
Chapter 683: Xuanyuan Sword Master (Part 3)

I was underestimated...

Xu Yangyi smiled, and the next second, a strange aura roamed over his fists.

Like a dragon or a tiger, as he clenched his fists suddenly, two circles of green aura were crushed. With a "boom", the vortex of the virtual immortal body behind him suddenly expanded, and lightning spread in it.

Xuanyuan Sword Master looked around calmly. There was no such magnificent vision around Xu Yangyi. But... it was a kind of solidity.

The solidification of aura, locked in the flesh.

"Physical skills." Jindan Zhenren's eyes were so sharp that he saw the opponent's moves at a glance: "Mantis arm to stop a chariot."

"Aren't you surprised why I dare to discuss the way of the sword with you?" The phantom of the dragon and tiger slowly sank into Xu Yangyi's body. At this moment, there seemed to be no aura outside his body. He smiled while cracking his knuckles.

"That's not important." Xuanyuan Sword Master said lightly: "Dead people don't need reasons."

As soon as the last word fell, Xu Yangyi's figure turned into a green light and rushed up suddenly! In an instant, countless claw shadows filled the sky!

"Ka Ka Ka!" The sky collapsed inch by inch, turning into dark cracks.

Xuanyuan Sword Master's pupils suddenly shrank. This attack was several times stronger than when he used the sword! He even felt a hint of danger!

But he reacted so quickly that countless claw shadows approached him in a split second, and he swung his sword back. A white mark suddenly appeared in the sky, separating everything. The claw shadows in the sky almost passed through the gap he cut.

However, before he could take a breath, a figure had already rushed to his side.

"So fast." Xuanyuan Sword Master's eyes flashed, and he immediately became alert in his heart, but at the same time, he also gave birth to endless murderous intent.

What is this?

Putting down Yuchang, the speed is faster than holding the sword. How can this be considered a sword cultivator?

This is a provocation to him!

Yuchang actually chose this person as a candidate? A person who is not even a sword cultivator holds one of the ten holy swords, instead of him, the ancestor who once held Yuchang?

"Wolf poison..." He retreated, and Chi Xiao hummed: "You really pissed me off."

"Crane returns to Gushan!!"

"Yo!" With a clear cry, a white crane of more than 500 meters behind him suddenly took shape, followed by the sound of Fengxiao, and the light of the snow sword turned: "Yunfei Yuhuang!!"

He finally used a sword move.

The only few sword moves that can make the "forget sword" Jindan sword cultivator remember.

"Boom boom..." Two moves exploded, and the sea surface suddenly split into two sea cracks of about 2,000 meters. You can even see whales swimming in it, wailing and falling into the bottomless abyss. Two extremely condensed sword auras, with monstrous golden light, wrapped Xu Yangyi's figure.

But, at this moment, Xuanyuan Sword Master suddenly felt a surge of fear in his heart.

"What is this?" The sword move that had just been launched flashed with light in an instant, and it seemed to be about to collapse. He looked at his chest in astonishment. How could it be? How could he be afraid of a cultivator who had not yet fully reached the Golden Core?


In the sky, a roar rushed into all directions like thunder. Suddenly, the fish in the sea wailed together and actually avoided the battlefield in awe. The next second, Xu Yangyi had already rushed to the side of Xuanyuan Sword Master.

Lin word art activated!

In the sudden panic, the three moves were forcibly stopped. Xuanyuan Sword Master finally showed a look of surprise on his face. Letting a physical cultivator get close to him was definitely bad news. And the other party... seemed to have the "domain" that only Yuanying cultivators have?

The fight between masters was just a matter of millimeters. The sudden interruption of Lin word art allowed the other party to completely enter his weak range. An inch longer, an inch stronger, his advantage is to attack the opponent from a distance, and the sword energy breaks through the air, which is invincible. However... when fighting in close combat, even the Holy Sword is difficult to use. If you enter the opponent's territory, it will be an inch shorter and an inch more dangerous.

"This kid..." He gritted his teeth lightly, retreated, and tried to leave the opponent's attack range: "This territory... is too perfect for the opponent."

However, how could Xu Yangyi miss this opportunity?

Once close, it's his world! His figure follows him like a shadow, rushing up like lightning, and the spirit arrives before the person! A whip kick is kicked out, and the air is pulled out with a "Kala La" spirit burst.

"Roar!!" The blue dragon flashed, and the whip kick swung out a 300-meter-long blue arc blade in the air. It cut straight into the throat of Xuanyuan Sword Master. Xuanyuan Sword Master's eyes condensed, Chi Xiao blocked it vertically, and after a loud bang, retreated another 300 meters.

Before he could stand firm, endless golden light burst out in front of him, and a figure rushed head-on. Xuanyuan Sword Master took a deep breath, and in an instant, all the strange phenomena disappeared, and stabbed out a stunning sword.

The jade rainbow penetrates the sun, and the moon is cut off from the lake.

In the sky, there is only this golden sword light, and wherever it passes, the space is shattered.

This is the ultimate sword, a selfless sword. If Xu Yangyi rushes head-on, he will definitely be pierced all over.


Xu Yangyi rushed head-on like this!

He did not dodge or avoid, as if the sword did not exist.

"Arrogant." Xuanyuan Sword Master's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and with a long roar, his body turned into a long rainbow.

"Stupid!" Chi Xiao laughed loudly: "Yuchang, considering that we worked together in the past, I will leave him with a whole body today! How can such a person be worthy of being your master?"

"Boom!!" A violent explosion flashed, and everyone covered their eyes. After a few seconds, when they opened their eyes, they saw a shocking scene.

Xu Yangyi grabbed Xuanyuan Sword Master's throat with one hand, and the opponent's sword pierced into his heart. But... there was a vortex of nothingness in his heart, and the sword did not pierce it at all.

Calmly, four pairs of eyes looked at each other.

Beside them, Chi Xiao's eyes widened, looking at the whirlpools in disbelief.

After a long time, Xuanyuan Sword Master tried his best to ask: "What is this?"

"Void Spirit Immortal Body!" Before Xu Yangyi could speak, Chi Xiao had already gritted his teeth and said: "As long as it is launched, it cannot be hurt by any physical attack. Of course, it must be of the same realm."

"You actually have such a thing!"

He simply couldn't accept it!

In an instant, everything changed. A few minutes ago, he was still saying that people like him were not worthy of fish intestines. As a result, within a few minutes, his host was captured by this "unworthy" person! Now he just wants to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it!

He is really not as skilled as others, but he can still recognize it. But's obvious that the other party has dug a big hole. Just wait for them to get in. He didn't realize it at all and just got in so stupidly.

Thousands of years have passed on to dogs. The eighty-year-old woman is so tired of her child.

Xuanyuan Sword Master's expression remained unchanged: "In other words, you have been planning this attack from the beginning? It seemed that you were brainlessly arguing with me about swordsmanship before, but in fact you wanted to create a situation where 'I can still kill you' Illusion? At that time, you didn’t activate the Void Spirit Immortal Body?”

"Yes, although this is a 'passive skill,' subjective factors may have some influence."

Xuanyuan Sword Master nodded: "Your domain can not only scare people instantly, but also slowly drag people into the abyss of fear. It makes it impossible for opponents to fight you face to face. The moment you catch me, I will I have completely lost my will to fight, and combined with your physical skills... my fighting style is unique, but very practical."

Xu Yangyi did not answer him this time, but said calmly: "Are you admitting defeat?"

"Admit defeat." Xuanyuan Sword Master did not hesitate at all: "Unfortunately, I am too far behind my predecessors. If the sword and spirit can be united, the ethereal immortal body will be useless."

"I'm asking him." Xu Yangyi looked at the Chixiao Sword Spirit: "Do you still think that Yuchang is losing his talent by following me?"

The young swordsman's lips were trembling with anger, it was so insidious... The Void Spirit Immortal Body may have been lost for thousands of years! The sword cultivator encountered something called daddy, and this kid actually has it! And it’s actually hidden so deeply! Just kill the enemy with one move! They had no hope of winning from the beginning!

Xu Yangyi smiled: "The majestic Chixiao, the snake-killing sword, can't even admit defeat?"

The young swordsman snorted, how could Yuchang follow such a sinister villain? Where is the slightest bit of courage in him? The most annoying thing is that I actually lost at the hands of such a person! It is also the turn of others to ask themselves whether they are convinced or not. This is simply...

I haven’t been angry for thousands of years!

" have the guts." He suppressed the anger in his heart and disappeared into the sword in an instant: "This time...I admit defeat...but don't be too proud! When the day when our swords and spirits become one, I will Sooner or later I’ll take your flag as a sacrifice!”

"Can I come over?"


Xu Yangyi let go of his hand.

In the distance, on the boat, everyone was shocked again.

The wanted criminal wins...

The ancestor of Jindan, who was in charge of the country, actually lost!

Is this really the wanted criminal from more than sixty years ago? From refining qi to golden elixir in more than sixty years, how did he do it? ! This speed is three times that of others, no, more than four times!

Hong Kong Tiandao, in front of the light curtain, more than thirty professionals were all stunned.

"Lost?" A middle-aged man looked at the light screen in astonishment. He couldn't believe his eyes: "The ancestor of Wanli who is in Hong Kong... actually lost?"

In their minds, Jindan Zhenren is a god. Now that God has been defeated, how can he not leave them dumbfounded?

From the moment the two spiritual energy burst out, they stared at the light curtain nervously, fearing that the two ancestors would accidentally rush into the Hong Kong city. That would be a fatal blow to Hong Kong. They thought of everything they could think of, but they never expected that the patron saint of Hong Kong would actually... lose.

"Did you... put it in the wrong place?" The man still couldn't believe it and murmured.

"Your Excellency, Deputy Helmsman... It's impossible. Helmsman Lei Teng went out last night and didn't come back, and lost contact. All branches of Hong Kong Yulin Guard, Duobao Pavilion, and Tiandao have raised their alert coefficients to the highest level..."

"I know." The man known as the deputy helmsman had a bitter face and gently touched the light screen: "I just can't believe could I lose..."

He looked at the time in the lower left corner. It only lasted twenty minutes. How could the winner be determined so quickly?

Suddenly, his mind suddenly shook, and he turned around and roared: "Quick! Notify your superiors immediately! A-level wanted criminal has entered the country! Suspected to be in the Golden Core realm!"

On the sea, Xu Yangyi and Sword Master Xuanyuan separated. Just when he was about to step into the national defense formation behind him, Sword Master Xuanyuan suddenly said: "Wait a minute."

"What?" Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy gradually began to rise, and he no longer wanted to wait. If the other party thought that there would be no life-or-death struggle between golden elixirs, he would tell the other party that they were totally wrong.

Just now, everyone maintained the bottom line of stopping at the last minute, but... no one who blocks his golden elixir avenue will have this bottom line.

Sword Master Xuanyuan pondered for a few seconds and then said calmly: "This is not the place to talk. Come with me."

He stepped into the void. Xu Yangyi thought about it for a while and followed. He conveniently used a piece of spiritual consciousness to notify Zhao Ziqi in the distance to wait where he was.

Following the aura of Xuanyuan Sword Master, he did not enter the national defense formation, but came to a small island on the sea, about a hundred meters away, but there was a restriction placed. It looked like there was nothing, but...

Xu Yangyi almost laughed. There was actually an extremely luxurious villa inside. But there was no one there. There were only two men and women in their mid-twenties standing in front of the ban. The suit and leather shoes are incompatible with the ancient costume of Xuanyuan Sword Master.

"Advancing with the times." As if he understood his thoughts, Xuanyuan Sword Master said calmly: "Even ascetic monks need to relax appropriately."

When the two landed on the island, a man and a woman immediately knelt on the ground with great respect: "Welcome to the two ancestors."

They hummed casually and entered the villa. Master Xuanyuan Sword took him to the garden and then drifted away. When I came back ten minutes later, I was brought a pot of tea and a tea set.

His movements of making tea are very elegant, neither slow nor fast, without any impetuousness or fireworks. At this moment, the appearance of the all-powerful Golden Pill Ancestor just now is not visible at all. More like a tea doctor who is proficient in tea ceremony.

A wisp of fragrance filled the heart and spleen along with the scalding heat. Xuanyuan Sword Master slowly picked it up, took a sip intoxicatedly, and then said slowly: "If I am not wrong, Master Gusong's information is correct, Fellow Taoist Wolf Venom... …Should it be a demon clan?”

Xu Yangyi sipped the tea cup without saying anything. He knew that the other party invited him here specifically for something important.

Drinking tea with Jindan... This was something that I never dared to think about before. He could only half kneel on the ground, like the two waiters at the door, shouting to greet the ancestor. But now, just after he had gained a small victory, the other party regarded him as a guest.

This is the Xuanyuan Sword Master of this generation... In the battle with the Zhenwu World, the other party's ancestors were so glorious. Now she actually makes tea for him with her own hands.

This sip of tea really refreshes the mind and body.

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