
Chapter 662: Moon in the Well (Part 2)

"Unbelievable..." The eyes under the eyelids trembled slightly.

He couldn't believe this speculation, and apart from this speculation, there was no way to explain why Xu Kunlun did not dare to take action against the earth and Zhenwu Realm. It is even more inexplicable that even if they want to capture the egg of the master that threatens the seven realms the most, even if they start a war of all realms, they still dare not touch the earth's motive at all.

A clue popped up and he finally understood it all.

"The Tower of Babel probably stood on the earth hundreds of thousands of years ago. There are no relics of the previous civilization on the earth. They should all be concentrated in the Tower of Babel. It is conceivable... and Zhenwujie back then The situation of a war has become extremely bad, and the Earth is ready to move all its elites to the Tower of Babel..."

"It was not cast a thousand years ago. The word 'repair' mentioned on the soil dedicated by Constantine should be 'repair.' It... stood on the earth hundreds of thousands of years ago, which is proof that the earth was once a fairyland..."

Xu Yangyi opened his eyes, spoke slowly, and looked at the stargazer: "You left a message on the Void."

"You have been on Earth since hundreds of thousands of years ago. What were you looking at at that time?"

"You let it slip. You said that Xu Kunlun would watch the creation of every world. But on the earth hundreds of thousands of years ago, there were no humans at all. What are you observing?"

"There is only one answer. You were observing a cultivating civilization on Earth. At that time, you were not an observer, were you? At most, you were a monk sent by the world to learn how to do business, right?"

"Now, he has transformed into Algalon, the stargazer? And he still brazenly calls the earth the lower world? Haha... interesting."

Dead silence.

Deathly silence.

In the distance, Angel and Zhao Ziqi were completely stunned, and Scoris was also dumbfounded.

Before the earth... there was a cultivation civilization? And far beyond the current cultivation civilization? So powerful that even Xu Kunlun trembles?

A war between two worlds? Is it a battle between two immortal worlds? Directly destroy the Milky Way?

"God..." The scepter in Skolis's skeleton's hand could hardly be held steady, and he looked at Xu Yangyi tremblingly: "This is impossible...impossible..."

"But...using this explanation...everything makes sense..."

Zhao Ziqi was stunned. This wild idea directly exposed all previous doubts. Angel beside her was also stunned by this setting that subverted the worldview.

Xu Yangyi's voice continued in the field: "Wukong, your clone can walk in the outside world, maybe it won't be long. Your incarnation, Che Fengchao, walked from China to the Western Regions, probably to find the anchor point of the Tower of Babel in the real world. However, after all, it is a monster like you. His lifespan is limited, and it is very likely that you cannot control it at all. In fact, it is amazing that you can separate an incarnation and walk around the world, walking out of the gap between reality and reality. "

"Che Fengchao traveled to many places, even small worlds, and finally found the real anchor point of the Tower of Babel. However, as help was coming, Che Fengchao passed away. However, he was not willing to accept it and turned his body into a saint. The remains are lying near the Papal State. Because you can no longer go back to China, and the Papal State is not far from the Eye of the Sahara, and the cultivation civilization is prosperous, so you hope that some monks will find your remains. Discover the secrets of the Tower of Babel.”

"But it was not the monks who found you. It was the Jie faction. You may not have thought that someone betrayed the entire earth and contacted the Zhenwu world. It found your remains and transferred them to New York, thousands of miles away from the Sahara. If not Jihad, your remains may never be opened.”

"However, there is one more thing I can't figure out." He said slowly: "That is, you said in the message on the Void that half of something produced Taichu? Is it the body of Emperor Senluo?"

"I think if you know this, everything..."

"Do you want to die?" Before he could finish speaking, the Lord finally spoke slowly, his voice no longer relaxed, but with a cold killing intent: "Oh... no, you must die. However, I change idea."

"I will not devour you."

"But... I want to assimilate you and make you my most capable general. I think you have the qualifications."

"So, I am willing to show my sincerity. And, I swear in the name of Emperor Senluo that I will never do any harm to you or anyone you know. Moreover, your subjective consciousness will be preserved, and I It will only add to you the will to always be loyal to me. Even your appearance will not change at all, and the best thing is, it will never hurt."

Xu Yangyi smiled: "Not loyal to Emperor Senluo, but loyal to you?"

"Emperor Sen Luo just came into being earlier. In hundreds of thousands of years, I may not be able to become the next Emperor Sen Luo." Eyes turned to Xu Yangyi: "When I transformed into Andre, we cooperated very happily. But at that time, it was not enough for me to part with my precious soul to assimilate you. But..."

It paused: "I now think you have it, and it's well worth the bet."

"I'm sure I won't allow you to walk out of here alive."

"Die here, or leave here in the original form, you will have no other choice, mortal."

"You...touched a taboo."


Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes slightly. Now that everything has surfaced and the master has not refuted, then the most impossible thing he guessed should be true.

And this is his last question, what exactly is Taichu, and what is the connection with the lampkeeper.

The Tower of Babel - the lamp of the world - the lampkeeper - Taichu, there must be a most crucial line between these three, and this line is the taboo mentioned by Taichu.

It is also the second biggest secret hidden by the Tower of Babel, except that the earth once had a cultivation civilization.

"In order to show my sincerity, I will give you the first chance." Taichu opened the barrier to besiege Scoris and Zhu Hongxue: "They are your enemies, and I am very willing to avenge my future subordinates. And let you avenge them with your own hands."

"It's disrespectful to refuse." Xu Yangyi flew over. In the corner, Zhao Ziqi and Angel bit their lips tightly, and Angel's lake green eyes were full of worry, looking at the tall back.

"Sister-in-law..." Zhao Ziqi hesitated: "If...if brother agrees..."

"Then, I will leave him." Angel, who had never said she would leave, bit her lip and said with certainty: "I like the complete him."

"Not a puppet living under someone else's roof."

"He is an eagle. If his wings are broken and he doesn't fly high, he has lost his position as a human being."

Zhao Ziqi bit his lip.

That's right...he definitely doesn't want this to happen, but now, there is no way to solve it.

He looked at the Taichu, which was more than 4,000 meters away. The master...this was the brain of one of the legions that made the seven realms tremble. Facing this monster, which exuded an ominous aura throughout the void, could he really leave this time?

The scene seemed calm, but in fact...the storm hidden under the calm was worse than before, and even gave people goose bumps!

"Brother...are you willing to live under someone else's roof?"

"You are not such a person...but, but the current do you get out of it? Didn't you know that Andre was not right a long time ago? Are you really unprepared and come here just out of curiosity?"

"Step..." Xu Yangyi landed in front of Scolis, and Yuchang quietly came out, quietly looking at the skeleton opposite.

"Before you are executed, let me ask you, how do you feel about being killed by the untouchables?"

"Boy..." The skeleton laughed: "I admit that I lost, but I am not your opponent in a one-on-one fight. I admit defeat. You can kill me or chop me up."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "You still have some backbone of a grand duke."

"If you don't want to die, it will be a joke."

Skoris sneered: "I also have a question."

"What makes you have such a strong desire to kill me? From the moment I entered here, I felt that you had to kill me."

Xu Yangyi glanced at him: "Remember the skeleton in the corridor?"

"Oh? So what?" Skoris said indifferently: "It's just a dry skeleton. This grand duke has used it many times. Just him? You have to kill me?"

"To you, it's a dry skeleton..." Xu Yangyi flicked the sword: "To me, it's my ancestor."

Two balls of green fire flashed in the skeleton's eyes.

His ancestor?

After a long silence, he laughed out loud: "So that's how it is... So that's how it is!"

"I have been in Europe and America for hundreds of years, but what finally made you want to kill me was a dead bone from who knows how many years ago!"

Xu Yangyi looked at him calmly: "Do you regret it?"

The laughter stopped abruptly, Scoris lowered his head and sneered at Xu Yangyi: "What is there to regret?"

"It's just a pile of rotten bones... Senior? Even if it's a senior, so what? It's still a mere pariah. The king killed his ministers and apologized to his descendants? Ridiculous!"

"You just want to kill me. What a lame excuse. You are committing a crime. Do you think I will forgive you?" He retreated dozens of meters, opened his arms, and the endless nether fire exploded behind him. He floated in the air like a devil, sneering: "Want to kill me? Then come and see if your sword is sharp enough!"

Xu Yangyi slowly took out the fish intestines: "At this time, you still look like a grand duke."

"Swish!" As soon as the voice fell, a sword light like thunder pierced Scoris's head.

"Reincarnation of the dead!" Scoris screamed, and his body was pierced by Xu Yangyi's sword.

However, there was no blood, no flesh and blood. Just like piercing a balloon, all the bones flew around. The next second, a series of black lights shot up from the transparent talisman array.

Circles of gray-white dead spirits lingered wildly, forming a huge vortex. In the vortex, all the broken skeletons were sucked in, forming a terrifying skeleton tornado.

"This Grand Duke... never regretted not giving color to something like you!"

"If you want to blame, blame this Grand Duke for not slapping you to death with a slap!"

"Now, let me show you the strongest magic of me, the master of the Undead Ice Palace!"

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