
Chapter 687: Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles (Part 3)

"Just now... what kind of magical power was that?" the colonel stared blankly at the sky and said tremblingly.

"I don't know..." Captain Foundation Establishment turned to look at Green Chao and murmured: "I only know that... this Master Xu... is terrifyingly strong... stronger than any real person I have ever seen!"

"Immediately... report to the Shenzhen Southern Theater Headquarters immediately to improve the strength assessment! If there are no complete preparations, even the Guangzhou Headquarters may be knocked down with one blow!"

"It's so scary...what kind of magical power is this..."

Dongguan defense line, breakthrough!

In one breath!

The two puppets have not even been activated yet, and the army of tens of thousands of monks at the rear has not taken action, and the front line is almost collapsed at the first touch!

In the sky, Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and looked up to the sky and roared.

He was right, the magical power had opened his own seal, or... this was the true nature of the magical power!

In Europe and the United States, in the small world, they were sealed by the will of the world, but in China, they were all released!

In my mind, the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra emits golden light reaching the sky, invisible talismans, like unsealed seals flying into the air, leaving no trace for thousands of miles, the Six Eclipses of the Apocalypse, Xuanyuan Wuji Sword Formation, and all three moves turned into blood!

Hunting noise!

"What?!" At the same time, in Guangzhou, a woman stood up and slapped the case, her eyes full of disbelief: "Dongguan... Dongguan's defense line has been broken through?!"

"How is this possible?! I just had a phone call with them five minutes ago! Ten thousand Qi Refining Special Forces! Three regiments! Four foundation builders! Two combat puppets! You told me that the whole line would be defeated in less than five minutes!? "

"Master, calm down!" Qi Refining Dzogchen below was kneeling on the ground, his voice seemed to be crying: "Junior, junior, I don't believe it either! This is the image that was just transmitted, helmsman, please take a look!"

A curtain of light opened, and more than 20 people present could all see the dark torrent of steel in front of Dongguan. They could also see the flags flying, and everyone could feel the chilling atmosphere.

The helmsmen of Duobao Pavilion, Yulin Guard, and Tiandao all exchanged glances. They thought before that it was Dongguan who had not arrived in time to set up defenses. After all, it would be too painful to let people go in Hong Kong, and the force is overwhelming... Hong Kong, the most difficult bamboo joint to gnaw, was split open. The Xuanyuan Sword Master attacked the city without a fight, and there was no time to defend behind it.

But no.

Dongguan has obviously deployed its defenses across the board. Although this is only one-third of the total manpower, it is enough to delay for one hour! They never believe the legend of breaking the formation in five minutes! In other words, the dignity of their foundation-building monks could not believe that they were under the command of a real Jindan, gathering tens of thousands of people, and could not stop him for five minutes.

In the picture, tens of thousands of blue lights rose, and it was obvious that Dongguan City was launching a full-scale attack from the beginning. However, the next second, everyone on the scene gasped.

Ten fire dragons wreaked havoc on the entire place! the roar of hell. It’s a hell of supernatural powers!

"Boom..." Even on the screen, they could feel the burning terror. Everyone opened their mouths and looked at the screen in disbelief.

Not five minutes.

Two minutes later, Dongguan was defeated across the board. Even a blind person could see that if Xu Zhenren hadn't kept his hand, there wouldn't be a single person alive on the scene.

one strike.

With just one blow, Dongguan's defense line lost all fighting spirit! Still flying by the other side.

The scene was completely silent.


There is no other word, just one word, strong!

"This...this..." The woman fell down on the seat with a pale face, still looking at the void of flames rising in the picture in disbelief: " this really the ancestor of the Golden Pill?!"

"I... I am fortunate enough to have seen the giant spirit and Gu Song, the two ancestors of the Golden Elixir, but, but, but even they, in the early stage of the Golden Elixir, would never have been able to achieve such terrifying power!"

"This is an army of more than 10,000 people! Two minutes and ten seconds, no fighting spirit?!"

"Now is not the time to talk about this!" A helmsman was the first to come to his senses and said hoarsely: "Ask for support! No! No one can support us! Immediately mobilize all available troops, and there are forty He can reach Guangzhou in minutes. Guangzhou must be defended!”

"This is the last gate to the south!"

"Once Guangzhou is breached... the three defense lines of Hengyang, Loudi, and Yiyang will bear the brunt! Even if the provincial capital Changsha adds reinforcements, they will never be able to gather the powerful force of Guangzhou's 250,000 garrison! Those who can reach Guangzhou in forty minutes will take about five Ten thousand people! These 50,000 people, plus the 17 foundation-building monks of the Guangzhou Monk Alliance and the 1,500 Qi-refining monks, are the last line of defense in the southern war zone!"

The woman took a few deep breaths and stood up holding the armrest tightly: "Get ready for war. Don't think about hiding anything. This Jindan ancestor... is probably different from other ancestors! We must guard the Guangzhou road. Gate! Otherwise, neither you nor I can afford the consequences of opening all the inland passes!"

"Even if you lose, you still have to test his depth!"

At the same time, all the golden elixirs in China, whether they were leisurely, meditating, or busy, a curtain of light unfolded in front of them.

"A-level wanted criminal, Jindan combat monk, Xu Yangyi broke through Dongguan's defense line in two minutes and ten seconds and rushed straight to Guangzhou."

All the Jindan Ancestors' eyes froze slightly.

Break into the formation!

Someone is breaking into the formation?

Or a real Jin Dan?

"Breaking through Dongguan in two minutes and ten seconds?" Master Mie Ri said calmly: "Dongguan has no defense, right?"

"He's back..." In a magnificent ancient palace, an old man looked grimly: "He dares to come back... Even if you succeed by chance, I will kill you on the spot in the Jindan ranking competition to comfort my grandson's spirit in heaven!"

Others looked at the light curtain with different expressions.

For them, this was just a lively scene. They were also very curious. Who would be so stupid to challenge the three natural barriers in Guangzhou, Chengdu and Chongqing?

On the road from Dongguan to Guangzhou, Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, and then his face became slightly serious.

This... feeling of completely unlocking the magical power is really too exciting. He used to be unworthy of his reputation, but he became famous tonight.

However, he did not relax. Because...the real hard bone is ahead!

The capital of the Southern Theater, Guangzhou City with 250,000 troops! An important city in China since ancient times! After passing him, there will be a smooth road behind him!

After Guangzhou, the next step is the three-way defense of Qingyuan, Shaoguan and Zhaoqing. However, it is definitely not as heavy as Guangzhou, one of the top ten cities.

"Boom!" The green wave rushed to the center of Dongguan. At the end of the sky, he could already see Guangzhou City was ablaze with spiritual light and spiritual energy.

Guangzhou City has also entered the final mobilization period.

This is a head-on battle.

Time seemed to have stopped, and his figure flew forward rapidly. Outside Guangzhou City, on the national highway, there was an endless torrent of steel, tanks, helicopters, armored vehicles, and countless, tens of thousands, tens of thousands of camouflaged troops. Thousands of monks came in ants.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes... After thirty minutes, Xu Yangyi stopped for the first time.

Dongguan was already behind him, and in front of him, Guangzhou, the first important town in the south, with its bright and colorful city that never sleeps, had appeared in his sight.

In front of him, more than a dozen huge puppets, about 500 meters high, were fully activated.

They formed the first line of defense. They looked ordinary, but each puppet had two huge shields on its arms. At this moment, the two shields were closed, and a huge talisman in the center was looming, with a strong spiritual energy.

Under the feet of the puppets, there were many shield-bearing monks who had been seen before. What was different from before was that each of their shields had a purple spiritual thread that sank into the central rune of the puppet. Behind them was an army of 40,000 holding demon-breaking crossbows.

Behind the army was a steel torrent built by a row of tanks. In the sky, more than 30 planes, missile ejection holes, and machine guns were all aimed at him. Behind the tanks on the ground, more than a thousand Qi-refining monks, whose spiritual power was condensed by some unknown method, turned into a spiritual giant of half-step Jindan. And in the giant's limbs and heads, there was a foundation-building helmsman sitting in the void.

This was not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing was... In front of these people, a golden light curtain was looming.

Mountain protection formation!

Guangzhou, the whole army is on alert!

"Ancestor, please stay." Just as Xu Yangyi's green tide stopped, the five foundation-building helmsmen spoke in unison. In the head, a cheongsam woman said in a deep voice: "Ancestor Xu, why are you doing this?"

"Since you are a wanted criminal, you should not return to your motherland. You..."

"You dare to speak nonsense in front of me without knowing anything?" Xu Yangyi interrupted her unceremoniously: "Either leave, or..."

"I will not hold back this time."

No answer.

No one can retreat.

Once the southern gate is opened, the consequences will be disastrous, and all foundation-building cultivators will bear the brunt and will be implicated.

As for Xu Yangyi?

He didn't even consider the issue of retreat.

"Not retreat?" He still didn't draw his sword, and said lightly: "Very good."

"I'll see how far the current 'new era' can reach."

As soon as the voice fell, his figure had turned into a sharp arrow and rushed straight into the mountain protection formation.

First, smash this tortoise shell!

He has absolute confidence in the unsealed magical power!

"All troops attack!!!" Seeing the ghostly figure in the sky and the overwhelming demon-like spiritual pressure, the woman shouted and ordered.

"Buzz..." The demon-breaking crossbows of the 40,000 troops flashed together, and the next second, a brilliant blue spiritual light rose to the sky.

If the demon-breaking crossbows of 10,000 people just now were the Milky Way, 40,000 people... this has caused a qualitative change and become a confused universe!

The feeling of black clouds pressing down on the city and wanting to destroy it came from the front with terrifying spiritual energy. The demon-breaking crossbow can send out a blow from a mid-stage Qi Refining cultivator, and the filling time is five minutes, but... 40,000 Qi Refining cultivators have truly broken through the foundation building and can pose a real threat to weaker Jindan and half-step Jindan.

But Xu Yangyi is definitely not a weaker Jindan.

He did not retreat, he felt... the hissing of a thousand miles away in his blood, as if asking for a fight. And he agreed to the other party's fight without hesitation.

"Boom!!!" A brilliant blue color exploded in the air, and then claw shadows appeared in the sky.

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