
Chapter 671: Dominant Will (Part 3)

The tip of the spear fell, and everything in its path turned into void air, rushing straight towards the two of them with an unstoppable momentum.

At the moment when the spear was about to stab in front of the two people. Time has stopped.

is a real stop.

That magical power was condensed in mid-air, and the fish intestines and Mistertin still maintained the appearance of the burst of spiritual energy from the previous second.

Outside, the stargazer stands up, the stars are shining, but if you look carefully, the blue light all over his body stands like a steel needle, standing still.

Not only them, but at this moment, all the towers of Babel and the clouds and mists stopped surging. In the world of hanging lights in all realms, the candlelight no longer beats.

The outside world, the entire planet, lost this second.

All over the world, planes in the sky stopped. You can even see flying birds not far away from it, spreading their wings and not moving at all.

In various cities, people walking, buying and selling, and going to work maintain this movement without making any sound.

Cars, animals, humans, everything on earth... forget this moment.

Absolute time stands still!

However, some things will not stop.

In the vast clouds behind the stargazer, the huge snake-shaped body swayed slightly, and the silk threads pulled the snake's body. When it swayed, a pleasant bell sounded throughout the space.

"Ding dong... ding dong..."

Immediately afterwards, the entire sea of ​​clouds roared and rose tens of thousands of meters! It's like an atomic/bomb explosion under the sea! A huge figure approaching 50,000 meters suddenly soared out from behind the stargazer!

The form was invisible, and the clouds and mist covered its entire body. A dragon-like snake shadow made a roar like a yellow bell, echoing throughout the space. Tens of thousands of meters of white clouds floated all around. It was hidden in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, and only a huge black shadow could be seen.

"Rust, rustle..." Layers of white clouds collapsed towards the outside world. It was not the radiation of spiritual energy, but a simple sound wave. It is a lazy body that has been around for thousands of years, but it comes from a huge body that is hundreds of thousands of meters long and tens of thousands of meters thick.

That's all.

"Brush!!" This indescribably huge creature jumped up from the sea of ​​clouds. It was like a dragon rising in the clouds, spreading rain, bringing fire to the stars and continents, rising into the clouds and out of Ding Lake. At the same time...a spiritual energy that is worshiped by all things, and that all living beings can call it God, sweeps across the entire earth!

Quetzalcoatl, wake up!


The second hand moves again.

Nothing different.

No one knew that the world had just been wiped out for a few seconds.

Under the Danxia Palace, Xiaoqing looked at her hands in astonishment. Her snow-white jade hands were trembling slightly at the moment.

Then, without saying a word, she knelt on the ground and bowed with great respect in the direction of the Sahara Eye.

On the earth, several extremely ancient figures all made the same move at this moment.

In their eyes, at the position of the Sahara Eye, a pure white giant snake, completely composed of spiritual energy, with simplicity, vicissitudes, and boundless majesty, soars straight into the sky from the Sahara Eye!

In the Tower of Babel, the sound of broken threads, mixed with the crisp jingle of bells drifting into the sea of ​​clouds, resounded throughout the countryside. The stargazer turned his head and looked at the endless sea of ​​clouds behind him. Facing the black shadow like a giant dragon, he knelt on his knees and knelt down devoutly.

"Welcome to the awakening of Lord Weapon Spirit!!!!"

His voice was instantly blown away by the strong wind caused by the movement of the giant snake in the sea of ​​clouds, and the wind pressed against the pavement like a knife. All the stars are flickering.

Below, Mistertin and Yuchang trembled violently, recovering from the stasis of time. Just as they were about to look at the black spear above their heads, their bodies softened and they couldn't help but half-knelt on the ground.

This is not what they want.

But...this vast power that dominates everything, as if the reincarnation of a god, convinced them in an instant.

Insurmountably powerful.

The face that dominated the black clouds stared blankly at the high sky, its nihilistic gaze passing through the boundless darkness. Above, the sky was high and the clouds were pale, and dragon roars rolled past like thunder. The endless white clouds form a sea tide of clouds and mist, which are blown in all directions by the terrifying wind pressure. It took a deep breath and without saying a word, the spiritual power of Xuying realm retreated crazily.

He was afraid.

There is no need to judge. This is not a polar comparison at all. It is enough to make people tremble with fear from hundreds of thousands of meters away.

However, at this moment, there was a soft "click..." and amidst the violent vibrations, a pure white crack appeared softly throughout the dark space.

Immediately afterwards... From the beginning of the crack, the sound of kakaka continued, and spider web patterns spread crazily throughout the space. Wisps of pure white light broke the boundaries of darkness and sent rays of light into this deep space. Bottomless space.

Infinite light shines, and the whole body of the Lord turns into nothingness. The darkness twists rapidly, trying to reduce his sense of existence. However, there is nothing to hide from these lights.

However, these rays of light did not look at it at all, but shone directly on Xu Yangyi.

His seriously injured and comatose body was slowly pulled up by the light. Following the white light, he was led into the vast clouds. Disappeared at the end of the clouds.

No one from Stargazer, Mistertin, Yuchang, or even Taichu dared to raise their head. The vast pressure above the head seemed to be the sky and the universe, and the huge figure reflected on the ground was enough to make people feel endless awe.

You can hear a pin drop at the scene.

Suddenly, in the sea of ​​clouds, a wind pressure that was even more violent than before came! If it was a level 10 typhoon before, now it is level 12! It is comparable to the most violent tornado on the sea! A circle of white fog was swept away all around. And where everyone's eyes were, under the white light in the sky, countless golden lotuses grew out of thin air!

On each golden lotus, there sat a Buddha or a Taoist priest. All of them were made of golden light, sacred and majestic. One flower bloomed, two flowers bloomed, and tens of millions of golden lotuses bloomed all over the sky, and the sky was full of gods and Buddhas. A golden crack actually cracked in the sky, and from it, an indescribable feeling, completely different from the world, extremely noble, and extremely sacred aura quietly permeated.

"Swish!!!!" Infinite golden light spread throughout the venue, and no one could open their eyes. The huge body of Quetzalcoatl did not pay any attention to anyone present, or rather... no one at the scene was worth its attention. Slowly immersed its huge body into the endless golden crack in the air.

The golden light shone, dragging a swaying figure on the ground. The stargazer was sweating, his fists clenched, and his teeth were trembling.

He... knew what this was too well.

Flying Immortal!

The legendary Flying Immortal!

The upper world... the immortal road that was cut off 50,000 years ago! Now, a god in the lower world of the earth can open it and leave it at will!

He was extremely eager in his heart, and even screamed countless times to look up, just take a look, just take a look! No cultivator can suppress the ardent desire for the ultimate goal of this practice!

However, he didn't dare.

He... could only see the dragon leaping into the abyss, and the huge body took half an hour to completely sink into the sky, and the golden color in the sky was slowly disappearing.

But, at this moment, an extremely long voice, at the moment when the golden light was about to disappear, fell to the earth.

"Today, all the grass inherits the origin."

"Since ancient times, famous families have been waiting for saints."

As the last word fell, the golden light in the sky disappeared instantly. At the same time, Mistydin and Yuchang's pupils suddenly shrank. They were about to raise their heads to look at the master not far away, but they held back.

Dare not move...

On the other side, the black aura of the master's body was slowly dissipating, and even the face with black aura looked at his gradually disappearing body in disbelief.

There was no aura fluctuation.

There was no use of aura, not even a glance.

The master's original will was destroyed.

"As expected of Quetzalcoatl..." When it finally dissipated, the master's hoarse voice sounded indifferently: "I... remember..."

In the outside world, tens of millions of miles away from here, a huge mountain underground suddenly roared, and all directions, like an earthquake, shattered.

"Zizizizi..." Below the mountain, in the endless darkness, a huge golden vertical pupil suddenly opened, emitting an unbearable scream of pain.

"You can track my will even from such a distance, and kill me in a small realm... Now... I only have the Great Perfection of the Golden Core!"

"For this blow, if there is a chance in the future... I will make you pay a thousand times!"

In the Tower of Babel, the white clouds are still there, and the long wind is singing, as if nothing has happened.

But no one dared to stand up at the scene.

After a long time, Yuchang and Mistedin slowly stood up. It was only half an hour ago, but they felt as if they were in another world.

After cheering up and taking a breath, the two spirits almost exclaimed in unison: "Oh no!!"

The biggest secret of the Tower of Babel... Quetzalcoatl, flying through the air.

"No one knows what else is here... Everything, everything, is buried in history with the departure of Quetzalcoatl." Yuchang clenched his fists fiercely, and his body made of spiritual energy had blue veins on his fists: "What was there before the earth... What kind of secrets are hidden on this blue planet?"

On the Vanity, what was recorded in the erased thirty minutes, the crucial thirty minutes?

The last thousand meters... what exactly is depicted in the destroyed corridor?

Where did Taichu come from? What is the other half of this monster that killed all the life in the Tower of Babel?

No one here can answer.

The only person who can answer has left.

"Boom!!!" Mistin was furious and blasted out, and the clouds on the right side of his body suddenly shattered layer by layer.

This is to find the roots, to trace the source, and to be the limit of cultivation! It is the key to higher, stronger, even invincible, and immortal!

"These things... are enough to take the earth's cultivation civilization to a higher level. Now..." Yuchang gritted his teeth and looked at the diamond-like world-connecting lamp above his head. After experiencing that battle, he knew the cruelty of the war between the two worlds, and the earth's meteorite belt would be stained red with blood!

World spirits, world-protecting formations, holy places, sects, dynasties, star destroyers, monk aircraft carriers... These things almost conquered the earth back then. Two hundred years later, the nightmare of that year will come to the sky above the earth again. This time... who can stop it?

Relying on the elusive Nascent Soul? Or the few Golden Cores?

In those days... countless cultivators who were several levels higher than the Golden Core died in battle. Now... who can be the general?

Who can reproduce the unparalleled figure of Zhang Tianshi who wiped out hundreds of thousands of enemies with one blow in Qingcheng Mountain and turned around and flew away?

"Heh..." He sighed heavily and closed his eyes silently.

A missed opportunity that he could not help.

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