
Chapter 689: Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles (V)

"Tick tock..." A drop of cold sweat dripped from the woman's temples.

The Guangzhou Mountain Guard Formation was broken...

The mountain-protecting formation that had never been opened was actually broken by the ancestor of the formation.

She felt a sense of fear among the people below. Yes... No one would be afraid of the attacks that came one after another, like a monk striking a bell. The intensity... is not a bell at all, but an overwhelming one! Landslide and tsunami!

It comes like thunder to absorb its wrath, and ends like the clear light of the river and sea.

In silence, the dragon shadow dissipated, leaving behind only the egg shell that was peeled off. The hand holding the weapon was trembling, but he gritted his teeth and faced the guard of the figure hundreds of meters away.

The tall figure, so small in the night sky, is so majestic at this moment.

The cheongsam woman gritted her teeth, and then, a giant made of golden light roared, stood up hundreds of meters from the ground, and stopped in front of Xu Yangyi without giving in.

"Look at your appearance!" The woman's heart was also beating wildly, but she roared: "You are Chinese monks! Now, whether you are facing the Jindan Patriarch or not! You are China's wanted criminals! Where is the fear? !”

Her voice was like a bell, and a fighting spirit rose again in the eyes of all the warriors present.

"Ancestor Xu, I'm disrespectful." The woman bowed deeply to Xu Yangyi: "Even if the formation is broken, there are still tens of thousands of people here! And there are 100,000 troops for reinforcements, you..."

"Why don't you retreat?" Xu Yangyi interrupted her and said calmly.

The woman smiled bitterly: "There is no way out."

Xu Yangyi sighed in his heart.

He likes such monks because... Two hundred years later, Zhenwu came again. This time the opponent's entire army attacked, and it was not possible for a high-level monk to decide the outcome of the battle.

They are the pillars and cornerstones, but they are also the dense crowd of mortals below, as well as the fierce monks on earth who are not afraid of death.

Only this kind of energy and spirit can protect one's homeland when the earth's rating is far weaker than that of the Zhenwu world.

However, now that this kind of energy is directed at him, it's a bit unpleasant.

"Make way, I will spare your life." There was no time to delay. The three-pronged defense of Hunan, Changsha, Yiyang, and Huaihua across Guangdong was also a bit troublesome. And now Chengdu and Chongqing must have gathered heavy troops. The entire Western War Zone and the Monk Alliance should have been mobilized.

The woman took a deep breath. In the night, the golden giant's limbs glowed with golden light, and its talismans flashed across its body. The five foundation-building helmsmen shouted angrily at the same time: "Kill!!!"

"Kill!!" There was an angry shout, and a cloud of people responded. Infinite light shone below, and the demon-breaking crossbows turned into blue galaxies and shot again. With several "rumbling" sounds, huge weapons were fired one after another. The puppet rose from the ground and flew into the air. Countless Qi Refining monks with a kind of talisman Xu Yangyi had never seen on their bodies were surrounding and killing him.

"Roar!" The golden giant slapped his palm with such power that the clouds were dissipating, and his five fingers pulled out the light of the five elements of spiritual energy. At the same time, dozens of aircraft in the sky fired a kind of hook spear with a chain.

"Whoosh!" In the sky, spiritual energy surged like a tide, and on the ground, hundreds of stars shone together. The space between the sky and the earth instantly turned into a scorching purgatory. But Xu Yangyi didn't even look at it, and slapped him with his backhand.

There was a loud noise, and the cyan aura turned into a giant aura palm hundreds of meters high when it came out of the palm. It hit the golden giant's Tianling Cap directly. However, with a roar, the golden giant actually caught the palm!

"Brush!" In the golden light, the giant trembled wildly and flew hundreds of meters upside down in the air. However, it never collapsed. Although the whole body is already in turmoil. Moreover, at the moment it flew upside down, more than a dozen combat puppets, each two hundred meters in size, were all models of ancient soldiers, carrying tens of thousands of monks, and countless rays of light shot out instantly.

The auras unite to form the Kingdom of Changchun, and the sun and moon move latent into the night sky.

The surrounding sky was instantly boiled by this sudden huge spiritual energy! The layers of black clouds fluctuated and collapsed, and substantial ripples spread out for a full five to six hundred meters! The strong wind turned into a shock wave, tearing apart the trees, gravel and debris below!

"Kill!!!" Tens of thousands of people roared, even surpassing Xu Yangyi's previous shouting, and the air was buzzing with it.

The general is like ink, and the law is like rain. At the same time, a circle of talismans suddenly lit up on the heads of all the puppet soldiers. Tens of thousands of magical powers condensed together like rivers flowing into the sea. Under the pale moonlit night, a huge spiritual light pool with a radius of one kilometer was pulled out!

"Body, Dharma, and Weapon! Three treasures in one!!" The golden giant that was flying upside down had stopped flying upside down at some point. His hands suddenly closed together, and he made a "buzzing" sound like a yellow bell and a big plume, and it was all white. The ripples spread from between the palms, and wherever they passed, the blur visible to the naked eye lasted for ten seconds. And a huge shadow suddenly appeared from behind the giant.

White horse and silver gun.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi finally narrowed his eyes. This shadow made him feel a little cautious.

However, there was no time to look at it. Just as he clasped his palms together, an extremely powerful spiritual power roared in the huge spiritual light pool a thousand meters above his head. The next second, a silver spear with a radius of 500 meters roared. fall.

"Crack!" As fast as lightning and as fast as thunder, blue thunder jumped on it, and its power... reached the early stage of the golden elixir!

Xu Yangyi's eyes twitched slightly, this is the "new era"...

The spiritual power of tens of thousands of people was harmonized, and they actually condensed a golden elixir strike. This was despite insufficient preparation.

Worthy of commendation.

But that's all.

At the moment when the silver spear landed on his head, everyone's eyes showed a burning desire to win, but the silver spear suddenly stopped.

A huge spear of 500 meters, a tall figure of less than 2 meters.

And this small figure facing the silver spear raised his left arm at this moment, and actually pinched the tip of the silver spear to prevent it from falling!

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

"It's one thing to have the will to fight." Xu Yangyi slowly scanned the scene: "It's another thing not to know how to advance or retreat."

"Let me tell you one thing."

"Golden elixir can never be artificially created."

"Apocalypse... the first eclipse."

"Ka..." He clearly heard that something in his body seemed to have cracked. Then, above his head, all the black clouds that were blown away actually condensed quickly!

"Boom boom..." In less than two seconds, above his head... a vortex with a radius of nearly 2,000 meters appeared! During the flashing of thunder, an extremely ominous spiritual power condensed crazily! Under the blue-white flash, the 2,000 meters became a dazzling sea of ​​thunder.

"This..." The cheongsam woman's face turned pale. The golden elixir's attack could not make the opponent fall half an inch! He caught it with one hand!

How strong is this A-level wanted criminal Xu Zhenren? The moves of ordinary golden elixir are like children playing house in front of him?

"No!" She raised her head suddenly and looked at the top of her head with great solemnity. This is the real threat.

At the scene, everyone could feel that there was something there... something extremely terrifying was about to appear.

"Boom!!!" In less than five seconds, the clouds split open layer by layer, and a huge ghost car bird, with nine heads dancing wildly, came down with a roar!

"Kakaka!" At the moment when the ghost car bird landed, the entire mountain protection formation issued a series of unbearable wailing, and the ground, at some point, had gathered an illusion, an equally huge astronomical platform, including everyone.

After a wave of solemn and murderous atmosphere blew over, mortals vomited blood together. The puppets in the sky were all covered with talismans, and they all fell down, as if the Buddha had descended on their heads.

"Sisi!!!!" The nine heads wailed, and the next second, glass-like cracks appeared in the surrounding space! A terrifying black aura gushed out.

"Make way." Xu Yangyi looked at the giant below without any emotion, dozens of puppets, and tens of thousands of soldiers.

Under huge pressure, everyone suddenly found that the ground was dropping inch by inch!

"Oh my God..." "What...what is this!?" "Is this still something that can be overcome by human power?!" "Didn't they say that the mountain protection formation is perfect? ​​Isn't this the strongest defense against cultivators in the southern theater!"

The cheongsam woman, no, not just her, all the cultivators, had a livid face.

"Boom boom..." Every inch the ghost car bird descended, the ground cracked an inch, and the terrifying, spine-chilling visible cracks in the air increased by an inch. The cheongsam woman gritted her teeth, suddenly raised her head and shouted: "You...can't get through!!"

"Swish!" As soon as the voice fell, the five helmsmen who controlled the golden giant all burst out with stronger spiritual energy.

Burning lifespan.

However, it was useless!

The lifespan was burning again, and the ghost car bird was still slowly falling. All the spiritual energy below was compressed into a ball, like Sun Wukong under the Five Elements Mountain.

"Pah!!" At this moment, with a crisp sound, the entire Guangzhou mountain protection formation collapsed!

"Make way!!!!"

Xu Yangyi shouted like thunder, and the space trembled slightly.

However, no one below retreated, all the cultivators began to burn lifespan, and the mortals held up shields and tried their best to resist the tremendous pressure from the air.

"Pah, pah, pah!" The ghost car bird fell again, and pieces of void exploded!

"Puff! Puff puff puff!" Countless mortals burst into blood and fell unconscious. The strong wind swept through and blew them several meters away. The originally neat defense line was suddenly in a mess with countless gaps.

"Ka La La..." Then, all the shield puppets were covered with cracks, and then they collapsed at the same time!

Unable to bear the pressure anymore...

The string was finally broken.

"Give in, or die?"


The ghost car bird was less than a hundred meters away from the sky above Guangzhou City!

All the monks had vomited blood. It was too terrible... This pressure was far beyond their imagination. The cheongsam woman's eyes were about to burst. Just when Xu Yangyi was about to clench his hands, she screamed: "Show mercy!!"

"Guangzhou City... 1,500 monks... Southern Theater... Admit defeat..."

The pressure disappeared suddenly.

The huge ghost car bird began to slowly dissipate, and everyone below took a few deep breaths with a feeling of surviving a disaster.

"Smart." Xu Yangyi glanced at them coldly. In the sky, the green tide fluctuated and turned into a sharp arrow, rushing straight towards Guangzhou City.

Dead silence.

The scene was dead silent.

This battle lasted for one hour and forty-eight minutes. The southern theater of operations broke through, the inland passes were fully opened, and Guangzhou fell. One hour and forty-eight minutes ago, the defense line was as neat as a copper wall and iron wall. Now, there were only unconscious mortals on the ground and 1,500 monks with pale faces who were trying their best to regulate their breathing.

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