
Chapter 679: Battle with Lei Teng (I)

“Swish…” A blue screen flashed below, and all the information was listed one by one.

“Xu Yangyi?” The middle-aged man elegantly picked up a pair of silver scissors, picked up a brown high-quality Cuban cigar, and cut it leisurely: “A-level wanted criminal… Isn’t it the wanted criminal in Nanzhou more than 60 years ago? The wanted order issued by Gusong Zhenren. But it’s just thunder and rain. Tsk tsk… Still the leader? He dared to come back now after causing such a disaster at such a young age?”

“Sixty-seven years, he should be in the middle stage of foundation building now? It’s a bit tricky…”

The next second, his figure disappeared in the room. Then, he appeared outside the door, a pure white coat fell from the sky and gently draped over his body. And beside him, two shadow-like figures immediately followed and half-knelt on the ground: “Senior, are you going out?”

“Yeah.” The man nodded casually and adjusted the watch on his hand: “Come back within eight days. In addition, report the location of this seat in the room to Qingtian Palace and ask Gusong Zhenren for judgment.”

Night, four o’clock in the morning

Qinghai, the main peak of Kunlun Mountain. In the dense sky, above the countless clouds, a giant tortoise-shaped, hundreds of meters long mechanical puppet is suspended in the clouds. On the back of the tortoise, a towering palace appears sacred and solemn under the moonlight.

The tallest palace is brightly lit.

This is an ancient-style room, standing at the highest point of the puppet. Looking down from here, there is a vast sea of ​​clouds around, like a fairyland on earth. All the monks and residents in Qinghai know that this is the palace of the Jindan Zhenren, which is rare in China and cannot be seen on TV. It only exists in the rumors.

Qingtian Palace. Under the command of Zhenren Gusong.

Cranes hold lanterns, and the room is full of quaint candlesticks. Among the countless candles, an old man sits cross-legged in the middle. He is not good-looking, but if it were not for the rich black aura in his seven orifices, he would be almost the same as other old men.

He is the real Zhenren Gusong.

His eyes were somewhat absentmindedly looking at the sky, where there was a message left by a monk stationed abroad, saying that Xu Yangyi, a Class A wanted criminal, was on his way to Hong Kong.

No cover-up.

He is back...

Master Gusong closed his eyes, vaguely remembering the thrilling night decades ago.

Was he wrong?

He didn't think so, it was his righteousness, he didn't think he was wrong.

However, every time he woke up from his dream at midnight, he always saw two vivid faces, and for some reason, it made him feel heartbroken.

"He is back..." He repeated silently, looking at the dark sky outside in a daze, as bright as the moon next to him: "He is back..."


After a few seconds, he frowned. As if he remembered something.

After a few more seconds, he suddenly stood up, his hair and beard were all flying, his clothes were rustling, and a piece of spiritual energy from the late Jindan stage rushed into the air like a tide!

"Dong Dong Dong..." Suddenly, there was a hurried kneeling sound outside the door.

Gusong Zhenren didn't care at all. Because, he remembered something.

"At the beginning... he said... he would not return to China until he reached the Golden Core?" His voice was a little floating, with a kind of unbelievable: "He is back now... that means..."

"He has advanced to the Golden Core?!"

"It's only been more than 60 years! How is it possible?"

He paced in the room in disbelief, and the black air in his seven orifices was steaming. No matter what, he didn't dare to believe this terrifying answer.

The speed of cultivation is too fast... more than three times that of others! Even Mieri Zhenren can't reach his level!

But, there is always a voice in his heart, this is true, this is the fact, otherwise why did the other party dare to return directly on the cruise ship without any cover-up?

Once you advance to the Golden Core, you don't need to cover up anymore.

"Cha..." He stopped and said in a deep voice: "Yuyangzi."

"Disciple is here." A voice outside the door said.

"You... immediately notify the garrison monk in Hong Kong and tell him that he must not confront the other party head-on! Don't worry, there is another guard inside China. If that person doesn't agree, he can't come in!"

"Yes..." Yu Yangzi hesitated for a moment, and still said: "But... Hong Kong's helmsman 'Snow Blade' Lei Teng Daoyou has already sent the message and headed for the Chinese Sea. Now... I'm afraid he has arrived."

"Nonsense!!" An angry shout came from the house: "Is he looking for death? How amazing was the seventeenth disciple back then, and how high is his realm now! With only one Snow Blade? Even if there are three of him, he can't do it!"


Silence, after a few seconds, a black light shot out from the Qingtian Palace, drawing a long black rainbow in the air, and went straight to Hong Kong.

"I hope... I won't collect the body of a helmsman."

At the same time, no one fell asleep on the African Star. They were divided into three or five groups according to their familiarity and continued to talk about what had just happened.

Of course, these are mortals. The monks on the ship seemed to have died suddenly. No matter how the employer requested, they would not leave the cabin.

Xu Yangyi stood at the bow as if no one was around him, holding the railing with both hands, and letting the sea breeze blow his hair. There was no one around him for more than ten meters. Later, some mortals with strong curiosity discussed his back.

"Longyuan Sword Spirit, Misteding, Wuxiang Guanyin, and the mirror flower in my own sea of ​​qi." He counted the gains of the Tower of Babel and was in a very good mood: "The most important thing is the privilege of opening the Tower of Babel Merit List! As long as I have enough merits, I am the only one on the earth who can exchange for this treasure house of gods!"

He hasn't read the brochure the stargazer gave him yet, and he plans to take a few days off for himself. As for Zhao Ziqi, after boarding the ship, he went to live and drink without knowing where he went.

He didn't study anything else. Even a monk needed to rest.

"And this..." He frowned and looked at his chest.

There, there was a strange rune and a cross-shaped wound.

Whenever I see this, I feel a dull pain in my heart. He gained a lot, but lost something precious.

"That's all, the most important thing now is to rush to Nanzhou immediately and merge with the main body. As for what exactly this is... we will wait for the golden elixir to be discussed later." His eyes flickered, and a hot expectation spread in his heart like a flame.

Golden elixir...the real golden elixir.

I am coming……

After nearly a hundred years of practice, I have finally come to stand in front of you from a small Qi refiner.

"No need to look secretly." He suddenly said calmly: "Come out."

From a dark corner, a timid figure came out.

It was the woman beside Aunt Mei just now.

"I've met senior." The woman immediately knelt down respectfully, trying not to tremble in her voice, but her body was shaking non-stop.

"You know me." Xu Yangyi said calmly while enjoying the sea breeze.

"Yes..." The woman's voice even had a touch of pleading: "Senior... you may not remember this junior, but... this junior has seen you."


"Junior...Junior..." The woman hesitated for a few seconds, and her voice was filled with sadness: "Junior, you are the one who will kill the mortal world."

Kill the mortal world?

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows. This name is very familiar. Where have I heard it before...


Zhan Twelve, his own members are members of this killer organization!

Familiar names came to his mind from the dust, and he suddenly remembered a lot.

Yang Xueqing, Gao Wuguo, Junman, Zhao Wuye... unforgettable faces appeared in the memories like a revolving door. He sighed silently: "Get up."

"Junior doesn't dare." The woman was still kneeling and lowered her head: "Junior's name is Can Hong. At this time, I will cut off the name in the world of mortals. Junior...junior just asks...if...if senior can, can...can... Do you want to intercede with Master Gu Song and let... let Ancestor Nangong..."

Her voice was already sobbing, and tears were falling like rain, but she didn't dare to wipe them away. He said in a trembling voice: "Let Ancestor Nangong... let go, let the twelfth master uncle go..."

Xu Yangyi's expression turned cold instantly.

Fusion of Wolfsbane's body and forging the golden elixir is his first priority.

The second thing...Nangong family...Nangong Wujiu, you can go and die.

"The Nangong family... said that you killed their sixth young master and wanted you to pay with your life. They arrested all the people who had been with you... except Captain Chu. In the first thirty years, they were not given any spiritual energy. , let them all age, now, now..." She burst into tears and couldn't continue.

"Say." Xu Yangyi suppressed the crazy murderous intention in his heart and said in a deep voice.

"Starting thirty years ago... every five years, on the memorial day of the Sixth Young Master Nangong, they... they just..." Can Hong bit her lip and burst into tears.

This pain had been suppressed in her heart for too long. After crying for dozens of seconds, she gritted her teeth and said: "Every five years... kill one person... the Nangong family imprisons everyone underground like a pigsty, never seeing the light of day. , and have no spiritual energy. My uncle... was tortured by them and turned into an evil ghost who could never see the light of day... However, they still did not kill them... they did not allow anyone to commit suicide, saying... they would kill until the last person died. As long as the light lasts...wuwuwu..."

"Boom!!!" As soon as they finished speaking, within a kilometer radius of them, huge waves hundreds of meters high suddenly broke out from the sea!

"What's wrong?" "What happened?"

All the mortals were astonished. They didn't know that the spiritual energy of a golden elixir just now couldn't suppress its crazy killing intent and finally rushed into the sea.

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and took a deep breath, the killing intent in his chest boiling to the extreme.

good, very good!

The Nangong family relies on Nangong Wujiu to advance to the Golden Elixir, how dare you do this! How dare you touch innocent people!

"You... really pissed me off." His voice was very soft, but the temperature could make the air freeze.

"Don't worry." After a few seconds, he turned around and said, "I will solve this matter myself."

Can Hong pursed her lips, as if she wanted to say something, but didn't dare to say anything.

Solve it yourself?

How to solve it yourself?

Nangong Wujiu...that's the real Jin Dan! A wave of the hand and a lift of the foot are enough to cause a small disaster! She wanted Xu Yangyi to ask the real person Gu Song, and only the real person could solve the real person's affairs. This was her last hope, but as soon as this hope flashed, it was immediately shattered.

"Senior..." She gritted her teeth and trembled with courage: "Real affairs... I'll wait..."

It's better to pray for mercy from real people...

However, before she finished speaking, Xu Yangyi slowly raised his hand: "Wait a moment."

All the monks on the boat raised their heads at this moment. He looked into the air in astonishment.

"What is this?" Zhao Ziqi was having a heart-to-heart talk with a beautiful woman. He suddenly raised his head and frowned slightly: "Foundation Building? turns out to be a Foundation Building...Is it Big Brother's wanted order? I felt like Big Brother just now Used spiritual power...forget it, ignore him..."

The other monks gasped, trembling and not daring to sweat.

"Foundation Building! Another Foundation Building Senior!" "What happened? Why did I meet two Foundation Building Seniors today?" "What happened?"

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