
Chapter 675: Tower of Babel/Collapse (I)

Xu Yangyi's originally scattered pupils suddenly contracted, and a strong vitality surged into his body, dispelling the feeling of gradually sinking into the cold sea water.

It was as if a furnace was burning under the sea. It was obvious to the naked eye that all the injuries on his body were getting better quickly, and his heart began to beat strongly. However, Angel, who pounced on him, felt colder and colder, and there was a feeling of stone where he touched.

"You..." Before he finished speaking, Angel's vague voice sounded in his ears: "Don't move."

"I'm not dead... but a kind of fake death sleep. I believe you... one day, you will come to save me."

"I'll wait for you."

After saying that, a brilliant golden color burst out from her body, and a stream of golden light woven into Xu Yangyi's body like a spring of life. Xu Yangyi only felt a black screen in front of his eyes and immediately fainted.

Yuchang and Misteding, who were waiting outside, suddenly raised their heads and looked at the sea of ​​clouds in disbelief.

"This is..." Yuchang took a deep breath: "The life of that little girl is disappearing? No... Is it sealed? And this boy's life is reviving?!"

"Pure-blood vampire?" Mistydin was also stunned.

No one knew what to say. Obviously, the host waking up was the best news for them, but now it felt like a bone stuck in the throat, and it was sore.

Xu Yangyi fell into darkness.

He felt that all parts of his body were repaired, and all the injuries healed quickly. However, he just wanted to open his eyes and see how that stupid woman was.

He tried countless times, let alone opening his eyes, he couldn't even open his mouth.

I don't know how long it took, he was finally able to open his eyes, and the first thing he did was to look in front of him.

On his body, there was a beautiful stone sculpture.

The whole body was gray and white, exactly like Angel before, and his face still had the peace and determination before he became a stone sculpture. He stretched out his hand with some trembling and gently stroked the other's face.

"Stupid." His voice was very soft, and he didn't know how he could say such a voice. He caressed the other's cold face reluctantly: "Wouldn't it be better if you left? I've asked you to find a good home..."

After caressing for an unknown amount of time, he left carefully. The vines on all sides were all transferred to the stone sculpture, suspending the stone sculpture in mid-air. He was still worried, so he cast several prohibitions to prevent the stone sculpture from falling. Then he took a deep breath and gently touched the other's hair.

In his impression, this place should be golden, soft, and with the luster of the sun. Now, it is cold, gray, and with the silence of death.

"Wait for me." He said these words solemnly, hesitated for a moment, kissed the stone sculpture's lips gently, and left.

There must be a way to solve this curse...

But that requires strength, at have to truly reach the Grand Duke!

Only then will you be qualified to search the world. He doesn't believe there is no way to solve this knot!

In addition...

He quietly opened his collar and looked at his chest.

There, the demon pattern completely condensed into a ball, forming an extremely strange rune, and there was a strange scar at the place of his heart.

Now is not the time to look at these, the place is wrong, and the time is wrong.

"Swish" his figure broke through the layers of fog and appeared in front of the moon in the well. Yuchang and Mistedin were also waiting there.

There was no sadness or joy on his face, and even his thoughts could not be seen. He just nodded to the two spirits.

"Is she... okay?" Yuchang pondered for a while and asked.

"I will find a way." Xu Yangyi said calmly but firmly: "There must be... But first I have to reach the Grand Duke, then I have the qualifications to return to Europe and America and sit on an equal footing with the Taguler family. I believe... they must have a way to remove the curse."

A Scarlet Grand Duke does not represent the Taguler family.

This kind of large family across Europe and America has at least two or three Grand Dukes, and they are at a higher level than the Scarlet Grand Duke! More importantly, there is the family's thousand-year heritage. He doesn't think that if he, a non-Grand Duke, goes up and asks for this secret method, the other party will give it to him.

What's more, it's not known whether there is one. If there is none, he will have to look for it everywhere, and there are too many real secrets on the earth that only those in the Jindan realm are qualified to touch, such as the major forbidden areas, the major top forces, and various top-secret files.

The earth is so big, he doesn't believe there is no way to solve this curse.

"Where is the master?" He asked in a deep voice, suppressing his fluctuating emotions when he thought of this.

"Dead." Yu Chang said: "He was killed by the feathered serpent with one blow, and his will to descend completely collapsed, leaving no ashes."

Xu Yangyi nodded and looked at the sea of ​​clouds in front of him with great emotion.

It's over...

Everything is over.

They are standing at the core of the Tower of Babel, and the white clouds cover all the secrets. This time, all the grand dukes, except him, did not go back alive.

The grand dukes who were so powerful outside and the supreme world have turned into permanent dust here.

He sighed with some emotion, cultivation is like this, if you don't advance, you will retreat, but once you advance, it's only one person's advancement, and the others are all one general's success and thousands of bones.

"Let's go." He took a deep look into the depths of the sea of ​​clouds. There, there was a woman who turned into a stone waiting for her husband and did a very stupid thing. However, he decided to do something even stupider.

Neither Fish Gut nor Mistertin was in his hands. After a big battle, they had to take a good rest. Even Yuchang's Longyuan Sword Spirit didn't have time to transform.

Xu Yangyi's figure was like electricity, and he instantly appeared in front of the stargazers.

Eyes and stars looked at each other, but no one spoke first.

"You know everything?" "The order to destroy the devil?"

The two said almost in unison. The stargazer seemed to be stunned, and then he sighed, pointed to the world-connecting lantern hundreds of meters in the sky, and said: "There will be one hundred and eighty-two years at most, the world-connecting lantern... will be fully lit..."

"At that time, the true martial arts world will definitely come to the sky above the earth..."

"That's enough." Before he could finish speaking, Xu Yangyi waved his hand and said calmly: "Can the Demon Swallowing Order be withdrawn?"

"Impossible." The stargazer shook his head: "This is the highest-level mission in the Seven Realms. Once it is issued, it will never be taken back. The only way... is to destroy one of the parties, or the party receiving the order thinks it cannot be completed, and automatically Turn it in. Are you afraid?"

Xu Yangyi sneered and licked his lips bloodthirstyly. He admitted that all his senses now had a sense of venting.

Still not strong enough... Otherwise, how could he let his woman curse him?

"Afraid?" He sneered: "In the original war between the immortal world and the earth was so damaged, how much better were they?"

The stargazer raised his head, stars twinkling all over his body: "Boy... this time, I accept your love. There are some things that I shouldn't tell you, but I am willing to take the initiative to tell you."

"The true martial arts world is stronger than the earth."

"And...even now, it is much stronger, even...very much."

"Did you know... planes can be upgraded. I don't know the specific steps. It also depends on luck. Even if the fairy world is shattered, it may be restored to its former state. Any world below the Seven Realms, when it appears After five monks in the Taixu Realm, you can apply for upgrade."

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly: "You will approve it?"

"No." Stargazer shook his head: "Let's talk calmly, little guy, I have a good impression of you... and I will try my best to answer your questions."

Without reaching out to hit the smiling man, even if Xu Yangyi was filled with murderous intent, he would not have the idea to operate on this unrelated thing, whether it was a star or a human being.

What's more important is that the other party has lived for such a long time, and his knowledge is the biggest benefit.

He tried his best to sit cross-legged in the air as calmly as possible.

"You don't need to know these things now. The upper world... is not the end, but Kunlun has only one chance to submit these applications once in five hundred years. In the past tens of thousands of years, a total of twenty-three worlds have submitted applications. None of them passed. And Zhenwujie... is the most powerful among them."

"Qi refining, foundation building, golden elixir, and Yuan Ying. After the four realms of asking, there is the third realm of heart-breaking. You... are still far away. The Taixu realm is the second realm of the three realms of heart-breaking. Zhenwu There are seven Taixu Realm monks in the world. Judging from the past battles, there are definitely Taixu Realm monks. The three people who saved you before are all Taixu Realm Dzogchen. However, the number has not been confirmed. "

"According to Xu Kunlun's inference, the Taixu Realm monks on Earth should be in a sealed state, and not many of them can wake up at a time. About five. The Taixu Realm... can already make the plane full of scars. Kong’s true great monk. As a rule, battles in the Taixu Realm do not occur within a million meters of the plane. But... in both the Earth and Zhenwu Realm, Nascent Soul cultivators are at their peak, and their backbone is still that of Golden Core cultivators.”

His stars flickered slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "In the Zhenwu world...the Golden Core monks are about half the size of the Earth, and...their cultivation civilization is far more developed than the Earth."

"The earth's cultivation civilization is still unable to carry out plane navigation, and has never set foot in the field of plane mothership. As for Zhenwujie... in these aspects, even the chain of seven realms composed of the seven upper realms is purchased from Zhenwujie. ”

He stopped talking, knowing that the other person could understand.

Of course Xu Yangyi understood, but precisely because of understanding, his expression became serious.

The Taixu Realm monks who destroyed the world are no longer fighting on earth. This is good news. but……

Air supremacy!

The earth does not have any air supremacy!

Is it really possible to fly up by plane and hit the aircraft carrier like on Independence Day?

This is not realistic.

No wonder the real martial arts world has to cross hundreds of light years to come, no wonder the other party is confident to accept the demonic order. It turned out that the other party had already found out that the earth did not even have the shell of an egg in front of them! It was peeled off directly!

"In the evaluation of the seven realms, the strength of the earth is below the level of armor in the lower realm, and the Zhenwu realm... is the highest level above armor. And, for tens of thousands of years, they have always been the strongest in the world, no one."

"I don't think there is a reason why the earth can win. This is just one of them." He raised three fingers: "Second...population."

"The Zhenwu Realm... During the great war, the collapse of the realm was not as severe as the Earth's. Their size is about twice that of the Earth, which means... their population base is more than 10 billion, and the base of the monks..." He paused. , reported a number that made Xu Yangyi feel cold: "At least 1.5 million."


I just want to say... Angel was originally my second heroine... Why do I write more and more scenes for the first heroine! ! Why! fall! ! !

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