
Chapter 684: New Era

As if he was organizing his words, Xuanyuan Sword Master tapped his fingers lightly on the table, and after a long while he said: "Actually, your identity is not important. What is important is that you don't seem to understand the current situation."

"A few years ago, a huge tower appeared in the Sahara Desert. Europe and the United States called it the Tower of Babel. It caused such a shock that the United Nations and various governments could no longer hide the spiritual world. Starting from the United States, China, India, and other countries all announced the current status and strength of their country’s spiritual practice community within a week.”

"After that, the word "cultivation" became mainstream around the world. Mortal people want to live longer, and some want to be stronger... As for how to become mainstream, I don't want to go into details. If you can get through three provinces and fifty-one cities, and finally enter Nanzhou. Chengjindan. You will feel it immediately..."

"Sand..." The hot boiling water flowed into the tea cup along the green bamboo tube, churning bright yellow.

"A dead person doesn't need to know anything."

"Brush..." Withdrawing the bamboo tube, Xuanyuan Sword Master gently pushed the teacup over: "What the spiritual world lacks most is people. In the past, major families had to mine mineral veins, collect elixirs, and determine whether there were any in certain places. Secret treasures or caves. Except for those first-class families, it is impossible to recruit new disciples. Now, as long as you submit your resume and mission requirements at the 'Trading Trade Association', no matter how small the order is, The supply exceeds the demand. As for new long as the recruitment advertisement is sent out, there is no need to worry about no one coming. "

"In a few years, the world of spiritual practice has completed the journey of the past thousands of years. Now, the integration is so close that you may not be able to imagine... Look, there is surprise on your face. Also, if someone said this to me five years ago , I will be equally surprised.”

Xu Yangyi was indeed surprised.

After I found the Tower of Babel, I did retreat for a while before going to the Tower of Babel. The world... has undergone such earth-shaking changes in a short period of time?

"The combination is getting closer and closer. Correspondingly, a strict law is needed to stipulate all this. This is the natural law of the world. A year ago, led by Master Tianzai and Master Gusong, Asian monks signed a formal agreement in Beijing The documents of the '76 Convention' revealed most of the secrets of the spiritual world, including the once secret-level D files, and..."

He looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "Wanted list."

"There is a supplementary agreement in it, which is extremely unfavorable to you and even fatal: Unless you have Jin Dan, otherwise... all crimes cannot be erased. Even... Jin Dan's combat power is impossible. Once discovered, it will be fully surrounded and suppressed."

"In other words, the moment you step into the national defense formation, all your images and coordinates will be immediately spread across the country. 1.2 billion people will know that a Class A wanted criminal has been killed from Hong Kong."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath.

The world was changing at a speed he had never imagined. The world of spiritual practice has changed, and the world of mortals has changed, becoming beyond his imagination. No wonder there are so many monks on the Star of Africa.

Once a wanted criminal returns from overseas, he will be trapped in a vast ocean surrounded by enemies. If he was still a foundation-building monk and returned to China with a wanted criminal record, there would be absolutely no room for survival. Not to mention Jindan Zhenren, three or four rudders and deputy rudders of each branch in each city are enough to kill him across the country.

But now...

"You mean, I want to go from Guangzhou to Nanzhou..."

Xuanyuan Sword Master looked deeply into Xu Yangyi's eyes and interrupted him: "The southern war zone, the western war zone, their commanders will spare no effort to issue orders to annihilate you. Moreover, the three provinces and fifty-one cities, Yulinwei, Tiandao, and the government The monitors... a total of one hundred and fifty-three foundation-building helmsmen will unconditionally cooperate with the strangulation of the two war zones. "

"In addition, I can tell you responsibly. The mortal army is absolutely different from what you imagined. They... now really have the power to threaten Jindan. If you leave, I'm afraid they won't be able to stop you, but... you Along the way, you have to pass through Guangzhou, the capital of the southern war zone, and Chengdu, the capital of the western war zone. They will be a strong stumbling block on your way to Nanzhou."

Xu Yangyi smiled and said: "A large number of practice magic weapons have been added?"

"I don't know the specific identity, but the two sect leaders of the Mo family and the Gongshu family are now serving as the third and fourth deputy ministers of the General Postal Department of the Chinese Army. I also heard that every war zone in China has a training You have to fight your way from Yangcheng to Rongcheng, and then enter your territory Lanzhou... You know what this is called. "?"

Sword Master Xuanyuan felt the cool cup in his hand, poured the tea away gently, and said in a deep voice: "Riding alone for a thousand miles."

"Waiting for you are not only hundreds of helmsmen, but also hundreds of thousands of government elite troops specifically targeting monks. In addition, there is also your master Gu Songzhen. His fiefdom is in Chongqing. Fellow Taoist Wolf Venom... What’s your expression? You don’t believe me?”

Xuanyuan Sword Master's face turned cold. Xu Yangyi not only didn't pay attention to it, but also smiled slightly, as if he was hearing a joke.

"2277 kilometers." He also put down his tea cup and raised his eyebrows: "The horse gallops and the red rabbit climbs through the red mist, and the knife cuts the blue dragon and rises up the white clouds."

"I didn't think you were joking. I remember this favor. However, I have my own thoughts."

Unknowingly, the world of spiritual practice has entered a new era.

However, because of the new era, are we holding back?

No, that's not him.

Only three provinces away, he is one of the world's supreme beings. There are still so many things that have not been done. Angel is waiting for him at the Tower of Babel. He may not be able to deal with a behemoth like the Tagule family now. Nangong Wujiu... imprisoned all his brothers and friends in the Qinling Mountains, and killed one of them every five years as a sacrifice to Nangong Sixth Young Master... and the Xingtian Legion back then, who brought so many people in, only to have the other side throw their heads for him. After spilling the blood, he walked away...

He couldn't let go of these responsibilities and responsibilities.

In this case……

So why not ride alone for thousands of miles?

He never believed that three provinces and fifty-one cities could stop him! Carrying two holy swords, living imperial weapons, Jiu Yao Xing Luo. Which of these places of gods and demons, such as Danxia Palace and the Tower of Babel, is not more terrifying than Wuyi City?

"It's only three provinces and fifty-one cities. I really want to see what you call the 'new era.'"

Sword Master Xuanyuan looked at the migratory birds flying north in the sky: "I am trying to persuade you to give up."

"No need to persuade me." Xu Yangyi stood up and cupped his hands: "There are things you should do and things you should not do."


His figure left without hesitation. He had just come out of the Tower of Babel, so he was qualified to say such strong words.

Sword Master Xuanyuan looked at his back and sighed slightly: "I really can't figure out what kind of confidence you have to say that three provinces and fifty-one cities, hundreds of thousands of mortal troops, and hundreds of foundations are 'merely' ? Or do you believe that you will be invincible after you advance to the golden elixir?"

"As soon as you step into the national defense formation, this pursuit and killing has already begun. Either you will become an immortal or you will perish. You are so unconcerned. It really disappoints me."

Xu Yangyi naturally did not hear his mumbling.

The lid of the tea cup gently brushed away the tea leaves, and his voice was calm and gentle: "It's okay, you're dead, I will come and take back the fish intestines."

Outside the house, green light flashed. I don’t know how long it took before Master Xuanyuan Sword took a sip of herbal tea from his cup and said, “Since you’re here, why should you avoid seeing me?”

"Fellow Taoist Gusong?"

There was a burst of lamentation in the room, and an old voice sighed: "Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir, the blue sea and the blue sky every night are in my heart."

"You, an old man, pirated Li Shangyin's poems, and you don't feel bad for piracy?" Xuanyuan Sword Master smiled: "If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place? You killed one of the two extremely qualified disciples with your own hands. The other was forced to go overseas. You are really Chang'e in the cold palace, feeling regretful every night when you look at the bright moon."

"Have you ever regretted it?"

After a long silence, Gu Songzhen's voice calmly spoke: "Why do you regret it?"

"It was just a moment of emotion. If I do it again, I will do the same thing. The country is in front of the country and the family is in the back. A monster with a golden elixir level is hiding in the imperial capital. If I don't do this, who will do it?"

Xuanyuan Sword Master actually showed a smile: "Fellow you know..."

"From a human perspective, among all the real people, I admire you the most."

"Everyone else has their own agenda, that is, you, who was slaughtered by the demon clan back then, was the Chinese government who picked you out of the trash and gave you a new life. It made you reach this point today. What you did, love Excusable."

"But you know, I never want to have more contact with you., once there is a conflict with your ideas, you will not choose to compromise or consider. You will definitely give up on me and choose to stand for the country. aside."

"Sometimes, if you know that you will lose your best friend if you do this, you still have to do it. It has even become an instinct."

"You have no friends, so you can only gain awe. I heard that fellow Taoist Tianzai recommended you to be the next president of the practice court? It's really a good fit..."

There was a long silence.

Master Gu Song didn't speak. After a moment, Xuanyuan Sword Master said calmly: "You want to stop him?"

"He is the only one among your disciples who has reached the golden elixir. He has practiced for less than a hundred years and reached the golden elixir. His qualifications can be called a monster. According to my opinion, he can now be almost equal to me. He can fuse the demon body and reach the true golden elixir." After the elixir, it is likely to soar into the sky and directly hit the middle stage of the golden elixir.”

"In the middle stage of the Golden Core, which is less than a hundred years old, are you sure you want to stop him?"

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