
Chapter 676: Tower of Babel/Collapse (Part 2)

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath.

Although he had attached great importance to the Zhenwu Realm after hearing what Quetzalcoatl said, he did not expect that there would be a huge gap just on paper.

How many cultivators are there on Earth?

Whether there are 700,000 or not is a problem!

Let alone the Jindan Patriarch who can sweep across the world. Yes, thousands of Qi-training cultivators are just a piece of cake in the eyes of Jindan, but... what about 30,000? What about 40,000?

This is a war, not a battle.

Moreover... once the Qi-training cultivators like locusts are equipped with sophisticated magic tools, and they practice some kind of formation... 20,000 Qi-training cultivators can give Jindan a headache. It is not surprising that weak real people will die.

Others can fill the extra population with their lives. If they are willing.

"Third, this is the most important point..." The stargazer said slowly without a trace of impatience: "You should know that more than a thousand years ago, nearly two thousand years ago, the Zhenwu Realm and the Earth had an unprecedented plane war."

"But... can you find any remnants of the war on Earth?"

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly.

Indeed... Earth... is terribly quiet. Apart from him, I wonder how many people know the existence of the Zhenwu Realm. How many people understand that more than a hundred light years away, a great enemy that has existed for hundreds of thousands of years has never relaxed its covetousness of the Earth. Moreover, the opponent's strength is still above the Earth.

"You can't find it... because the Zhenwu Realm has never invaded the Earth since tens of thousands of years ago."

"Be more detailed." Xu Yangyi asked with a frown.

What a joke? Is everything he saw fake?

"You misunderstood. I mean... unlike hundreds of thousands of years ago, its body has never come."

"The Zhenwu Realm accepted the Demon-Slaying Order six thousand years ago and has never come in its body. It has a total of twelve star destroyers, each of which is on 30,000 airships. Six thousand years, four world wars, a total of six star destroyers were shot down, but the Zhenwu Realm's body has never arrived."


The solemn atmosphere enveloped the surroundings, and Xu Yangyi pondered in silence. The Zhenwu Realm's action had only one purpose.


Test the earth's true depths.

And once the mild test is over... I'm afraid... the next step will be a full-scale attack like a storm!

"Finally, I'll tell you a bad news." The stargazer's hand flashed slightly, and a blue token appeared. He handed it to Xu Yangyi: "Three hundred years ago, all the worlds under the Zhenwu Realm began to purchase all the formations, magic tools, and carriers related to the organization of 10,000 people and more. And... there is a permanent amount of 30 billion spirit stones in the 'Luofu Lingzhuang' in the Seven Realms all year round. There is only one purpose, that is... to purchase all wide-area attack magic weapons. If I remember correctly, there are still 2 billion left."

"They have... at least three star destroyers. This is an absolutely forbidden plane weapon, and the price is about 8 billion."

He looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "What I mean is... this time, it is very likely that the other party has felt that the test is over and is ready to attack the whole world."

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips. One is intentional and the other is unintentional. There are less than two hundred years before the war of all realms. The Zhenwu Realm never returns the Demon-Slaying Order, which proves that they have absolute confidence. Hundreds of years and thousands of years of accumulation... He seemed to have seen a bloody vortex more than a hundred light years away, ready to fight and sharpening knives.

Never expected that the situation would be so critical. The so-called biting dog doesn't bark, which probably means this.

There is no need to bark, just bite to death.

"What is this?" He looked at the token in front of him and asked.

"Stargazing Token." The stargazer replied: "The most precious token of our clan, take it... You can go directly to the upper realm and find the Nether Dragon Clan. With it, you are a friend of our clan."

Xu Yangyi took it calmly: "Ticket to open the back door?"

"One more friend is always better than one less friend." The stargazer replied.

Xu Yangyi did not put it into the storage ring: "Why?"

The stargazer pondered for a few seconds, finally sighed, and said solemnly: "Because... I think... you will not stop at the Nascent Soul."

"From the Nascent Soul to the next realm, it is a real chasm. From here on, you can truly transcend the ordinary and become a saint and become a land immortal. If a person goes against the will of heaven, he will be envied by heaven, so... the heavenly tribulation will appear in this realm."

"The heavenly tribulation is a death warrant for cultivators. Its intensity will become stronger and stronger, and faster and faster. At the beginning, it was five hundred years, then three hundred years, two hundred years... until you advance to the next realm, otherwise it cannot be reset. So... too many cultivators choose to stay in the Nascent Soul Realm, willingly enjoying their 800-year lifespan, and no longer break through. Any cultivator in the third realm of the Heart-Severing Realm, regardless of whether he is treacherous or not, his determination and heart of seeking the truth are extremely firm. "

"I believe my eyes." He raised his head and looked directly into Xu Yangyi's eyes: "I have a hunch... you can break through to the next realm. And... it is very likely that you will not be limited to the first realm of the Heart-Severing Realm. Making friends with a great cultivator in the future Taixu Realm is far more than icing on the cake. "

Xu Yangyi put the token like a storage ring without comment, pondered for a few seconds, and suddenly laughed.

"It's a pity that you can't be the charcoal in the snow. "

"Oh?" The stargazer was a little surprised, then shook his head: "Little guy, the Earth... I can't say that it will definitely not be able to defeat the Zhenwu Realm, but it will definitely be extremely tragic. If my judgment is correct, the Zhenwu Realm is really out in full force this time, and the army is approaching. The cruelty and bloodiness of the plane war is definitely not something that you, a cultivator who has never experienced war and has only experienced the secret realm, can imagine..."

"So, are you persuading me to escape?" Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Abandon your home planet, the plane, and escape to the upper realm to avoid disaster and seek refuge?"

"This is not escaping, this is a rational choice."

Xu Yangyi did not answer him again, but looked at him deeply: "No wonder you can't break through until now."

"Face the challenge and take responsibility. The earth provides me, not for me to escape in the face of battle. Enjoying privileges that ordinary people cannot enjoy, naturally you have to bear more. But that's not what I'm talking about."

He looked at the stargazer with amusement: "What I mean is that your price is not enough."

The stargazer slowly turned his head, the stars on his body kept shining, and he looked at Xu Yangyi as if he didn't know him.

A token that goes straight to the upper realm, where you can go on a trip at any time, isn't this token enough?

Does he know how many people in the lower realm beg for his token? He has kept it for tens of thousands of years?

Or... does he really not understand what the upper realm is?

More refined spiritual energy, higher realm, more genius treasures. Longer life span and...

More satisfaction of being able to control everything.

"You..." He was about to say something, but suddenly a flash of inspiration came to his mind, and then he looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief.

"You... you mean... you will definitely break through to the Taixu realm?"

Xu Yangyi finally restrained his smile: "I dare not say for sure, I only say that I will try. I never try to let others dominate my life."

"Is your promise enough for the so-called Taixu realm cultivators?"

The stargazer was speechless.

Yes, there is another realm above the Taixu realm, which is the real peak of the seven realms, and I am afraid that there are less than ten people. The Taixu realm is the backbone of the seven realms! The golden elixir of the earth!

That is truly one person below ten thousand people, but... this little cultivator in front of him who has not yet passed the fourth realm of asking for the truth actually thinks this is natural?

How arrogant... But, in this arrogance, he actually tasted a kind of soaring heroic spirit of leading a million troops to the West Lake and immediately conquering the first peak of Wushan Mountain.

"I have another message here, maybe you will be interested." After a long time, the stargazer seemed to have made a decision and said in a deep voice: "This secret... Only I know it."

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi finally became interested.

"You should have seen the list of merits of heaven, earth and people on the illusory number, right?" The stars on the stargazer's body flickered constantly, and after a pause, his voice became more solemn: "If... I can open the authority to exchange them for you?"

Xu Yangyi glanced over, revealing an undisguised passion.

Those things...

It can be said that this is the biggest treasure house of the Tower of Babel!

"Do they really exist?" He thought it was all a bait, but he didn't expect it to be true!

"All human-level items exist, half of earth-level items exist, and no heaven-level items exist." The stargazer said with certainty: "It... is the last treasure created by the founding spirit. It is only open to earth cultivators, and... its principle is extremely mysterious. Anything can be exchanged for merit. And I have a way to open it."

Xu Yangyi took several deep breaths.

Never expected that this merit list actually existed!

It is filled with countless genius treasures, it is simply the largest treasure house on earth! However, what is missing is merit, merit, and merit!

"Are you sure?"

"I am very sure." The stargazer said: "If it were not for the outside world being unable to use it... this treasure house would be equivalent to the sum of three of the seven realms!"

This is after the destruction of the earth.

You can imagine how rich the earth was back then!

Unfortunately, the shadows of the idle clouds and the pond are leisurely, and things have changed and the stars have moved for several autumns.

"Once it is opened, it... seems to be able to contact an extremely powerful existence in the infinite planes, even the existence of creation and destruction, and worship it. It can exactly exchange for the treasure you want. I don't know the details, because I can't use it."

"Is this price enough?"

"Enough." Xu Yangyi finally smiled with satisfaction. He thought more, not only about the opening of the merit list, but also...

The war between the two worlds is coming!

Even if it is for merit, killing all the Zhenwu world, he doesn't feel sorry.

Suddenly, the entire Tower of Babel shook.

"The Tower of Babel is about to collapse." The stargazer was stunned for a moment, then spoke calmly: "It's not here, it's... its appearance in the outside world."

"Leave, this place doesn't belong to you. When the external appearance of the Tower of Babel collapses, the road to China will open." Blue light emanated from his hands, converging into a jade slip: "This is the human-level treasure and exchange list of the merit list. Fifty years later, I will open the ban for you. If you think the war between the two worlds is too dangerous, you are always welcome here."

Xu Yangyi nodded, turned into a green light, and rushed down.


The long-awaited China...

I, Xu Yangyi, am back again.

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