
Chapter 672: Legend (I)

In the distance, Zhao Ziqi sighed silently and squatted down, covering his face.

He was swept tens of thousands of meters away by a tentacle. Seeing the earth-shaking scene just now, he felt infinite regret in his heart.

Once, he stood in front of a secret door, but passed it by.

"Ah..." After a long time, he sighed: "The Tower of Babel... All the secrets are in the hands of that monster... With its ascension, is there the first era of cultivation? In the end... Are there immortals on the earth in the past? Zhenwu Realm... What is the relationship between Xu Kunlun and the earth... No one can answer it anymore..."

"I... I regret it so much!!!"

No one knows that Xu Yangyi has almost lost his five senses at this moment. .

However, he can feel two things.

First, his consciousness is falling into the dark abyss bit by bit.

Second... He seems to be pulled up by something and comes to a huge thing.

The lonely and dark abyss pulls him down bit by bit, and this darkness is vast and boundless, like the universe.

It was strange that he couldn't even move his fingers, but he could clearly "see" everything around him.

"Where is this...?" At the same time, his thinking seemed to slow down a lot. Many normal consciousnesses of ordinary people were deprived and far away, leaving only the most basic listening and peace in his heart.

At this moment, suddenly, two lights of hundreds of meters flashed behind him.

He turned his head.

Just behind him, an extremely huge creature stood in the darkness. The two lights of hundreds of meters were the other's eyes. He could vaguely see the black scales around the eyes, and nothing else could be seen clearly.

It was extremely huge. Standing in front of such a monster that was big enough to circle the earth, he didn't feel the tension he should have.

"Sha..." Two vertical pupils lit up in the golden eyes, and then moved to him.

"Feather... Snake God?" He asked tentatively.

No answer.

Only as if standing in front of the planet, he was extremely small. He had a feeling that the other party could see him from the inside out without using spiritual energy, and he had no secrets in front of the other party.

Silent stare.

Thirty seconds later, an old but not turbid voice slowly sounded, and an extremely long breath spread, as if... I was standing on the earth tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years ago, facing ancient creatures.

"I have seen countless lamp keepers, but only you lit the lamp and survived."

The voice was very slow, giving people a sense of peace, neither fast nor slow, making people seem to fall asleep forever in this voice.

"Young monk, I can see that you have many questions. Here is a trace of my consciousness, I can tell you some questions. However, you will have more questions. You have seen the message left by the stargazer, you have also seen the birth of Taichu, and you have also seen the 'Eternal Corridor' left by countless predecessors. You can choose to listen or not as a reward for coming here - the oldest site on earth."

"Listening may not help you. Not listening may not mean no regrets. A person's life is real and short. If you know too much, you will regret the time of your life and lament the injustice of creation. Even when you die, you will not be able to find peace."

Xu Yangyi bowed and suddenly remembered a sentence, and now he wanted to say it.

"Live like the splendor of summer flowers, and die like the tranquility of autumn leaves."

"If you are not brilliant when you are alive, and hope for the tranquility of the moment of death, I think this is a kind of cowardice."

No answer.

After a long time, there was a calm voice: "Good."

"The Creator created creatures, but he cannot decide how they live. You chose your path, and perhaps, you will really reach my level, but it is unknown."

"Swish..." As its voice fell, a white light burst out in front of Xu Yangyi, and then a hazy light curtain formed, and the voice of Quetzalcoatl sounded again: "Earth, all the secrets are here. The core record of the Void was destroyed by my incarnation, and the same is true for the Eternal Corridor. Child, don't regret the path you chose. Although I don't know whether your path is right or wrong, difficult or easy, curved or straight. However, since you have chosen it, you must go on bravely."

"No regrets even if you die."

"Hua La!!" A light burst out on the light curtain, and the hazy figure of Quetzalcoatl suddenly disappeared, and a picture appeared on the light curtain. At the same time, Xu Yangyi could feel that all his emotions of joy, anger, sorrow and happiness were restored to his body, instead of the feeling of "nothingness" just now.

Raising his eyebrows, he pursed his lips and looked at the light curtain. He had a hunch that this was the source of all the doubts seen in the Tower of Babel.

A mass of chaos appeared in the light curtain. It was bottomless. There was no sense of evil, just pure "nothingness."

Nothingness, ethereal, deep, without any emotional color.

"This scene is the scene of the 'Meteor Fire' plane ark arriving at the origin tens of thousands of years ago."

The voice of the stargazer sounded in the light curtain. Xu Yangyi immediately understood that this was the most critical thirty minutes, the thirty minutes that were completely erased.

"As you can see, here is a bottomless void. If it is said in other upper realms, this is a nebula. However, the great monks of the seven realms found that there is an extremely huge vitality hidden in the origin."

A pale blue planet appeared on the screen. It was not the Earth, but a planet that looked very similar to the Earth. The voice of the stargazer Algalon also trembled a little: "The great monks originally planned to completely destroy this origin. However, they couldn't do it at all... because..."

In the picture, a crystal beam suddenly shot out from the Ark, piercing through layers of fog and reaching the pale blue planet in the center. With a strong breath of destruction, it was comparable to the star destroyer in science fiction movies.

But at this moment, a golden Buddha appeared on the planet!

"Is this... Tathagata!?" Xu Yangyi thought he had seen it wrong. Even if he was calm, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

It's not Tathagata.

It's the phantom of Tathagata.

He raised his palm, and in an instant, the area of ​​​​millions of miles was all golden! With a light flick, lotuses appeared in the sky, and the seemingly indestructible crystal beam collapsed instantly!

Xu Yangyi only felt his heart pounding.

How strong are the monks of Xu Kunlun?

He could roughly guess some clues. The top old monsters all gathered in the origin land, and they used the treasures that could destroy the world!

But, they were bounced out by a Buddha phantom? !

This magical power of lotus blooming in the sky... No, it's not a magical power, it's just a finger! But it covers the sky of the earth!

"Because... this plane called 'Origin Land' already has its own life form..."

Xu Yangyi was stunned, and then his eyes instantly looked at the huge plane that he didn't recognize at all, which was many times larger than the earth.

"Buddha?" He stretched out his hand and gently stroked the light curtain: "Could it be..."

"Boom..." The light curtain changed, and the deep nebula gradually dispersed, and a silver light sprinkled on Xu Yangyi's face.

"And... they are far more powerful than the seven realms. More terrifying. Even stronger than the master!"

Xu Yangyi's face was only shocked at this moment.

Because... on the light curtain, there appeared... flying boats in the Chinese style!

Familiar beast-headed boats, dragon boats, tower boats, and even huge mechanical puppets that were as big as a planet, aimed at the uninvited guest like a dragnet.

However, this was not what shocked him.

What shocked him... was the flag on the bow!

Black, gold-rimmed, but on it was the word "Xia"!

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips tightly, and a terrible guess had already appeared in his mind.

"The great monks of the seven realms found that the level of the origin land was much higher than before the seven realms split. They could only negotiate with each other, but no one expected that something would happen at this time that could change the world structure of this plane."

"Just after the great monks were in this plane called 'Daxia God Realm' for a thousand years. They almost all understood the rules of Daxia plane. Surprisingly, there was a kind of monk who was more advanced than the seven realms. In the seven realms, there was no hope of becoming immortals, but here, there were really immortals!"

The voice of the stargazer Olgalon became hot: "That is an extremely advanced life form. These immortals, the people of Daxia God Realm call them gods. There are men and women. They are the real rulers of this world. But one day, all the immortals disappeared."

"Boom boom..." The picture changed again, and a series of tragic battle scenes appeared. This time, it was obvious that both sides were evenly matched, and one side had a subtle advantage.

The dominant side had two big words on its flag.


"They went to the battlefield, and an equally powerful plane discovered this higher plane. The other side... also had immortals. The cultivators of both sides broke the surrounding galaxies. The world of no return is very powerful, with gods and Buddhas everywhere, but... the other side is even better, and its strength is even higher than the world of no return that we thought was invincible. In the first hundred years of the decisive battle, a total of 20 Buddhas, 18 Taoists, and 47 ancestors fell on Earth. Each of them... was an irreplaceable top cultivator in the Southern Continent at that time."

"We saw star destroyers, void puppets, and divine beasts that could destroy a continent. We also saw... a powerful world spirit. The bloody battle between the two worlds lasted for 682 years. In the end, the Great Xia Divine Realm won. The other side's plane was completely sunk and destroyed. However, there was only one god left in the Great Xia Divine Realm."

"This god , and also the strongest god, the strongest immortal. After hundreds of years, it searched for companions who might still be alive, but found... "

The voice of the stargazer sighed: "No more... All the immortals and gods died in the battle. After more than 600 years of epic battles, only a devastated planet remained. Moreover, the power of the Great Xia Divine Realm was comparable to that world. The opponent's world spirit made a dying blow and cracked the shell of the Great Xia Divine Realm. "

"The arrogant and almost invincible Great Xia Divine Realm finally ushered in the day of collapse. The Great Xia Divine Realm was too huge, and the only remaining god could not repair it at all. Therefore, three thousand years after the seven realms arrived at the Great Xia Divine Realm, the Great Xia Divine Realm began to collapse. "

The light curtain changed, but this time it was mixed with countless colorful lights. This time, the plane appeared like an expired wall, cracking piece by piece, falling into the void piece by piece, becoming the planetary belt of the plane. The Great Xia Divine Realm continued to shrink, and a series of terrifying tsunamis and volcanic eruptions almost destroyed the entire plane.

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