
Chapter 669: Dominant Will (I)

"Swish!" The green light was like a long rainbow. Xu Yangyi didn't know how many minutes of time he had left to reach the Grand Duke realm. He rushed towards the cave where the wailing came from with all his strength.

His whole body was torn with severe pain. The impurities left in his meridians by the absorption of spiritual stones and the impure treasures of heaven and earth were all burst out under the huge pressure. A mouthful of blood gushed out from his clenched teeth. The force was so great that he almost couldn't help but open his teeth.

But it didn't work.

Now, it depends on that breath. The damage caused by the Ragnarok breaking through the obstruction was equally huge, and it caused complications that had been hidden in his meridians. He knew that he didn't have much time.

Behind him, more than a dozen Grand Dukes stood up. Shangguan Hong opened his lips on his half-rotten and half-skinless face, and a Grand Duke aura suddenly swirled between his five fingers.

"Gu Yan... Drowning Immortal Curse."

"Boom!!!" The huge waves rushed, and the blue aura gathered into a vast sea in an instant, rushing towards Xu Yangyi's back with boundless murderous aura. At the same time, Antonio's puppet raised his arms: "Forbidden Technique...Ansassus's Mercy."

This move has no spiritual energy, but the Drowning Immortal Curse rushing towards Xu Yangyi and the black feathers emitted by Anyu suddenly doubled their speed and emitted a white light.

Yuchang and Misteding did not make a move.

It's not yet completely out of the way. They all saw Xu Yangyi's idea. The other party wanted to take this move hard, relying on the strong body of Qianlibuxing, and with the help of this impact force, completely get out of this terrifying quagmire.

"Boom!!!" With a loud bang, Xu Yangyi flew out like a kite with a broken string. But at the moment when these moves hit him, he took out the pills, no matter what they were, as long as they were restored, he swallowed them all into his stomach.

An extreme colic arose, and the medicinal properties conflicted, but he could no longer care about so much. Decades of impurities in the meridians have been exploded, and will you still care about an extra dose of medicinal properties?

The next second, it was as if he was hit by a huge hammer weighing 100,000 or 1 million jins. He could no longer hold back and spat out blood. He flew forward with the last bit of his spiritual energy.

No, that was no longer spiritual energy. It was a will.

The most instinctive will to survive.

"Bang!" He was directly knocked back hundreds of meters. Just as he was about to hit the flesh wall, the fish intestines burst out a black light and supported him.

"Are you okay?"

Xu Yangyi only felt a dark scene in front of his eyes, but the will in his heart clamored not to fall asleep. If he fainted now, there would be no future.

His eyes, which were a little scattered, gradually gathered light, loosened his softened fingers, trembled for a few seconds, and then used all his strength to hold them together with bloodshot.

The colic in his body was still there, but it made him more sober, and the medicinal properties of countless pills slowly took effect, and the last bit of spiritual energy hovered in the meridians and no longer dissipated.


Xu Yangyi didn't speak, his lips trembling and white, pointing at his back. Yuchang was stunned for a moment, then immediately tore off his clothes. Then he immediately took a breath of cold air.

Countless Taichu... have covered his entire back! There was a slight chewing sound. Just now... he was not only enduring the heavy blow, but also enduring the swallowing of Taichu.

"When was it infected?!" Yuchang was anxious, and suddenly remembered that among all the collisions of real objects, only the wings of Anyu were involved. No wonder... No wonder I can't see the wings inserted on the host's back, these are all Taichu!

"Cut..." Xu Yangyi said through his teeth.

Yuchang was stunned, and then he chopped with all his strength. Xu Yangyi groaned, and a layer of skin and flesh on his back was cut off, and blood splattered!

After adjusting his breath for about ten seconds, he suddenly opened his eyes and rushed to the depths of the cave with all his strength.

"This boy... has an amazing will..." Yuchang looked deeply at the other party's back, nodded after a long time, and immediately followed.

Behind him, more than a dozen great lords' spiritual powers were desperately chasing after him. As the incarnations of Taichu, they knew very well that there was a place that they absolutely could not let the other party enter.

"How could it be? How could it be like this!" Outside, the master looked at his abdomen with cold sweat. He felt... this young monk... was getting closer and closer to his core! However, when he mobilized the spiritual energy around the core and operated the muscles to transfer the core, he immediately ushered in countless illusions.

The Taichu that made up the muscles around him were all anesthetized by the illusions. Now, he couldn't mobilize them at all!

Maybe it would be possible in five minutes, but five minutes... is the real life and death speed!

"Waste... Waste!! All waste!!" It roared to the sky, its eyes red, and a huge mouth opened from its abdomen, and it actually swallowed itself back.

His own death is certain. With the resurrection of Quetzalcoatl, he has no chance of survival.

But... but this monk played with him like this! He must die! !

Otherwise... his main body, his body! The real master far away in the sky can't swallow this breath!

This is also the will that the main body just transmitted.

No matter what, this monk must be killed!

Inside, the entire space was shaking violently. Xu Yangyi said nothing and attacked with all his strength.

"It's coming." Mistydin said in a deep voice: "The master's clone... finally rushed over. We didn't go wrong."

"Persist." Yuchang knew that everything was in vain now. It all depended on whether the host's consciousness could persist. The will to survive that people burst out on the brink of life and death was extremely terrifying. As long as they could destroy the core, they would have a way out.

In all directions, with the roar, the flesh walls trembled violently, and the eyes trembled as if they were about to open again. On the flesh walls, cracks were already looming, and some had even opened. Countless mouths were chirping and roaring, and scarlet tongues were desperately blocking their progress.

Just in front, not far away, a hazy red light was revealed, emitting endless evil, as if it was the source of sin.

"It's right there!" Xu Yangyi's blood had stopped all over his body. He saw that there was a unique space in front of him. There was only darkness, like a vortex of sin, extremely conspicuous.

Everything around, everything that collapsed, was sucked into the vortex, and there... was already a living hell.

"Yuchang..." His voice was weak, and he whispered a few words to Yuchang. Yuchang's face was complicated: "Are you sure you can hold on?"

"I can!" Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth: "I won't die here!"

Yuchang didn't speak or move.

The collapse of the surroundings was getting faster and faster, and in front, the black vortex had expanded to more than 100 meters! In the vortex, a red crystal was floating up and down, and it was about to sink into the vortex.

"Hurry up!!!" Xu Yangyi couldn't help shouting: "Do you want us to fail at the last minute!!"

"Okay." Yuchang finally gritted his teeth, without saying a word, and directly cut a cut on Xu Yangyi's right hand that reached the elbow, and drilled in with blood dripping.

Closer... Closer...

The collapse was also faster.

Finally, Xu Yangyi rushed to the edge of the vortex. A tired smile finally hung on the corner of his mouth.

Smash it...

Everything will end.


"Mortal, stop your dirty hands!!!" At this moment, a roar full of shock rang in his ears, directly roaring away Xu Yangyi's defenseless magical power, and a figure had appeared in front of them.

One hundred meters in front of the crystal, at the edge of the vortex, Andre appeared in the void. He was no longer the same as before. His whole body swelled to four meters high. Bloody black and red horns appeared from his body. He spread his devilish wings behind him and looked at Xu Yangyi in shock and anger.

"You can actually walk here..."

"You can actually make me lose control of a part of my body..." He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then opened them, looking at Xu Yangyi with cold murderous intent: "I commend your courage. Here, I will specially award you a medal called death."

"Boom!!" The wings spread out, and the pressure of the early Grand Duke enveloped the whole scene.

Xu Yangyi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Two thousand meters behind him, more than a dozen Grand Duke-level spiritual energy rushed quickly. It's probably still twenty seconds to get here...

Twenty seconds, if you can't break this core, everything is nothingness.

No nonsense, raised his right hand high, and pinched the magic formula with his left hand. The seal formula was very strange, as if lotus petals were blooming. After a few spells, his raised hand suddenly burst into endless golden light! At the same time, behind him, a figure a thousand meters tall loomed in the golden light.

"What is this?!" Outside, the stargazer suddenly raised his head and looked at the place where the master disappeared: "Immortal law... Formless Guanyin?!"

"Once... one of the three great immortal laws left in that unspeakable place?"

"He... he actually learned it? I... I just left a picture of it, the most original rubbing... he... he actually learned it from the rubbing?"

He took a breath of cold air, and after a long time, the stars flickered: "Right... so that's it..."

"Come back alive..." He sighed: "Maybe, I will tell you the real truth..."

Before the black vortex, golden light burst out, like the sun in the night, the master looked at the hand uncertainly: "Immortal law... Formless Guanyin?"

"The strongest move I can make at present." Xu Yangyi opened his mouth, and blood gushed out involuntarily. The remaining spiritual energy in his body was desperately mobilized to his hands. If there was an ordinary person now, he would probably kill him with a sword in his back.

The spiritual energy in his body flowed into the sea, and he dared not retain a trace. He gritted his teeth, took out the bottle of explosive pills, and swallowed them all without hesitation!

Gulp, seven explosive pills, just entered the tendons, "boom", all the bones in the body made a muffled sound, that is, all cracks appeared, and countless blood arrows burst out of the body surface.

However, immediately afterwards, a magnificent aura suddenly rushed out of his body! It was actually... approaching the state of the middle stage of the golden elixir!

"Are you going to die?!" Yuchang and Mistedin shouted angrily. They all saw that the meridians in Xu Yangyi's body were actually shattered inch by inch. This is the foundation of cultivation. Once it is broken, everything is over.

"My life is going to be gone, so why talk about it?" Xu Yangyi opened his mouth full of blood and laughed: "Take it!"

"Immortal method!"

"Formless Guanyin!"

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