
Chapter 667: God-killing monster vs. perfect life form (Part 3

"Karala..." Its body suddenly expanded, 100 meters, 500 meters, and finally, it reached a range of 3,000 meters!

"I'll give you a maze, little guy..." It licked its scarlet tongue: "I hope you have fun."

"Boy! Don't you want to live?!" The huge mouth suddenly turned into a bottomless abyss, expanding wildly. The white teeth on both sides made people's scalps numb. The esophagus expanded to hundreds of meters. Mistytin said in a deep voice: "How did you make this choice?!"

"I'm not crazy." Xu Yangyi's eyes were only calm, he had to be calm: "Outside, he treated me like a cat catching a mouse, I was definitely not the opponent of this monster. He didn't even use spiritual pressure. The speed was even faster, and the field was not opened. I could only fight by instinct. But... once there was a slight mistake, I would die."

"At least compared to the almost invincible outside world, here is still an unknown world."

Yuchang and Mistytin didn't speak.

If you put yourself in a desperate situation, you will survive. Since you have decided, they will accompany you to the end.

"Here it comes!" Xu Yangyi took a deep breath. In front of him, countless scarlet things rushed out, and the entire esophagus suddenly closed.

Rows of teeth, like siege cones, moved away from dozens of meters, with terrifying wind pressure, biting madly at the center!

"God King Mark!" Mistedin roared, all the patterns on the armor shone together, and a huge light shield wrapped Xu Yangyi in it. The tightened esophagus suddenly tightened, and the knife-like teeth pulled out sparks from the light shield.

"Quick!!" Mistedin shouted, and he would never regret it. Before the voice was finished, Xu Yangyi had already rushed towards the scarlet sea below.

"Split the sky!!" Swish! The claws appeared all over the sky, and the tongue ocean rushing from below was instantly broken into pieces. The God King Mark protected him, and no trace of Taichu was touched. But on the God King Mark, there were already pieces of squeaking sounds, and Taichu, who devoured everything, actually began to devour the magical power.

"Faster! Faster! I can only hold on for three minutes at most!" Mistydin shouted anxiously.

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, "Swish!" Two more wings appeared on his back. The speed increased again, and he rushed to the deepest part of the master like a meteor chasing the moon.

His left arm had not been used for too long, and at this time, every bit of it counted.

"Puff puff puff!" Layers of Taichu were torn apart by the violent cracks in the sky, flying into the air with screams, and then fell on the God King pattern outside, wrapping Xu Yangyi into a 20-meter-long scarlet ball, falling straight into the bottomless abyss.

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth secretly.

Was it still a little hasty...

Taichu must not touch the flesh, and he couldn't see the situation in front of him at all. What else? How long will it take to rush through the esophagus?


"I can't see it." He just opened his mouth, and Yuchang opened his mouth almost at the same time, his voice carrying unbearable anxiety: "I can't go out, I can feel that these monsters will not even let my body go. If it was the old man's prime, it would be nothing. But now your realm is not enough, the old man can only exert the strength of the early stage of the golden elixir, and dare not explore it at all!"

What to do?

Five seconds have passed since the fall, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, and countless green lines rushed out. Finally, after another two seconds, the green lines slowly stopped.

"Two seconds!!" He shouted.

Misttin and he were in tune with each other, and the wings suddenly slowed down, and the four wings began to glide, exploring the way ahead of the green line, and suddenly the pressure was relieved. Xu Yangyi rushed forward suddenly, rushed out of the light shield surrounded by layers of Taichu, and the God King pattern behind him was completely shattered.

"Heh..." He wiped the cold sweat from his head, and looked around regardless of his heart that had not yet calmed down.

There was silence all around.

This is a huge space, with red flesh walls all over, about 300 meters long. However, in this space, there are dozens of passages about 3 meters long. Countless eyes are densely packed in it, looking at them with unspeakable weirdness.

"Naive!!" Outside, the master laughed wildly: "Do you think I dare not destroy it wantonly in my body?! Want to hide in it for three hours? Idiot!"

"If I die, I will drag you down with me!!!"

Inside, right in front of Xu Yangyi, endless black air burst out. Then, it was absorbed by all the flesh walls, and then the whole space trembled slightly.

"Swish!" Tumors appeared on the wall, and all the objects inside were clearly visible and were rapidly gestating.

"Domain, extreme darkness." The voice of the master suddenly sounded around them: "Come on, little white mouse, guess what is inside?"

Xu Yangyi, Mistedin, and Yuchang did not speak. The mood was extremely heavy.

These dozen cocoons are gestating... all the creatures that Taichu has swallowed!

The extremely powerful spiritual energy filled it, telling of the master's strength in his lifetime. Bringing abyss-like despair to all who saw it.

Zhu Hongxue, Anyu, Scolis, Shangguan Hong... and... the huge meat cocoon of more than 100 meters in the center.

That... is the giant dragon on the second platform of the Lantern of All Worlds!

"Anything I swallow can be perfectly reflected in my body. In other words, my body is impeccable."

"Each of them has their own peak combat power."

"And you, sleep in my stomach."

As his voice fell, "Shua shua shua..." The spiritual energy of the Jindan level became more and more condensed, and some of the flesh cocoons began to tremble. More than a dozen Jindan auras swept across the whole place, forming a kind of oppressive terror.

There were obstacles in front and pursuers behind. There was no way to go up to the sky and no door to enter the earth. This was the most realistic portrayal of them now.

Xu Yangyi's eyes were extremely solemn. More than a dozen Jindan... especially the dragon in the center, the aura was so terrifying that it made his hair stand on end. Once it appeared, there was no escape!

The crisis was like a knife, and his mind turned faster and faster. Just now, he seemed to have thought of something.

This battle was silent. The oppressive force of the master was overwhelming, but he was not in a hurry to kill them. Instead, he kept squeezing their living space and gave them a fatal blow when he was 100% sure.

The overwhelming oppressive force followed them like a devil, making them unable to relax at all. But now, he always felt... something was wrong?

What is it...

"Let's go." Yuchang interrupted his meditation: "If we don't leave now, it will be too late! Now we still have hope to rush out of the body! Its interior is a copper wall, a city that can never be conquered, at least you can't do it now! Outside, there is still a glimmer of hope! You...what are you doing!?"

Just before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi had already taken the lead and rushed into the interior again!

"Can't retreat!!" While rushing, he shouted angrily: "I has revealed its biggest weakness!"

Mistdin, Yuchang was stunned.

"Core!" Xu Yangyi said affirmatively: "It has a core!"

He finally understood what that sense of disharmony was.

These people...these creatures! None of them died in one place, but Taichu devoured them in various rooms. At different times and different places. Now they all appear in the master's body...that is to say...Taichu is worthy of its alias of Chimera. It is an aggregate of countless Taichu.

This aggregate is so scattered. What controls their actions in unison? Like an arm and a finger?

There must be a central control. There is life between the aggregate individuals. The core is a main brain, and all the subdivisions execute its orders. Otherwise, this situation cannot be explained. And those eyes are not without purpose, they are monitors! As long as they get close to the center, the center will move.

"This is just your guess!" Yu Chang shouted anxiously, but did not refuse, and flew to catch up.

"But... it is a guess worth gambling with." Xu Yangyi rushed forward, and his two swords flashed: "Outside, it is an almost impenetrable physical fortress, inside, the domain is blocked, and the sky eye is monitoring... It is worthy of being a perfect life form, with almost no flaws in defense. The core... I am afraid it is its only weakness!"

"So what? There are more than a dozen Jindan in front of us! And once you find the core, it will never play with us again, and it will definitely go all out to kill you!"

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth.

Yes, what if I rushed over? With so many forks and so many eyes monitoring, it is undoubtedly like looking for a needle in a haystack for them to find the core of the other party!

However, if he didn't rush over, he would have no chance at all. Outside, the master's ghostly speed and his body that could change at will crushed his combat power of two small realms and the Great Perfection level. Not to mention two hours, even one hour was his limit!

This was the master's Golden Core Great Perfection, not some Great Perfection that he reached by chance.

"The momentum of the charge is to advance without retreat. The will to break through the formation is to die without life." When the urgency reached its extreme, it calmed him down: "Outside, it is certain to die. Now, we at least have a glimmer of hope!"

Suddenly, at this moment, thousands of blue lights appeared in his Qi Sea.

Then, a light butterfly flew out, like a dream.


As it flew out, a blue light spot spread throughout the space. And the weird thing is... as the blue light scattered, all eyes blinked and closed together!

"Dad..." Huanling said coquettishly: "I brought them all into the illusion, did I do well?"

"Good!" Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly lit up, and the heavy feeling in his heart suddenly dissipated, and he almost wanted to shout to the sky.

Yes, the biggest threat is not the obstruction, but these ubiquitous eyes!

As long as they are there, he will never be able to find the core of the master!

The biggest problem has disappeared, and the second big problem is how to find the core?

What to do? What to do!

He knows very well that once this huge change occurs, the master will never play with him again, and will definitely go all out to kill him!

The mind has never turned so fast before, and suddenly, he has a flash of inspiration and shouts: "Open your magical power to create illusions to the maximum! Disperse to various places!"

The Huanling flew in a circle, and the next second, a gorgeous blue butterfly was copied from its body, more and more, and spread along various channels.

One dream after another, in various places in the master's body. Yu Chang looked at the dozen or so Jindan flesh cocoons in front of him solemnly: "What are you going to do?"

"It's very simple... Taichu is not a whole, but an aggregate of countless Taichu!"

"Then..." He sneered, his fighting spirit was unprecedentedly high, and he rushed towards the flesh cocoons that were about to hatch: "All the fragments, all enter the dream that is difficult to distinguish between true and false?"

"These crazy illusions will all be handed over to its core for processing. Can its core, the 'CPU,' handle it?"

Outside, the master suddenly jumped up. He looked into his body in disbelief.

Eyes... eyes made up of cells, all fell into a state of madness!

Unable to distinguish between friend and foe, what he saw in his vision were completely different illusions. What was even more terrifying was that these illusions rushed into his brain like a tide, and he screamed for the first time.

Outside, there were silent screams. And inside, in a passage, a crazy whine finally sounded.


Xu Yangyi's eyes were like fire, and he rushed over at full speed.


The only dawn in the darkness!

This was not a whine, but the short circuit sound of the CPU overload. And for him, it was the first bird call at dawn.

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