
Chapter 693: Master-Disciple Duel (Part 3)

The moonlight trembled because of the fall of this huge shadow hand. As fast as lightning, as fast as thunder! However, in this unforgettable moment. The divine king pattern burst into golden light, and his figure disappeared into the air like a ghost.

"Swipe!" With a bright sword light, the midnight dragon flew straight up towards the giant hand in the sky without any hesitation!

"Apocalypse...Second, Third Eclipse!!"


The air stopped flowing in an instant.

Within a kilometer radius, the temperature dropped rapidly, and in less than a second, the air became hazy.

Below, no one spoke. From their angle, they could clearly see the ice flowers burning with hell fire, blooming suddenly in the mid-air, hundreds, thousands, thousands! Everyone rushed to Xu Yangyi's side desperately.

"Brush!" A huge ice sword made ripples out of thin air, and violently collided with the giant black shadow hand! The tide of black shadows, crystal ice flowers, and a loud noise mingled together like black and white lotus flowers blooming in the night sky.

Collapse inch by inch at the same time!

However, at the moment of collapse, in the sky, Master Gu Song held a yellow dragon and stabbed down with the black energy in the sky, like the Lord of Shadows, stabbing out the truth of martial arts. Below, Xu Yangyi's divine king pattern flashed, breaking through the air from the cold air. Mistertin was like the sun in the dark night. When it rushed out, it brought silhouettes all over the sky!


The divine light was like a tide, and flowers were growing all over the place. The gods in Nordic mythology followed Xu Yangyi and turned into countless streams of light. It was like meteors falling in the opposite direction on the ground and rushing into the sky. Light pillars of different colors rose from the ground. Like the Son of God descending in reverse. From a distance, it looks like thousands of missiles rising up, turning into the hottest flowing fire at the top.

"Φ!" At the top of the light pillars, a god spat out vague characters. The next second, he suddenly rushed towards Mistertin, an extremely delicate rune shone, and the entire Mistertin disappeared, leaving only the rune on the top.

"Boom!!!" A huge ring of fire erupted from Xu Yangyi's side, making him feel like a phoenix bathed in flames. However, it's not over yet!

"Z!" sword! Thousands of streams of light fluctuate around Xu Yangyi, turning into a real meteor that is about to tear the sky apart!

Red flames, green life, blue water, white air, brown land, circles of the divine king's aura are like the return of gods, thrusting out their glorious sword in the dark shadow-filled sky.

Just when everyone didn't know why Xu Yangyi suddenly used such a powerful blow. The sky is open.

The clouds of black shadow dispersed, but... what appeared was not the sky.

Countless black shadows filled the air into a huge cloud cave. In the cloud cave, a sword came from the west, and a fairy flew from the sky.

Master Gu Song was like a demon coming to the world, with black shadows falling from the sky and surrounding him. Behind him is a sea of ​​shadows with a radius of two kilometers.

In the ocean... thousands of black shadows are solidifying, boundless and turbulent, as if the entire sky has collapsed.

Komatsu's famous stunt... Ten Thousand Shadows Ten Punishment.

"This is... Ten Thousand Shadows Heavenly Punishment!?" Not only did he see it, the monks below him instantly boiled, and an unknown number of them roared with red faces: "It's Ten Thousand Shadows Heavenly Punishment! Ancestor Gu Song's famous stunt! "

"Now... Master Xu has no way to escape!" "We can only attack it forcefully! The range of this move is indistinguishable! Master Gu Song once used it to destroy a mountain range with one blow!" "I can actually see it with my own eyes in my lifetime. With this move... you will die without regrets!"

Screams kept coming. Yes, they were warriors, but they were also monks. This is completely different from what you see on TV. The shocking darkness covering the sky, the black shadow covering the moon, the rumbling, shaking, overwhelmed ground with countless cracks, all express this move of strength.

The tip of the needle is facing the wheat awns, the night wind blows the beards, hair, and clothes of the old and the young, and the blow between heaven and earth, no one gives in, and they adhere to their own ideas. One sword, this sword!

"Ten Thousand Shadows of Heavenly Punishment!!!" "Twilight of the Gods!!!"

In the sky, shadows fell like rain. On the ground, shooting stars covered the sky.

The sky and the earth pulled out a bright glow, condensed into a heart-trembling frenzy.


A dazzling blackness and extreme colors suddenly exploded in the sky.

At this moment, there was no sound, no time, and even breathing stopped.

The next second, a shock wave countless times more violent than before suddenly erupted from the point where the sword tips met! Circles of ripples visible to the naked eye were drawn in the sky, "dong dong dong..." Like a giant walking in the void, the dense and deafening sonic boom made everyone's faces change color.

"Look! Look!!" At this moment, a foundation-building monk screamed: "Look! Look around them!!"

Everyone saw it.

Huge cracks, as if a glass space surrounded them, appeared silently, and then... bursts of heart-wrenching "kara kala" sounds appeared, and the cracks ran quickly, filling a hundred meters around them! Then, with a deafening explosion, they all collapsed!

The battle between the two golden elixirs actually shattered all the void within a hundred meters radius!

Different from the traces pulled out of the void, they are just traces and the sky will soon make up for them. However, this kind of direct shattering of the void leaves a black void space of about 100 meters in the sky. It will take many years to recover. !

"Ka la la la la!" The moment the void collapsed, the swords of the two men suddenly separated, and they spurted out a mouthful of blood at the same time. They fell back hundreds of meters and stood in the air with their chests heaving. Staring at each other.

Master Gu Song was extremely shocked!

He had just advanced to the late stage of Jindan a few years ago, and his realm was not yet stable. Logically speaking, he should be in seclusion at this moment. Coming out now, the strength is actually not much stronger than in the mid-term.

But... if it is stronger, it is also a genuine late-stage golden elixir!

And at this moment... at this moment... he looked at his hand holding Huang Long with trembling eyes. The tiger's mouth had been completely shattered and was bleeding profusely.

Is this... really just the golden elixir's combat power?

His strength far exceeds that of many middle-stage golden elixirs!

Killing moves come out one after another, but they can't do anything to the opponent. He couldn't believe it!

Xu Yangyi, who was opposite him, looked a little pale. Compared to Gu Songzhen, his condition was not good. There was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, and the tiger's mouth was bloody and bloody. The snow-white shirt is dotted with plum blossoms. However, there was only a hearty feeling on his face.

My own strength and my own opportunities fully exploded at this moment after returning to China.

Europe and the United States are still suppressed by the will of the continent. Only with this moment of explosion did he fully understand what level of strength he had reached.

It's not a moment of youthfulness, but reaching the top.

Although he seemed to be more seriously injured, his fighting spirit was waxing and waning! On the one hand, I was thinking about the beauty of heaven and earth, and shed tears with sadness. The other party laughed wildly and scared the guests from all directions, and went to Hushan in anger.

One is old and the other is young, one is withered and the other is prosperous. One is weak and the other is angry, one is strong and the other is dark.

"Sha..." Xu Yangyi wiped the blood from his mouth, and Mistertin handed his left hand to the ancient pine, pointing directly at the ancient pine, as if he felt no pain, and laughed up to the sky: "Come on, keep going!"

No need to talk nonsense, today, only one person must be able to stand up.

Conceptually, no one can convince anyone, so use strength to prove what is right and what is wrong.

Master Gu Song did not speak, but looked deeply at his hands. With the blow just now, his spiritual power was reduced from 10 to 50. The opponent would definitely not be much better, or even worse. However, the other party's energy far exceeded his own.

"I really can't believe..." He looked at his hands complicatedly and murmured: "Decades... this is only over sixty years... you can actually reach this point..."

"If you weren't so paranoid, I would really be reluctant to use this trick..."

He withdrew his gaze, raised his head, and looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "If you want to end it, I will do it for you."

"Dang" he flicked, and the yellow dragon turned into a dragon-shaped aura and sank into his Tianling Cap. The magic weapon was not there, but his robe danced without the wind, and an indescribable aura surrounded him.

"This is?!" In front of the light curtain, all the real people were stunned, and then they all jumped up from their seats!

"The last level of the Shadow Technique... He, when did he break through?!" "He actually understood this move? I have read ancient books. In their sect, this move can be said to be the number one killing move under the Nascent Soul. !" "Young boy Xu is in danger now!"

Imperial capital, practice court.

Behind a huge door with the word "天" engraved on it, a leisurely sigh suddenly sounded. Then, the entire practice court shook slightly, and a disembodied figure rushed out of the court like lightning.

Outskirts of Chongqing. Master Gusong sat cross-legged in the void, and streams of pure white spiritual energy formed a light wheel hundreds of meters long behind him, blocking all Xu Yangyi's retreat.

The ancient pine sitting among them is like the Taoist disciple descending, without sadness or joy.

"Sha..." He gently raised one hand, fully unfolded it, and wrapped it from his knees to his face. Wherever it passed, hundreds of afterimages were left behind, like the Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara.

"All methods are equal to the three-foot sword."

As he said these words, the bun on his head fell apart with a "snap", and his head was covered with white hair. His robes all over his body were rustling. Golden light shot out from the seven orifices. Then, it slowly twisted, and a handful of golden light as big as a palm came out. The small sword was looming in the golden light.

Xu Yangyi's expression was solemn. He felt that this move... was even more powerful than Ten Thousand Shadows Heavenly Punishment!

If nothing else, as soon as this sword appeared, the surrounding spiritual energy solidified instantly.

"One spirit waves the seven-star flag."

"Swish, swish, swish!" Above the golden sword, seven stars shined, and all the golden light disappeared. Everything within a hundred meters radius was blurred, even the silhouette of the ancient pine trees. Only a small sword remained, extremely clear.

"This sword carries all of my ideas." In the blur, Gusong's eyes looked through the void and looked at Xu Yangyi: "Fellow Daoist Xu, I will tell you a truth."

"No matter how wonderful everything is, it must be governed by the laws of the country. No matter how smart all living beings are, if the country does not exist, how can we survive?"

"If you can shake my seven-star flag with your spirit, I will admit your mistake. If you can't do it, you will surrender to the law of the country. Please plead guilty and be punished!"

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