
Chapter 677: Star of Africa

"Boom boom..." Outside, all the monks stationed around the Eye of the Sahara looked at the giant tower in astonishment.

Not only them, but all the monitors in the world looked at the Tower of Babel.

Huge cracks appeared on the tower, and pieces of hazy white light shone through the tower. In more than ten minutes, the towering tower that was intact just now was already covered with cracks.

"What's going on?" "Detect the spiritual energy fluctuations immediately!" "Where is the data? Is there any mutated data before? Why did it suddenly collapse?" "Where are the people inside? What happened?"

Around the desert, there are now thousands of monks from major European and American families stationed, all staring at the Tower of Babel with horror. The core team of the major families, the research monks in white coats, have begun to fiddle with computers, moving their fingers like flying, collecting all the data of the Tower of Babel.

No one understands why it was fine the second before, but suddenly collapsed the second after that.

"Clattery" huge pieces of the tower began to fall from the Tower of Babel. At this moment, countless white light spots were suddenly spit out from the tower and surrounded the side of the giant tower.

Those were the Marquis monks who stayed on the Illusion. At this moment, they were also shocked to see the collapsed giant tower, and everyone's eyes were full of fear.

"Are there any ordinary people around?" "Immediately investigate the surface tremors that may be caused by this collapse." "Where are our people? Have you communicated well with Mauritania? I hope we will be the first to enter as a mortal scientific research team! I don't want to say it a second time!"

All countries, scientific research units, and senior officials became nervous. Will the collapse of such a huge tower cause an earthquake? Will its wreckage make the Sahara Desert disappear? What is its own value?

After seeing all this on the satellite, the whole world fell into a slight chaos.

This is the first time that the cultivation world has fully manifested itself.

This is the first evidence that has caused changes in human civilization on Earth.

It is impossible not to pay attention.

Xu Yangyi stood at the top, with Zhao Ziqi by his side, overlooking the colorful puzzles below. Feeling the shock of the Tower of Babel, the stargazer beside him said calmly: "Are you ready?"

Xu Yangyi was about to nod, but suddenly remembered something and turned around to search in the ruins on the top floor. After a few seconds, he stopped around a huge skeleton.

This is Zhu Hongxue's skeleton.

In fact, he didn't know if it was. When the Scarlet Duke killed Lawrence, Zhu Hongxue had already died with a move, but his skeleton was swallowed by Taichu, and together with the skeletons of Cerberus and Scores, it was pieced together into a huge skeleton that was completely unrecognizable.

Only the fox skull on the head can still be distinguished from its previous appearance.

Xu Yangyi stood quietly in front of Zhu Hongxue for a long time before he said with emotion: "Back then, you were like a demon god, slaughtering thousands of monks, but now, you are just a dry bone in a tomb."

The road of cultivation is to retreat if you don't advance.

Sometimes, swords and knives are added to the body, not because you have done something wrong, but because you are not strong enough.

"If you were still in the outside world, you would still be a few people below you and ten thousand people above you, but you had to rush into the Tower of Babel, and there was no purpose for you to come. Once you embark on this road, there is no turning back."

"Swish!" The sword flashed, and Zhu Hongxue's head, which was more than two meters tall, suddenly flew up and was firmly grasped by Xu Yangyi.

He breathed a sigh of relief silently. This was a promise to those people back then, and also a promise to himself.

"Boom boom boom..." Just after doing all this, the Tower of Babel emitted a sky-high white light, including more than 50 kilometers around the Eye of the Sahara in this white light. With a series of loud roars, this giant tower that existed more than 100,000 years ago finally issued a dying wail.

"Karala" layer by layer, from the sky to the ground, countless boulders fell, but strangely, these boulders did not fall to the ground, but hovered in the air, building a road to the east in mid-air.

"See you later." The stargazer bowed, Xu Yangyi responded symbolically, and immediately rushed up the suspended boulder road with Zhao Ziqi.

The monks below and the leaders of various places were all stunned.

In the air, a green spiritual energy was running, and under their feet was a floating road, all composed of fragments of the Tower of Babel, extending eastward. This picture was enough to shock their eyes.

"Detect the strength of spiritual energy!" The cultivation institutes of countless countries all issued this order.

However, the next second, everyone was stunned.

Grand Duke level!

But how come only one Grand Duke came out of so many Grand Dukes?

"Let the satellite lock immediately! Who is this? Why didn't he return to the base after coming out?"

Xu Yangyi didn't care about these at all. When he thought about returning to China, when he thought about so many people waiting for him in China, and when he thought about his original body still there, he couldn't help but use all his speed and rushed to the end of the road.

"Brother, are we... going back?" Zhao Ziqi's eyes were filled with excitement. Although he had been sleeping for many years and did not have deep feelings for his family, he also wanted to see how his family was doing.


"When will you be back?"


The two chatted casually, ignoring everything around them. In the distance, there were more than a dozen helicopters in the sky, but they did not dare to come over.

With their footsteps flying, a day passed quickly.

Already far away from the center of the incident, the road under our feet finally saw an end, and it came to an abrupt end just outside of Africa.

There, there is a mysterious wall of light that covers the entire Africa. There is a worn-out dagger in the center, which is Africa's super magic circle.

Taking one step out, a feeling of vastness and leaping fish arises spontaneously.

"Indian Ocean." Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes slightly, and flying became obscure. In other words...are there air-forbidden circles on the major oceans? The closer you get to the center of the ocean, the more powerful the forbidden air formation will become. In the end... you will probably be unable to fly.

"It looks like we have to find a way to get home."


Africa Star cruise ship.

This cruise ship is not the most luxurious, but it is also famous and is the kind of cruise ship that the next-level rich would choose. The truly luxurious top-notch cruise ships are all membership-based. Just money? Sorry, no.

To put it simply, this is a wealthy cruise ship, but maybe they are not wealthy enough to be at the top.

At this moment, in the banquet hall in the center of the ship, the European and American-style sculptures and decorations, as well as the finely carved crystal lamps overhead, shined with a dazzling flare, which fell on the scarlet carpet on the ground. Stepping on it feels like walking on clouds.

The entire banquet hall was not noisy, and everyone was talking very restrainedly, with either false or sincere smiles and low voices. The "Symphony of the Night" sounded in the intoxicating orchestra in the center. Handsome men, beauties, and young talents intertwined their branches comfortably. Business cards sprinkled with gold become each other's stepping stones.

A fat man of about 20 years old, about 200 pounds, wearing a very decent suit, followed by a taciturn man with white hair, about sixty years old, wearing a Tang suit, with his hands in his sleeves ,dance to tune.

The fat man obviously adapted to this kind of situation very well. He was well-spoken and humorous, and he was chatting and laughing with the young and handsome people around him. Although the clothes are different, they are all the same. That is, almost everyone has someone, old or young, who is clearly not from their circle. And instead of treating these people as servants, they treated them with great respect.

"Excuse me." The fat man raised his little finger, smiled and touched the young man in front of him: "Then it's settled, Mr. Liu, I will go to Wuhan by the end of the year, and it will cost Mr. Liu a lot of money."

"It's a small matter." The man known as Mr. Liu said softly: "Master Luo, are you planning to go to Aunt Mei Yinghong?"

The fat man's hot eyes glanced at a woman who was about 1.7 meters tall and in her thirties next to the champagne tower. There was a trace of undisguised impatience on her face. Next to me, a woman in her early twenties, with a good face and a height of about 1.7 meters tall, poured herself a drink as if there was no one else around.

The appearance was very ordinary, and there was even a vacuum zone of two or three meters around him. No one unconsciously moved away, but within a few seconds, someone immediately walked up with a smile to say hello.

"Of course." The fat man licked his lips excitedly and replied in a hushed voice: "This is the only monk among the nephews of the wealthy people in the Yangtze River Delta who has achieved the Great Perfection in Qi Refining. Even if he cannot break through the foundation building, he can still live to be a hundred years old. . She usually lives in seclusion and is rarely seen. How can she let her go after finally seeing her? "

"Good luck." Mr. Liu smiled and raised his glass. The fat man took a deep breath and adjusted his mood. The fat figure seemed to be as light as a swallow. When he passed by the waiter, he naturally picked up a glass of champagne. Just as he was about to walk up to the waiter calmly, there was a sudden "dong" sound.

Someone stood up in front of him and bumped into the fat man who was all looking at the woman. The champagne poured over him. At this moment, the old man behind him raised his eyes and blew lightly. All the champagne was safe. The ground fell into the cup.

"Mid-stage Qi training?" A young man next to him was stunned for a moment, then raised his glass and said with a smile: "My friend, you are really willing to give up. A person who is in the middle stage of Qi-training is not so easy to ask for."

After hearing the words "middle stage of Qi refining", Mei Yinghong raised her eyebrows slightly, still with that cold expression, but looking at the old man too much. The old man immediately turned slightly red and bowed with a touch of excitement.

The fat man smiled around, hiding the proud look on his face, and then looked at the man in front of him with a slightly gloomy look.

Very high.

He was about 1.86 meters tall, about 87 meters long... Although he didn't want to admit it, it made him feel very jealous. Especially the unconcealable wildness in the other party cannot be hidden even by a suit on his body.

This is not someone who is in the same circle as himself or even everyone on the ship.

The temperament is completely different.

However, this is not important. What is important is that he almost made a fool of himself in front of a top master of Qi Refining Dzogchen!

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