
Chapter 695: Demonic Body Merger

"Yes!" Someone at the door answered immediately: "Excuse me, what level are you preparing..."

"Golden elixir gift. Be prepared." Master Fuyun closed his eyes, and his eyes trembled violently. He treated him like that back then. Now that he has a golden elixir, what should he do!

"Golden elixir gift?!" The person at the door seemed to be surprised, and then trembled: "Yes, yes, the ancestor wants it, wants it, is he going to form an elixir?!"

"If this kid really gets through 100,000 people...within a week, the strange phenomena of heaven and earth will appear. The whole country will be shocked." Master Fuyun waved his hand with a dead heart: "If you can't get through, keep this gift...go, don't bother me."

Shaanxi Province, Nangong family, dead silence.

All the elders, and a distinguished old man in a Tang suit in the center, looked at the light curtain in shock, unable to believe their eyes.

"Waste...Waste!! All waste!!" After a long time, the old man suddenly shouted angrily, slapped the table, and countless spider web patterns covered the hall from the table.

"More than two thousand kilometers... hundreds of thousands of people! Thousands of cultivators! And a late-stage ancient pine tree! Can't stop a mere Jindan fighting force! Thousands of miles alone... Is this going to bring out a Guan Erye of cultivation civilization!!"

"A fake Jindan actually made him walk to the edge of Longsu Province!!"

"They are all trash! They took bribes during the Jindan meeting, but they are useless when facing the enemy! What's the use of them!!"

His roar echoed throughout the hall. After a long time, an elder trembled and said, "Ancestor... then, then the people we imprisoned..."

"Keep them!" The old man snorted coldly, "He dare not do anything to me... This is strictly prohibited by the cultivation court! I want to see how he explains to me what happened in Danxia Palace back then!!"

"With the cultivation court here, how dare a yellow-mouthed child act rashly?!"

Several ancestors did not comment, but looked at the light curtain with some worry.

The other party...really dare not?

More than 2,000 kilometers, countless people were killed, and three provinces and 51 cities were conquered. This was already audacious. Such an outlaw... would he really not do anything to the Nangong family?

Xu Yangyi didn't know Jin Dan's gaze. His gaze was coldly looking at the steel wall of 100,000 people below.

Without answering, countless weapons and puppets below were all aimed at Xu Yangyi in the air.

Without asking again, Xu Yangyi closed his eyes. When he raised his hand gently, the sky was covered with dark clouds.

The black clouds rotated rapidly, but in the clouds, terrifying blood moon lights fell.

He was extremely upset. He had never been a law-abiding person. Since you want to be loyal to death, I will send you all the way to the west.

Total Eclipse of Apocalypse!

"Hua La La..." The sky shook gently, and the ominous blood moon shone on the ground, and Xu Yangyi in the blood light was like the god of death on a moonlit night. As the black clouds kept rotating, a huge cloud hole formed behind him!

In the cloud cave, a heart-throbbing blood moon loomed. With its appearance, all the stones, leaves, and even tanks on the ground within two kilometers were buzzing.

"Make way." At this moment, Gu Song's calm voice sounded.

Everyone was stunned.

"Master! No way!!" A foundation-building cultivator knelt down in an instant, his face full of anxiety: "After this, it is the border of Longsu Province. There is no power to stop Master Xu! Now we have 100,000 people, we will definitely be able to stop Master Xu's progress!"

"Yes! Ancestor! Absolutely not! The A-level wanted criminals named by the cultivation court must not be let go!" "Ancestor, think twice!!" "Ancestor! You once said that rules are rules! Why make an exception now?"

Before the voice fell, the figure of Master Gu Song appeared dimly above everyone, and with a light flick in his hand, a jade tablet was transformed into a golden light curtain that spread in the sky.

"The government and the Cultivation Court have temporarily decided that Xu Yangyi, a Class A wanted criminal, is extremely powerful and far superior to his peers. The benefits he has brought to China far outweigh the damage. As a special case, Mr. Xu is granted the right to enter Longsu Province. If he succeeds in forming a pill, it will be a matter of great celebration for all of China. Now the two major garrison military regions in Sichuan and Chongqing are ordered to immediately open the way."

"Please also restrain Mr. Xu. Once you form a pill and step into the top of the world, please abide by the agreed rules of the Golden Pill Immortal and avoid acting arbitrarily."

All the handwriting formed a wave of golden tide, rising and falling in the black night sky. Especially the big red seals of "Huaxia State Council" and "Huaxia Cultivation Court" at the end, which made everyone dumbfounded.


A Class A wanted criminal... just released like this?

No... this document doesn't look like a document, and the notice doesn't look like a notice... Does China think that if this old ancestor Xu continues to break in like this, the harm it will bring will far exceed that of Nanzhou? Or do they think... once the other party forms a pill, the benefits it will bring will far exceed that of Nanzhou?

"This is the urgent order that Fellow Daoist Tianzai gave me a minute ago." Master Gusong said in a deep voice: "I will say it again, let him go."


A few minutes later, in the awe-inspiring eyes, everyone put down their weapons, the red light in the eyes of each puppet went out, and the 100,000 dark torrents silently separated on both sides.

At the ends of the earth, all the Jindan masters who saw this scene sighed.

Even a blind man could see how great the potential of Xu Yangyi's thousand-mile journey alone was.

And the government and the cultivation world finally gave in and bowed their heads for a genius. They believed that if Xu Yangyi continued to develop, he would definitely have the hope of reaching the realm that could only be heard of now - Yuanying.

Two thousand miles, hundreds of thousands of people, thousands of foundations, and even a late-stage Jindan couldn't stop the opponent's footsteps. Compared with Xu Yangyi's military deterrence, Nanzhou... can already be "discussed later".

"I understand...I'm afraid...this order was already written before resisting Chongqing. However, the government probably wants to scare Xu Zhenren outside Chongqing. The 100,000 troops here are just a show of force. No. Thinking that even Fellow Daoist Gu Song had been defeated by Fellow Daoist Xu, this order was issued immediately."

In Hong Kong, Xuanyuan Sword Master pondered for a few seconds and said calmly: "Get ready, pick some high-grade good things, soon... we will have one more Jindan Daoist in China."

Xu Yangyi was like Moses' water-dividing staff, flying towards Longsu slowly and quickly. Below, all the mortals and monks were half-kneeling on the ground, respectfully watching the green tide surge in the sky and rushing towards Nanzhou again.

A silent compromise.

Half an hour later, Xu Yangyi's figure had rushed into Longsu Province. Flying towards Nanzhou with lightning speed.

The further he walked towards Nanzhou, the more desolate the population became, until he saw the end of the sky, the huge figure that covered the sky and the sun, and his heart finally became hot.

Finally destination.

After practicing for decades, I have been looking forward to this day. Everything in the past will slowly pass by before my eyes. I came out of the Heavenly Way, to Nanzhou, to Kaiyun Realm, to Europe and the United States. After a long circle, I Finally, he returned to his hometown in fine clothes and returned to China.

"Everyone..." He took a deep breath, and his spiritual energy exploded: "I'm coming!!"

"Boom!" His body turned into a bright green meteor and rushed towards it.

The further we walked towards Nanzhou, the harder my heart beat, and the feeling of a seal being opened slowly lingered in my blood and became stronger and stronger.

The ground has turned black, with no grass growing on it. In the sky, planes belonging to the mortal government surrounded the entire Wolfsbane plant, as if... waiting for his real master to merge into one.

As he got closer, the huddled Wolfsbane stretched slightly. His speed became faster and faster, and Wolfsbane's entire body spread out piece by piece like a flower.

"Shu Lala..." A pitch black flower bloomed in the sky over Nanzhou, and all the surrounding planes had half of their bodies stretched out. I don't know how many people were watching this scene with concentration.

Now, it's five forty in the morning.

A touch of golden cloud has jumped out of the sea of ​​clouds, pulling out a bright golden color, as if to announce the coming of a new era, covering everything in Nanzhou.

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable!" On a scientific research aircraft, several people in white coats were typing on the computer desperately. While typing, they exclaimed: "It's unbelievable! This giant plant has been in a kind of state for the past fifty or sixty years. In the state of suspended animation! No nutrients have been absorbed! Now... the various indices and spiritual power are rapidly rising toward their peak!"

"No, it's more than that." Beside him, an old man was calmer, but his voice was also trembling: "The spiritual energy bond... have you seen it! It's the spiritual energy bond!"

On the screen in front of them, a green and a red object were approaching quickly. In the middle of them - at the moment Xu Yangyi entered Nanzhou, countless blue threads appeared in it.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi also saw it. As he got closer to Wolfsbane, the bond of blood became stronger, and... now, countless green spiritual threads floated out from his whole body, like smoke, like mist, like mist Like mist, a long blue river stretched out for several kilometers between him and Wolfsbane.

Each other is calling each other.

That kind of response, which was separated by decades, made his heart beat wildly involuntarily.

Rush over...and become one.

After passing through the golden elixir, he is one of the true supreme beings in this world! No one can bend him!

In the imperial capital, Zhongnanhai, although it was not yet six o'clock, in a top-secret room with bodyguards standing outside, an old man, accompanied by four secretaries, walked majestically to the door.

"How much longer?" The old man took off his glasses.

"According to the intelligence we have, earth-shattering changes will occur in Nanzhou in at most five minutes." A secretary behind him replied solemnly. The old man glanced at the instrument and opened the door gently. He went in immediately.

There was a huge screen in the room, and all the Standing Committee members, ministers, and even the chairman and vice-chairmen of China who had actually seen it on TV were watching the screen in silence. The old man came in, everyone just nodded, and then turned around again.

The entire power center of China is paying attention to this scene.

Once... a new Jindan Zhenren appears, the division of power and national defense in the entire China will cause great changes. Xu Yangyi may have seen those real old monsters, but others have not! In the minds of 99% of people in the world, Golden Elixir is the pinnacle of peaks, the supreme of supremes. Such supremacy is even enough to change a country's international status!

No one dares to be disrespectful to a golden elixir that is about to appear, not even the top people in the Chinese government!

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