
Chapter 680: Battle with Lei Teng (Part 2)

"A guest is coming." On the bow of the ship, Xu Yangyi turned his head and looked with a sneer: "It's really bad luck... When I wanted to vent, I hit the muzzle of the gun myself."

There was a white light on the water surface, and sharp arrows were shooting towards it.

It is almost close to the water, and wherever it passes, rows of huge waves more than ten meters high are flying, like Moses' diversion staff.

It was a middle-aged man.

Stepping on the sea on a moonlit night, the prosperity of the land is reflected behind you, and the neon lights in the sky are shining - that is the night of Hong Kong, a city that never sleeps. He stepped on the sea, rippling the waves, and wore a white coat, as if he was out for a walk. However, the speed was extremely fast, leaving ripples behind him, and he had already appeared dozens of meters away.

Strolling in the courtyard, flowers falling in the middle of the night, if it weren't for the fact that he was holding a sword and saber half as tall as a man in his left hand, one would almost think he was out for a walk.

Surrounding the knife, endless snowflakes flew, even leaving a trail of frost wherever he passed.

"The leader of the Hong Kong branch and executive governor, Xue Li Dao Lei Teng is here to visit."

Before anyone arrived, the sound came first, and the yellow bell echoed in the sky like a big Lu, reaching everyone's ears. No matter they were mortals or monks, they were all hiding in their rooms without fear of leaving.

"I don't think I will be merciful once someone appears."

There was dead silence. Apart from the sound of the sea breeze blowing in the night sky, there was no message on board the Star of Africa.

"Executive Governor..." Every Qi Refining monk in the room turned pale.

The foundation-building monks are their heaven, and the helmsman is the best among the foundation-building monks! The emperor of one party cannot be qualified unless he is a strong person in the foundation building!

"How did a helmsman come here?" "There are nearly seven hundred helmsmen in China, and I can actually see a real helmsman in my lifetime?" "What is this senior doing here?" "One day. It’s really a blessing for us to be able to see these two foundation-building seniors inside…”

However, everyone has some doubts. What does a helmsman do on the Africa Star?

It has been seven days since we set off from Africa, and we will arrive at the final destination of Hong Kong at noon tomorrow. The helmsman is visiting us late at night... Could it be that he is a good friend of the senior on the ship?

Lei Teng quickly arrived at the bow of the ship and looked at Xu Yangyi calmly.

He is a middle-aged man with graying hair on his temples, a Chinese-character face, and a short haircut.

"Were you the leader back then?" Xun Lie's white trench coat was blown by the wind: "You were on the wanted list, and you dared to expose your spiritual energy and come to Hong Kong without even using a disguise. Do you think..."

He gently raised his sword and saber, and slowly touched the snow-white sword body with his hand: "Do you think the sword of this dynasty cannot kill the officials of your previous dynasty?"

"A-level wanted criminal, Xu Yangyi."

"I'll let you go and I'll spare your life."

"Otherwise, kill on the spot!"

In the cabin, all the Qi Refining monks' faces suddenly turned pale.

the wanted……

That senior just now... turned out to be a wanted criminal!

Once the two foundation-building monks take action, the momentum will be overwhelming. The African Star as the can the eggs be completed when the nest is overturned?

"I just hope... Your Excellency, the helmsman, can kill the enemy with one move." Mr. Wang was in his cabin, sweating coldly: "If the two foundation-building monks break out in full force, the ship will definitely capsize! The wanted criminals will never consider our life or death. ! No... we must end the battle as soon as possible. No matter how strong the wanted criminal is... he is a helmsman!"

"Hong Kong is very important in the Chinese territory. The person who can serve as the helmsman of Hong Kong must be an amazing and talented senior!" In another cabin, the three Qi Refining monks were full of admiration just now. When they heard "A-level wanted criminal" After a few words, he suddenly took a breath and turned pale.

"It should be no problem...but, I have never seen an A-level wanted criminal. The highest wanted monk I have seen is B-level, which is already a foundation-building senior. But...I met a Captain, since he comes so confidently, there must be no problem." Another man with a long and thin face said solemnly.

"There must be no problem." The last one was an old man with white hair. With a confident smile on his face, he whispered: "Xu Yangyi? Does this name sound particularly familiar to you?"

The other two shook their heads.

"What about the Nanzhou land enclosure incident?" The old man smiled and twirled his beard: "A provincial capital has now become a ghost land, full of poison..."

Before he could finish speaking, his long and thin face exclaimed: "I, I remembered!"

"That's right! That's him. He became an A-level wanted man, not because he was too dangerous or too high-level, but because his nature was too bad! After decades, he had advanced to the foundation building level, but he met one of the best in a hundred. Helmsman, haha..."

"So that's it! When you mentioned it, I remembered that Lord Gumatsu lowered his danger level by one level." "This incident was also a sensation back then. A leader rebelled. It's no wonder that Lord Gumatsu lowered his risk level, and a builder It’s really inappropriate for Ji to occupy the S-class wanted list.”

"Aren't you worried at all?" In the last cabin, Zhao Ziqi and a young female cultivator were chatting with each other. However, the young female cultivator had a pale face and bit her lips: "Two foundation-building seniors, once we take action, we here..."

"What are you worried about?" Zhao Ziqi helped the other party pour the wine: "Someone wants to be beaten, so you can't stop him, right? But... that person doesn't like killing people, so I'm afraid he will let the other person live, right? It will end very quickly. "

" are really! Don't you know how terrifying the Foundation Establishment monks are?"

On the deck, Xu Yangyi looked calmly at Lei Teng's sharp sword. I only glanced at it, and then looked at the intoxicating night on the sea. The moonlight shone on the sea, drawing out strips of fine blue-gold light. After a few seconds, he said calmly: "You are lucky."

"Although I'm not in a very good mood right now, I don't really want to kill anyone yet."

Lei Teng was stunned.

Then, a loud laugh broke out.

"Hahahahaha!!!" He burst into tears when he laughed, and the sea water all around him trembled with his laughter. After a long time, he lowered his head and looked at Xu Yangyi condescendingly: "Interesting, really interesting."

He gently wiped the knife: "I really want to know, what gives you the confidence to be so arrogant?"

"But it doesn't matter anymore. I believe you will be very happy to tell me everything when you kneel under this 'Drinking Snow'."

As soon as he finished speaking, a bright light lit up from the dark night, like a bright light in the dark night, and the sea surface with a radius of 80 meters was split into two halves with a sudden "boom"! The sharp sword light cut Xu Yangyi's head straight.

"Rumble..." The vibration became stronger and stronger. In the blink of an eye, it was no longer nearly 100 meters, but broke through 100 meters in an instant!

"Sinner! Kneel down!" Lei Teng looked up to the sky and laughed. His realm had obviously improved again, and he actually broke through the 100-meter limit. This sword was the most brilliant sword in his cultivation career. He believed that he was under this sword. The man opposite could not escape.

The sword's light was like electricity, but the next second, it suddenly stopped.

Xu Yangyi rubbed his fingers gently, without even looking at him. Yin Xue stopped three meters outside his body. Lei Teng let out a loud shout and used all his strength. A burst of white spiritual energy rose up all over his body, but he remained motionless.

"No..." He was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the surrounding sea in astonishment. The next second, he was covered in cold sweat.

The range of this knife has not stopped yet, two hundred meters... three hundred meters... five hundred meters. at last……

"Boom!!!" There was a loud bang within a range of 1,200 meters! All the sea surfaces collapsed together, flew into the sky, and fell into wet rain.

Lei Teng stood sluggishly in the rain, with nothing but disbelief on his face. He stared blankly at the man in front of him, his lips trembling.

One thousand meters range...

Golden elixir mark! is this possible! ?

The other party has not practiced for more than a hundred years, how could he possibly break through to the golden elixir stage!

He had estimated before he came that the other party's cultivation age was at most the middle stage of foundation building, and he...but he was already at his peak in the middle stage and could attack the great monks in the later stage at any time. He was full of confidence in this profession. But now, all the confidence was shattered as the thousand-meter sea exploded.

"I think the sword of your current dynasty can't kill the officials of the previous dynasty." Xu Yangyi glanced at him lightly, then raised his index finger and faced Lei Teng. In an instant, Lei Teng's whole body was shaking like electricity. If it was just a shock just now, now the shock has disappeared, leaving only the chill in his bones.

He felt it... The other party just gently bent his fingers, but it seemed as if he was facing the whole world. The spiritual energy in his hands covered the world, and all his spiritual energy was wrapped in the boundaries of the other party!

"Bye, hello..."

He immediately knelt down in a hurry, and his previous demeanor disappeared instantly. However, before he could finish speaking, he felt an earth-shattering thunder in front of him. After that, nothing was known.

Silence returned to the sea.

Can Hong stood next to him, staring at everything in front of her with dumbfounded eyes. In her eyes, Lei Teng, who she thought was the sky just now, flew hundreds of meters upside down like a meteor and fell into the water with a splash.

And... that short-lived terrifying spiritual energy just now...

And...the huge range that exceeded one thousand meters just now...

"Plop..." Before she could think clearly, her body had already collapsed on the ground, kowtowing her head desperately, and said hoarsely: "Bye, bye, bye, bye, meet the real person!!!"

"Junior, junior was so offended just now! Really, I really don't know that you..."

"Get up." Xu Yangyi raised his hand. Can Hong stood up involuntarily amidst a burst of exclamations. His lips were trembling violently, and his body was curled up like a mouse. Just now, he dared to look at Xu Yangyi, but now he can't even look at her. Didn't even dare to take a look.

Golden elixir is the pinnacle of the world, the highest-status monk in the spiritual world, and the strongest combat power!

They are the legendary dragons whose heads and tails have never been seen, gods who can only appear on TV. They are legends, myths, and saints whose oars and oars were turned into ashes while talking and laughing. She never thought that she would be able to see a real Jindan monk!

She now has no idea of ​​asking the other party to save the twelfth master uncle. She only has awe, fear, awe and fear in her heart.

"I said, I will resolve this matter myself."

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