
Chapter 674: Once Upon a Time

"Boom boom" After saying this, the hand gradually faded silently and slowly dissipated into the darkness, as if it had never appeared.

Xu Yangyi did not move, he was very calm, like a baby nurtured in the mother's womb.

In the outside world, a one-foot-long seed suddenly appeared on his chest, fiercely inserted into his chest, blood splattered, and countless meridians burst out from the seed, slowly spreading along the wound. At the same time, infinite green light burst out, completely covering Xu Yangyi.

"Is it over..." Misty Ting's lips trembled, looking at the floating clouds in the sky and muttering.

"Maybe..." Yuchang had the same expression, maybe he didn't know what to say.

After a few seconds, the two of them came back to their senses together, and without saying a word, they were about to rush into the clouds. Suddenly, a voice sounded behind them: "Wait a minute."

Angel's mouth was full of blood. Just before the black space collapsed, she was swept by the tentacles of the master's clone. Now she can stand here, which is already overdrawn.

After all, she is only in the early stage of the marquis.

"Take me up." She had already transformed into a pure-blooded vampire, panting.

Yuchang pondered for a moment: "No need, we will bring him down. And... I believe Yu... That Excellency must have a purpose in bringing him over..."

Angel shook her head stubbornly and interrupted him: "No... He is seriously injured, right? I can't even feel his aura now... If, ahem... he can't support you to bring him down, then only I can save him."

The two weapon spirits looked at each other and didn't speak again. Their anxiety was actually no less than Angel's. Without saying a word, they took Angel up.

"Swish!" The three of them rushed past the stargazer quickly. The stargazer didn't stop him. He raised his head with stars all over his body and looked at the place thousands of meters above his head.

There, a crystal clear sphere was emitting endless golden light. Every second, the golden light turned redder. Even the diamond-like sphere had a trace of melting.

In another hundred or two hundred will really burn...and become a bright light on the earth, and at this time, the war of all worlds will be in full swing.

He turned his head and looked at the backs of the three people, as if he also wanted to go up, and finally sat cross-legged under the world-connecting lamp.

The clouds and mist were as deep as the sea. The three flew for half an hour, and finally, a ray of green light appeared in front of them.

Angel breathed a sigh of relief. The spiritual light represented the recovery of spiritual energy, and finally saw a good sign.

But, at this moment, Yuchang and Mistyting's speed suddenly increased, and their faces became solemn. She couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong?"

"That's not his spiritual energy." Yuchang said in a deep voice: "It looks similar, but it's actually different... and... I feel that this spiritual energy is devouring him."

As soon as the voice fell, the place where the green spiritual energy was located suddenly burst into thousands of green lights!

"Shua la la..." The surroundings were dyed with a green haze, and from the center of the green light, the vague figure, branches and leaves stretched out, quickly spreading dozens of meters, hundreds of meters! In less than ten minutes, a sea of ​​plants had formed around them.

In these ten minutes, they had rushed to a hundred meters in front of the figure. At first glance, Angel exclaimed, and was about to rush forward, but was immediately pulled by Yuchang.

"What are you doing!" Angel didn't know where she got the strength, and shook Yuchang off, with unhesitating concern in her green jade-like eyes.

"That thing, there is a problem." Misty Ting frowned and explained: "I... have never seen something with such strong vitality... What is this? And... is it devouring his life?"

Right in front of them, Xu Yangyi's limbs grew countless vines, as if he was hung here by vines in the void. The demon pattern on his body had never been so excited, and it condensed on his chest and gathered into an extremely complicated talisman.

In the center of the talisman, a fist-sized seed-like thing was inserted on his heart. It was prismatic, dark green, like a green dagger. However... it was not giving him life, but... it was constantly devouring his remaining vitality!

Devouring and being devoured. If Xu Yangyi could still resist when he was awake, now he was truly powerless. Everyone could feel that his life was now like a candle in the wind, which would be extinguished if blown.

His face was already pale like a dead person, his breathing was so weak that it was inaudible or even nonexistent, and his chest did not beat for a long time, until half a minute, it would move very weakly, and... the time was getting longer and longer.

As his vitality disappeared, the seed in his chest burst out with more and more vigorous vitality, and a ball of crystal green light jumped in it, as if it would break out of his body after a long time.

"If he keeps sucking like this... this kid won't live for more than half an hour!" Yuchang gritted his teeth: "Quetzalcoatl... let him in just to make him a sacrifice?"

"No, not really. I think he wants him and this thing to devour each other and see who wins." Mistydin was also extremely anxious. There was no solution to this situation.

There was silence at the scene.

Angel couldn't hide the anxiety on her face. She stepped out several times, then retracted, biting her red lips tightly, and didn't know what she was thinking.

Time passed minute by minute. After fifteen minutes, they had tried countless methods, but they dared not touch the strange seed. And... they could all see that roots were spreading around the seed and directly inserted into the skin of Xu Yangyi's heart. It was conceivable that it must be spreading towards the heart.

Because of this, they did not dare to pull out this strange thing.

"What should I do?" Someone asked. This sentence had been said countless times in the past fifteen minutes.

"There is no way..." Yuchang's expression became more and more anxious. How could he die? He... finally met someone who could be completely in harmony with him, but... he died like this?

This is such a pity! Next time, it may take hundreds or thousands of years to meet a suitable host!

"Puff!" At this moment, Xu Yangyi suddenly opened his eyes and spit out the little blood left in his mouth. Everyone heard that the "rustling" sound of the seed roots had turned into a sound of breaking into the flesh.

His pupils were a little dilated, but when he saw the people in front of him, he seemed to be alive suddenly, and he even smiled and waved: "Everyone is here..."

The power in his body was rapidly dissipating. He didn't know why Quetzalcoatl did this in the end. But... I was so weak that I didn't seem to be the opponent of this thing...

The voice was very weak. Angel's nose was sour, and a crystal teardrop slid down the corner of her eye. She sniffed, her eyes were red, and she said bitterly: "It's so ugly."

Xu Yangyi didn't move, just smiled and looked at her. She felt a sudden sourness in her heart, bit her lips and suppressed the tears rolling in her eyes.

Is this really the great spiritualist?

The man with a proud nose that was upturned to the sky?

Now... why is he so weak?

Xu Yangyi seemed to be using all his strength to say a word. He looked at everyone and said after a long time: "Everyone... let's find a good home..."

Yuchang and Misteding didn't say anything. After a long time, Yuchang spoke calmly: "Although we have known each other for a short time, it is enough to remember in my heart."

"You go first." Angel suddenly whispered: "Let me stay with him for a while."

The two spirits lowered their eyes and left with a long sigh.

Angel grabbed Xu Yangyi's hand, and the two white hands clasped up and down, like stacking hamburgers, looking at the other's pupils that had begun to tremble: "Do you have anything to say to me?"

Xu Yangyi smiled at her, and raised his bloody hand for a long time, as if he wanted to pat her shoulder, but in the end he only lifted a strand of hair weakly.

"You are beautiful."


Five words, said for a minute, Angel's tears that she had been holding back, couldn't help but flow out again. However, she had not cried since she came in. At this moment, she just smiled with tears in her eyes and said, "Before, I heard that there is a destiny but no fate. I always thought it was a joke. As long as you work hard, there is no such thing as destiny."

Xu Yangyi kept smiling and listened to her quietly. The voice was very light and faint. He suddenly felt that it was not bad to sleep like this.

"Now, I know that sometimes, destiny is better than man." Her eyes fell on Xu Yangyi's chest. A different light flashed: "Do you like Chinese ancient poetry?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head with almost all his strength, although it was very slight.

He actually wanted to say that I like it, but I can't remember it, but he couldn't say it.

"I like it very much. When I was a child, my father always forced me to read it. There is one sentence that I remember very clearly." She pursed her lips, and a faint smile appeared on her beautiful face: "I am too lazy to look back at the flowers this time, half because of practicing Taoism and half because of you. Have you heard it?"

Still shaking his head.

He was no longer able to speak.

The suction force in his chest was getting stronger and stronger, as if it was going to suck all his flesh, blood, and bone marrow dry. And... his heart was already stabbing, that was the strange seed, and its roots had begun to pierce in.

"Unlearned and incompetent." Angel raised two comfortable dimples on her face, gently stroking his broad hand, her voice becoming softer and softer: "You must have heard the previous sentence..."

"Once you have seen the sea, you will never be satisfied with water, and except for Wushan, you will never be satisfied with clouds..."

" have to have seen the sea to be satisfied with clouds and water..."

Before she finished her words, she bit Xu Yangyi's neck. Her whole body began to vampireize. And this time, the spiritual power of her body rushed in like it was free.

Pure-blooded vampires, she had said before, have two most terrifying blood talents. One is resuscitation, and the other, she didn't say.

She thought it was useless. The strong man in front of her, the Tower of Babel and his group protected them like a mountain. Although he never said it, she was not blind. She never asked them to go to dangerous places, and she always rushed to the front. How could such a man use his truly terrifying talent?

However, even the mountain will get tired one day.

The most terrifying thing about a pure-blooded vampire is that he can use his own life to exchange for the other's life. As long as the other has a breath, he will definitely come back to life! And he will repair all the injuries on his body.

However, the price is that he loses everything. All realms are lost, and he becomes a junior monk who has just practiced Qi into the body, and... when releasing, there must be no light around.

Otherwise, she will lose the ability to resist light and can only turn into stone.

However, now she can't wait any longer. The other party seemed to be dying in the next second, holding the cold hand in her hand, she finally made this decision.


Huh?! I got up after finishing it and saw that it was back to over 20... Thank you very much for your support

Originally, I was very disappointed to see that it had slipped to over 30 at the beginning of the month. I thought that since I returned to Earth, the plot should be fine and the excitement should be fine... I am very dissatisfied with this result

To thank you for your support yesterday, I will update one more chapter today~

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