
Chapter 682: Xuanyuan Sword Master (Part 2)

His voice was very calm, as if there was no ups and downs, but it carried a chilling sword energy.

Xu Yangyi's body slowly floated in the air, and he said lightly: "It's hard to tell right from wrong in the past. I can't bear this big hat of yours."

"Right is right, wrong is wrong. It's irrefutable." The tip of Xuanyuan Sword pointed at Xu Yangyi: "Draw your sword."

Xu Yangyi didn't want to waste words, A-level wanted criminal, right?

Then I'll act like an A-level wanted criminal to show you!

Going to Nanzhou, I have to cross three provinces, among which... Chongqing City is where the fief of Gusong Zhenren is located, and Jindan Xinggong Qingtian Palace may also be there!

Along the way, I don't know how many helmsmen blocked me, including the King of the Northwest, Liuguang Prison Shadow, Gusong Zhenren, and my former master. Maybe there are other Jindan... A few days of rest on the sea is not only to relax, but also to adjust my state to the peak.

This is a bloody road.

Before he truly achieved the Golden Core, his realm was clearly discernible in the eyes of the Golden Core cultivators, and China would not set a precedent for a non-Golden Core cultivator. Especially... Nanzhou is still a barren land.

Only the Golden Core can be called the Supreme. And he is already close to this position.

He took a deep breath, and the talisman formed by the fish intestine on his right hand shone. Then, a black light flashed, and a black sheathed long sword appeared in his hand.

At the moment the long sword appeared, the four long swords around Xuanyuan Sword Master rang wildly!

Even Xuanyuan Sword Master himself was stunned.

"This is..."

"Buzz... Buzz..." At the same time, at the top of a 20-story fiberglass building in Hong Kong, countless buzzing sounds rang out, and several red lights flashed suddenly. All the men in white coats looked up in amazement and were stunned.

The next second, they all screamed, fiddled with various instruments quickly, and exclamations came one after another.

"Two golden elixir-level spiritual energies!!" "Less than ten kilometers from Hong Kong Harbor!" "What are they going to do?! The two ancestors are going to fight? Aren't they afraid of causing a small tsunami?"

"Swish!" Two seconds later, a light curtain appeared in the room, and everyone was stunned when they saw it.

Jindan, if you don't want others to see clearly, others will definitely not be able to see your figure clearly. They can only see... a vast expanse of blue and a tsunami-like gold, just outside Hong Kong Harbor.

"Notify the government immediately! Issue a seaside dispersal notice!" "My God... the two ancestors... what are they going to do?" "It's really a fight... God... the golden elixir ancestors may not fight once in a hundred years, this time it's actually in Hong Kong..." "Notify the Chinese Monk Alliance immediately! Something big has happened in Hong Kong!"

And in the urban area of ​​Hong Kong, I don't know how many citizens who were watching the scenery on the beach, whether foreigners or Chinese, were completely stunned.

The sudden explosion of the sea surface just now, followed by a sky full of blue and golden light. Everyone on the beach looked at the sky more than ten miles away, stunned.

One minute later, the broadcast sounded: "Please evacuate all citizens living on the seaside immediately. Repeat, please evacuate all citizens living on the seaside immediately. The battle between the two Jindan Zhenren may affect the coast of Hong Kong. Please..."

He didn't need to say anything more. When the words "Jindan Zhenren" were heard, the scattered people on the sea surface screamed and all ran inland.

At the same time, overseas in Hong Kong.

"Swish..." The left hand scabbard, the right hand hilt, the black fish intestines were pulled out inch by inch, a dragon roar resounded throughout the venue, and thousands of black lights bloomed from the place where they were pulled out.

"Clang!!" The lotus on the tip moved, and the frost and snow in the box were bright. With the sound of cutting gold and jade, a foot of fish intestines was held in his hand.

A black light surged out, and the weapon spirit appeared. The Xuanyuan Sword Master looked at the old man in astonishment. After a few seconds, the two actually bowed in the air.

"Long time no see, senior." Xuanyuan Sword Master said softly: "How are you? You have been lost in the sword manual for a thousand years. Have you finally selected the candidate now?"

"Long time no see." Yuchang's voice was also full of emotion: "I'm fine."

After bowing, Xuanyuan Sword Master stood up and looked at Xu Yangyi deeply. He was about to draw the sword, but he pressed it back. Instead, he patted his crown, and the light between his eyebrows shone brightly. Ten thousand rays of light flashed from it. A sharp sword that reflected the snow grew out from his eyebrows inch by inch. The sword body was red, as if it was made of dragon blood. With a phoenix cry, it rushed into the sky like a swimming dragon. With every leap, the sky was filled with golden light, dyeing the clouds into golden clouds. Endless golden aura floated out from the sword.

After a few seconds, the golden light condensed into the figure of a young swordsman, looking at the old man from a distance.

There was no trace of murderous aura or sword energy on the young swordsman, but... it made people feel that the entire space was filled with boundless sword energy when he appeared.

Because there were too many, too thick, and too strong, one could not see the true face of Mount Lu, just because one was in the mountain.

"Swish, swish, swish..." A series of terrifying sword energy, crisscrossing thousands of meters, blew Xu Yangyi's clothes and skin, as if... outside of him, there were all invisible swords, scraping his body closely.

"Holy Sword." He narrowed his eyes vigilantly.

"Chi Xiao." Xuanyuan Sword Master gently waved his hand, and the young swordsman merged with the sword, and a golden dragon swam across his arm: "I have four holy swords in my hand. Generally speaking, I only use fakes to fight against people. I never thought... In China today, there are still people who can be selected as candidates by the Courageous Sword Yuchang. Then... fakes are not qualified to come on stage."

"Yuchang." The weapon spirit of the young swordsman on the opposite side said coldly: "The nine holy swords swore together at the beginning, and now you actually recognize someone else as your master?"

There was no answer. After a few seconds, Yuchang burst out with a sky-high black light, driving Xu Yangyi's arm and pointing directly at his former master, the Xuanyuan Sword Master of this generation.

The young swordsman took a deep breath, and the Xuanyuan Sword Master also raised Chi Xiao, and a golden light covered the sky and the earth, and greeted Yuchang without any hesitation.

The ancient sword was cold and dim, and it had been cast for thousands of years. The white light contained the sun and the moon, and the purple air was like a bullfight.

"If I talk about the way with swords, no one can defeat this real person."

Before the voice fell, a red sword energy appeared in the sky, cutting through thousands of white clouds, and the clouds and mist on the side disappeared in an instant, and a terrifying red scar appeared in the sky. On the opposite side, endless black fog emerged, and countless old men emerged in the black fog, and they met this sword energy that broke through the air.

"Boom boom!" The sky was shaking, and the sea surface was surging. Everyone who was looking here was stunned.

"You are very powerful. But, you are not a real golden elixir after all." The sword was retracted, and the Xuanyuan Sword Master's face remained unchanged: "And... you are not a sword cultivator. Yuchang chose you, which is really a good choice."

As soon as the last word fell, his figure turned into a red light, and the sky was slightly turbulent. The next second, a sky full of sword shadows appeared in front of Xu Yangyi.

But, what greeted him was also a sky full of sword shadows, which were not weaker at all.

"Dangdangdang!" The golden and blue colors, the surging sword light turned the surrounding five or six hundred meters into an absolute dead zone. However, after a few moves, Xu Yangyi actually felt the gap.

It's not about the gap in realm. Their strength is very close, but... there is a gap in weapon spirit!

He and Yuchang, the real running-in period is less than a month, while the Xuanyuan Sword Master has been holding the holy sword for generations. Under the spiritual connection, he really felt the horror of the weapon spirit.

"Swish!" A sword stabbed past, suddenly splitting into five sword flowers, but at the same time, another sword stabbed back at his ribs.

He didn't need to distinguish the real from the fake, because... Both swords were real, one from Xuanyuan Sword Master, and the other from the weapon spirit. Attacking the enemy must save, attacking from both sides, with flawless coordination, each of his swords must defend against attacks from different angles, all targeting vital points.

This is complete trust.

"Dang!" With a crisp sound, the Yuchang weapon spirit separated Chi Xiao's attack without hesitation, and Xu Yangyi's sword swung away the attack on his head, and his cheek was already covered with a bloody mark.

"That's all?" Xuanyuan Sword Master's voice was still cold: "The ten holy swords are now in your hands? You are not worthy of holding Yuchang."

"Without the sword in your heart, how could Yuchang choose you?"

In the next attack, his hand speed could no longer be seen, and his right hand turned into a rain of swords all over the sky, cold stars in the rainy night, bright silver in the clear sky, and the cold light dots almost turned into stars, covering a thousand meters and stabbing towards Xu Yangyi. The weapon spirit in his left hand all attacked the place where he had to defend. Once he used the sword in his hand to defend, these were all flaws that would definitely appear!

This is the horror of weapon spirits. Really powerful weapon spirits, such as Chi Xiao and Yu Chang, have sharp eyes and rich experience. When you defend the host, it will kill you for other flaws exposed by your defense. When you defend the weapon spirit, the host is not weak at all!

These are two swords... and they are two swords that are in harmony with each other and have no flaws. They are divided into twin flowers and combined into yin and yang eyes.

What's more terrifying is... the opponent has no magical powers. If you have to say it, it is that the opponent's understanding of the sword has exceeded the magical powers! The so-called Dugu Nine Swords, he has forgotten all the sword moves, and it is a supreme sword magic with his hand.

"Boom!" The terrifying sword moves made all the white clouds surround the Xuanyuan Sword Master, forming a shocking huge cloud cave. The sea surface covered by the thousand-meter sword light burst into a wail of unbearable pressure, and the hundreds of meters of sea tide were stirred by the sword energy, like flowers blooming on the other shore.

"My God..." The people on the African Star and the Hong Kong coast were trembling when they saw this scene. They only understood today what the golden elixir is.

There is no escape!

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and the spiritual energy in his body burst out. At the moment when the cold star tide came, a pure white claw shadow tore the space in an instant, "Dangdangdang!" Rain hit the pipa, he shouted softly, and finally jumped out of the battle group in the interlaced sword light.

"Boy... You must completely believe in me! Only then can we defeat him!" Yuchang Qiling said anxiously: "Leave your life to me! You defend against the attack of Xuanyuan Sword Master! I will face Chi Xiao!"

Before the voice fell, Xu Yangyi's hands, legs, and even lower abdomen, burst open dozens of blood marks, and blood flowed out.

Too fast...

Without magical powers, it's just the ultimate speed. The only martial arts in the world that can't be defeated is speed! Moreover, how could he give his life to Yuchang in the first battle? Xuanyuan Sword Master can concentrate on attacking only one side, because the other side has been coexisting with the sword for hundreds of years and it has become instinct. What about him?

"It's not a good start..." The spiritual energy moved through the whole body, and the wound closed immediately. The Chixiao Sword Spirit on the opposite side sneered: "Yuchang, I think you are confused. This kid has no outstanding qualities at all. Is such a person worthy of your trust?"

"Come, come back. Return to the sword tomb, there, is our destination."

"Following such a waste, what way can you get out? Come back quickly before you recognize your master!"

Xuanyuan Sword Master glanced at Xu Yangyi lightly: "I have to say, you disappoint me a little."

He tapped Chi Xiao gently: "In terms of swordplay, no one can defeat me. And you... are just a show-off. You have met the wrong person. Today, leave Yuchang behind, get out of the Chinese sea, and swear never to set foot in the Chinese territory. Let's swear a blood oath, and I will spare your life for the sake of Gusong."

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