the Apocalypse Big Explosion was annihilated, and the stargazer stood in the void without any damage. However, at the first glance, he saw the gray-white tide on the other side that was as turbulent as the ocean waves, and an equally huge ancient dragon.

In the beginning...

The stars all over the stargazer's body flashed sharply, and it turned its head: "Put your blood on the flower in the mirror."


"Are you ordering me?" Xu Yangyi sneered, and ten red fire dragons surrounded him: "Is it urgent?"

"Mortal... you..."

"How do I know?" Xu Yangyi smiled and backed away: "Because I brought them in. I believe they will rush to you soon. That skeleton is no match for it. Of course, I will not let him die. At least It won’t be such a pleasant death.”

"You..." Stargazer trembled all over: " you know what you are doing?! Idiot!!"

"This is the biggest enemy in the Seven Realms! actually let it rush into the center of the Tower of Babel!?"

"Why not?" Xu Yangyi raised a finger and shook it, as if he had never seen the sudden appearance of Taichu: "We might as well make a deal? You tell me everything that happened here, and I might be able to help you light the boundary lamp. ?”

"Mortal..." Stargazer's voice was hoarse: "You are not worthy!"

Xu Yangyi looked up to the sky and laughed: "The person who is kneeling down to beg me to light the lamp actually dares to say that the lampkeeper is unworthy? Huh?"

He lowered his head and said mockingly: "But even if you don't say it, I've almost finally figured it out."

"From the very beginning, I have been guessing that the 'door' is not the door in my impression, but a 'place that can be entered.' You cannot enter this place, you must activate something of the lampkeeper. For example...blood?"

He seemed unable to see the turmoil on the other side at all, and said calmly: "From just now, you seemed to be seducing everyone, but in fact, you only want my blood, my blood alone. You probably don't need to find any false names at all." Controlling the core, you just asked me to drip blood on it, so I am absolutely sure that everything was done to give me a chance to come into contact with the flower in the mirror. With Taichu's attack, you finally couldn't help it."

He flicked the long sword: "This should be the key to awakening the entire Tower of Babel. If you dare to put the control core of the Tower of Babel in front of everyone, your bet is really big enough."

"Shut up!!!" With an extremely angry shout, Stargazer took the initiative for the first time.

"Boom..." A huge star, with red flames, suddenly appeared above Xu Yangyi's head. Xu Yangyi barely retreated and raised his backhand, and a huge blue shock wave bloomed like a lotus on the ground. Amidst the loud noise, the slow voice sounded again: "Unfortunately, you underestimate me too much."

The green and red light dissipated, and Xu Yangyi stood with his sword in hand, as if everything around him was not in his eyes, and Taichu in the distance also turned a blind eye: "Do you think I attacked you for no reason?"

"There is a thing that killed Antonio, who is in the realm of virtual prince, but you can never reach this point!" He looked deeply at the stargazer: "I guess, he should be the real weapon spirit. And, You don't see the silk hanging lamps wrapping the Tower of Babel at all. This is the premise that the weapon spirit can sense all the activities inside the Tower of Babel. I will not overturn it unless there are other possible situations. This assumption.”

The stargazer trembled slightly and said nothing.

"So, he is the real weapon spirit? He can only go out partially? Searching for Taichu in the tower?"

"You want me to open the door and release the real weapon spirit? Completely purify this tower? Right?" Xu Yangyi put away his sword with his backhand: "And that's where the world-connecting lamp is, the last part of the Tower of Babel. Position, the center for tens of thousands of years.”

Before he finished speaking, the whole space shook slightly.

"Ka...ka..." A slight sound appeared in this space. Although it was very light, it made the stargazers suddenly raise their heads, and the stars shone more intensely.

"Taichu... is already swallowing up here..." After a few seconds, he turned around with a hoarse voice and looked at Xu Yangyi: "Mortal, you..."

"Begging me." Xu Yangyi wiped his sword: "The word mortal is very harsh. Besides, you can tell me directly about this kind of thing. Why don't you say it?"

Stargazer didn't answer.

Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Because you don't dare."

"It's also because... the flower in the mirror is the spiritual hub key of the Tower of Babel. Once it is lit, the world-connecting lamp will be lit immediately. And... I will also die. Right?"

"Pah pah pah..." Before Xu Yangyi finished speaking, a respectful voice rang out behind him with applause: "Sir X, you guessed it right. The flower in the mirror is known for its elegance and preciousness, and it represents the key to the upper world. But... what does this have to do with you? As long as your blood is sprinkled on it, the light to the upper world will start immediately. And you will die immediately."

Xu Yangyi didn't even turn his head: "Andre..."

"Are you finally unable to bear it?"

"Or should I call you... the true body of Taichu?"

"I really didn't expect it... I never doubted you. You hid it so well. Especially on the second platform, Anyu wanted to kill you with a self-torture plan, I really didn't doubt you from beginning to end."

"Oh? Then how did you find mine?" The voice behind him sighed slightly: "I think it's perfect. I thought I could give you a little surprise, but it seems that you are not strange at all."

Xu Yangyi turned around, and behind him, Andre took off his glasses and looked at him with a playful smile. There was no change, except for a nearly cold smile on his face, which was said to have "facial nerve disorder". However, I was used to his serious face, and at this moment he looked a little more human.

"I finally found you. Before, I just guessed that you were telling the truth. Taichu was just to rush to the upper world. This is true. So, I think Taichu's body will definitely enter the last zone. It must be looking for a carrier. Who is this carrier? I considered everyone, but I didn't consider you who met me "accidentally" at the beginning."

He talked to Andre like an old friend.

"As for finding you, it was a coincidence. The child's barrier can see the soul form of everyone, but... you are missing among the four people. There is only one explanation..." He restrained his smile and raised a finger: "You are not a human."

Andre sighed with emotion: "Sure enough... Accidents are really disgusting."

"You are old." Andre did not say this to Xu Yangyi: "You are no longer the you of tens of thousands of years ago. In order to maintain the existence of the spirit of the instrument, you have been exhausted. Now you have fallen to the point of deceiving the younger generation to light the lamp instead of forcing them to bow their heads with strength. Time is really a terrible thing."

"I thought you would become the same as that thing." Xu Yangyi raised his chin towards the side where the ancient dragon and the Scarlet Duke were fighting fiercely: "Can you make them stop?"

"I understand. You want to kill him with your own hands, right?" Andre smiled and snapped his fingers. The Taichu over there instantly formed a fence, surrounding the roaring Scoris.

"I'm curious, how did you know that Taichu would have a body? And how did you find me?"

Xu Yangyi was calm and composed: "It's very simple. Anyu once said: He will report everything I do to the 'master.' I don't think this seat doesn't understand."

"I asked a stupid question." Andre rubbed his eyebrows, and the next second, his whole body swelled up!

At the same time, in the outside world, wherever everyone's eyes were, the entire Tower of Babel shook.

The Lantern of Ten Thousand Worlds, the Tower of Babel's body bloomed slower and slower, countless golden eyes suddenly opened from the petals, and countless tentacles sizzled in the bottomless black fog below!

The Land of Demons...

The Tower of Babel's body has been swallowed by Taichu for more than half, and too many rooms have begun to become biological!

"What's going on?" "What happened?" "What happened?"

In the Illusion, all the Marquis monks who stayed behind looked at the shaking Illusion in astonishment. No, it wasn't the Void that was shaking, but the entire space of the Tower of Babel was shaking.

"Look!" A monk suddenly screamed, and as he pointed, everyone was stunned.

Right at the entrance of the Ten Thousand Worlds Hanging Lamp, everything twisted up, forming a huge black hole, and began to slowly pull everything around it inward. And in the entire lonely night, all the stars began to dim.

A sign of collapse.

"Oh my God!" "What happened!?" "Run! Run away!"

Screams suddenly rang out, but they suddenly found that the spiritual flower no longer appeared.

Outside, all the monks stationed at the Eye of the Sahara were stunned.

"Kara... Kara..." A dazzling crack began to appear from the center of the Tower of Babel, spreading downward at an extremely slow speed. It seemed... something had struck an axe from it, trying to cut the entire Tower of Babel in half.

Extremely ominous black air diffused out from the cracks, and they did not see that a little grayish-white trace had spread out from it.

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