
Chapter 670: Dominant Will (Part 2)


Golden light dispelled every bit of darkness in the venue. In front of the master, a huge statue of Thousand-armed Guanyin condensed behind Xu Yangyi. Great compassion, great holiness, with unmatched murderous aura, slashed towards it!

"Formless Guanyin..." The master's pupils suddenly shrank, and he couldn't believe it... He could only reach the middle stage of the Grand Duke when he entered his own body, but this move... was enough to threaten him!

Wouldn't it be better to die peacefully? Why struggle so hard?

Don't you know that the more you struggle, the more painful it is? Why don't you just die peacefully! ?

"Roar!!!" It let out a shocking roar, and infinite black light surged from its body: "If it was you in your prime, this move could still hurt me severely. With you now, a dying man, dare you talk about slaying the dragon?"

"Senluo's intention."

The black tide rose from the ground, condensing into a huge phantom. The face could not be seen clearly, but just one look could make people collapse.

That... is the ultimate evil.

The ultimate darkness.

The ultimate sin.

The ultimate horror that cannot be described.

The shadow flicked his finger lightly, and a black crescent appeared, facing the golden Guanyin above, and forcibly divided the world into black and white.

Seizing the fortune of heaven and earth.

"Boom!" The collision of light and darkness, a loud noise resounded through the scene, and the black and white colors enveloped the entire sky. In mid-air, after Xu Yangyi used this move, there was no more spiritual energy, his eyes turned black, and he fell down.

This is the ultimate he can do.

At the same time, with an unbelievable scream, a green blood arrow rushed straight up to three meters high.

From left to right, a terrible scar appeared on the body of the master, deep enough to see the bone, and blood splattered.

However, it was not enough to be fatal.

It stretched out its hand to wipe a little, and looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief.

"He... penetrated the will of Senluo?"

"A mere mortal... could actually hurt a perfect me?"

At this moment, his whole body suddenly froze, and he turned his head mechanically, looking at the place where the two magical powers intersected in shock.

"Swish la la la..." A vortex as big as a human head, one side white, the other side black, a series of lightning composed of spiritual power crackled around, and the extremely terrifying spiritual power was suppressed in the vortex.

Good luck comes after bad luck!

Any good luck after bad luck is too coincidental. No one knows whether the spiritual power of the two moves is the same, a little more, a little less, it will never appear. But once it appears, it... is a real black hole that will devour everything around it.

Adding one more spiritual power to it will result in the explosion of the black hole. If...if the other party is still alive, one more...then...

Silence, a dead silence.

A few seconds later, it laughed softly, and then the laughter became louder and louder, and finally, it turned into a laugh to the sky.

"Heh... Heh heh heh!! Hahahaha!" It still had a lingering fear on its face, but at this moment, it laughed with great joy: "Want to kill me."

"Even if I come into your body in person, I'm still in the middle stage of the Golden Core! You want to kill me even though you're so seriously injured?!"

"This is the gap between inferior creatures and perfect creatures." It suddenly lowered its head and looked deeply at Xu Yangyi. There was murderous intent in its eyes. This kid... must die!

If he doesn't kill him now, he won't be able to grow up... He can't imagine it.

"And you." It looked at Mistydin: "He should have another sword, right? Has his strength dropped to the point where he can only use yours? But... it doesn't matter. After you follow me, you can exert your true power. It's a million times better than this Don Quixote. We have hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of years to enhance our feelings for each other."

After the last word fell, its left hand suddenly turned into countless tentacles, screaming and rushing towards Xu Yangyi.

"Die, blaspheming the perfect mortal!"

But, the next second, all the tentacles stopped.

A light "click" sound came from behind it.

Something was broken.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment. It stood there in disbelief, then turned around mechanically and looked at its core in astonishment.

There was no core there.

There was only a black sword, and... crystal fragments emitting red spiritual energy all over the vortex.

"No..." Its expression was completely stagnant. It suddenly understood that Yuchang was not gone, but the opponent had no spiritual power, or the opponent knew his body too well. Once Wuxiang Guanyin was used, the opponent would never be able to control his body again, so...

While Wuxiang Guanyin was slashing, he hid Yuchang in his arm... and threw it out...

There was no spiritual energy, just a simple throw, the opponent had no spiritual energy in the last blow. At that moment just now, who would notice an action without spiritual energy?

It might not hit, it might hit. Even Xu Yangyi himself could not be sure. This blow, an ordinary person's blow, really handed his life to God.

But at this moment, God opened his eyes and cast a lucky look.

How could this happen... The other party's life was within reach, how could such a variable appear?

It was the climax of the plot just now, and it ended in an instant? I... was just a passerby?

"Swish, swish, swish..." In the black space where you can hear a pin drop, blood-red light suddenly burst out from its body.

In the red light, its body was broken bit by bit, like liquid, and countless Taichu flowed from it. It stared at its own hands, still unable to believe what it saw.

"Boom!!!" Finally, the red light emitted from the whole body gathered into a blood-red light pillar. It looked towards the sky tremblingly, with madness and unwillingness in its eyes: "No... this is not true..."

He couldn't believe it, let alone accept it!

In the outside world, the other party is obviously not his opponent. On his own home court, within his own body, he was actually beheaded by the opponent!

"No! No! No!!!" it screamed in a hoarse voice: "How could this happen?! How could this happen!? I am stronger than him! Much stronger! I can easily abuse him in the outside world! Why did I die in front of him in the end?"

"I'm not willing to give in...I'm not convinced!! I'm perfect! I'm invincible! How is that possible!!"

Mistertin and Yuchang closed their eyes and let out a long sigh of relief.

it's over……

it's all over……

The real evil in the Tower of Babel is about to disappear.

"Buzzing..." The two weapon spirits simultaneously burst out their spiritual power, wrapping the unconscious Xu Yangyi in them. When the master's physical body collapses, Taichu will become independent individuals piece by piece. If he is not protected, he will be submerged in the infinite Taichu.

However, before the master clone collapsed, he suddenly lowered his head and looked at Xu Yangyi: "Little thing... don't think it's over like this..."

"I said... Even if I die! I will support you!!"

"Please... I come here!!"

These words seemed to penetrate countless voids. Even echoing in this space.

As this sentence is said,

Crash, stop suddenly.

Three seconds later, all the collapsed bodies flew upwards. At this moment, it was as if the master had a will again. As the "brain", he began to control the entire body again.

"Rumble..." There was a silent tremor, and the surrounding space vibrated.

"This is..." Mistertin's knight weapon spirit slowly stood up and looked around with great solemnity: "Something is coming..."

"What a powerful evil thought..." Yuchang also stood up, with two weapon spirits and two swords firmly protecting Xu Yangyi's body: "This... Xu Ying? Xu Ying realm?!"

"Boom!!" There was a loud noise, and all the darkness in the space screamed and converged into the midair, forming a huge human face that seemed to be invisible. The next second, a huge wave of will came down.


It was a kind of... distortion, ominousness, depravity, greed... a collection of all kinds of evil thoughts, so huge that it could even be condensed into substance.

"Shashasha..." The black spiritual energy twisted, rotated, and screamed, intertwining into a deep black tide.

The empty human face became more and more lifelike, with black aura intertwining with lifelike eyebrows, eyes, and beard. After a few seconds, the eyes of the human face slowly opened.

As if a dark door had been opened, the spiritual pressure of Xuying's realm was not disguised at all, and it was like a devil hovering over the whole place, and there was a slight pause when it shot towards Mistertin and Yuchang. When it landed on Xu Yangyi, there was no pause at all.

"Either get out." Spiritual consciousness swept over, and a hollow voice sounded faintly: "Or die."

no answer.

Yuchang remained silent, advancing instead of retreating, slowly taking a step forward to block the unconscious Xu Yangyi. Mistertin also did not retreat. He held his own body with his backhand and looked solemnly at the monster in the sky.

The Lord's emotionless gaze swept over the two of them. It took him a long time to speak, his voice cold to the point of cruelty: "I'm very curious."



Yuchang didn’t want to say it.

He only knew that at this moment, he should not leave.

The weapon spirit also has the dignity of the weapon spirit.

"Boom! Boom!" Two strands of spiritual energy shot up in tit-for-tat opposition. Facing the vast and smoke-like will of the Lord, never retreat even one step.

This is the answer of Qi Ling.

There is no nonsense, their actions are the best answer, a sneer of extreme contempt sounded, and the next second, a bit of primitive darkness quickly condensed in the void, forming a vortex as big as a fist, and the terrifying aura of the Xuying realm was overwhelming, Let everything around you turn into nothingness.

"Why don't you retreat?" Yuchang said calmly. The black spiritual energy swept through his body, making his body feel a little ethereal: "Our realm has increased with the host, and he... is too young. Our realm has been suppressed to the golden elixir, facing Xu Ying's blow, Both spirit and form are destroyed.”

"What about you?" The knight of Mistertin also answered calmly.

The two of them smiled slightly and said nothing. The next second, the spiritual energy of the two holy swords rose into the sky!

"Who do we recognize? It's not your turn to teach us!"

Just as they finished speaking!

"Boom!!" The apex of darkness erupted in full force, and a stream of spiritual energy condensed to the extreme shot down through the air. Waves of wailing, roaring, and crying ominous sounds lingered on it, and one hell after another The resentful spirit wrapped it into a hundred-meter-long spear.

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