
Chapter 692: Master-Disciple Duel (Part 2)

"Evil disciple, look at the sword!!!" The sound shook the whole field, and the sword in the hands of Gusong Zhenren turned into thousands of sword flowers, one retracted and one stabbed, like clouds and water, one touch and one stroke, the river and sea condensed into light. Attack like a raging fire burning the mountains and forests, retreat like the tide falling on the beach. Every time the sword stabbed out, a black light flashed through the tip of the sword, and thousands of ghosts disappeared in the black light, like pulling out a long river of the underworld.

Just opposite him, Xu Yangyi used a Yanyue Fangyanglang, although it was just a magic weapon, it was completely wrapped in Xu Yangyi's spiritual power, not like a Guandao, but more like a stick. The power was strong and the move was heavy. Every time it was chopped down, it pulled out a heart-shaking space crack.

The swords and shadows, water could not be poured in. Neither of them used any magical powers. However, cracks on the ground spread one after another, and black clouds were scared away from all directions. The surging pure spiritual power made all the defensive arrays of the defending army hundreds of meters away light up! Even the shield wall erected by the mortals at the front made a slight wail of grief under the heavy load.

Everyone's face was filled with suppressed shock. It was too terrible... Jindan Zhenren used all his strength, without any magical power, and simply fought with moves and experience, but he actually pressed the ground to crack, like a small earthquake.

"I just can't imagine it..." A new soldier trembled as he held his shield, his voice trembling, and his eyes stared blankly at the sky, with heat and awe: "I can't imagine what they would look like if they used all their strength..."

"Swish..." At this moment, the two figures suddenly separated. Zhenren Gusong flicked his long sword lightly: "I really don't know where your arrogance comes from."

"Dare to challenge Zhenren Huanglong's sword with a Qi refining magic weapon?"

As soon as the voice fell, the Yan Yue in Xu Yangyi's hand collapsed inch by inch.

Even if it was wrapped with his own spiritual power, the material difference was still too big.

Xu Yangyi did not answer, but gently squeezed Yan Yue that turned into fragments and dissipated.


This is the first magic weapon you gave me.

Now, you destroyed it with your own hands. Just like you killed your senior brother with your own hands that day.

He still had a glimmer of fantasy that Gusong had something to hide, or would suddenly wake up. But, no.

The other party destroyed Yanyue with great determination. Cut off the last glimmer of thought.

"The attachment is broken." He slowly raised his hands and firmly grasped the two swords behind him: "Let me show you... the abandoned disciple you abandoned has achieved the result of decades of cultivation."

Huang Long pointed obliquely, and Gusong Zhenren remained calm: "Gusong, wait for your instruction."

As if sensing the surging fighting spirit in his heart, Yuchang and Misteding behind him kept buzzing, and then they were held by a pair of firm hands.

"Sha..." The two holy swords slowly unsheathed, inch by inch, and the two golden and black lights shone in the dark night, like a crown.

"Clang!" The dragon roared, and the endless black and golden light lingered around the two swords that were trembling with fighting spirit. Xu Yangyi's spiritual power had never been running to such a peak. With a long roar to the sky, a green light column suddenly connected the sky from the ground!

The autumn water and the sky are the same color, and the spiritual light and the lonely cloud fly together!

"Boom boom..." The green light column continued to expand and spread. Two meters... five meters... ten meters... one hundred meters... three hundred meters! !

Three seconds later, Xu Yangyi was just like when he faced the bloody moon. The spiritual energy rose from the ground, and the ground was like experiencing a small earthquake. With every rotation of the virtual immortal body behind him, it was jumping.

It's serious...

All the mortal soldiers at the scene had cold sweat in their palms. It was too terrible, just like the arrival of a banished immortal! And thousands of monks, all of them were pale and trembling.

"This kind of spiritual energy... this kind of spiritual energy!" All the cultivators and mortals, a circle of spiritual light wall appeared outside the cultivators, and all the mortals hid behind the shields. A cultivator looked at Xu Yangyi with his pupils contracted: "Ancestor Xu... his strength is definitely not that of an ordinary golden elixir!"

"It's still increasing... it's still increasing!" "This is impossible... this... this is too much more than the initial spiritual energy!" "He is the fighting power of a golden elixir!"

The virtual spirit body spun rapidly, and the spiritual light column doubled... quadrupled... became larger and larger! When it reached a radius of 500 meters, it was no longer a light column, but a bridge between heaven and earth.

Gu Song Zhenren's expression finally became solemn. As a golden elixir, he could clearly feel the terrifying spiritual power contained in it, and... it was still expanding!

It was getting bigger and bigger. With a loud "boom!", the sky and the earth were all green, and thousands of green spiritual lights were like fireflies on a summer night. However, after the collapse, it was actually sucked into the virtual spirit body, spinning wildly into the vortex behind Xu Yangyi, making his whole body permeate with a light green color.

The divine king pattern appeared, and two golden wings spread out with a "swish", reaching a full hundred meters. The golden and green talismans covered his body, making him look like the god of war.

There was silence at the scene.

No matter how low the realm was, they all felt this terrifying pressure. The cultivators above the foundation building stage were already sweating profusely, and their bodies were trembling under the pressure of this invisible huge spiritual pressure. They stabilized their bodies by dispersing it to everyone through the talismans connected to their bodies.

"Too terrible..." "This kind of spiritual pressure... is even higher than that of the Fuyun Patriarch I have seen!" "This... is this really just the combat power of the Jindan? The gap between the Jindan... and the foundation building has never felt so far! Or, is it only Master Xu who is like this?"

No answer.

In mid-air, the god-like Xu Yangyi pointed his two swords diagonally: "Come."


The next second, his figure suddenly disappeared in mid-air. Where he disappeared, the black clouds suddenly dispersed, leaving only a gust of wind. Gu Song Zhenren's pupils suddenly shrank, and his figure retreated rapidly. Just where he retreated, the space seemed to be hit by something unspeakable, and it collapsed layer by layer!

"Hua La La!" The sound of broken glass resounded throughout the night sky, a bit of cold light broke through the air, and then the figure of Chaos was like a meteor chasing the moon, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Gu Song's throat. In an instant, Gu Song flew backwards for hundreds of meters, with a look of astonishment on his face.


Such a fast speed!

Not to mention mortals, even he could barely catch the opponent's movement trajectory. Just saw it once, and the next second, the sword was coming.

In the rapid retreat, his hand did not hesitate to wipe the sword with his left hand, and blood flowed out.

"Dark! Shadow! Judge! Shadow Crow!"

At this moment, the cold light was like a meteor chasing the moon, and instantly pierced Gu Song's throat.

Below, everyone was stunned.

One second.

In one second, Gu Song was killed instantly?

However, in the next second, swish! There was a continuous flapping sound, and his figure instantly turned into countless shadow crows. The moment the shadow crows flew away, Xu Yangyi's figure holding two swords appeared in the air.

The speed exceeded the speed of sound, and the space could not retain his movement trajectory.

"Split the sky!!!" Without any pause, with a long roar, countless claw shadows burst out from the periphery of Xu Yangyi's body, and the extremely fierce spiritual energy instantly tore the void! The pale claw shadows with tiger roars and clear sky are hundreds of meters around, as if tens of thousands of steel knives are rotating around the body. Countless shadow crows were torn into pieces in an instant, but in the blink of an eye, they actually closed again, croaking and retreating quickly.

Xu Yangyi did not chase again, but protected his whole body with two swords. These shadow crows were extremely fast, and... they were not just retreating.

The shadow crows screamed and whistled, seemingly retreating. Thousands, tens of thousands, and tens of thousands of shadow crows had already surrounded him into a huge black shadow ball, a thousand meters in size, as if shrouded in an endless black cloud. In less than a second, a magnificent voice rang out from it: "Darkness!!!"

All the shadow crows' bodies expanded rapidly, and red light burst out from their eyes, and then... they rushed towards Xu Yangyi frantically.

The black cloud collapsed, and the stars shifted. "Boom boom" a deafening roar, the entire sky was dyed blood red.

The sound seemed to be erased at this moment.

Time seemed to stop at this second.

All mortals and monks opened their mouths like slow motion, and in their shocked eyes, they watched the crazy collapse of the shadow crow cloud twisting rapidly around it, and thousands of lava-colored red lights flashed from the clouds. The next second, a huge mushroom cloud exploded in the sky!

The stars dimmed because of it. The night wind went in the opposite direction because of it. The terrifying shock wave uprooted the sand and trees on the ground, "Boom boom boom!!!" Rows and layers, overwhelming! Exploding towards the periphery!

The explosion of death, the venting of power, dyed half of the western sky red.

There were endless muffled sounds. This time, without waiting for anyone to remind them, all the cultivators and mortals activated their spiritual power and magic weapons together. The giant shields of 100,000 people flashed at the same time, forming an indestructible and eternal Great Wall. Just as this glorious Great Wall just lit up, hundreds of meters of shock waves rushed in front of them like a landslide and tsunami!


With a deafening sound, the entire defense line trembled violently under the power of the late Jindan. Everyone gritted their teeth and tried their best to withstand the aftermath of this impact. Even if the sand and stones brought down like a storm, they didn't care at all!

What a powerful power...

This is the magical power of Gusong Zhenren in the late Jindan period. This... is simply a small natural disaster!

"It's over..." A foundation-building leader trembled slightly with lingering fear and removed his spiritual shield. In front of him, under the moonlight, the clouds and smoke from the explosion filled the air for hundreds of meters. But before he could finish watching, a "whoosh!" sounded, and a figure rushed straight into the sky, bringing up dust all over the sky, with golden wings spread out, like a phoenix.

"Hey..." "No way..." "Xu, ancestor Xu is only a golden elixir... How, how is it possible..."

The fight between you and me was just a moment, and the golden elixir master changed his moves so quickly, and the defense was transformed smoothly. However, Xu Yangyi was only a golden elixir, but he was not hurt at all under the explosion that made the ground tremble just now!

Xu Yangyi's eyes were like fire. This battle, adhering to his own beliefs, was a battle between Tao and Tao, and he... would never lose.

"Judgment!!!" Feng Feiyutian, the next second, the angry roar of Gusong Zhenren rang out in the air, all the black smoke that just exploded turned into black shadows as it drifted away, forming a black vortex of a kilometer in size in the air. As the sound fell, a hand made of black shadows fell from the sky with a bang!


Well, the day after tomorrow should be 4, Jindan

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