
Chapter 690: Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles (Part 6)

All the puppets were silent, as if they were seeing Master Xu off. The mountain protection formation that protected them had long since been reduced to ashes.

After an unknown amount of time, the giant collapsed silently, and all the foundation-building helmsmen fell to the ground. Immediately, there were Qi-refining monks who wanted to help them up. But just when they were about to touch them, they were grabbed by the helmsmen.

"Don't worry about me... I'm fine."

"Immediately... Immediately report! Send all the videos to the general alliance!"

"Master Xu... His strength is unfathomable! I, I doubt that even the middle Jindan is not his opponent! Let Chengdu and Chongqing, the two last passes, never underestimate the enemy no matter what! Must... Must guard the gate to Nanzhou!"

In fact, he didn't need to say it.

It was not only the gate of Guangzhou that was dead silent.

Outside the city of Chengdu, a steel torrent far beyond Guangzhou, with nearly 80,000 people, was gathering. But at this moment, several helmsmen in the late stage of foundation-building looked at the images projected by the satellite, their faces extremely pale.

Can't defend...

Chengdu, the capital of the Western Theater, still can't defend!

Although they didn't understand the power of the golden elixir,... Master Xu had only used two moves just now!

The dragon stepped on the mountain, the first eclipse of the apocalypse.

The mountain protection formation in Chengdu was ranked after the Guangzhou Military Region. Moreover... the opponent's last move had a large range of killing and was so strong! He didn't think that they could defend the Chengdu Pass once the mountain protection formation was broken.

"Request reinforcement..." After a long time, the late helmsman gritted his teeth and whispered. After that, he suddenly shouted to the back: "Reinforcement! Reinforcement! Let the garrison in Nanzhou come too!! We can't defend this pass!"

No one spoke.


With the advent of the new era, they thought they had the strength to fight against the golden elixir master, why... under the hands of a golden elixir, they still failed like a crushing defeat?

Hong Kong, open the country.

Dongguan, two minutes and ten seconds.

Guangzhou, one hour and forty-eight minutes.

Is there really no one who can stop this humanoid tank?

"Ding..." At this moment, a middle-aged man appeared on the screen on one side of the screen: "This is the Chongqing monks' branch. Master Gusong has just issued an emergency order. The satellite will track Patriarch Xu throughout the journey. If Huaihua is chosen, the Chongqing Alliance, with a total of 40,000 garrisons, will immediately go to Chengdu through the super teleportation array. If Zhangjiajie is chosen, the entire army will be deployed in Chongqing. Defend the last line of defense!"

"At that time, Master Gusong will personally take action."

The two most important checkpoints are jointly defended!

This is because Master Gusong believes that a single sub-provincial city cannot hold the line of defense.

He is not the only one who thinks so. Now, monks across the country are paying attention to this battle. The blockade of three provinces and fifty-one cities, the core of one province was actually breached within two hours. The monks who are qualified to know all this are all looking at the projection screen in shock.

"This... this is too exaggerated!" "It's the 'new era' now! Can't even defend a remnant of the previous dynasty?!" "The Ministry of National Defense's assessment of the combat power of the major war zones against the cultivators, are they kidding?!" "Impossible... Two moves to destroy Guangzhou... Is our... our new era still necessary?"

But, the most shocking thing is not them.

In the Qingtian Palace, Master Gusong closed his eyes and pursed his lips tightly.

So strong!

He even felt daunted by the late Jindan!

The seventeenth disciple, he is not a Jindan yet... Could it be that he is the strongest among the Jindan after stepping into the Jindan?

Invincible in the same realm?

He... doesn't have the confidence to absolutely defeat his own disciple.

In Shanghai, the top floor of the Central Building, the entire floor is an extremely luxurious office. Among them, a young man, with a raging fighting spirit in his eyes, his body trembled a little, and he looked at the light curtain with rapid breathing.

"Awesome... Really awesome! It's hard to imagine that he is only a Jindan warrior! Even a Jindan mid-stage warrior may not be able to defeat him!"

"With such an opponent... I'm already looking forward to the ranking competition ten years later. It seems that the ranking changes this time will be very big."

Hubei, Wudang Mountain.

"Hualala!" A piece of tea set was swept to the ground, and Fuyun Patriarch looked at the screen with a grim face, and it was almost hard to imagine his eyes.

How many years has it been?

The cultivator who dared to hold an auction only when Gusong protected him, now... is actually stronger than him!

Yes, he admitted it when he saw it, stronger than him. Much stronger! He is still one step away from entering the mid-stage, and this kid... I'm afraid he can't beat him even in the mid-stage!

"Get out! Get out of here, all of you!" He gritted his teeth and waved his sleeves, and all the serving cultivators flew out together. He pursed his lips and looked at the light curtain: "Then, let me see if you can make it to Nanzhou!"

"If you can, I will admit my mistake to you immediately! Make amends! Apologize!"

"If you can't do it... When you fail at the checkpoint, the first person I will kill is you!"

The Jindans can't sit still.

This world is still a world where strength is the most important. Suddenly such a dark horse appeared, and the interests of the Jindans that have been divided must be broken up, and the power is divided... Who can now give more territory to this Master Xu? Moreover... The other party is so powerful, far exceeding several new Jindans, and even dares to make such a feat of breaking into three provinces and fifty-one cities. They... are also afraid of the other party.

At the same time, all the information of Xu Yangyi was retrieved from the Tiandao headquarters. In the core room of the Tiandao main brain, countless foundation-building cultivators in white coats were desperately deducing everything.

"Threat level, raised to S level! Have you analyzed the power of the two spiritual power fluctuations just now?! Quick! Be ready to send Gusong Zhenren at any time!"

"Answer..." As soon as the voice fell, there was a slight sound, and a white coat turned his head and said in a trembling voice: "Analysis..."


"Yes, two, two moves..." The monk who spoke looked at the computer and couldn't believe it now.

"What's wrong with you?! Do you know how urgent the situation is! Once a Jindan breaks through the blockade of three provinces and fifty-one cities! Even the position of the Minister of Defense will be shaken! Not to mention the so-called new era will lose face! The people of the Mohist and Gongshu schools are now more restless than us! They have urged us more than a dozen times!"

The monk who spoke came back to his senses and swallowed hard: "No, it can't be evaluated..."

As soon as this sentence was said, the whole scene was quiet.

"What do you mean?" The man in the white coat turned around and looked at the other person's badge: "No. 87, you have to be responsible for what you said. Do you know how many people are waiting for our report? Ah!"

"Jindan Zhenren, the real head of the government! The heads of the top families are all watching this action! You actually said that it can't be evaluated?!"

"It really can't be evaluated!" No. 87 was also anxious: "The answer given by the main brain! It is too much beyond the realm that a cultivator should have! Once the main brain is asked to reverse this move to complete the fluctuation of the form, the main brain's answer is 'It takes 842 years!'"

Everyone was stunned.

The most advanced artificial intelligence... the main brain of Tiandao, calculated the two magical powers of the ancestor Xu... It actually took more than 800 years? !

Are you sure you are not kidding me! ?

"What about the spiritual level positioning of the cultivator!?" The man in the white coat wiped a cold sweat, a monster... It's really a monster! Where did this monster jump out? It used to be Tiandao? When did Tiandao have such a pervert? !

"Golden elixir...mid-term peak..." No. 87 stood up with a trembling voice and immediately waved his hand: "Don't, don't look at me like that! According to the spiritual energy positioning given by the Heavenly Dao, the strength of the ancestor now comparable to the mid-term peak of the golden elixir!"


Everyone knows that to break into three provinces and fifty-one cities, one must not be a golden elixir. Just have the combat power of a golden elixir. Only golden elixir has immunity. However... not a golden elixir, but comparable to the mid-term peak?

"Oh my God..." The white coat sat down dejectedly, rubbing his eyebrows: "Immediately... send the information to all the ancestors and family heads immediately... whether they believe it or not... to be honest, I don't believe it."

Xu Yangyi doesn't care about these at all.

Now, he is boiling with fighting spirit in his heart.

New era?

Very good, you may not know that two hundred years later, a real plane war will sweep the entire earth.

Let me... Wolf Poison, come and test whether you can go to this flesh and blood battlefield.

The green light is like a tide, rushing across the sky, and all the checkpoints are crushed wherever it passes.

"Beep, beep, beep!!!"

The sound was endless, and the faces of all the monks who were paying attention to this epic battle changed.

"The defense of Qingyuan, Shaoguan, and Zhaoqing has been broken. Time, twenty minutes. At this point, all checkpoints in Guangdong Province have been broken. Class A wanted criminal Xu Yangyi entered Chenzhou City... Repeat, the defense of Qingyuan, Shaoguan, and Zhaoqing has been broken..."

"The checkpoint in Chenzhou City was broken, and the leader of Tiandao, 'Feng Ya' Fang Su, died in battle. One strike broke the checkpoint, and time... never stopped..."

"The checkpoint in Loudi City was broken, and time: never stopped..."

The sharp voices made it impossible for everyone to ignore this group of Jindan dark horses that suddenly rose.

No one dared to talk about the combat power of Jindan. This kind of terrifying strength...even Jindan is no more than this!

In particular, the opponent's spiritual power seems to be inexhaustible! It has not stopped until now.

At 2:45 p.m., the defense of Huaihua and Yiyang was broken. Changsha came to reinforce and mobilized a total of 217 foundation-building monks and 7,000 Qi-refining monks from the Hunan branch of the monks to fight with Master Xu at Fuqiu Mountain in Taojiang County, Yiyang. Within half an hour, the whole line was defeated.

So far, three provinces and 51 cities have fallen. All eyes are staring at the green line on the map that is like a sea tide. If you go through Huaihua, you will enter Guizhou, Sichuan, and kill from Panzhihua to Aba.

Because... Chongqing is the fief of his former master, Master Gusong!

And now... Master Gusong's Qingtian Palace has returned to Chongqing.

The other way... is to go through Zhangjiajie, go straight to Chongqing, and face Master Gusong!

A pair of eyes are looking at Xu Yangyi's final choice. Just after the battle of Yiyang ended... the green tide almost did not stop and went directly into Changde!

At 2:59 a.m., the defense line of Changde collapsed.

"He wants to challenge Gusong Zhenren directly!"

Everyone saw this intention and everyone took a breath.

Chongqing. In the deep darkness, the black eyes that were lonelier than the darkness slowly opened.

"Come on."

Zhen Gusong stood up suddenly: "Immediately, activate the super teleportation array! Let the 80,000 standby soldiers in the Western Theater come to Chongqing immediately!"

"Let me...test your quality."

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