
Chapter 691: Master-Disciple Duel (I)

The wind whistles, and the Yishui River is cold.

The green wave is overwhelming, and it does not conceal its whereabouts. It goes straight from Zhangjiajie to Chongqing. Within a few dozen minutes, it approaches the border between the two provinces.

Without caring how many people are watching it, the green tide arrogantly passes over the heads of all cities, leaving the mortals below who do not know the details dumbfounded. And the green tide is like a sea, rushing straight to Chongqing.

At three o'clock in the morning, Chongqing Xiushan's defense line was broken, and it never stopped!

At three twenty, the Qiuyang defense line was broken, and it never stopped!

At three forty, Chongqing Pengshui and Wulong's defense lines were broken, and they still did not stop!

"Buzz buzz buzz..." The sharp alarm circled the outskirts of Chongqing: "Repeat, repeat again, A-level wanted criminal Xu Yangyi broke through the four defense lines of Xiushan, Qiuyang, Pengshui, and Wulong in one hour, and is now approaching the two last defense lines of Fuling and Nanchuan. After that, it is the main urban area of ​​Chongqing..."

"Click..." An old hand gently tapped the light curtain. The light curtain suddenly stopped.

The black shadows lingered on his fingertips, and the Gusong Master Feng Xu rode the wind, stepping on the void, and the strong wind in the sky made his clothes flutter.

The vision was far away, and below him... there was already a vast sea of ​​people. This was the last checkpoint. Because of the delay of Guangdong Province, the defense here had reached its absolute peak. The stars were hanging upside down, and the cold starlight coated the more than 50 combat puppets and 100,000 mortal troops below with a layer of killing light.

The cars were rumbling, the horses were neighing, and the pedestrians had bows and arrows on their waists. Once there were tens of thousands of people, the impact brought by them could not be expressed in words. And at this moment... 100,000 torrents gathered outside Chongqing City, which was simply an endless mountain forest. Extreme visual impact!

The Demon-Breaking Crossbow emitted a heart-shaking light in the moonlight. Behind them were more than 5,000 monks, each of whom was wearing ancient armor, and dozens of combat puppets, all of whom looked like ancient generals, some holding swords, some holding guns, and their whole bodies were shrouded in the depth of the night. Silent, but more solemn and murderous than with sound, the whole place was filled.

Without the mountain protection formation, Gusong Zhenren stood at the forefront of all the fronts, and the spiritual power of the late Jindan period roared non-stop. Under him, on the ground, the black shadows seemed to have opened a crack in hell, and the endless shadows changed and stretched, like the tentacles of darkness.

One hundred thousand people, silent, neat and orderly, eight hundred miles of distribution, fifty strings turned the sound of the frontier, and the autumn battlefield was inspected.

Like a sharp knife polished in the dark, waiting for the prey to come. All around, only the sea of ​​trees was blown by the night wind, making a heart-pounding rustling sound.

Five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes passed, and a sharp sound filled the whole place again.

"Fuling, Nanchuan defense line collapsed, it took one minute and thirty-two seconds, Master Xu's spiritual energy is approaching the main urban area. Repeat, Fuling, Nanchuan defense line collapsed..."

Almost at the same time, a brilliant green light appeared on the horizon.

It started with a dot, and then there was an endless tide, surging and rolling straight into Chongqing City.

No scruples, no scruples.

"Swish..." In the silent silence, 100,000 people, 60,000 magic-breaking crossbows pointed obliquely at the sky, flashing cold light.

Master Gusong took a deep breath and raised his old left hand: "All troops on alert."

"Buzz..." As soon as he finished speaking, the 40,000 camouflage special forces below who did not hold the magic-breaking crossbows actually flashed a golden talisman from their foreheads, and then spread out endless golden lines, running along the meridians throughout the body. The next second, 40,000 spiritual energies of the middle stage of Qi Refining burst out!

As I said, once there are tens of thousands of people, it is no longer a difference in feeling, but a shock to the soul. At this moment, 40,000 mortals turned into monks in an instant, and the surging spiritual energy formed created a circle of terrifying shock waves on the spot!

"Boom..." The trees within a radius of 500 meters were blown up by the roots. But this is not over yet. Just after 40,000 mortals completed the transformation of monks, which only happens three times in their lifetime, all the 200-meter-long puppets quietly flashed two groups of red bloodthirsty light in their eyes.

The killing array that was silent just now, in an instant, the spiritual energy boiled, and thousands of foundation-building monks took off, waiting for the green sea tide in the sky.

"Boom..." Ten minutes later, Xu Yangyi Lingbo micro-stepped, looking indifferently at the defense line in front of him that was as bright as the sun and as long as the Great Wall.

One hundred thousand, against one person.

Almost all the monks and mortal legions in Sichuan and Chongqing gathered here, just to execute him on the spot!

"What a irony." He took a deep breath and looked at the figure in front with a burning gaze.

The two Jindan Zhenren, all took the lead.

"Stay." The voice of Zhenren Gusong sounded slowly: "The sinner Xu Yangyi annexed Nanzhou more than 60 years ago. Nanzhou is still a ghost area. The fields cannot be cultivated and the land cannot be lived. Millions of people are displaced and merged into other provinces. You, do you know your crime?"


No one expected that the master and disciple would meet again sixty years later, and the opening remarks would be like this.

After a long time, Xu Yangyi clasped his fists and bowed to Gusong: "Daoyou Gusong."

The word "Daoyou" made the two sigh in their hearts, but their faces were calm.

Life and death, separation and reunion, the world is impermanent, and everyone has a deep understanding of it after practicing for nearly a hundred years.

"I am innocent, so how can I know my guilt?" Xu Yangyi stood up. This was his last bow to Master Gusong. The relationship between master and disciple was severed today. "If we are to talk about guilt, Daoist Gusong did not hesitate to let the Xingtian Legion, Canglong Legion and Zhao family be buried together in order to kill a demon cultivator. In terms of the Nanzhou incident, you are the most guilty."

"You asked me to apologize to Nanzhou, but who will apologize to us back then?"

"How dare you." Master Gusong said calmly: "To slay demons and defend the Way is the essence of our generation of cultivators. You are a Jindan warrior, but you are so stupid. It's really lamentable."

"So-called slaying demons and defending the Way means disregarding human lives?"

"To gain something, there must be sacrifices."

The anger hidden in his heart for decades finally burned fiercely at this moment. He remembered his senior brother who died with his eyes wide open... He remembered his brothers who were imprisoned in Qinling by the Nangong family because of his departure. He remembered Chu Zhaonan who was forced to go overseas. Everything was caused by this incident.

He took a step forward, and the spiritual energy in his body surged, and a circle of spiritual energy ripples of hundreds of meters swayed in the air. There was a muffled "dong" sound in the sky. He looked at Gu Song with a fiery look in his eyes: "Have you ever asked our brothers who fought hard in Nanzhou about your gains?!"

"This Immortal said that since you are worshipped by thousands of people, you must sacrifice your life for thousands of people. This is justice!" Gu Song also took a step forward, with black spiritual energy surging in his eyes, and stared at Xu Yangyi without retreating: "You are timid and afraid of death, what kind of practice is this!"

"Practice first to cultivate your mind, you have an evil mind, this Immortal will definitely eliminate demons and defend the way today!"

"Hahaha!" Xu Yangyi laughed up to the sky, and after laughing, he died Staring at Gu Song: "What a great righteousness, your righteousness imposed on us, without giving us any chance. You never asked us if we wanted to survive, and there was no means of remediation afterwards. You completely gave up on us... Your hands are stained with the blood of the wronged souls of Nanzhou that day, and you still dare to talk to me about becoming a demon!!"

"Have you ever slept peacefully for a day in the past few years!"

"Have you ever found peace of mind in the past few years when you think of the eyes that Brother Fang looked at you when he was dying!!"

The word "peace of mind" sounded like thunder, booming in the air, and all the cultivators and mortals below breathed a little faster.

Everyone could see that Master Xu was really angry.

"Shut up!!!" Just as Xu Yangyi finished speaking, Master Gu Song was furious, his voice was like a bell, and his chest heaved as he stepped forward: "For the sake of righteousness, this Master has a clear conscience!!"

Xu Yangyi looked at him deeply for a few seconds, and the fish intestines and mistetine behind him all rang. However, he did not draw out the two holy swords, but lightly wiped them, and a Guandao jumped into his hand from the storage ring.

Yan Yue.

The first magic weapon given to him by Gusong Zhenren.

"A clear conscience? What a clear conscience. Or it could be said that I am at a loss for words. Today, I, Langdu, will seek justice for all the wronged souls here!"

"Zhenren!!" Behind Gusong Zhenren, the 100,000 troops shouted inquiringly.

Gusong Zhenren's hand flashed with light, and a peach wood long sword covered with talismans appeared in his hand. He raised one hand and shook it.

"No one is allowed to make a move."

As soon as the voice fell, Xu Yangyi's figure flashed, and the Yan Yue dragged diagonally. Every step he took made a muffled sound in the air, as if the space was shattered. As the speed increased, there was a continuous sonic boom! The Speed ​​suddenly accelerated to the extreme, leaving a row of afterimages in the air. At the same time, above the Yanyue, thousands of green lights appeared.

"Swish!" With a knife, Yan Yue slashed down with decades of confusion, bewilderment, and determination. Yan Yue pulled out a red dragon shadow of hundreds of meters in the air and slashed it head-on across hundreds of meters.

Heart like fire, knife like fire.

"Come on!" Master Gu Song shouted, and then, without retreating at all, he faced the wheat spikes with needles, and also drew a dark and brilliant sword energy across hundreds of meters, and rushed up like a meteor.

The impact of the concept does not allow for any retreat!

"Kill!!!!" The two men burst into a shocking roar at the same time, and the knife light and sword light that came first were annihilated at the same time. The two figures collided with each other without any fear. In an instant, blue and black, two pieces of spiritual light, like a blue-black sun, instantly exploded the periphery of Chongqing City.

In the light, all the cultivators below were very nervous.

Master Gu Song... didn't let them do it?

They didn't know that some things could not be understood by hand, otherwise they would not be at ease.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Pieces of terrifying spiritual energy burst out from the battle group. In fact, even if the army below wanted to intervene now, there was nothing they could do. The two Jindan real people opened fire with full force, not considering holding back at all. The former master and disciple, today's opponent who wanted to kill as soon as possible, only had each other's figure in their pupils. The late Jindan and the spiritual power dragon and snake that could rival the peak of the middle Jindan, in an instant, it was impossible to tell who was better.

Anyone who rushed into the two thousand meter radius would be immediately crushed to pieces by the terrifying sword energy.

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