
Chapter 661: Moon in the Well (I)

In the strait, the Phoenix of Fire suddenly looked up and looked in the direction of the Eye of the Sahara in shock.

"What an evil aura..." He put down the wine glass for the first time, his eyes were extremely solemn: "What happened inside..."

"How can there be such an evil aura in this world?"

Among the stars, with a sharp and wild laugh, Andre's body swelled up, 100 meters... 500 meters... 1,000 meters... 2,000 meters... A minute later, an indescribable, extremely evil monster appeared in front of everyone.

That was an eye.

A pure, golden eye.

Four thousand meters in radius, second only to Xiaoqing's Kunpeng body that day. Around the eyes, fleshy vines pierced into the endless darkness, and countless golden pupils grew on the gray-white vines. From Xu Yangyi's perspective, it seemed that the whole sky was covered with golden pupils.

In the center of the eye, there is a huge mouth with no lips, only teeth, dividing the eye into two halves from the pupil. A scarlet forked tongue sticks out from the huge mouth, emitting an earth-shattering scream.


The whole space is roaring.

"In the beginning, an egg is laid every two thousand years." Andre's voice sounded from the giant mouth: "It's called the Lord."

"Under the Great Emperor Senluo, there are countless legions. The Lord links the major troops under the Lord of each legion and is one of the real core leaders. And this egg must be produced from the Never Return Realm."

"Mortal." His eyes moved downwards, not looking at the stargazer who had completely lost his fighting spirit, and looked directly at Xu Yangyi: "I am the first clone of the Lord. The real Lord is not here. I will make a deal with you."

"Open the spiritual pivot. I promise to let your woman and the little guy go out. Go out safely. And before that, I will give you the opportunity to kill the Terror Duke. Let you leave without regrets. What do you think?"

"No!" "Don't promise him!"

Angel and Zhao Ziqi shouted almost at the same time.

It's too huge...

The Lord's body almost covered the starry sky, bringing people deep despair, but they didn't want to end like this.

Zhao Ziqi didn't want to, he had an expectation. If the eldest brother knew that Andre had a problem, why did he come here?

He is not an impulsive person, he must have thought of a countermeasure. Although Zhao Ziqi himself did not believe in this countermeasure, what else could he think of facing a monster like a demon in the void?

But he was unwilling to give up. Since he met Xu Yangyi, the other party has never been aimless.

"I have a few questions." Xu Yangyi seemed calm, but in fact, all his spiritual energy had been mobilized. The master showed his true body without hesitation, because it had come to this point and there was no need to hide.

As long as its true body is not discovered and arrives here safely, everything is over.

"I can grant you the opportunity to ask questions." The master's voice made the space buzz, and he said with a kind of joy of controlling the overall situation.

Xu Yangyi recalled everything that happened when he entered the Tower of Babel, and said carefully: "I saw a corpse, his name is Yin Jiu. He brought an imperial decree, saying that Taichu should be placed in the Tower of Babel. I think everything started here?"

No one spoke, and the answer was tacit.

"I guess, the Seven Realms set up a tight blockade outside the Earth. They intercepted you, that is, the egg of the master that comes out once every two thousand years. But Xu Kunlun didn't dare to take the risk of bringing it back to the upper realm, so he had to place it on Earth? So, the imperial edict used the word "place". "

"Yes, you are very careful. But you'd better be quick. My patience is limited." The master said lightly.

"However, because it is in the hands of the Zhenwu Realm?" Xu Yangyi said calmly: "This doesn't make sense. Xu Kunlun should be the upper realm of the Zhenwu Realm. Without the order of Xu Kunlun, the Zhenwu Realm dare not cross a step. However, the other party brazenly started a war between the two realms. And Shangguan Hong also received a secret order to intercept Taichu?"

"I can answer you this." The master seemed to be non-existent: "Taichu is the most perfect life form, and the master itself is one of the existences that tends to be perfect. Faced with such a perfect life, do you think the opinions within Xu Kunlun will be unified? Some people hope to keep the master on Earth, and naturally some people hope to study the master well."

Xu Yangyi nodded, which was the same as what he thought. The one who studies Taichu seems to be the Pope of the State Religion, Shen Chenyang.

"We have a purpose, but we still need an excuse." He pondered and said, "It seems that the so-called war of all realms is just a cover-up. It is indeed a selection for the qualification of ascension, but more importantly, it is to capture this egg of the master that appears once every two thousand years. And this time, you finally selected, or mobilized a powerful helper, that is, Zhenwu Realm."

He looked at the expressions of the two monsters in front of him. Unfortunately, they were both in non-human form, and he couldn't see anything at all.

"So?" The master spoke lightly. Xu Yangyi's brows slightly opened. It seems that these are not the key points.

Taichu... Xu Kunlun... Zhenwu Realm... There must be a line between the three, but his inference just now did not mention this key point, and did not reveal it, so the master is still unhurried.

After pondering for a moment, his eyes turned cold. It seems that some things that he dared not think about may really be said.

I believe all these inferences are impossible. However, after eliminating all possibilities, no matter how impossible the remaining one is, it is the only truth.

"Here, there is a paradox."

"That's why Xu Kunlun doesn't take action directly?"

"Xu Kunlun is the upper realm of the earth, and its strength far exceeds that of the earth. If he personally captures Taichu, it will be much easier. Why would he hesitate to use the method of the World War?"

Xu Yangyi listened carefully to the answers of the two people. Here, the master finally stopped for a second.

"No." A second later, he was still afraid to answer calmly: "According to what I know about Shangguan Hong, every ascension of ten thousand realms costs a lot of money. Even the seven realms cannot support the ascension of tens of thousands of monks. Can we use this selection method..."

"Don't change the subject." Xu Yangyi immediately interrupted: "What I'm talking about is, why doesn't Xu Kunlun take action directly? Instead, it needs the true martial arts world?"

"What is it afraid of?"

"You can obviously destroy the earth once and for all, why do you want to hide it?" He looked directly at the master: "You once speculated that there are immortals on the earth. Or there were immortals in the past. I was misled at the time, because there have always been rumors of immortals in China... "

"That's enough." Stargazer suddenly said.

Xu Yangyi turned a deaf ear, his eyes were like fire, his thoughts were getting brighter and brighter, yes...that's right! right here!

Only this explanation can explain why Xu Kunlun did not dare to take action directly!

He continued: "You didn't lie to me, but this is just one direction. You used this sentence to cover up more facts. That is..."

"Earth, there once was an extremely glorious cultivation civilization!"

"The current cultivation civilization was tens of thousands of years ago! Hundreds of thousands of years ago!"

"At that time, the earth was extremely glorious! The earth... that is, at that time, there were immortals! Yes... that's it! At that time, the mural had already said something close to the essence. You suddenly said that there were immortals on the earth. In fact, you didn't want me to know the real truth. The truth! Let’s stop talking about this! You are covering up the fact that there was a cultivation civilization on earth!”

"Enough!!!!" This time, Stargazer and the Overlord spoke almost at the same time.

Xu Yangyi seemed to have not heard anything, and the more he spoke, the more coherent he became: "No...not enough. More than that, I finally know why there are Zhenwujie on the murals tens of thousands of years ago. This also illustrates the fact. Tens of thousands of years ago, Even hundreds of thousands of years ago, you were nothing in Kunlun! At that time, the world was divided into two parts?

"The Zhenwu Realm was as powerful as the Earth at that time! Or even stronger! I understand that it was probably because of the battle between the two Immortal Realms tens of thousands of years ago that the Seven Realms finally found the opportunity to occupy the Magpie's Nest! You are not only You are just looking for the egg of domination, but you are still testing whether it is possible for the Zhenwu world and the earth to return to the past! It is even possible that the first cultivation civilization on the earth left something behind that makes you avoid attacking the earth at all! "

"Only in this way can we explain why..."

"Shut up!!!!!!!!"

"Boom!!!" The huge tongue came through the air. Xu Yangyi did not hide at all. With a loud noise, the tongue landed a few meters away from him. Looking from him, it looked like mountains lying across the ground. .

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

This was his conjecture, a conjecture that he didn't even dare to think about.

Earth...the current human civilization and cultivation civilization are not the first, but the second! Don’t even know how many!

Yes...yes...he should have thought of this when he saw countless monks coming out of the Tower of Babel, and when he saw totem worship, the era of the Great Mother, and the emergence of faith.

However, this is too scary. Who would have thought that something in a science fiction movie could become a reality? Even the top scientists in mankind dare not say that there were humans before humans!

At that time, Andre, the incarnation of the master, seemed to have answered something, but in fact he completely stopped the topic and misled him by saying that he once had an immortal. What was once? A thousand years ago was the past, and three thousand years ago was the past. This once, perfect misdirection made him think of the Xia, Shang and Zhou periods. In particular, he also saw the flag of Daxia.

At that time, he had doubts in his heart. Xia was just Xia, and there was no such thing as Daxia. Moreover, the characters on the flag are also different from those during the Xia Dynasty. Now, after speaking out about this impossible possibility, he finally understood that Daxia... was definitely not the Xia Dynasty, but an extremely glorious cultivation dynasty tens of thousands of years ago.

The Zhenwu world was also at its peak at that time. The two great worlds... no, the fairy world, faced each other across the Milky Way. Everyone wanted to conquer the other. There were countless great worlds below, and the small worlds were vassals. Awesome and prestigious. Finally, the Zhenwu Realm launched a battle against the Earth that could be called a historical change in this side of the galaxy.

The battle between the two immortal worlds directly destroyed the Milky Way. From then on, the Nanzhan Continent was born. And Nanzhan Buzhou had an earth-shattering battle between the seven realms with the subsequently born Emperor Senluo, which became today's seven upper realms.

On that day, the Realm of No Return, the Realm of Zhenwu, and the two immortal realms were finally submerged in the long river of history and became today's Earth and Zhenwu.


Yesterday was not April Fool's Day. I promised to update three times next week. The Tower of Babel will be finished within three or four days next week, and then return to China.

As for the fourth update... it all depends on your votes. Four is too tiring, so I usually don’t do it... The third update feels like it’s the limit...

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