
Chapter 678: A Changing World

"I'm sorry..." The man raised his glass to express his apology. He hadn't enjoyed the life of a mortal for too long. He just found a boat to relax himself. He didn't pay much attention to other people. The fat man didn't look ahead at all. To be honest, he couldn't be blamed for it.

However, before he finished speaking, Luo Shao had already looked at him grimly: "I don't need your embarrassment. You just need to answer a question now."

"Whose son are you? Why do you look so unfamiliar? What is the realm of your worship?"

The man frowned: "Worship?"

"Don't you know that only invited people are allowed to enter the banquet hall?" Luo Shao took a step forward, and he noticed sensitively that Mei Gu looked over. There was a burst of heat in his heart. A blessing in disguise... So sorry, it is naturally your honor to be a stepping stone. If you want to blame someone, blame your father for not giving birth to you well.

The man ignored him and looked at the person behind him with a half-smile: "Middle stage of Qi training?"

There was a hint of amusement in his voice, and the old man's eyes flashed slightly, and he stepped forward: "Mortal, you seem to look down on monks?"

The man glanced casually, and there were about dozens of people in the hall, and behind them was a monk in the early or middle stage of Qi training.

"That's not what I meant. I respect any monk." The man smiled and said, "I just didn't expect that monks would work as bodyguards."

"Excuse me."

"Stop." Just as he was about to turn around, Luo Shao's cold voice came from behind: "Did I let you go?"

"Who are you? How did you get in here? Is the security measures of the African Star so poor? Any cat or dog can come in casually?" As soon as the worshiper asked a rhetorical question just now, he was more convinced that the other party had sneaked in. Now, which leader of a city does not need the protection of a monk? If you invite a monk from a side door, a few pills are comparable to immortal pills!

He didn't even know that the other party was at most a young master of a third-tier enterprise. He was just a poor guy. If he wanted to pinch him, he might not even say no.

The man ignored him and strode forward.

"Hmph!" Just after taking two steps, the old man behind Luo Shao brought a thin white light and stood in front of the man.

"Boy, your words are very harsh." The old man said in a flat voice: "I didn't let you go, but you dared to go? Do you know that I can turn you into ashes with just a wave of my hand?"

The man walked directly towards the old man in front of him with a smile. Everyone in the audience, whether mortals or cultivators, was a little dumbfounded.

Don't know whether to live or die?

Five years ago, the Tower of Babel came out of nowhere, and the world announced the affairs of the cultivation world. Now, it is the hottest time in the cultivation world! Some prescriptions are far better than "Xinglin Pharmacy" and "Tongrentang Pharmacy." More importantly, the terrifying combat power of the cultivators, which larger company now does not hire five or six Qi Refiners to protect important people?

Any cultivator is a superman who controls wind, fire, thunder and lightning. If they want a mortal to die, there are too many invisible ways. Now... this tall and strong fool actually doesn't give face to a dignified Qi-refining cultivator?

In an instant, the old man's face turned cold. At the same time, several figures, almost without moving, all blocked the man.

"Tell me your name." A middle-aged man sneered, "I want to see which young man is so confident."

"Look down on cultivators? Tsk tsk, it's been a long time since I met such a person who doesn't know how to live or die." "Interesting... I can't believe that there are still such primitive people in this era."

No one saw that at this moment, the woman next to Mei Gu frowned and glanced at the scene. She didn't like noise.

Just when she retracted her gaze, she suddenly paused, and then turned her head in disbelief.

At this moment, the man also felt something, and finally raised his eyebrows and looked over casually.

"You..." The woman took a look and stood up suddenly, trembling all over. Mei Gu was stunned for a moment, and gently pulled her hand: "Xiao Ba, what's wrong with you?"

The woman seemed to have heard nothing, and her heart almost jumped out of her chest. Mei Gu flicked her fingers lightly, and a calming aura came out from her fingertips, ready to help the woman calm down.

However... at the moment of sending it out, the aura suddenly disappeared.

She was stunned, and then jumped up like a needle, and drops of cold sweat dripped from her forehead. She no longer looked like she was keeping people away from her, but looked around like a frightened rabbit.


Her aura was actually swallowed!

"Do you know me?" At this moment, a plain male voice sounded in Mei Gu and the woman's mind: "Interesting... After decades, I didn't expect that someone still knew me."

"Greetings, senior!!" Without any hesitation, Mei Gu's heart was shocked, and she didn't care that this was a banquet hall, and she immediately half-knelt on the ground.

All around, there was silence, and everyone looked at Mei Gu in amazement. What was going on?

A Qi Refining Great Perfection, kneeling down to a mortal for no reason?

"I am a junior who didn't recognize the great man! Please forgive me, senior!" Mei Gu's voice was filled with extreme fear. The foundation-building cultivator... the person in front of her was a foundation-building cultivator! No wonder she couldn't feel his spiritual power at all!

At the same time, all the cultivators at the scene felt that their spiritual energy was cut off. But they couldn't feel the source at all. Then... an indescribable spiritual pressure that was extremely powerful to them rose up, and all the wine glasses on the table trembled.

The frightened screams were almost stuck in their throats. Just when they were about to scream, the terrifying spiritual wave suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.


Deathly silence.

Three seconds later, there was a "dong dong dong" sound of kneeling down, and the twenty monks at the scene all made frightened voices: "Bye, meet senior!! Please forgive me, senior!!"

The whole audience was stunned.

What expansion is this?

Aunt Mei, who was the silent center of attention, did not even dare to raise her head at this moment. Half-kneeling on the ground in silence, this is Aunt Mei... the first nephew in a wealthy family in the Yangtze River Delta! How many people were there just now to talk to her? Luo Shao

One by one, young and handsome men looked at the monks who were usually honored guests in their homes in astonishment. At this moment, there was no hint of immortality. They seemed like goats encountering a tiger. They even lay on the ground and shivered.

"Senior?" Mr. Liu's eyes flickered, and then he gasped: "Zhu, Foundation Establishment monk?!"

He looked at the man in the field in disbelief: "He, he is a foundation-building monk?! The legendary immortal who flew into the sky and escaped from the earth?"

Mr. Luo's mouth gradually opened wide, and finally he couldn't close it at all. Covering his mouth, he took several steps back unconsciously.

Foundation building...

Foundation-building monk?

Was he actually provoking an old foundation-building monster just now?

This is impossible... How could the immortal who flew into the sky and escaped from the earth on TV appear in front of him? Still so young?

"Mei...Aunt Mei?" He shouted tentatively. He couldn't believe it. He would rather believe that it was all a lie. However, before she finished speaking, Aunt Mei immediately said in a deep voice: "Mr. Luo collided with senior and asked senior to punish him. Junior... doesn't know him."


a bolt from the blue.

Mr. Luo took a few steps back, his lips trembling. That Aunt Mei that he wanted to talk to had actually distanced himself from her relationship? Did you slap yourself in public? Tell everyone that what he did had nothing to do with him? But, I just want to talk to her! How could he just bump into someone, a foundation-building old monster?

No one can protect herself... The first thing Aunt Mei did was to cut off the relationship... That Aunt Mei who was a genius of the generation? His legs weakened, his voice was pleading, and he was about to kneel down.

However, a voice left in front of him slowly.

She didn't even look at him out of the corner of her eye.

Mr. Luo bit his lip, his face burning with pain. You're so pretentious... The other party didn't take you seriously from the beginning to the end. He jumped up and down like a clown and worked so hard. It turned out that you didn't even deserve to be in the eyes of the other party.

"Dong" the sound of closing the door came, a soft sound. So clear in the silent room.

"Greetings, farewell to you, senior!!" No one dared to raise their heads, their foreheads touched the ground, especially the old man and the few people who stopped in front of the man. They almost kowtowed with a pious sense of atonement and their voices were loud.

And all mortals, you look at me, I look at you, their expressions are almost exactly the same, they are all dull.

"Haha...hehehe..." Mr. Luo was beating like a drum, and the fat all over his body was rising and falling. He took out a handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat on his head with lingering fear: "Mr. Wang, get up... Your Excellency, you have A lot of…”

Mr. Wang didn't get up.

Don't dare.

Absolutely don’t dare to get up!

Luo Shaofan may not understand, but they know it too well. Do these mortals really think that people in the spiritual world cannot kill people? There are thousands of foundation-building seniors in China. Which one is not an all-powerful figure? He...he was so stupid that he confronted a senior foundation builder in front of him.

If he got up now, there was no guarantee that he would get off the ship alive.

The crowd thinned out little by little. This appearance made everyone no longer in the mood to stay. The men and women left the scene silently, leaving only the Qi Refining monks kneeling on the ground.

Some people didn't want to kneel, but the old man and the others took the lead in kneeling. If they didn't kneel, could they be looking down on Senior Foundation Architect?

There was silence.

After a full hour, a voice said calmly: "Get up."

"The meaning of a monk is to take responsibility, not to be arrogant, nor to act as a savior. You should pray that it is me you meet this time."

"Follow the teachings!!!" There was a burst of extremely respectful replies, uniformly, and the old man breathed a sigh of relief silently. As if he was exhausted, he was helped to stand up from the ground.

"Beep beep beep..." At the same time, somewhere along the coast, in the Tiandao branch, a middle-aged man suddenly raised his head, frowning and looking at the flickering light curtain in mid-air.

"Class A wanted criminal aura detected. Repeat: Class A wanted criminal aura detected. Approaching Hong Kong harbor."


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