
Chapter 673: Legend (II)

"This final god was finally disappointed. It tore itself apart into two halves, one half was used to nourish the plane. It stopped the collapse of the Great Xia God Realm, leaving only one soul, and began a long plane journey. Three thousand five hundred years after the seven realms arrived at the Great Xia God Realm, the Great Xia God Realm stopped collapsing, and the food chain began to recover. At the same time, the half of the body left by the god began to shrink automatically, and it was said to have turned into a seed."

The picture changed again. This time, it was a picture that made anyone's heart tremble wildly.

Even if Xu Yangyi had been mentally prepared, at this moment, he couldn't help but close his eyes, his heart surging.

On the screen, the earth appeared!

The earth tens of thousands of years ago!

The first era of cultivation!

There really is the first era of cultivation!

And... tens of thousands of years ago! Hundreds of thousands of years ago! Xu Kunlun... At that time, there was contact with the earth!

And the "Great Xia" on the "Eternal Corridor" is nothing else, it is the only most powerful dynasty in the first cultivation civilization!

It's not Xia, it's the Great Xia Dynasty! Earth... in the first era of cultivation, was called the Great Xia God Realm!

"No... not only that." He looked deeply at the light curtain in front of him: "As I go deeper into the Tower of Babel, I am no longer as nervous about the Zhenwu Realm as I was when I first knew about it. After all, it is a war in the lower realm. However, I only know now that there are immortals on Earth and the Zhenwu Realm, because both sides were once planes that were countless times higher than Xu Kunlun!"

The two ends of the solar system are facing each other across the Milky Way. Now, after a thousand years, these two opponents who have been entangled for tens of thousands of years will face each other again.

"I understand, this is the real reason why Xu Kunlun dared not take action even if he knew that this is the 'origin of the beginning'!"

"They are afraid. The battle between the two immortal realms back then was too shocking for them. Moreover... this is the real creation of the gods. They are still afraid of that god, worried that he will come back one day!"

Since entering the Tower of Babel, all the unsolved mysteries have been solved one by one. He has a feeling of sudden enlightenment, and his mind keeps flashing, and he thinks of more and more things.

"So... those beliefs, Buddha, Taoism, Catholicism, Islam... they... are all the people on Earth who survived the war and the catastrophe and passed them down bit by bit?" He remembered the scene he saw on the Eternal Corridor: "So, the Tower of Babel is something from the first era of cultivation. At the beginning, those ancient monks and the survivors escaped the landslides and tsunamis, and the gods created the world, and continued the fire of civilization?"

In the room, you can hear a pin drop.

He had some vague ideas about some things, but he never dared to think of such shocking things.

There was civilization before the earth, the gods and Buddhas in the sky, the war between the two worlds more than 100,000 years ago, and the truth of the Tower of Babel...and the last question: the origin of Taichu, is also solved.

How did Taichu come into being?

Perhaps, no one has considered this question, but he saw a crucial sentence, that is: the other half became Taichu.

He once thought about the other half of something, and now he finally has a definite answer.

"The other half of the god." He took a deep breath and looked at the light curtain: "This last god, half of his body repaired the earth and turned into a seed. It... didn't say the other half. I heard from the core of the Void... After that, it should be the other half of the god that turned into Taichu... No, this is not Taichu yet. The cultivators of the seven realms came to the origin and were dealing with the monsters that devoured endlessly. Maybe... it was the original Taichu that broke out of this plane and devoured the opponent of the seven realms. This is Taichu!"

"So..." He paused: "This... is a demigod!"

After pushing all this, he sighed a little.

Taichu, demigod, two words that seem to be inseparable forever, now fit together perfectly.

At this moment, the voice on the light curtain sounded again: "The god who tore himself apart, it has a name. In this place, its name in the West is: Chaos. Its name in the East is..."

"The founding spirit!"

The founding spirit!

Xu Yangyi's chest rose and fell sharply. He guessed that the Great Xia Divine Realm might be the Earth, but he never guessed that this was the founding spirit that was only mentioned in the legend!

Legend has it that Hongjun Laozu, Nuwa Niangniang, Lu Ya Daojun, and Hun Kun Zushi were all created by it, but no one knows everything about it. They only know that there is such a thing as the founding spirit!

He closed his eyes, and his mind was boiling. After a long time, he opened his eyes and picked up his meager knowledge: "Chaos, I have heard about it in the Heavenly Dao. It is also called Chaos and the Father of All Things. It is a boundless and empty void."

"It gave birth to Gaia, the god of the earth, Tartarus, the god of the abyss of hell, Orebus, the god of darkness, Nyx, the goddess of the night, and Eros, the god of love, from within itself. The world began from then on. It is also called the only original god. Even Jesus and others created the world based on everything. They created flowers, water, birds, beasts, and humans. Instead of creating the earth. Chaos and the founding spirit are the real creation planes."

"Chaos and the founding spirit... their records are almost exactly the same! But who would have thought that Chaos and the founding spirit are actually the same thing!"

"This... is simply incredible."

The light curtain flashed, and he thought the light curtain was about to end, but unexpectedly, it continued to speak.

"The two great immortal worlds collapsed, so did the No Return Realm and the Zhenwu Realm. Countless worlds below declared independence, and at this time, the Southern Continent seized the opportunity and became the most powerful upper realm in that starry sky. But... we have never forgotten the No Return Realm."

"It was so powerful back then. Especially... every two thousand years, it would automatically breed a Taichu egg. After countless years of fighting between us and Taichu, this is a master-level egg. Taichu... only when it is swallowed to the master level can it be given the functions of command and communication. The master is an extremely important unit among the high-level Taichu. It is the brain of all legions. A legion may have only one or two masters. They may not be strong enough, but they have a very high status in the Taichu Legion."

"Of course, the earth at this moment is no longer the earth of that day. The immortals and Buddhas have perished, and the gods have left. However, no one in the entire Southern Continent dared to propose to destroy the earth by themselves. The master must not let It escaped. In order to cover up all this, a senior from the Southern Continent proposed a creative proposal, which is... the War of All Realms. "

"Before this, any ascension was accidental. There are indeed channels of space folding between realms, but they are extremely difficult to find and extremely unstable. Any cultivator who ascends is a brilliant person. This ancestor proposed that the Southern Continent strengthen all the channels of the lower realms. First, it can get more help from the lower realms and join the war of the Seven Realms Chain. Second..."

The voice of the stargazer paused: "It is for the realm of no return."

"Every time the War of All Realms, except the realm of no return, any realm, as long as it thinks it has strength and reaches the top ten in the realm rating, can receive a top-secret mission from the Elders..." Silence again, after a long time, the voice of the stargazer said faintly: "Demon Suppression Order."

Xu Yangyi's face was slightly cold. It was so clear that he almost guessed the next direction.

Demon Suppression?

Which demon is to be suppressed?

Apart from Taichu, are there other demons?

And where is Taichu...?

"Once the Demon-Slaying Order is completed, you can get a resource-based world as a reward. It is a Class A, super dangerous task. This cannot be completed by one person, one sect, or one dynasty, but... it requires the concerted efforts of the entire world to have hope. And in the Demon-Slaying Order... there is a token that probably only less than thirty people in the Seven Realms know about, called... the Great Xia Divine Order. As long as you receive it, the opponent will automatically locate the No Return Realm. And all the realms that receive the Great Xia Divine Order only need to do one thing..."

The voice of the stargazer was full of emotion: "If it is possible... to find out the place where Taichu was born, even... to destroy the No Return Realm, it is worth it."

"The Zhenwu Realm, the last disastrous defeat, almost all the inheritance Cut off, they don't even know that they were once a fairyland. And they... maybe it was fate that after receiving the first demon-slaying order... never handed it over to others. "

"Awe and struggle, destruction and maintenance, the influence of the Great Xia Divine Realm in the past has been in the past tens of thousands of years, and almost no one among the current cultivators remembers it. Only historians like us have recorded it all. Everyone believes that the Ten Thousand Worlds War is the only way for cultivators to ascend, and it is also the best way to replenish the blood of the upper world cultivators. There are very few people who know its true secret. "

"Tens of thousands of years later, the Ten Thousand Worlds War is a carnival of the Ten Thousand Worlds ascending, and no one remembers the fairyland war of the year. "

The voice of the stargazer ended here.

The light curtain slowly disappeared, Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and sighed silently.

The green mountains are still there, and the sunset is red several times.

The Great Xia Divine Realm, which was so glorious in the past, is now just a lower world. And... if he hadn't come to the Tower of Babel, I'm afraid Xiaoqing and the others didn't know these things.

Everything is clear, and all the things that he didn't understand have been explained.

The first era of cultivation, the immortal world, the lower world, Taichu, Chaos... everything came to an end after this passage.

"Zhenwu Realm..." The first time he saw the true form of this opponent, his fighting spirit was boiling.

"The immortal world war lasted for more than 100,000 years. Back then, you were better than us. Today, let's try again."

In his heart, an unspeakable emotion surged up and filled his eyes. He returned to the state of "nothingness" again, and his five senses left his body little by little.

Suspended in the darkness, suddenly, a huge hand, covering the sky and the sun, slowly appeared.

He was unconscious.

This hand, composed entirely of countless talismans, was indescribably mysterious. It gently touched Xu Yangyi across the void.

"Swish..." A circle of pure white ripples spread out from the sky above Xu Yangyi who was lying flat. And in the center of the ripples, a prismatic green seed was planted silently from the void and pierced into his chest with a puff.

"There is one thing that even stargazers don't know."

"Chaos repaired half of the earth and turned it into a seed. After countless years, this seed took root and sprouted. It is... called wolfsbane. And the spiritual energy that was absorbed turned into the last guardian of the earth. His name is... Quetzalcoatl. My mission is to protect the last seed of human civilization. Until today."

"I once heard that if the lamp keeper lights the lamp that passes through the world and it does not go out, Wolf Poison will fully awaken. I always thought it was a legend. So... I... gently cracked the shell of the seed in your body, hoping that one day... we can meet in the fairyland..."

"The real fairyland... not the legend..."

"If... you can truly awaken."


It's a bit painful. The 3-update monthly ticket dropped to 31 at the beginning of the month... I thought I could make some progress this month~~

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