
Chapter 685: Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles (Part 1)

"Rules are rules." Master Gu Song's voice said firmly: "Without rules, there is no rule. Since we have jointly formulated it and it is led by me and fellow Taoist Tianzai, we should not break it. Even I, the Master, cannot go beyond it."

"Right is right and wrong is wrong. There is no in between."

"Haha..." Sword Master Xuanyuan put down his tea cup, leaned back on the comfortable chair, and suddenly said: "I also heard an interesting thing."

"Zhenren Yue, you should have met her once before. He is currently trying to reach the realm of Nascent Soul in Europe and America. And his only daughter is said to have favored your apprentice."

The implication is that if you do this, you may be retaliated by a Nascent Soul cultivator.

And you, there is no Nascent Soul Ancestor behind you.

"So what?" Gu Songzhen's voice did not change: "Shang Yang established the Qin Dynasty when he stood up, and then the chariot fell apart. I am not talented, but I would like to be Shang Yang in a peaceful and prosperous age."

"Are you going to host the interception yourself?"


"Using Jindan authority to mobilize group armies from two theaters? Mobilize a total of fifty-one Tiandao brains from three provinces?"


Without speaking any more, Xuanyuan Sword Master said calmly: "I understand."

"You go, from now on... it would be better for us to see each other as little as possible."

Gu Songzhen's voice was also very plain: "We have different paths and we don't want to work together."

On the sea, Xu Yangyi walked up to Zhao Ziqi, looked at him, and suddenly touched his head.

"Fuck you! Gay people are so angry!" Zhao Ziqi was taking a nap when he suddenly jumped up: "I am so old, but I still touch my head! My sister-in-law doesn't even touch me anymore!"

Xu Yangyi laughed and laughed for several seconds. His hands were filled with light, and fish intestines and Mistertin appeared one after another. He actually took out a silk scarf from the storage ring and wiped it gently.

He remained motionless and did nothing else but wipe the two holy swords.

Under the sun, the sun shines on it, reflecting the dazzling silver flowers. The two swords seemed to feel something in their hearts, and they began to roar together.

That's the expectation of blood.

"Brother?" Zhao Ziqi noticed something unusual about him and asked softly. Xu Yangyi smiled and shook his head.

It took him a full hour to polish the two swords until they were crystal clear, even though it seemed like this an hour ago.

This is not a sword test.

Instead, calm yourself down. The throbbing in my heart, the anticipation for the golden elixir, the fighting spirit for the future, and the strong confidence in myself who had just emerged from the Tower of Babel, completely and completely calmed down.

Then, he opened his storage ring and began to select magic weapons one by one. As a qualified robber in the Tower of Babel, he made great gains.

Another hour.

Finally, he took out all the elixirs and checked them one by one to see how much he still had in stock.

This time, a hundred years of fame and immortality, two thousand miles of clouds and moons.



After so many years of accumulation and the strength of the golden elixir, he never believed that he would fall here.

"It must succeed." He blew on the holy sword and let out a dragon roar. Then, he put the two swords in their scabbards and stuck them on his back.

He took off his suit and was wearing a white shirt. His bulging muscles held up the shirt, and he carried two holy swords on his back. The style of the painting looked wrong, but Zhao Ziqi felt a kind of overwhelming pride.

"I'm leaving. Go to Hong Kong and wait for me." He smiled and said to Zhao Ziqi, "I will pick you up in one year."

"What about you?" Zhao Ziqi asked quickly.

Xu Yangyi did not answer him, but looked at the bloody setting sun on the horizon, and said calmly: "After Jin Dan's combat power, the first person to face is a monster like Taichu... I don't even know that facing an opponent of the same level, how big will it be?" How far can I go with a large-scale army? The blockade front of three provinces and fifty-one cities is a good whetstone."

"Sword Master Xuanyuan said you must either become an immortal or perish. I don't think so."

"With me, there is no option to sink." He took a deep breath and clenched his fists confidently: "Golden elixir is a qualitative change. I can feel that I am much stronger now than before."

Before he finished speaking, his figure flashed and rushed towards the purple light curtain not far ahead that blocked the sky and the sun.

No need to say more.

If the future is bleak, then just fight your way through.

"Brush!" The figure flashed and was instantly swallowed up by the purple light curtain.

"This is?!" The moment he rushed into the national defense formation, he looked at his body in disbelief. Around him, pieces of purple aura actually disappeared into his body.

At the same time, Master Xuanyuan Sword raised his head, looked to the horizon with some emotion, and murmured: "This son is actually a man of good temperament."

"You and your master have completely different personalities. The fate of that day was destined to be a tragedy."

After saying the last word, he raised his hand, and a jade token suddenly flew out, even faster than Xu Yangyi, and appeared above the entire Hong Kong.

"Brush..." A stream of blue light shot out, filling the sky. In the tide-like blue light, two golden Chinese characters for "Xuan Yuan" were looming.

"Ancestor's prohibition on force?" "Once this thing comes out, the city's token must not use force until it disappears. Why?" "What happened? Are you going to ask ancestor to use the prohibition on force?"

Just thirty seconds after Xu Yangyi entered the national defense formation, the Tiandao brains of all branches in Guangdong Province, Sichuan Province, Longsu Province, and Chongqing City, the four heavyweight provincial capitals of China, all went crazy. Chirp!

"" Like an air raid siren, each wave of harsh sound and red light became stronger than the last.

During a banquet, an old man was standing there under the stars, smiling and chatting with the mortals around him, enjoying the champagne offered by everyone. He was wearing a Tang suit, which was incompatible with the cocktail party in suits and ties. But no one would say a word.

Just when he was in full swing of wine, he suddenly raised his brows, and then looked at his left hand in surprise, where a red talisman was looming.

The next second, his figure disappeared suddenly, causing a strong wind at the scene, and everyone else looked at each other.

"Report immediately!" The old man's figure was already in mid-air, overlooking the city like an eagle, and said in a cold voice: "The special emergency preparedness system is activated? What is going on?"

"A-level wanted criminal? He wants to pass through this seat and go directly to Nanzhou? He is wanton!!!"

"Activate the 'Exiled Immortal' No. 1. This Meizhou is my own Meizhou! Come and leave as soon as you say it! Not to mention he is an A-level wanted criminal! Even flies are not allowed to pass by me!!"

"In addition, notify the headquarters immediately! Request a 'destruction order!'"

In Deyang, Sichuan, a woman was in a SPA. Suddenly she stood up regardless and looked at her wrist in confusion. Immediately afterwards, he also disappeared from the seat.

Zhaoqing, Shanwei, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Neijiang, Tianshui, Pingliang, Wuwei... each city, all because of this sudden order, all the monks' alliances were moved.

"Alert, alert, S-level threat level. Xu Yangyi, a level-A wanted criminal, appears in Hong Kong after disappearing for more than 60 years, trying to break into 51 cities in three provinces. Western Monk Alliance, Southern Monk Alliance, please be in position immediately. Repeat: S-class Threat level. Class A wanted criminal Xu Yangyi..."

"The spiritual power detection level is the early stage of the golden elixir. Repeat again, S-level threat, A-level wanted criminal invasion, golden elixir level..."

Early stage of golden elixir! !

All the monks in three provinces and fifty-one cities were shocked.

This has never happened since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Jin Dan Zhenren broke into the battle!

A huge front covering three provinces and fifty-one cities, plus two war zones in the west and south!

"Beep beep beep..." At this moment, a towering humanoid phantom filled all the helms in an instant.

"See the real person!!" Hundreds of helmsmen all knelt down.

"I am Gu Song. From now on, I will take over all defense matters."

"Those who practice favoritism and violate the law will be beheaded. Those who run away from battle will be beheaded. Those who are afraid of others will be beheaded."

"Starting immediately, there are 51 cities in three provinces. If a fly flies over, I will ask you for your fault!!"


At different times and in different places, fifty-one helmsmen immediately expressed their stance.

The light curtain flashes and disappears at the same time. In a fiberglass office building in Guangzhou, there is a woman who looks to be in her thirties. But everyone knows that she has been the helmsman in Guangzhou for fifty years, and her appearance has never changed.

She turned around and saw four people standing along the doorway.

"Be prepared to notify the Commander of the Southern Theater Command that I may need his assistance." The woman was wearing a cheongsam and a white tiger skin shawl: "Let the Guangzhou defense system 'Exiled Immortal No. 7' enter the emergency preparedness state. Six hours later, listen to Is my order open? Also, please discuss the deployment of the special forces in the southern theater."

"Your Excellency, the helmsman." A man on the left smiled and said: "I think you are worrying too much. There are three provinces and fifty-one cities, a continuous battle line of more than 2,000 kilometers. More than 150 foundation builders, and hundreds of thousands of mortal troops. . Among them, 60,000 are dedicated to the sharp sword troops of Guangzhou and Chengdu, one of the top ten cities in China. From ancient times to the present, the defense is so strong that no one dares to force this front. When he realizes that something cannot be done, he will definitely run away.”

The woman looked relaxed, smiled slightly and said, "You also have to be prepared, right?"

Yes, this is the hinterland of China. Not to mention the apparent combat power above, there are still two Jindan masters sitting in charge.

Who dares to break in?

At this moment, the cell phone of a man at the end suddenly rang. He took it and listened to a few words, his face changed drastically, and he immediately said loudly: "Your Excellency, the helmsman! It's not good! A golden elixir level spiritual energy has been Breaking through Yuen Long, Hong Kong, and entering the Shenzhen City area! The Shenzhen Cultivation Alliance was still waiting for orders from the Southern Branch, and was instantly identified as the Class A wanted criminal Xu Yangyi!"

"What?!" The woman was stunned, and then with a "boom", a burst of spiritual energy from the middle stage of foundation building suddenly burst out, and everything in the whole room was trembling.

Hong Kong has no resistance!

That real ancestor... let people in?

No, this is not the most important thing!

The most important thing is...the other party actually dares to break in!

How long has it been? ! In less than ten minutes, they broke through Hong Kong! Now we have entered the Shenzhen location! No... Shenzhen has also been breached, so... Dongguan is next, and below is Guangzhou, which he guards! South Central!

"Is he really going to head-on into 51 cities in three provinces?" Until now, she still didn't believe it. She took a breath and said: "Turn on the satellite monitoring system! Immediately!"

"Swipe..." A few seconds later, a light curtain appeared in the room.

Just on the edge of Shenzhen City, the sky is as green as an aurora, spreading over a thousand meters in radius! The green waves emptied out, turning the night into a green cloud. With overwhelming fighting spirit, we rushed out of Shenzhen and headed straight for Dongguan!

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