
Chapter 668: God-killing monster vs. perfect life form (IV)

"Swish!" He rushed in at full speed, pulling out a brilliant green light, and the fish intestines burst into a sky-high black light. He rushed to the place where the scream came from without hesitation.

"Phantom!" He whispered a few words to the phantom, and the phantom immediately turned into pieces of blue light and rushed inside.

"Boom!" The dragon stepped on the mountain and hit the largest meat cocoon in the middle. With an explosion, a shrill scream came out of the meat cocoon, and disgusting yellow juice sprayed everywhere. The intact meat cocoon was directly kicked out with a huge hole of tens of meters in size, and a group of squirming scarlet objects could be vaguely seen inside.

However, he did not stop.

These things must not be hatched. With his strength, he is absolutely not afraid of a weaker grand duke, such as Savidian VI. Even if he fights one-on-one with any early grand duke, he is not afraid.

However... now here are more than a dozen grand duke-level strongmen, and this dragon has reached the middle stage of the grand duke! And it is still getting stronger!

"Pah!" The meat cocoon exploded, but at this moment, two blood-red lights like spotlights suddenly lit up in the meat cocoon, and the next second, a thick flame burst out.

"Swish!" The wings vibrated, and he immediately flew sideways for dozens of meters. This was within his expectations. These meat cocoons had no protection, which meant that... the master was not afraid of destruction at all, or... he would not die if destroyed.

"Swish!" Yuchang drew a black stream of light, and all the meat cocoons were split into two wherever he passed. The scarlet meat membrane opened disgustingly and could no longer wrap the flesh inside. With a "snap" sound, all the things that were being nurtured fell to the ground.

The good news is that all the growing spiritual energy has stopped. At the scene, except for the giant dragon of more than 200 meters, which was in the middle stage of the Grand Duke, all the others were in the early stage.

The bad news is... no one died. Breaking these cocoons in advance and preventing them from continuing to nurture quickly is the only way to do this.

"Pah..." The sound of something stepping on the ground sounded behind him.

It was a golden crow's claw. Then, the sound of a dense feather shaking made people tremble, like the footsteps of a demon in a rainy night, rustling, the horror in silence quietly opened behind him.

And right in front of him, the flesh-red dragon propped up its huge body, the scales had not yet grown, the whole body was in a state of peeling, the scarlet muscles pulled the blood vessels and meridians, the blood-red dragon eyes stared at Xu Yangyi, looking extremely terrifying.

One by one, the figures stood up, as if they were swallowed into the belly of a snake and then spit out. The bodies that were destroyed in advance made them look like zombies, but the auras of the Grand Duke level could not be faked at all.

And they had surrounded Xu Yangyi.

"What should I do?" Misty Ting was also a little anxious. More than a dozen Grand Dukes, this was definitely not a joke.

"Go ahead." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and stared at the cave where the scream came from: "We must get there within ten minutes, otherwise, I doubt that the master has the ability to transfer the core."

"Ten minutes?" Misty Ting took a breath of cold air. It sounds good. There are more than a dozen grand dukes in front of you! Even if they are controlled by the other party and their bodies have not grown up, and their overall combat power is halved, then... they are grand dukes after all!

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi had turned into a green light and rushed out like a meteor.

"Use your strongest killer move!!"

Mistty Ting's weapon spirit bit his lips tightly: "You can't bear it."

"I can bear it! Use it!!!"

In an instant, the green light was already 50 meters in front of the dragon, and Xu Yangyi had no other spiritual energy except for the courage to move forward. There was no time for Misty Ting to hesitate.

Opposite him, the dragon was fully awake, and a golden vertical pupil shone in its scarlet eyes. The wings of death fluttered and spread, and its chest bulged wildly.

The next dragon breath is coming!

Behind him, a huge crow, with its wings tightly wrapped around itself, opened its wings with a "quack", and the whole space was dyed black by the black light in the sky. Around them, the zombie-like dukes propped up their bodies like zombies and opened their eyes one after another.



Mistin was anxious. This choice was not the first time, and this time... his host was only at the level of a duke! No! Not yet a duke!

He also saw that there was only one chance. If he did not rush to the passage at the moment of clarity of mind, the opportunity created by the phantom would be fleeting.

And use... he was not sure that the other party's body could withstand such a fierce impact, and it might be torn into pieces! Especially... now the front and back, the dragon and the crow attacked at the same time, the host's aura and realm, he could see that he could only defend one attack, and one attack... would definitely hit the host's body. In this case, coupled with the impact of the overload of the body caused by Ragnarok, the one torn into pieces... was really not his host?

"Boy!! You held on!" But, he was a veteran weapon spirit after all. Rather than being dragged to death by these Grand Duke puppets, he might as well give it a try! Man proposes, God disposes. Whether to rush forward or fall here, in this crisis-ridden situation, there is actually no other choice.

"Roar!!!!" At the same time, the giant dragon in front roared, and the whole space trembled. Then, a dark dragon breath, a hundred meters in radius, spewed out from its mouth. Wherever it passed, the space was shattered, revealing dark and deep cracks.

The next second, the whole space was lit.

Misty Ting exuded an endless green light, as if it was the gestation of life, or the withering of autumn. An indescribable terrifying aura rose up like a tsunami.

"Puff puff puff!" At the same time, Xu Yangyi's muscles burst, and blood arrows splashed out from under his muscles, dyeing him into a bloody man in an instant.

However, his speed did not decrease at all, and the tip of the sword did not tremble.

"You... are still strong..." Misty Ting was struggling in his heart. He knew that this was because too much aura rushed in, causing blood vessels to burst. If he continued, the other party might explode and die in advance.

"Continue!!" Xu Yangyi bit his lips until they bled, and shouted with all his strength, flapping his four wings, not giving Misty Ting a chance to hesitate, and his speed increased to a higher level, pointing directly at the dragon's throat.

Mistydin took a deep breath and closed his eyes: "Ragnarok."

"Swish! Swish, swish, swish!" As these four words fell, countless figures appeared in the entire space, including Beowulf, Hela, Odin, Thor, Frigga, Loki, Balder, Heimdall... The figures of the gods condensed in an instant, and then gathered on Mistydin like a whirlwind.

"Boom!!!!" From all directions, the cyan spiritual energy like a tide formed a terrifying spiritual tornado on Mistydin. This was no longer the collapse of the void, but... the area around him was visibly twisted within a hundred meters.

Xu Yangyi's heart stopped beating.

It was too strong... He really couldn't bear this kind of pressure with his flesh alone. He could feel that the spiritual energy in his body was collapsing. That majestic spiritual energy did not belong to him, but to Mistydin. Wherever it passed, the meridians made waves of wailing.

Severe pain spread from the bones to the muscles. The sword he held trembled, and he took out a black pill and swallowed it.

Explosive Pill.

Temporarily increase a small realm, and he... was already at the gate of the Grand Duke. As he took this pill, his whole body burst into a brilliant golden light, and a green flower of the other shore suddenly appeared behind him.

Without Nanming Lihuo, he can only rely on the treasures of heaven and earth, various adventures to break through, and the impurities in his body that rely on absorbing spirit stones cannot be eliminated, which will become a fatal weakness in the future. However, at this moment, there is no way to retreat!

A moment of Grand Duke... He only needs ten minutes of Grand Duke to have a chance to turn the tide of the battle!

"Shua la la..." The flowers of the other shore opened one by one, and a violent green aura filled the whole place. The power of the Grand Duke finally appeared in Xu Yangyi's body for the first time, and the tip of his sword stabilized again. His body used a speed several times faster than before, and even left a shadow of action in the air. The next second, the green light was like an arrow, rushing into the dragon's breath with a momentum of never returning and burning the boats!


The space seemed to solidify.

Time seemed to stop.

The star text in the box moved, and the moon shadow around the edge was broken.

Infinite light suddenly broke out in the dragon's breath, and the extremely bright green color, with unspeakable divine power, a mushroom cloud, exploded in front of the giant dragon.

Then, there was a shock wave of tens of meters high, rushing up like a tidal wave, and the stomach of the master was bloody!

"Zizizizizi!!!!" In the outside world, the master looked up to the sky and roared, and then pieces of black fog condensed, and his body became bigger again! It has reached a huge range of 5,000 meters! It is comparable to Xiaoqing's Kunpeng body.

"You are injured." The stargazer seemed calm, but in fact he was anxious. He pretended to be calm and said: "The size has increased to relieve the pain in the body. It seems that the kid has found your core?"

The master did not speak, and the three heads of hundreds of meters looked at his abdomen in disbelief.

How could it be possible...

How could that tiny maggot... deliver such a powerful blow? !

The horrible pain from the stomach just now made it, which had just woken up from the dream, fall into unspeakable pain. He had clearly calculated that the other party could not hurt his body!

"What went wrong?" He looked at his stomach in astonishment, and a sense of anxiety finally rose.

He did not dare to become Andre...

Once he became human size, the damage that had forced him to grow again would be fatal to Andre. He... was afraid that he would not see that damn thing die, and he... would be killed by a tiny monk before Quetzalcoatl appeared?

And... it needs Andre's thoughts now!

"Not good!!!!" Just after he was stunned for a few seconds, he suddenly let out a shocking scream.

The other party... rushed to his core!

He broke through the blockade! !

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