
Chapter 686: Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles (Part 2)

Dead silence.

The room was as quiet as death.

The next second, the woman suddenly slapped her chest, and a beam of white light shot straight into the sky, turning into a bright sun in the dark night.

Emergency signal, Spark Order activated.

At the same time, two Spark Orders lit up in the other two corners.

"All Yulin Guard monks in Guangzhou, now all listen to my orders. No matter where you are now, you have 20 minutes to gather at the Yulin Guard branch! Violators will be severely punished!"

"All members are on alert, the battle is expected to break out in four hours, the intruder... is the Jindan Patriarch, A-level wanted criminal Xu Yangyi. Once again, in 20 minutes, the Guangzhou defense system Exiled Immortal No. 7 will be fully activated and enter the highest emergency state! All Yulin Guard monks, all members are on alert!"

After saying these two sentences, the woman in the building was already sweating profusely. This was the biggest crisis since he took office in Guangzhou!

"Contact the commander of the Southern Theater Command immediately! No matter if he is awake or not! Tell him that I want his command of the special forces! Now! Immediately!"

The night wind is like a knife, and every knife is chilling.

Xu Yangyi's figure is as fast as lightning, and he does not hide his figure. He has been under the surveillance of the National Defense Formation since he entered from Hong Kong. Hide? Where to hide?

What should he hide?

In the Nanzhou tragedy, he must have killed countless people, but he was wrong. The real culprits were Gusong Zhenren and Juling Zhenren. In order to kill a Jindan monster, he did not hesitate to let the entire Nanzhou be buried with him.

"Why should I hide?" The wind blew his shirt collar flying, and his short hair was shaking: "Since I can't hide, I'll turn the world upside down!"

"Swish swish swish..." As he rushed through Shenzhen, the strange weapons below and tens of thousands of mortal troops were stunned.

Hong Kong released people, and the Jindan ancestor rushed straight to Shenzhen. The speed was too fast. They didn't dare to take action without the order from their superiors.

On the rooftops, the Yulin Guards, Duobao Pavilion, and the helmsmen of Tiandao were all sweating prostrate.

It was too terrible...

Facing the terrifying spiritual pressure of Jindan Zhenren, they realized how ridiculous it was for them to use tens of thousands of troops and the cultivators of the three major forces to block it.

In the sky, a green spiritual tide surged like a tsunami, and even a "rustling" sound that covered the sky and the sun was heard. The mortals below stared at the sky in astonishment, and I don't know how many people took out their cameras and mobile phones to take pictures.

Ten minutes later, the spiritual tide faded away, and a cultivator kneeling beside the helmsman of Tiandao trembled and said, "We, we just let him go?"

No answer.

After a long time, the helmsman smiled bitterly: "What can we do?"

"Once, I met Master Fuyun by chance. This Master Xu... His spiritual energy is even more terrifying than Master Fuyun! Much more terrifying! It's just... It's just like the arrival of a demon god... Let alone more than 10,000 of us, even if there are three times more, I'm afraid we can't stop him!"

"If there is no order from above, Hong Kong will open its doors. The crime is not mine!"

"Boom!" Xu Yangyi rushed through Shenzhen and glanced at the monks kneeling on the ground and the mortal army holding guns and sweating.

"Good luck."

"If you take action, you will probably regret it."

No one can see that as he advances an inch towards Nanzhou, his spiritual energy increases by one point, and the purple national defense formation in the sky flickers as he advances, and his spiritual energy soars all the way!

His eyes are burning, and his confidence is even higher. In the meridians, it seems that too many sleeping things have been awakened. He can feel that every one of his magical powers is infinitely enhanced!

The Six Eclipses of Apocalypse have crossed the critical point he thought of long ago, and are moving towards an unimaginable realm. It has truly become a huge explosion that could blow up the imperial capital.

Qianli Bulixing is also moving very fast. A stream of spiritual energy emerges from places that he can't even see with his inner eyes, wrapping around his bones and muscles, repairing and strengthening every inch of his body.

Now, his whole body is full of explosive spiritual power.

"The Six Eclipses of Apocalypse, I always felt that its power was not right, but I didn't care too much, because I have a lot of magical powers available. Now... it seems that some seal has been opened?"

"The same is true for Qianli Bulixing. It should be because it is close to the main body, and..." He took a deep look at the national defense formation above his head: "Maybe... when I was in Europe and America, I was shielded by the spiritual energy of Europe and America, and my magical power was invisibly weakened by default. It should be like this. Every continent has its own spirit. It is not because there is no national defense formation that it will not target foreign cultivators."

"At this moment, my power has fully exploded!"

He let out a long roar and moved faster.

At this moment, Dongguan was already crowded with people and orders were everywhere.

"Here they come... Here they come!!" At the front, five foundation-building cultivators gritted their teeth, their faces a little pale, looking at the end of the sky, where a patch of light green had appeared.

At first, it was just a dot, and then a line formed behind it, and then it became an overwhelming green wave!

"Yulin Guard! Destroying Demon Corps, get ready!! Puppet Beast activated! Exiled Immortal No. 3 activated!"

"Heavenly Dao Brain, immediately authorize the activation of the Extermination System! All Qi Refining cultivators, set up the Tiangang formation!! Prepare to meet the enemy!! "

"783rd Regiment, report." "212th Regiment, report." "952nd Regiment, report."

However, there was no time for them to prepare.

The speed of the Jindan Zhenren was so fast that in less than ten minutes, the overwhelming green wave rushed to the outskirts of Dongguan City.

Xu Yangyi's eyes were stunned. In the air, he had already seen a torrent of steel pulling out of the ground.

Directly in front are three regiments of the Mortal Legion, nearly 4,000 men in camouflage uniforms. Each person is carrying a huge shield, about three meters high, with an animal head shield. The shield is full of talismans, and all the talismans, On the outskirts of Dongguan City in the dark night, a red talisman city wall forms!

Behind the tens of thousands of meters of talisman wall were hundreds of Qi Refining monks, each of them trembling with fear and covered in cold sweat. It’s a fantasy that Jindan Zhenren breaks into the formation. Due to Hong Kong’s release, Shenzhen was directly eliminated. Now, when they arrive in Dongguan City, they must hold on to this percentage no matter what!

But...but the other party is the superior Jin Dan Zhenren, who is known as the supreme one!

In each person's hand, a half-meter-long crossbow arrow flashed with dark blue light. On both sides of them, two huge puppet beasts that were a hundred meters in size, one with a bull's head and the other with a horse's face, with red eyes. The spiritual energy of the middle stage of foundation building burst out from his whole body, and he faced the sky ferociously.

Behind them, there are more than 10,000 troops, also wearing camouflage, but they have a set of ancient armor faintly on their bodies. The intertwining talismans actually surround their spiritual energy, forming a foundation-building spiritual energy. !

They were holding the same crossbows as before, only smaller.

"Make way." Xu Yangyi said calmly, without stopping at all: "I will spare your life."

The sound was like rolling thunder, and the whole sky was filled with the sound of "I will not die, I will not die, I will not die...".

"Rumble..." The sound caused a fierce wind like a knife. The faces of the leading foundation builders changed, and their clothes all flew upside down. They tried their best to resist the storm in the air, gritted their teeth and said: "A-level wanted criminals Master Xu! If you take another step forward, we will definitely launch..."

"Ignorance is fearless." Xu Yangyi didn't even hear what he said. Now, one second longer, and the future will be smoother for one second. Since I let you go, but you don't, don't blame me for being ruthless.

There is only one chance.

"Brush!" The green tide in the sky burst out with thousands of green lights. The pupils of the leading helmsman in the early stage of foundation building suddenly shrank, and he turned around and shouted wildly: "The whole army attacks!!!"

"Swipe!!!!" In an instant, hundreds of crossbow arrows roared out, as fast as lightning, forming a bright blue in mid-air. It's like the stars are flying upside down. The next second, tens of thousands of blue rays of light flew up like Kongming lanterns, forming a circle of blue stars outside Dongguan City!

"Demon-breaking crossbow!! Volley!!" A foundation-building helmsman raised his hand. Just after the wave of stars flying into the sky just now, the crossbow arrows in the hands of thousands of people once again buzzed, and stars flickered again. Sharp arrows mixed with terrifying wind sounds shot straight at Xu Yangyi in the sky.

"Where are the people from the other divisions!?" The leader took the opportunity to turn around and roar: "How long can we hold back!? This is Jin Dan Zhenren! You only have three regiments here?!"

"What can I do!" A middle-aged man with two bars and four stars snorted coldly: "The order came so suddenly, Hong Kong and Shenzhen broke through so quickly! I have transferred all three nearby regiments! How much more do you want?! "

In Xu Yangyi's eyes, tens of thousands of demon-breaking crossbows below gathered into a blue galaxy, carrying a sharp murderous aura. He slowly raised his hand, condensed his spiritual energy, and pressed down suddenly.

"Boom!!!" The helmsman and the colonel had not yet stopped arguing. They both turned their heads. In an instant, their pupils became needle-point shapes.

In the sky, ten fire dragons roared down, and the terrifying temperature steamed everything around the fire dragons into nothingness.

"Brush!" Sparks sprouted from the beards of the two of them almost at the same time. The dazzling Milky Way was burned to ashes in an instant under the huge fire dragons, each of which was five or six hundred meters long!

The dragon danced wildly, and the entire sky was a fiery red, turning from the beautiful Milky Way into a scorching hell in an instant.

"Oh my god..." the helmsman and the colonel said in unison. There were more than 15,000 people below, and their faces and eyes were all a sea of ​​fire.

Karma in all directions.

"Defense! Defense!!" The helmsman who came back to his senses immediately roared. The soldiers of the three regiments in front, like waking up from a dream, recovered from the shock, all raised their shields, and roared in unison: "Drink !”

Under the shield, the young faces were covered with cold sweat. Just looking at this world-destroying scene, they all knew that their magic-breaking crossbows and defenses were not worth mentioning at all.

This is Zhenren Jindan... No, this is Zhenren Xu.

This... is too scary!

"Boom!!!" The sky was filled with flames, and a red lotus rose in the air. After the moment of life and death, all the soldiers were waiting for death to come, but it did not happen.

I don't know how long it took, one minute, two minutes, or even five minutes later, before someone raised his head from behind the shield and looked into the air with lingering fear.

There was only a green tide there, and the man at the tip of the green tide was already rushing towards Dongguan City.

"Dong dong..." At the scene, more people put down their shields. You looked at me and I looked at you. They were speechless, leaving only the sound of their hearts beating wildly.

Just now, I really thought I would die, but the other party stopped.

"Crash la la la..." At this moment, all the shields in their hands melted, and with screams of surprise, the three regiments of more than 3,000 people were all thrown into chaos.

The helmsman looked at the scene blankly, and the colonel was also stunned.

I thought I could block it, but... I was completely crushed! The other party didn't even bother to kill them, so they just rushed over!

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